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  1. Muse


    [COLOR=indigo][SIZE=1] [B]Name:[/B] Lyra (Leer-Uh) Hyrinsohn (Hi-Ern-Son) [B]Gender:[/B]Female [B]Age[/B] 19 [B]Appearance:[/B] Lyra's hair falls in golden cascades down to her waist. She has large, abnormally bright green eyes in a mysterious cat-like fashion, meaning her pupils dialate whenever she feels a new emotion, and the pupils are somewhat diamond shaped rather then circle shaped. She stands at five foot seven inches and holds herself up with dignity and poise, like she was taught to do. Her body is pale, for as long as she stays out in the sun she never manages to get a tan. She wears an outfit much like the one [URL=www.pylia.co.uk/lyra.htm]here,[/URL] but as said before she has different features. Although she does wear lovely gowns to the King's parties and balls, Lyra is a staight-up tomboy who only wears a skirt because she was ordered to do so. [B]Skills:[/B] Lyra has an amazing sense of balance, reflexes, and agility, which comes in use when she was being chased by her care-takers when she was younger. Her affectionate nickname from the king is infact, "My Little Kitten," because of her cat-like qualities. She has been known to jump from one turret of the palace to another without hurting herself one bit, which actually doesn't suprise anyone who knows of the prophecy. She also can use multiple weapons quite well because of her training. [B]Personality:[/B] For a beautiful girl raised in the king's acadamy, Lyra is very energectic and outgoing. When she was younger she would have much rather played with the peasant children then the snobs she knew and learned with. She is very cunning and sly, as she had to escape her lessons alot as a child. Lyra is very caring to strangers and friends and is able to make anyone laugh with her sarcastic sense of humor. She sometimes trusts people a little to easily, which usually isn't a bad thing, but then there are the times it is. [B]Biography:[/B] When Alanis Hyrinsohn, a poor, pregnant widower, sought out a fortune teller to tell her of her unborn child, she got more then she expected. When Alanis heard of the propehcy, she knew she had two choices. Either 1.) Keep the child and raise her as a poor country girl, or 2.) allow the only thing precious to her to live in the King's palace and learn all she could about the world. Alanis chose option two, and as soon as Lyra was born, the king himself came to see her. He instantly fell in love with the big green eyes and her impeccable charm. He told Alanis she could come and see the girl anytime she wanted, and whisked Lyra off to his Royal Academy. Right off the bat, when she started walking and talking, she became a trouble maker. When playing an innocent game of Hide and Find, she could hide for hours on end, and when she was 'It' she would just set off to explore the surroundings around her and leave the other children thinking they had the most wonderful hiding space. Lyra was treated differently, the servants bowed to her once or twice a day and some that she had never seen before would sometimes rush up to shake her hand. Lyra already knew of the propechy that bound her to heroism, but she insisted that she be treated like every other child. No one listened, and that's when Lyra started running away for days on end, playing with the poor children or deliberatly getting her spectacular gowns dirty. In this period of time (she was around 7 or 8) is when she found out about her "cat-like" qualities, and she used them to her advantage. The phase ended, and Lyra agreed to calm down a bit and take her studies seriously. She became a very intelligent young girl, having learned from the best of the best only fit for the King's Academy. When she turned 13, she was forced to take a new class. One that had no other children. King Navare told Lyra that this classes' purpose was to make sure she knew how to control her skills for when the time came that she really needed them. One of the most memorable classes was when Scholar Jacobsen threw random objects at her and she had to dodge everyone of them, which she did with flying marks. After there were no more things for her to do in that class, she started taking weaponry and advanced weaponry, in which she learned how to be very skilled in weapons ranging from bamboo sticks to swords. Now that Lyra is 19 years old and there are no more things for her to occupy herself with at the Academy, she spends her free time visiting her mother and searching around for the career that best suits her interests. Wow... That took me a long time... I want a sandwich now. I hope this is all ok, terra.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  2. Muse

    My Undying Love (M)

