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Everything posted by Muse

  1. Hey,Do you guys mind if I change Digimon to Gatomon? I have this problem of haveing a diffrent fav.every week or so,So is it ok?
  2. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Sacred Warrior [/i] [B]Zee runs up to the others to see what was happening. Zee: Whoa!!! What happened. Lan: Suzuki betrayed us. Zee: You mean... Lauren*sad*: Yes!! Ohhhh...Elecman. Zee takes a look at the battle field. Zee: What is that*points to Death.exe* Lan: That's Death.exe. Protoman: Sure is ugly. Ms.Killa: WHAT DID YOU SAY ABOUT MY PET!!?? Protoman: Chill out lady all that I said was it was ugly. Ms.Killa: Ooo..and you think you can beat it. Protoman: With one hand tied behind my back. Zee: Okay then its official....I will battle Death.exe. Ms.Killa: Hhahahahahahah.....Okay. Lan: NO Zee...Dont....look what he did to Elecman. Zee: Dont worry...Protoman can beat it. Lauren: Zee, Please dont. Zee: No I will get revenge for Elecman. Lan: ZEE GET IT THROUGH YOUR THICK HEAD!!!! YOU CANNOT BEATH DEATH.EXE. Protoman: No its not Zee's decision... Zee: Uhhhh...yeah it is. Ms.Killa: Hurry up..Im not waitiong all day. Zee: PROTOMAN.EXE!!! [/B][/QUOTE] Actully,Ms.Killa ran away with Death:D [I]Lauren stood up and returned Elecman to his PET[/I] Lauren:I'll fix him later.So,who should we look for first?Suzaki,Or Ms.Killa?
  3. [I] Lauren stared at Her fried Friend elecman then started to shake with anger.[/I] Lauren:He'll...Pay for this...!! [I]she kneeled down to Elecman and hoisted him up,still shaking with anger...[/I]
  4. [I]Lauren eyes slowly came into focus as she stood up,the ground beneath her has hard.[/I] Lauren:where- Tori:NOOOOOOOOO! I won't let you! [I]The voice ecos the corridors,then a loud snap is heard[/I] Tori:TORTOMON!!!! [I]Lauren sprang up,and started running toward the voice,Vee following close by.[/I]
  5. [I]A shadow has fallen apon the wonderfull world of Wizardry.Lord Voldemort has returned after Harry Potter supposedly killed him.Now,Voldemort is after the children of all of the Wizards/Witches that went to Hogwarts.especialy the daughter of Harry Potter.Now,the only ones who can stop him,are those children.[/I] YOU are one of those children. Post a Bio like this to join. Name: Age: Year: House(you all cant be in Gryffindor:D): Quidditch Position(optional): appearnce: Bio: speacialty: Here's Mine:D Name:Lauren Potter age:11 Year:1 House:Gryffindor Quidditch Position:seeker Appearnce:Black Robes,Black Hair,Pretty Much looks like her father,except for the glasses,but she has a faint Lightning scar on her forhead. Bio:Even though she is only in the 1 year, They let her be in the team when she showed her skill while messing around in Quidditch Practice.Very Loyal to friends,likes to fool around,expecially in Potions Class:devil:.She found out That her and all of her friends were in danger when she heard Snape and You-Know-who talking about the plans(yes Snape is evil in this) speacialty:Charms Have fun! P.S Sorry about the bad spelling,I have to go fast P.S.S You dont have to be a first year or the son/daughter of someone special,you can make up your own :D :D :D
  6. Ok,I dont know alot about Netbattleing yet,so dont get mad at me:D ___________________ [I] Lauren transfered some chips to Elecman,then got ready to Netbattle.[/I] Lauren:These good enough for'ya? Elecman:Heck Yes! [I]Death started to move around his side of the Arena,trying to doge some Wide sword Chips,he missed two but got hit with one causing 20 damage[/I] Lauren/Elecman:Yeah!Take that! ms.Killa:Hahaha!Take this!
  7. Name:Lauren Info:Her older brother Jeff,(who had tought her everything she knows about Duel Monsters)was the one who's soul was captured.Has Dark Black hair and wears KHakies and a Black shirt. Age:13 Bio:She is very detirmend to get her Brother back.She likes to say noone will get in her way.
  8. [I]LAuren walked to the front[/I] LAuren:Ill fight,Ms.Killa been givin me bad grades for no reason,ELECMAN.EXE!!! Ms.Killa:An Elecman! You have to be kidding me! [I]LAuren smirked,Elecman always fought better when taunted.[/I] Elecman:Ill show you you Devil Teacher!
