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[I]Angewomon Puts down Lauren and De-digivoulves[/I] LAuren:I wont let you do that,GrandKuwagamon! GKM:What can a puny little girl like you do to me!? Lauren:I.... GKM:Hah!For that,I will destroy you instead![I]starts glowing with Deep Green energy[/I][SIZE=4]MEGA[/SIZE] DIMMENSION SCISSORS!
RPG Lord of The Rings:The Re-Creating of The Ring{play}
Muse replied to ChibiTerriermon's topic in Theater
Lauren:Lalaith! Lalaith:What!!? Lauren:Their already dead... [I]Lalaith looks down to see all of the Orc's dead[/I] Lalaith:Oh... -
RPG Lord of The Rings:The Re-Creating of The Ring{play}
Muse replied to ChibiTerriermon's topic in Theater
[I]LAuren hesitated then remebered HER father,[/I] Lauren:..Ok! [I]As quick a a Barlog(Strange Metaphore:drunk: )She notched an arrow and fired at the Orc that was holding her,[/I] Lalaith:Run,back to the others,Nev! -
[I]Everyone was happy when they Thought the Clone Wars had ended,but all were wrong.As stated by the Jedi Master Yoda,"Begun,The clone war Has"The War has only began.Now,Out of need,The Jedi Master's have once again taken Apprentices.once their Training is done,they will be sent to the front to fight.[/I] Okay,you can be a:Good-Jedi,Yoda(You will be my chracter's Master)Mace Windou,Politician,or *Good*Clones.Bad-Bounty HUnter(Boba Fett or you own)Dooku or your own Sith Master,or of course,the master of All evil,Darth Siddius. Here is what you need: Name: Good/Evil(State your side and what you are here) Age: Height: Discription: Master:(If you are a master,dont worry bout this) Bio: Heres mine:) Name:Lauren Good/evil:Good Jedi Age:15 Height:5`8 Discription:Wears the regular Jedi out fit,Tall(Obviosly)Short Black hair. Master:Master Yoda Bio:After Being KIdnapped by Boba Fett for 10,000Credits,She was rescued by the Jedi.she was confused on why she was kidnapped by the Bounty Hunter until her first meeting with her Soon-To-Be Master who told her everything. "Good Day,Young one."The small 2-FEET tall master said to her. "Good Day,uh...sir" "Answers you seek."He told her. "How do you know?"She asked quickly. "Yoda I am,Master of Jedi.I sence." He began to Tell her the Evil Emperor hired the one named Boba Fett to kidnap the young one,because he senced she would be the fall of him. "senced it,I did,now,Train you must to become Jedi to fight the clone wars." "I...ve always wanted to be a jedi"She said Weakly. Yoda smiled "settled it is,your Master I am." Her parents were murdered by Boba while he was looking for her.Her goal is to become the greatest,and Defeat Boba Fett...
RPG Lord of The Rings:The Re-Creating of The Ring{play}
Muse replied to ChibiTerriermon's topic in Theater
LAuren[I]Catches up with Lalaith[/I]:Ohhh no,I'm not going to let you go by your self. [I]They continued running until Lauren put her arm out,signalling to stop.[/I] Lalaith:What? -
Lauren:Hey,Ryowa! [I]She mounted Thunder and leveled up to Ryowa[/I] Lauren:I just wanted to wish you good luck today,but I gotta go to one Alex's game plans right now,seeya in a few! [I]She smiled and flew like a shot to the Gryffindor Locker room,although she didn't show it,she was nervous...VERY nervous.[/I]
RPG Lord of The Rings:The Re-Creating of The Ring{play}
Muse replied to ChibiTerriermon's topic in Theater
[I]Lauren blocks an Arrow with her sword[/I] Lauren:Yes,were is it?[I]Looks around[/I]Were's Nev? -
I'd be the freaky girl with that EXTREAMLY short haircut.I'd run around LAughing in peoples faces... then I'd sit down with a nice cup of tea...Even though I hate Tea. :sick:-_-
LAuren:Angewomon!We have to catch them! Angewomon:I cant with GKM behind me!We need a distraction! LAuren:FINE!Just...save them...this is for you...VEE! [I]Does a backflip onto GKM and starts kicking his back,distracting him. while Angewomon catches the falling kids.[/I]
[I]LAuren said bye to Ryowa and Abob and walked into her room,all the others were sleeping,she could'nt,she was far to nervous.to pass some time,she triedon her robes[/I] LAuren:I have to face Ryowa tommorow...