    [COLOR=indigo][SIZE=1] OOC: Thanks much, Taryn. "Alright, Katie, I just need to go check on my little brothers and I'll meet you there. Wait for me, don't go in there alone, I've got a bad feeling about this." Ryan snapped her silver flip-phone shut and slid it into her breast pocket. "Alright, babe, be careful." Rob smiled, kissing her. "Hang on, the boys'll want to see you." Rob grinned and nodded. Ryan knew her boyfriend had a soft spot for her brothers Max, Sam, and Cal. Each got into their respective car, Rob following Ryan to her small town-house. Ryan did not live far from the pool, which was good because she did not have her own and she was an avid swimmer. On the way there, however, one has to cross a bridge, where Ryan was startled to see Steven, out of his car and looking down to the dangerous spikes that lay below. "Steve? Did your car break down? You need a lift?" She called out gently from inside her convertible, as Rob slowly came to a stop behind her. There was no reply, and Steven's car was still playing music. Ryan looked back at Rob, who had quickly exited his car. He looked as confused as she was. Steven then gradually turned around, "I've got no reason anymore." He muttered, and realization dawned on Ryan, who shouted. "Get the hell away from there, Steven! None of you friends want you to die! What are we going to do without you?" She added gently, knowing this was the right thing to do because her major was Psychology and she learned about suicidal cases and how to stop them. By now she was already out of the car, and Rob was making his way towards his friend, who was still staring at them with a dazed look on his face. Ryan held out her arm to stop him, knowing that anything rash could make him jump. "Come on, Steven. You can come to my house and meet my little brothers and hang out with us for a while." She gently chided, motioning slowly for him to come closer. To her relief, he took a small step closer. Ryan nudged her boyfriend in te stomach to continue. "Er, yeah, Steve. You can hang out with me and maybe we could watch the boys until they fall asleep, Ryan's going back to Beck's house with Katie and Clover and them." Another small step, but Ryan could tell that if they were going to save Steven, it was going to take alot of convincing.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  3. Muse

    My Undying Love (M)

    [COLOR=indigo][SIZE=1] OOC: Sorry, everyone, for not posting so often. I'm on vacation and cant get on as much. Also, I wont be doing any of the 'mature' stuff, so yotska, if you want to, you'll have to put it in your posts. Ryan felt terrible about everything that had happened at the party. Unless she hadn't followed Rob away from the Truth or Dare scene, she would have gone psycho on Rebecca and Beck and all their little friends. Shaking all her thoughts away, she focused on the road again. Her 'Stang had been infront of Rob's Cougar the whole way, and, lost in thoughts, she had accidently run the red light. She waved to Rob who only laughed at her jokingly, rolling his eyes. She arrived at the public pool much earlier then she thought she would, and Rob still wasn't there after five minutes of waiting at the entrance. The red light must have been a long one, and Ryan laughed as she stuck her feet in the shallow end, waiting for Rob. Looking around, she noticed that no one she knew was actually here, they must be in the showers. Seconds later, Ryan saw a flash of unmistakeable silver, and her gaze flew to it and saw Rob walking over to the Girls Showers. She smirked to herself and quickly walked over to him. When she neared her now-frozen boyfriend, her heart skipped a beat. There was blood on the ground by his feet, and Steven looked like he couldn't breathe infront of him. "Rob...?" She called timidly, quickly walking to his side. She gasped so loudly, that her right hand flew to her mouth, and her left to Robert's hand. There was no mistaking her. Emily. OOC; Please keep Ryan alive if I'm not on much, thankies.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  4. Muse

    My Undying Love (M)

