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Everything posted by Muse

  1. Lauren[I]Ignites her lightsabre[/I]Oh Yeah... Dr.:Please not in here! Yoda:Jedi Gym,You spar.
  2. Lauren:Hello!I'm Lauren and I saw you get wounded and I wanted to see if youre okay [I]She smiled to the boys[/I] Yoda:Hmm Lalaith:Is their anyother reason? Lauren:Well...I was kinda wondern, i think I'm ready,Do any of you want to Spar with Me?
  3. Yoda:Lauren,she is Lauren[I]Bows to Master Obi-Wan[/I]Good day,sir. [I]Obi-wan smiles to Lauren and looks back to Yoda[/I] Obi-wan:May I talk to you,Master? Yoda:Hmm,Talk you may [I]Silence[/I] Obi-Wan:Alone,Master
  4. [I]Yoda raised his hand and the floating Sphere floated over to Lauren,[/I] Yoda:Shots it will release,Lightsabre has the power of blocking,it does. [I]The sphere started to shoot tiny blasts of red energy and Lauren moved her Lightsabre to where each one was and deflected it.[/I]
  5. Lauren:FIRST day of training And I'm already late! [I]Lauren run's down the hall of the Jedi Training Gym,she burst through a door to see another young Jedi training with Master Windou,and of course,Master Yoda[/I] Yoda:Late you are,my young apprentice. [I]Lauren ran up to him and bowed[/I] Lauren:I'm sorry, master,it will never happen again. [I]Yoda smiled with forgiveness[/I] Yoda:That it will not,now,I will appoint you with Lightabre,Concentrate on powers of the Force and color it will be,form it will in your hands... [I]Lauren nodded and closed her eys,her arms extended forword.Her face showed signs of deep thinking,after a while, a long black cylindar formed,she concentrated some more and a brilliant Flash of Green emerged from the top...[/I]
  6. [I]Kirby is seen humming a tune on a small hill on the peacefull Star.All of a sudden,a small holographic picture of a tiny being with a mushroom-like hat,appeared[/I] Toad:Hurry!Come to Princess Toadstool's castle,we are calling all Heros,Princess Peach is in Trouble!! [I]Kirby jumped up and nodded,Talking was one of the Things He wasn't good at.The figure dissapered with a look of worry on its face.Kirby took a large breath of air and took off.[/I]
  7. Hathor:I am Lady- Lauren:Y'know I don't like to be called that... Hathor:Sorry,m`lady,but i Am Lauren's Royal body guard from Mirkwood,And i have come at night to worn you about the Black Knights on horses comeing this way. Lalaith:...uh..Nazgul?
  8. Lauren:His name is Hathor Lalaith:You know him? Hathor:Of course she does. [I]Lauren stands up and walks over to Hathor[/I] Lauren:You've been following us the hole journey,havent you? [I]looks around to see everyone confused.[/I]
  9. Ok,I'm starting the RPG now,we have plenty:D look for it!
  10. Lauren:... [I]Lauren stands up and moves her hair out of her eyes.She looks up to the tallest tree and gracefully jumps up very high and lands on the tallest branch and sat as a frog would with her chin on the back of her hands,looking out into the sky,[/I]
  11. Name: Lauren Age: 15 Height: 6'4 Power Level :7,000 Bio: Lauren was one of the last Saiya-jin Bio Warriors to be created.She was built tall for speed.Her DNA splices include Goku and Vegeta.After she was created in Japan,she was bought By the US Army. She is also an Origanal(HAs the old attacks) Description: Tall but she doesnt slouch,Black hair in spikes,(LIke Gohan's when he's a teenager)Wears a Black Shirt and Army Pants.Has Brown eyes. Most common Techniuqes: 1)Kamehameha,2)Zanzoken,3)Final Flash,4)Big Bang Blast,5)Spirit Bomb Owner/Benefactor:USA Army
  12. OOC:I don't know...I guess Ugamon Quit. LAuren:Well,I guess well just se if he was serious about being the best in 20 days. Abob:Ye- [I]Before he could finish Madame Promfrey shoved him outa the door.[/I] Madame:Time for your Lunch,Ms.Potter! LAuren:actullay,MAdame,I'm not hungry,can I go and get my homework done? Madame:Hmmm...Oh Ok. [I]Lauren slid off the bed hideing the chocolates Ryowa gave to her and walked down to her dorm were all off the Gryffindors were throwing a party.[/I] Lauren:Whats this? Wes(Ayra's brother and Beater):This is the first time we've won against Slytheirn sice the 8th to last game!