Lauren:Why not? [I]Lauren smiled and set the course of the Slave I to Orko Skymine,it takes about three days to get,how perfect[/I] _________________________ I know its short,but I dont know ALOT about SW(But i do love it:D)I leave this kinda stuff to Boba:) ;)
RPG Lord of The Rings:The Re-Creating of The Ring{play}
Muse replied to ChibiTerriermon's topic in Theater
Lauren:Thank Yo- [I]Before she could finish,Abob walked over to Them.[/I] Abob:So,have you thought about the adoption? LAuren:adoption...? -
[I]Lauren walked outside with her Thunder(For short)Holding it like a army guy with his gun.[/I] Draca:You ready,Squirt. LAuren:Yeah,Rat-Face. [I]Draca's face went red as they mounted their brooms,Draca had an Firebolt999,it was good,but not as good as Thunder...[/I]
RPG Lord of The Rings:The Re-Creating of The Ring{play}
Muse replied to ChibiTerriermon's topic in Theater
[I]Lauren was still proped up against a tree sleeping while the others talked of which way to go,then Nev started pokeinh her on the arm.[/I] Nev.Heyyy,shouldn't you be up already? LAuren:Gmmpnh, Nev.Hey,if Lal wont let ME sleep,then I won't let YOU sleep.its fair. Lauren[I]Smiles[/I]:Yeah,i guess so -
Abob:yeah,I think I'm alright. [I]Lauren sighed with relif and continued to unwrap her Package,after the brown wrapper was gone,everyone who was watching eye's were wide open[/I] Lauren:A ThunderPhoenixs10000! Some Slythiren's:Are teachers supposed to spend THAT kind of money on a student!? [I]LAuren fingered the Gold that made out the name,wait till her dad heard about this...[/I] Draca:Hey!Why does a first year get a broom.Anyways,Im the chaser,and I bet I can go faster than you... LAuren:You wanna bet!? DRaca:Meet me outside in 15 minnutes.I need to show you some respect. [I]Draca Left leaveing Lauren with a wide smirk on her face,this was goin' to be a sinch:devil: [/I]
[I]Lauren couldn't belive her ears,Seeker!!![/I] Lauren:I...ii....i... Alex:Nice to meet you,we have quidditch Practice tommorw morning at 7:00,What broom should we get her,Prof.? Prof.:Lauren,Go ahead to class,you'll get your new broom tonight. [I]LAuren slowly walked up the stairs and into her dorm.[/I] Ayra:whats up? Lauren:I...I...Just became seeker... Ayra:eek:
[I]LAuren is about to answer when McGonagal came running out of the castle[/I] Prof:HOLD EVERYTHING! [I]she stopped next to the teacher and the student and cleared her throat.[/I] Prof.:I saw the hole thing,I will take this one,Carry on,please. [I]LAuren knew it,she was going to get expeled,her and the Prof walked into the school,up some flights of stairs until they reached History class.[/I] Prof.:Knock Knock! [I]The small ghost flew out of the room and Prof and him talked so low Lauren couldn't hear them.Finally The ghost(yes,,i forgot his name And Im to lazy to look it up)And a 4 grader came out.[/I] Prof:Lauren,Meet Alex Yater,Quidditch Captain of Gryffindor,Alex,I've found you a Seeker
[I]Out of the dust GKM appears with SOME marks on him,laughing like crazy[/I] GKM:Are you kidding!Try this!Dimension Scissors! [I]He was heading for BPM and PM when angewomon grabbed the claws.[/I] Desiree:I've never seen a champion so strong! Lauren:shes an Ultimate,Desiree. [I]After GKM backed off,Angewomon landed infront of the kids[/I] Angewomon:BlackPegasusmon,let Tori fly on your back,Pegasusmon,you take Desiree,hurry! [I]Tori jumped on her digimon's back,the same as Desiree,Lauren setteled betwen Angewomon's wings and they flew off into the direction Gatomon had senced the BlackGatomon...[/I]
Lauren:Ill show you to almost Kill me! [I]To everyones suprise,Lauren SPED up after using alot of the power slready,she grabbed the bushy part of his broom and reversed her broom at full speed,she rached into her pocket and pulled out her wand,(Amazing!)[/I] Lauren:Wingardium Leviosa!!! [I]Devin slowly levitated off his broom and down to the grass,Lauren,with a wide grin on her face landed to the sound of cheering Gryffindors,[/I] Hooch(shuders):MS.POTTER! Lauren: D`oh!
Uranus All the way!I like her cause she IS a tomboy,(like me;) )And her hair...its EXCATLY like mine,only Blonde/Gold,ive got Black And because she has the coolist attacks! Uranus Planet Power Hauka says this to transform into Sailor Uranus. World Shaking Sailor Uranus uses these words to generate a yellow ball of energy, which has all the devasting effects of an earthquake. Special Power Space Sword Blaster Sailor Uranus holds The Sword above her head then swings it downward a bright light emits from it then it flies at the enemy. :D
Devin:Hey,stupid. [I]Lauren turned away from Devin as Madam Hooch(I hate saying that)Started giveing orders,she told them to kick their broom's so they could fly up,Lauren did as she was told[/I] LAuren:Man,these Cleansweep Fives suck! [I]Then Devin flew and rammed into Lauren.Only her legs held her from falling off,she slowly rightned herself and looked for Devin,He wasnt going to get away with this...Then she saw Deving makeing a Run(Fly?) forit,making her Cleansweep going as fast as it could,Lauren took chase.[/I]
RPG Lord of The Rings:The Re-Creating of The Ring{play}
Muse replied to ChibiTerriermon's topic in Theater
[I]The fellowship watched in horror as the Balrog seemed to show off his sword,then,Lauren drew her sword[/I] Ellsa:What are you doing!? Lauren:We must try to fight if we cant escape! [I]The others sigh and draw their swords and notch their arrows,this was going to be one hot battle...[/I] -
RPG Lord of The Rings:The Re-Creating of The Ring{play}
Muse replied to ChibiTerriermon's topic in Theater
[I]The king simply shruged[/I] Kingie Wingie:laugh: :no [I]He suddenly snapped his fingers(very Loud)And orcs pour into the room,killing all of the Cave Elves except for the king[/I] Lalaith:What are you doing!? King:Doing what MASTER Sauron has told me to do...KILL the fellowship! -
[I]Ryowa and Abob continue down the hall,they both see Lauren practiceing her new learned Charm[/I] Lauren:Wingardium,Leviosa! [I]The small statue of an owl slowly started to levitate following Lauren's wand,finally,she set down on the table[/I] Abob:Hey,that was cool Lauren:mhhh. [I]Lauren smiled and looked at her watch,[/I] Lauren:Cool!! I got quiddicth Practice next! Ryowa:Yeah,Im a seeker,its the best. Lauren:I've got it with the HUfflepuff,shoot!My worst enemy Devin's in Hufflepuff!