    [COLOR=indigo][SIZE=1] Ryan smiled slyly as she finished stowing everything away in her locker. She knew Beck had been watching when Rob had kissed her, and she also knew that Beck had hermind set on asking him to the prom. "See you later, Beck!" Ryan cried out in a false-cheery voice, beaming at her and escaping the building before she had a chance to un-invite hewr to the party. Ryan laughed to herself as she hopped into her red Mustang Convertible, remembering with a sigh the means she had gone through to obtain it. Her father, the one who abandoned to family nine years ago, had sent the car to his daughter with a note that basically said that he hoped she would forgive him now for leaving. Ryan wrote back bitterly, the gist of her letter being if he expected to buy Max, Cal, and Sam expensive cars when they turned sixteen. After that letter, the father hasn't written back since. Ryan was running late, (considering she promised Robert she'd be at Beck's party early,) and after she parked by her house, she didn't bother to turn the music off or the car itself. OOC:Sorry, I'll finish this later.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  5. [COLOR=indigo][SIZE=1]Name: Ryan Winchester [B]Age:[/B] 16 [B]Gender:[/B] Female [B]Boyfriend/Girlfriend:[/B] Robert J. Johnson [B]Description:[/B] [URL=http://art.slimemansion.com/original/destiny/001ryan.jpg]Ryan, just, you know, without the scary blue ball on her hand o.O[/URL] [B]Biography:[/B] Ryan Winchester was born to two loving parents, maybe not the richest family on the block, but they got through life easily. For a while. When Ryan was seven years old, the mother, Karen, gave birth to triplet sons, Samuel, Maxwell, and Calvin (Cal.) The father, Alan, left three yearsr, not willing to take responsibility of a 10 year old girl and three three year old sons any longer. Karen was heartbroken, and retreated to her room, only to come out to use the restroom and other things of the nature. Ryan, a very prtective and loving young girl, took care of her brothers with the care only a mother could give. The brothers became the most important things in Ryan's world, and she will still do anything for them. At school, Ryan is very popular and is on the Swim Team and the Gymnastics Team. Ryan was a friend with Emily, Katie-Lee, and Katie Kawai, and she was devestated by the loss of another person close to her. Her boyfriend, Rob, means alot to her and is the person she feels most confortable with. [/COLOR][/SIZE]
  6. [COLOR=indigo][SIZE=1] [B]Name:[/B] Lyra (Leer-Uh) Hyrinson (Hi-Ren-Sohn) [B]Age:[/B] 21 [B]Country:[/B] Lyra was born in Britain, France, to be specific, to two Wealthy English parents. After Lyra had lived in France long enough to master the Posh accent it gave her, she was whisked away to Montrose, England. She now lives in a beautiful old cottage near the lake-side with a cozy little Parlor, Library, Dining room, and any other room any little girl could want growing up. Well, any girl besides Lyra Hyrinson. [B]Element:[/B] Sound [B]Appearance:[/B] [URL=http://www.psycko-hentai.de/grafix/gallery/bg16/p6.jpg]This is only Lyra's physical. I'll think of something for her to wear later.[/URL] [B]Weapons:[/B] [B]Twin Knives.[/B] [URL=http://www.cbswords.com/images/UC1381LTNBback.jpg]Here is what the scabbards look like, and a veiw of the handle,[/URL] The Knife part are pure white, undented and perfect. The blades are 15 inches long and curve slightly near the tip. Lyra is ambidexterious so she weilds both with equally good strength and agility. [B]Weapons Element:[/B] Sound - Controls anything related to Sound, Sound Waves, Etc. [B]Dragons Appearance:[/B] [URL=http://www.saberfire.com/dragons/archivelow/076.jpg]CLICK![/URL] [B]Dragons Element:[/B] Sound [B]Personality:[/B] Lyra treats everything in stride, always care-free and laid-back. She is always very calm in tense situations, and can make a joke out of anything if she feels like it. She can have a very dry or sarcastic sense about her, but generally she is very sweet and caring. She has a problem with trusting people she doesn't know, which can really get her into trouble at times. Another problem people have with her is that she always speaks her mind, even at the worst possible times. She has many admirers because of her immense beauty and sense of culure, but she is humble and has turned down all of her could-be husbands with a very polite tone. Around strangers, Lyra becomes very shy, but as she warms up to them she starts showing her trademark quirks. [B]Biography:[/B] Sorry, I will have to finish this later. I'm going to see Anchorman with a few friends so I need to get ready.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  7. Muse