  9. Ok,im changing mu Digi To Veemon,sorry bout the all the changes:D [I]Lauren sat up from where she was laying,her head pounding.[/I] LAuren:Where...am I?? Voice:You are in the Digital world.To rid this world of the Evil Digimon and their partners. Lauren:Thanks for being so Discriptive.So how do I fight these guys? Voice:With your new Digimon Partner,Veemon.And take these, [I]Infront of Lauren sat 9 Eggs,Courage,Love,Friendship,Sincerity,Knowledge,Hope,Light,and Kindness.[/I] Voice:Veemon! Veemon:Yeah? Voice:your Partner,Lauren. Veemon:hi! Lauren:Hey,whats up? Voice:Now that your aqquantied,you must stop the froces,you have other good Children to help,Good Luck! [I]Lauren and Veemon head off to find the others,not knowing a figure is fllowing them.[/I]
  10. [I] Lauren looked behind her too see GrandKuwagamon chasing them at fast speed.[/I] LAuren:[I]Someone needs to disract him[/I] [I]Without thinking Lauren jumped onto Flamedramon's back,he seemed to understand because he didnt protest,they flew off towardGKM[/I] Tori:No! Desiree:Don't! [I]Lauren and Flamedramon stopped about 10 feet infront of GKM.[/I] GKM:What makes you diffrent from the rest,they cant beat me and neither can you,Dimension Scissors! [I]Flamedramon is hit,which sends both flying.[/I] LAuren:NOOOO [I]They were about to plunge into the river,when something appeared in Lauren's Hand,The digi-egg of Reliability.[/I] Lauren:DigiArmour Energize! Vee:Veemon Digi-Armour Digivolve tooo!Depthmon!The Sea Monster of Reliabilty! [I]LAuren was transfreered into Dephmon's roomy Cockpit as they plunged into the river[/I] Lauren:Yeah Baby!
  11. Name: Lauren Age:21 Occupation: SharkWrangler Bio:She loves to swim,shes one of the fastest swimmers around,infact.Which makes her a good SharkWrangler.She can almost sence when the sharks are comeing by the sound of their swimming.After she Heard her Friend Ryowa was joining,she did too. Apperance:Wears a Aqua shirt,A blue Baseball cap on Backwords,Khakies and a black vest.Black hair with Brown eyes Personality: Funny,Tomboy,Brave _______________ I love this movie and I can't wait to start :D :D :D
  12. Lauren:Should we split up? Abob:Again? _________________ Sorry,I dont really feel like typing:D :D :D :D
  13. Lauren:Hey,Elecwuss, [I]Elecman stopped fighting and looked twords Lauren[/I] LAuren:You know ALLL the battles you won[I]this'll get'em[/I]I paid the other kids to lose.Wuss. Lei:Thass cold. Elecman:WHAT! Lauren: I can prove it,only strong NAVI's can defeat the RIN's. Elecman:Ill show you! [I]Elecman powers up his Default Move.[/I] Elecman:SHORT CIRCUIT! [I] A large blast of Strong Electricity shot out of his hands,distroying about a bit over a hundred RIN's[/I] Elecman:Howabout that!? Lauren:IvE seen better. [I]Now Elecman was ticked off,he started to use his most powerfull chips as Lauren smirked[/I]
  14. Sailor Uranus all the way! [B]Uranus Planet Power[/B] Hauka says this to transform into Sailor Uranus. [B]World Shaking[/B] Sailor Uranus uses these words to generate a yellow ball of energy, which has all the devasting effects of an earthquake. [COLOR=orange]Special Power[/COLOR] [B]Space Sword Blaster[/B] Sailor Uranus holds The Sword above her head then swings it downward a bright light emits from it then it flies at the enemy.
  15. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by coolmon [/i] [B]OOC: (Where is this thread about netbattling? Though i'm missing Roll, if and when I get her back I'll need to know!) Lei: What is that??? There are a HUGE number of Navis attacking the RINs! Just as she said, alot of Navis were attackin RIN and some were in a big danger of being deleted. Lan: OH NO! How will we warn all those navis that RIN will destroy them??? Suzuki: And their power is to strong! No Navi Protector ever built will work anymore!! [/B][/QUOTE] Actullay,I said the NAVI's were helping the RIN's,so the RIN's arent destroying them. [I]LAuren sat back in her chair,thinking.[/I] Lauren:Aha!Take away all of you NAVI's Chips,youguys.We should still be able to do that!Then they cant attack the NP500 Lei:But the RIN's still can. LAn:So we need to get control of our NAVI's again...but how?