  13. [I]LAuren watches Voltage and Piro get up,she glares at them and stands up.What she would've done in an situation like that,she would call for her Fire Sword,but since they were on her team,she kept it to herself.[/I]
  14. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Aries [/i] [B]Name: Ginco Pearl (my Jedi name, ugh, all I could come up with) Good Age: 15 Height: 5'5'' Discription: Brown hair, pulled back in a thin pony tail. Blue eyes, wears the Jedi uniform. Master: Master Yoda Bio: Unknown. He does not know who his relatives are, or were, because he was kidnapped as a child and worked as a slave. The Jedi council excepted him as a result of war. He is quiet, yet powerful, and would do anything to defeat the enemy...even, sacrifice. [/B][/QUOTE] Actullay,I'm already Yoda's Apprentice,And by the Jedi code,you can only have one apprentice,Sorry:D
  15. [I]Lauren was reading a book in the small Hospital Wing bed when madame Promfrey came in[/I] MAdame:There is a boy to see you,Ms.Potter,I'm giveing him ten because you have to have your lunch here. [I]Madame Promfrey walked out of the room and Abob walked in with something behind his back.[/I] Abob:Hey,Hows your arm? Lauren:It's fine,But Madame Promfrey wont let me go until I eat the [I]Healthy[/I] Food here. Abob:Then its a good thing I brought to this, [I]he handed her a bag with Lunch inside[/I] Lauren:Abob,Your a life Saver!
  16. Ok,don't you have to put a plot?And please don't steal from my Modern Magic RPG:) :D ~~Lauren
  17. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Schratn9 [/i] [B]Can I play as Anakin? [/B][/QUOTE] I dont care:) GO ahead
  18. [I]LAuren landed to the sounds of Cheering from the Hufflepuffs,Ravenclaws,and Gryffindors,and the booing and sighing from the Slytheirns.All of The gryffindors and Abob crowded around her,until Madame Promfrey bustled in.[/I] Madame:Let me in,Let me in!I must mend her bones! [I]Madame Promfrey helped her up and led her to the castle,Lauren takeing a glance toword Ryowa as they went...[/I]
  19. [I]Lauren wiped the sweat from her face and looked around.She was about to move forward when something Big and Black hit her straight in the Left Arm.She fell over,gasps from Gryffindor,HUfflepuff,and Ravenclaw were heard,LAughing from the Slytherins side.she managed to grab hold of the broom with her right hand,the left seemed to be broken...[/I]
  20. Okay,I'm just going to ignore that 'cause you didn't sign up. jupitersun [I]all of THe gryffindor's in the stands were on their feet and cheering.Lauren was shaking from how fast she was going,Her hand was outstreatched(SP?) and the tiny wings of the snitch were fluttering against her hand,Victory was near...[/I]
  21. Lauren:there it is [I]she slowly slowed down the swoop Bike and Landed.She let Boba get off first.[/I] Lauren[I]Thinking[/I] wow,100,000 credits.This'll be the most I've ever got. [I]The two walked into the building where someone was waiting for them...[/I]
  22. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Arikel [/i] [B]Umm, isn't yoda 2 FEET tall not, 2 inches? lol [/B][/QUOTE] Its amazing on how I'm one of his biggest fan's And i put that!I have brought shame to my Yoda Loveing skills! *Faints*
  23. [I]Lauren took a deep breath and walked out with Thunder over her arm.All of the quidditch Player's started to mount their brooms,Finally,Madam Hooch Whistled her whistle and all 28 QP's shot into the air,Lauren flying the highest looking for the snitch.She looked up from searching to See Ryowa doing the same.Before she could do anything,a glint og gold flew past her face,The snitch!Lauren dived after it,Her eyes started to water from all of the wind,she blinked them away.in the corner of he right Eye,Ryowa was diveing right past her...[/I]
  24. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Schratn9 [/i] [B]hey why dont he play this game like a prequal to my game, with lauren and boba fett and ill be anakin and stuf, we can get the other people in the ep III game to join in [/B][/QUOTE] Uhh.NO thanks:) :D
  25. Thats strange,I though you would've been Boba Fett! :D
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