    Digimon: Dark Virus

    [COLOR=Indigo][SIZE=1]"You've got no idea, human. And don't think I'll be taking it any easier on you." Guilmon sneered, flicking it's claws, Darien's blood splattered against the nearby wall, like Guilmon was cleaning them. "What do you mean, 'taking it easier on me?' When have you done that!? " Darien asked with a bit of unusual panic in his voice. In the most nasty way of replying to this question, Guilmon took advantage of Darien's incredulous state and shouted [i]head slam![/i] and sent Darien crashing back into the pile of rubble. "Why don't you just kill me now." Darien found himself moaning as new bruises appeared and old ones turned different colors. "What fun would that be?" "The man has a point..." Darien muttered, using his Glaive to half-heartedly stand up. The second before he was about to stand firm and tall, his Glaive gave way and transformed back to his Digivice. Unstable and still very weak, Darien stumbled to gain balance but, rather comically, fell flat on his face. "Pathetic!" Guilmon laughed, tears of pure joy leaking from his eyes. Darien groaned in perfect Anime style, laying flat on the ground, his digivice still clutched in his hand. Straining his neck, Darien looked around. To his suprise, the Orb had rolled off its stand and was glowling, right next to his right hand, the hand that held the digivice. "Down...load?" He muttered, a new sense of hope and an idea striking him. Next second, it was glowing in such a fierce way, that Darien had to squint his eyes almost-shut to prevent any more pain. "No! Guilmon! Don't let it-!" The Puppet Master's voice screamed in the silence, as Guilmon had quickly stopped laughing and was staring at Darien in shock. Almost instantly, the Orb changed into glowing green energy and his Digivice sucked it in. Smirking, Darien lept up, a new wave of strength and spirit crashing into him. "CREST WEAPON ACTIVATE!" His Glaive reappeared in his scorched and bloodied hands, but he stood tall and defiant without a wince of pain. "Get him, you fool!" The Puppet Master shrieked. Guilmon, like snapping out of a daze, roared and charged at Darien. "[i]Pure Soul![/i]" Guilmon froze in fear, as Darien's eyes glowed a faint green and he lifted his Glaive straight up into the air with is left hand. It started glowing green, gaining brightness quickly. In one sudden flick of his wrist, Darien pointed it straight down then thrusted it downwards and stoped suddenly when the very tip of the top of the Glaive was inches near the ground. "Good bye, b*stard." Darien said calmly, tilting his head slowly and smiling. In the next second, green light erupted from the ground underneath Guilmon's feet. His screaming could be heard, but nothing could be seen. Darien stopped smiling and gasped, feeling all the energy he had just had exit his body, plus the draining of the energy it took to power the attack. The last tangible thing he saw before his vision was blurred by pain and weakness, was Guilmon reappearing from the light, falling face-first, but vanishing into nothingness before it hit the ground. His Glaive fell with a clang to the ground as Darien's knees buckled and he fell to the ground, sideways, loosing all intelligent thoughts into blackness. OOC: Okie dokie, I wanted to be different from everyone else, so I made Darien using his strongest attack, which leaves him weak in spirit and physically. And the fact that Darien was probably beat up the worst by his Digimon (what can I say? I like character torture, lol.) doesn't help much. So, I figured him being unconcious for a while could give some time for the people who haven't finished fighting some time before we leave without them, lol. Hope this is ok, ULX. I just don't want anyone to give up on this, it has alot of potential.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  8. [COLOR=indigo][SIZE=1] [B]Username:[/B] DaisukeAngel [B]Magic Type:[/B] Fire [B] Type:[/B] Plushie! (Couldn't resist...) [B] Picture:[/B] [img]http://www.killbill2.net/images/gal/Anime/001.jpg[/img] (Sorry for the text, just use the top of the picture. lol.) [B]Moves:[/B] [B]Relinquish:[/B] DaisukeAngel can take control of opponent for one turn and the opponent will attack itself and loose 100 HP. [B]Plushie Charm:[/B] The opponent will think DA is too cute to attack her for; 1 turn if HP is over 1000, 2 turns for 500-900, and 3 turns if any lower. During this time Relinquish will only do 25 damage, but returns to normal after the move is over. [B]Color:[/B][/COLOR][/SIZE] [COLOR=blue][SIZE=1] Blue[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  9. Muse

