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Everything posted by Muse
[I]Gatomon starts sniffing the air,then she turned around to the others[/I] Gatomon:I smell a BlackGatomon,do you think it belongs to one of your friends?You don't smell a BlackGatomon everyday,their usually hideing somewhere, Lauren:Yeah,maybe,Lead the way!
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Schratn9 [/i] [B]Shut ur mouth until u learn the story ok noodlez... what the hell kinda sn is that anyway! [/B][/QUOTE] Ok,Even though you might've played other RPG's,that still makes you a N00b if it says above you name,Kay?So,Id actully leave \¤~NoodleZ~¤/ alone if I were you,And what the heck are you saying he did a sin???:mad:
Name Lauren Fett age 14 side: Bounty Hunter(first time being evil!) Bio:She is the only Female Clone of Jango Fett.After Mace Windou murded her Father,her and her Brother,Boba made copys of his Armor and have set out to destroy the Jedi. Personality:Protects her Younger Brother with all her might,Wears the Armor of her father,but its Green. weapon of choice:Short Range and Long Range Blasters. vehicle of choice:Slave-1
[I]Lauren looked at the Un-councious Tenco,then to her Lap Top.[/I] Lauren:Elecman, [I]Elecman appeared in her screen,looking as mad as ever[/I] LAuren:we will get revenge my friend... Elecman:BEST idea i've heard all day.. Lauren:Hows Tenco? Koji:He might need some help
RPG Lord of The Rings:The Re-Creating of The Ring{play}
Muse replied to ChibiTerriermon's topic in Theater
GUard2:Our king has requested a meaning with you,so I guess we could let you out,your royal Highness. Lauren:Then let out my friends too. GUard1:No,we cant do that, Lauren:what If I say"If you dont,you will be exucutated(SP?)at noon"? Guard2:Im sorry,Ma'am,but,you are not in charge here.... -
RPG Lord of The Rings:The Re-Creating of The Ring{play}
Muse replied to ChibiTerriermon's topic in Theater
[I]Lauren slowly got up and brushed herself off and leaned on the bars,[/I] LAuren:King Guards,Would you be kind enough to let us out? Guard1:Im afraid we cant do that,your highness... Lalaith:HOw do they know? Lauren:Cave Elves,[I]just to Lalaith[/I]Ugly folk,[I]Back to regular[/I]We keep in touch.... -
Lauren:Hey,Abob! [I]Abob looked up from his book to Lauren[/I] Abob:Hey [I]Silence[/I] Lauren:you know...class started already
Lauren:GUYS! [I]Desiree and Tori turn away from their battle and see Lauren running with a Cat digimon at her side,[/I] Tori:What's that! LAuren:No time,Gatomon attack! Gatomon:LIGHTNING CLAW! [I]Gatomon charges at Golemon,barely dogeing a De-digivolving beam,but getting punched by his Mega Punch.GAtomon flew back into Lauren[/I] Lauren:I wont let the same thing happen to you as Vee! [I]Gatomon started to slowly lift in the air.Then she was surronded by light.[/I] Gatomon:Gatomon,DigiVolve to! [I]The light dissapered and a tall angel-like digimon hoovered when she was.[/I] Angel:Angewomon!
Draca:EXPLARIMUS! [I]A blast of energy shot out of her wand and at Lauren,sending her back afew feet on her back.[/I]
Lauren:Uhhh...iiiii.....[SIZE=1]i don't know...[/SIZE] Draca:Just mind your own business then
[I]Lauren was sleeping at the big chair when an owl landed on her book.[/I] Lauren:[I]Yawn[/I]Whats this? [I]She took the note from its talon an read it,she gave the owl a treat,then it flew back into Ryowa's dorm,she stood up,put her Robe over her nitegown,looked at the clock,it read12:57.Then she slipped her father's Invisibility Clock and headed towards the library,she loved sneaking around[/I]
[I]Lauren saw Ghost and Lan crawl out of the room and decided she wasnt going to do all these math pages,she started to work on Elecman.[/I] LAuren:Lesse,this goes here,and that,hmmm,stupid Ms.Killa and Suzuki...
[I]Lauren found her four poster bed next to Arya.Before Lauren could say anything,all the girls in her dorm were sleeping.Lauren,who wasnt tired got up and started studiying for charms,which would be her first lesson in the morning[/I] Lauren:Wing-widarium?Wingarduim Leviso??[I]sigh[/I]
[I]After alllll the students were finished eating,it was time to get to their dorms.Lauren walked up to say bye to Ryowa and Abob when Prof.Snape blocked her way[/I] Snape:If it isnt the Famous Harry Potter's Daughter. Lauren:I've heard THAT one before. Snape:GET TO YOUR DORMATORIY KNOW! Lauren:r-r-r-right. [I]Once snape walked away,Lauren went over to her friends.[/I] Lauren:Ill see you guys tommorow,and who was that Prof.,Ryowa?