  16. Lauren:What are they!? [I]Course she couldnt show the others,they cought on,All of their NAVI's were helping the RINS attack the NP500[/I] LAuren:What!Elecman,Stop! [I]The PET paided no attention to its owner,neither did the others[/I]
  17. [I]Lauren was nearby when she heard 6 kids talking about their PET's dissapering.She oppened up her LAptop,[/I] Lauren:Hey,Elecman? Elecman:Yeah,Lauren? Lauren:thank god. Girl:I WANT ROLLLL! [I]LAuren stared at her[/I] Elecman:AHHHHH!Laur- [I]LAuren's eyes darted back to the screen,Elecman was gone[/I] Lauren:ELECMAN! [I]The kids looked at her.[/I] Lan:Lemme guess,Your PET's gone to? [I]LAuren nodded[/I] Lan:Come with us to the teacher,then ______________________- If you dont want me joining,ill delete it and leave you alone
  18. Can I still join!? I was going to,but forgot! Name:Lauren Description:Tomboy,Funny,Likes to hang out with her friends Bio:Lauren lives with her father and Cat,she got her Pet when she go her PET,she was 8 and a half.Black vest,White shirt,Blue cap on Backwords NAVI:Elecman
  19. Vee:Wait!Lauren!They arent that strong!we can fight'em! Elecmon:Im still kinda tired Gommamon:Me two. Vee:Well Im not! LAuren:[I]sighs[/I]He's to hyper to be tired,ok,Vee,but its not my falt if you get beat up by some green blobs...Digi Armour- Vee:Wait! Collect my data first,you know,just in case. LAuren:Eh? [I]Vee gave Lauren a short explination and she collected his data[/I] Lauren:Now...Digi Armour Energize!!
  20. [I]Lauren took the small Vial and slid it in her pocket.[/I] LAuren:Ready? [I]Samantha took hers and nodded,same with Lalaith and Abob[/I] Lauren:Right...uh...which way,again?
  21. Flamedramon:FIRE ROCKET! Leomon:FIST OF THE BEAST KING! Tortomon:STRONG CAPARACE! [I]All three attacks hit Megadramon in the face.After the dust cleared,There was nothing left but a voice...[/I] ???:Arghhh.You have collected my Data,thus I am your servant.If all three of you want me to help,you each have to call me at THE SAME time. [I]Their D-Callers started to glow.And each were filled with a equal share of Megadramon's Energy[/I] Lauren:Sweeet
  22. [I]Laurens eyes were shut when two large furry arms caught her,but not Vee,[/I] Lauren:Get back here[I]She grabbed Vee by his Arm and helped him up,then she looked to her savior.[/I] Leomon:Goodday,It appears you are a human. [I]Leomon landed softly and let Lauren to the ground who was still clutching Vee. Megadramon:Mega Heat Blast! Lauren:[I]Who noticed Desiree[/I]Move! [I]she pushed herself and Desiree out of the way,her hat getting slightly singed,Lauren rightened her self and formed fists.[/I] Lauren:Nobody...Messes with the Hat!Digi-Armour Energize! [I]once again the light collided with Vee and formed Flamedramon.[/I]
  23. [I]After they had finished with the Orcs,they made a small camp and rested[/I] Lalaith:I really would have thought they would have been harder... Lauren:[I]Takes out the piece of bark,witch sorta lookes like silkie substance[/I] Yeah,Oh well
  24. Muse


    Name:Lauren Age: 15 Main Pokémon:Chikorita Other pokémon:Noctowl,Charizard,Feraligator,Umbreon,Hitmontop,and many,many more Apperance: Blue shirt,Blue Hat that is always on Backwords,Green Vest,and Khakies Bio:Her Chikorita HATES the pokeball,which is why it wasnt stolen.Lauren has been training since she was 8(Prof.Oak let her in early)Wich is why her Pokemon are so strong. Pokémon's Level:90
  25. [I]Lauren jumped onto the Trolls massive head and thrust her sword into it.she slashed a troll through the chest;[/I] Lalaith:Hey!Leave some for us! [I]Lauren smirked at let the others in[/I]
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