    Digimon: Dark Virus

    [COLOR=indigo][SIZE=1] OOC: Uh, ULX, unless you want this to die you'd better let our characters figure out how to win soon, lol. "HEAD SLAM!" Guilmon cried, charging headfirst at Darien. Darien, quite taken by suprise, had time only to brace himself. To no luck, the force of the attack sent Darien crashing into the pillar. He moaned painfully as the debris settled. Blood was flowing more freely now from underneath his hair and his eyes looked blurred and out of focus. "Words cannot describe how gratifying this is, human." Guilmon sighed, taking the liberty to let Darien stand up, leaning hevily again on his Glaive. A strike of realization flashed across his mind and he spun around. The sphere, thank god, did not break and was sitting on a large piece of debris. "RAPID CLAW!" This time, Darien was ready. As Guilmon charged at him once again, Darien held his Glaive up. As Guilmon reached attacking distance, Darien swung it to the left, striking the Digimon beside the head. Only slightly phased, Guilmon brought it's right claw in a downward strike, slashing Darien's chest. This wound wasn't as deep as the others, but Darien stumbled back, nonetheless. "Damn, this doesn't look to good." He muttered through gritted teeth as he glared at the red dinosaur.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  10. Muse

    Digimon: Dark Virus

    [COLOR=indigo][SIZE=1] "Good luck, O Fearless One." Darien smirked, patting Zeos good-naturedly on his back before striding through his green color-coded door. It took a second for his pupils to adjust to the new surroundings, because the place he was in was completely dark and pretty scary, he had to admit. Blindly he reached out with his hands to his sides, and found that he was in some kind of narrow hallway of stone. "I sense no danger here..." He remarked to no one, a bit of panic in his usually calm voice. After a few minutes of aimless walking and whistling, he bumped into something tall and hard. "Damnit, who puts a stupid...thing in the middle of a hallway?" He muttered angrily as he rubbed his throbbing head gingerly. As his eye's readjusted from the collision, he noticed that what he had hit was what looked to be a sort of pillar-sized pedestal that, had he not been the tallest of the group, he probably could not reach. Resting on the flat surface of the pedestal was a glowing green orb with a clearly visible tear drop on it's smooth outside. "I really thought this would have been a bit more challenging..." He muttered cautiously, slowly extending his left arm out and resting it on the top of the orb. It felt warm to the touch, as if the glowing green mist inside of it was heating it like a small fire. Relaxation crept through his body and a shivery tingle sped up his spine. As soon as the feeling had come, it disappeared, replaced by manaical laughter throughout the hallway. "Welcome, holder of Sincerity and Purity, to your doom. Your murderer today shall be my pet, [URL=http://ca.geocities.com/digi_josied/digidex/Guilmon.html]Guilmon[/URL]." Almost on cue, a red dinosaur-looking thing strode out from the shadows, it's monstorous claws hanging by its side, its face twisted with enjoyment. "You really need some lines, man," Darien spat, stumbling around his pockets for his digivice. The second he felt the gadget in his hands, the dinosaur flew through the air, it's claws on fire, straight into the defencless teenager. Darien cried out in pain as the fire burned through his black jacket, scorching his chest, then as the force of the attack sent him flying into the opposite wall. "If you give up now, your death will be quick and painless, child." Guilmon laughed, walking calmly to the fallen human. "Crest Weapon...Activate." Darien hissed between struggling gasps for air as he took hold of his Digivice. Blood trickled down from beneath his black hair as his Glaive appeared in his burned hands and he used it to lean on as he stood up defiantly. "So be it, human! Your choice has given you the opportunity to die slowly and painfully as these teeth and claws rip through your flesh." "Couldn't be more sadistical, could ya, Dino?" Darien smirked, twirling his weapon around in his hands with a new burst of energy and defiance.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  11. Muse