Lauren:So your the popular one? [I]Ryowa turned around to see Lauren looking over his shoulder,laughing.[/I] Draca:Grrrr,get away from our table,Potter. Lauren:mak- [I]Before she could finish,Dumbledore was upon the stage,ready to make his speech[/I] Dumbledore:Please sit down, Ms.Potter. [I]Lauren walked back to her table and sat down next to Ron Weasly's girl(Im introducing you,Darkmoon).[/I] Lauren[I]whisper[/I]:Hi, Arya:Hey
RPG Lord of The Rings:The Re-Creating of The Ring{play}
Muse replied to ChibiTerriermon's topic in Theater
Lauren;That would work,but this will too, [I]Lauren took an amount of steps back,started running,jumped and crossed the pit[/I] Lauren:Toss me Redgar! [I]Lalaith took Redgar by the boots,spun around abit,then let go,Lauren barely catching him by the beard.[/I] Lalaith:My turn, [I]He did the same as Lauren,and landed gracefully[/I] -
[I]LAuren and abob were about to sit down when Prof.Mcgoganl(Sp??:D) When up to the large stagie thing.[/I] Prof.:All first Years Come up here to get sorted! [I]All the first years(includeing Abob And Lauren scurried up to the stage,ater she said a few Hufflepuffs and Gryffindors,Abob was callled to sit on the small stool.The old tattered Sorting hat was placed upon his head,in mere seconds, SortingHat:RAVENCLAW! [I]Abob smiled to Lauren and walked over to the cheering Ravenclaw table.[/I] Prof.Lauren Potter! [I]The room hushed to quiet whispers of[/I] Crowd:Harry Potters daughter...? [I]The hat was put upon her,it took a few minnuets,[/I] sortinhat[I]Lauren's head,[/I]No,not Hufflepuff,not Ravenclaw,Slytherin,so it must be.. SortingHat:GRYFFINDOR!
Lauren:I hope I'm in Gryffindor,like me Mum(Hermione),Dad,Grandpa and Grandma. [I]They continue to talk as a Thin girl with Blond hair, and a rattish face walk in with two big thugs behind her.[/I] Ryowa:Draca(Cheesy,I know:d) Draca:Well well well,if it isnt the daughter of the "Famous" Harry Potter. [I]Lauren covers her scar using her hair.[/I]
RPG Lord of The Rings:The Re-Creating of The Ring{play}
Muse replied to ChibiTerriermon's topic in Theater
Sorry that I havent been posting:) [I]After they had run deep into the cave Lauren set down Redgar,and Lalaith set down Ellsa,[/I] Lauren:Do we have any"Make Creatures Consious"Spells? -
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Ugamon [/i] [B]dustin darkborne: man i wish i was able to bring my lightsaber i made from the cool crystal i found hehe i remember try to put a charm on it to make it work hmm maybe mom can sent me a package by owl. {waiting the the train to leave was boring so he pulled out his laptop and put on his favorite digimon songs on it to listen to till someone needed a seat. } pulling up some images on his laptop he started to studie a few digimon. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ooc: hey lauren do you got the rest of the mimi singing file? if so i will trade you for a digimon test website address hehe [/B][/QUOTE] What the heck are you talking about?? And i dont think we shoukd have lightsabers,its a HP RPG,not a star wars:D
Thsi RPG went sorta down hill,didnt it?:crying: :crying: :crying: :crying:
Dude,That is weak! And Unfair! You cant destroy TJ's digimon!
[I]Lauren and Vee continued to run until they were stopped by GrandKuwagamon.[/I] GKM:I havent destroyed YOU yet!?DIMENSION SCISSORS! [I]They were head straight for Lauren untill Vee pushed her out of the way and was hit with the full blast![/I] LAuren:VEEEE! Vee:b....y...e,my friend. [I]Vee slowly disenegrated,the same as Lauren's button[/I] Lauren:vee...Vee...VEE! Voice:Hey!You cant do that to other Digimon!Show some respect!Lightning Claw! [I]The Dark cave came clear as a White Cat with an extreamly long tail and gloves on charged at GKM,It schrathed(sp?) GKM on the face and he roared with pain.[/I] Lauren:HOw did you hurt him?Your just a rookie! Cat:Naw,Im Gatomon,Champion level.
Harry:have a good time at Hogwarts Lauren!Seeya at Vacation time! [I]Lauren hugs her father[/I] Lauren:Bye,Dad! [I]Lauren pushed her luggage(sp?) around until she found Platform 9 and 3 quaters,when she got there,she found two boys talking about something[/I] Lauren:HI,Im Lauren Potter,Who are you guys? [I]The smaller one talked first[/I] Boy:The names abob,Abob Ttef,first year,so I dont know which House im in yet Taller Boy:And I am Rwoya Davis,3rd year in Slytherin. Lauren:cool [I]They start walking slowly towards the wall,Abob and Lauren following Ryowa,until they started to run,all crashing into the wall[/I]
STARTING TIME!!:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D Look forit!