    Digimon: Dark Virus

    [COLOR=indigo][SIZE=1] "Excuse me if I don't cower in fear, oh Fearless Leader." Darien sniggered, smirking down to the smaller boy. Zeos growled at him and spun back around to once again take the lead. Imi, however, held his glare a bit longer, sniffed angily, and spun around in her heel. "Oh, sure, get mad at me for speaking the truth!" He cried out mock- indignantly, crossing his long arms across his chest and pouting, to laughs of everyone else, who weren't furious with him. "Shut up, you stupid...behemoth!" Zeos racked his brain for an insult up front, obviously still fuming about Darien's comment. "Right-O, Fearless Leader! Would you like me to bow and scrub your shoes, also, sir?" Or are you just pissed that, because I am the holder of Sincerity [i]and[/i] Purity, I'm probably speaking the truth?" OOC: Sorry for the shortness, I know I didn't really have time to interact with everyone in the beggining of the story, so take it away, ULX. ;)[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  12. [COLOR=indigo][SIZE=1] OOC: Ok, everyone. Thank you for keeping this alive, by the way. Next day will be Halloween, and there will be a special Defense Against the Dark Arts Class for the special holiday. Everyone must create their own Corporeal(sp?) Patronus. Make it match your personality, remember it must be an animal. It will come in handy later on, don't worry. And, every house will have it together first thing in the morning after breakfast. No other classes afterwards, this is a real treat for the students. It will be another day for just hanging out with the other houses. [center]-----[/center] Michelle stood, transfixed behind Professor McGonagall, her blue eyes wide with shock. She watched Elliot being rushed out of the room, blood streaming out from under his hair. Although she was behind the shield when it happened, she still managed to get a small gash on her cheek because of the angle she was standing in. "Is everyone alright?" A shaken McGonagall asked, surveying her students. Michelle seemed to have the worst of the students besides Elliot, most only had small scratches. McGonagall sighed, relieved, and turned to Michelle. With a quick swipe of her wand, the gash disappeared and she walked around, doing the same to her pupils with injuries. After calming down a Gryffindor with a severe phobia of blood, Professor McGonagall dismissed the class. Michelle left quickly and excitedly. It was time for Defense Against the Dark Arts, the class she was most looking forwards to. Alex was not behind her when she left, and she still had not caught up. She met up with Kevin and Maura by the doors to the classroom and she informed them on what had happened down by the lake and what had happened to Elliot. "Sounds like you've had an exciting first day, Michelle." Kevin laughed, pushing open the door to their class. "You can call it that..." She said, picking a seat eagerly by the front of the class room, saving a seat for Alex as Kevin and Maura sat by her, obviously not as excited. "If you would please open your book to the first chapter..." Professor Lupin smiled at his class, his brown hair, with a few grey hairs, shining brightly in the dimming sun.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  13. Muse

    Digimon: Dark Virus

    [COLOR=indigo][SIZE=1] Gripping his glaive with a new sensation of rage and thirst for payback, Darien swiped at the now flying (with difficulty) Poromon. Bringing the bladed weapon in an arc downwards, then with a quick and strong flick of his wrist, brought the top back upwards and slashed the other way. For a second, Poromon only floated in midair, shocked. Slowly, a red X became clear, and the same grotesque sphere slowly found its way out. "Take it, Darien." Kenmei muttered behind him, as her boh quietly changed back into a digivice. He nodded, and brought the glaive up in another graceful arc, and the sphere was gone. "What a pain in the neck..." He sighed after sliding his newly-transformed Digivice into his jeans pocket. He inclined his head up to the almost-transparent wall, "When do you think that'll open up? Daresay I'll be willing to test it anytime soon." He laughed. Kenmei stared at him with mock incredulously, crossing him arms and raising an eyebrow. "I can't believe you! Taking this stuff as if it was nothing at all! You were almost killed by a wall, and you can still joke about it." She couldn't help but laugh when Darien put on an innocent look and smiled. "[i]Anyways,[/i]" she continued, "we probably have to wait until everyone else is done with theirs." Darien nodded and sat down on the ground, Kenmei following suit. Bored, he took out his green Digivice and stared at it dully. "Think this thing has games on it?" Kenmei gave him a very confused look and sighed exasperatedly, choosing to ignore his comment.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  14. Muse

    Digimon: Dark Virus

    [COLOR=indigo][SIZE=1] As Kenmei was attacked by Poromon and returned to the ground, Darien gripped his Glaive tighter with his right hand. In this split-second, he knew that Poromon would still be recovering from its arrack. With a long, horizantal swipe, Poromon was sent crashing into the opposite wall. "You alright?" He asked Kenmei, holding out a hand and grinning. "Yeah..." She muttered, rising to her feet. "What is it going to take to get rid of this thing?" "Hell if i'd know..." Darien joked, turning back around to see what position Poromon was in. "Well, its only a stupid little pink thing...why should re be worried?" He laughed, loosening his grip on his Glaive. Darien was cut off at that moment, as Poromon, much like Pinomon on Elena, thrust itself across the cubicle, its huge wings pushing him back into the wall, making him drop his weapon. The pain shot through his limbs like a thousand small daggers pierced into his skin, and he kept his shouts of pain bottled inside of him.. To make matters worse, as he fell limply to the ground, Pormon crashed into the weakened teenager, pinning him up against the wall. He could no longer hold it in, and he cried out in heart-wrenching pain.[/COLOR][/SIZE] [SIZE=1][COLOR=red][B]"Not so cocky now, are you, human?"[/COLOR][/B][/SIZE] [COLOR=indigo][SIZE=1] Poromon whispered coldy into the screaming boy's ears. Darien could feel conciousness slipping away from him, and he hoped sincerely he was, to get away from all the pain. He felt the ground rush up to meet him, and he opened his closed eyes. Kenmei was standing over him, Boh raised. Apparently she had knocked the foul creature away, as he was fluttering angrily at the other side of the cubicle.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  15. [COLOR=indigo][SIZE=1] Name: Angeline Aiton Age: 28 Gender: Female Country From: Born in Paris, raised in Paris. Race: French Personality: Angel is very calm and collected, neither shy nor obnoxiously loud, and has a very dry and sarcastic sense of humor. She works well with people she knows, and is always very focused on the task ahead. She is relentless and willing to do anything to finish something she has started. She always speaks her mind, and holds herself up with an air of sophisticated importance. Appearance: True to her nickname, Angel, Angeline is as beautiful as they come. She has long, silky blood-red hair down to her waist, usually un-tied or in a very loose ponytail for jobs where she can't have it in her face. Underneath the shining mane are two, vibrant green eyes that seem to glow with enjoyment or become cold and emotionless when pissed off. She is about five foot six, and weighs somewhere around 130-145 pounds, but no one knows for sure. She wears a black, form-fitting black suit and has numerous pure-gold rings on each hand. She owns the worlds most expensive shoes(a cool 2 million,), the [URL=http://im.rediff.com/money/2004/apr/06shoe.jpg]"Cinderella Slippers",[/URL] with amazing grace and agility. Bio: Angel was born to Michelle and Jacques Aiton, two trillionaire Assasins for the underground Mafia in Paris. Both were famous in the bad, and good, sides of town for how many assasinations they had pulled off, and for the amount of money they used to bribe the government into letting them get away with it. Both Jacques and Michelle wanted their only child to become a good succesor and a worthy canditate for the vast amounts of money they made doing their work. When Angel turned seven years old, the two Assasins started to teach her the tricks of the trade, along with all the members of the French Mafia, each teaching her a different skill useful for her pre-chosen line of work. School and training soon became all of Angel's life. She had many friends at school, but none were allowed to come over or speak to her in Angel's parent's presence. As Angeline grew older, her natural beauty began to show. Michelle, also a very beautiful woman, taught her daughter how to use her looks as an advantage when she was chosen to assasinate a man. At the age of sixteen, instead of a car, Angel recieved a pair of hand made Steel Fans, and her parent's fortune. She killed her first man that year. She was instantly hired by any man or woman needing a job done. She became famous in the Assasin world, able to shoot anything with one eye closed, or cut through a person without them realising it until seconds later. George heard about her years after she became famous, and appealed to her. She quickly joined him, happy to finally get one job instead of little ones. She climbed the ranks gradually, and became one of George's most trusted operatives, as well as his fantasy girl. She declined the chance to get closer to him, which in turn infuritated her boss, which made him happier to fire her when she failed a mission. Lately, to the anger of her parents, Angel has been in plays. When someone tried to shoot her in one of her productions (in which she chopped his arms off when everyone had left, screaming,) he told her (with some encouragement with a certain sword by his neck,) that George was having her and her collegues murdered. After a quick swipe to his throat, she washed her Katana and left calmly, ready to do the same to her old boss. Abilities: Angel is beautiful and charming, and she uses this to her advantage. She is very skinny, so she can hide in any place and is very agile, even wearing her four and a half inch stiletto shoes. She is a precise aimer and very skilled with the blade. She is also trained to be adept at all kinds of cultures, which means she can speak and understand many languages, including Latin. Weapons[URL=http://www.mantisswords.com/practi10.jpg]A beautiful, handcrafted Katana,[/URL] [URL=http://homepage.powerup.com.au/~medieval/pistols.jpg]Two Pistol for long range fighting..[/URL] [URL=http://larrygotkin.com/jswords/fan.jpg]A pair of fans:[/URL] She uses them in the Gum Loong Sin, or The Golden Dragon Fan style, which is used as a soft, more flexible weapon. It is considered a short weapon, about 14 inches long, very innocent looking and not that much different to an everyday paper fan, except the ribs are made of sharp, stainless steel instead of bamboo strips, and the paper is replaced by toughened silk. When folded, the fan can be used like a short dagger ? to cut, to jab and to slash. When unfolded, the fan can be used like a spring-loaded knife to stab. These Fans are Angel's easily favorite weapons to use in close-combat.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  16. [COLOR=indigo][SIZE=1] Michelle was still being attacked by her "fan club" after Imi, Elliot, and Zeos left. "Help me..." She muttered to Alex, still sitting by her bed. She shrugged, honestly not knowing what to do to help. "I've got an idea, I think." Michelle stated, clearing her throat to get the attention of the boys unsuccesfully fighting for her interest. "I've got an idea, boys. If you all leave me alone for a few weeks, I promise to go on a date with all of you." In an instant, the only ones left were Alex, Michelle, and Madam Promfrey. "You're not...really?" Alex stuttered as Michelle hopped out of bed. In turn, Michelle laughed and assured her she wasn't. "You two better hurry up to your next class. Il wrote notes, so Professor. McGonagall will not be upset for your absence." Madam Promfrey chided, handing them each a note and shoving them out the door. "Who have we got Transfiguration with, then?" Michelle asked as they hurried down the steps, not wanting to miss more of their class, but also being carefull of the trick steps. "Ravenclaw..." Alex panted as they jumped the last three steps and burst into the Transfiguration room. OOC: Sorry for meh shortness, no good ideas at ze moment.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  17. [COLOR=indigo][SIZE=1] Amy Pohler was the perfect image of bored at the exact moment. Her head leaning on the palm of her hand, eyes half closed and mouth open only a bit. In her free hand she was tapping a pencil on the desk, while that cow Odell tried to hit on her again. "Hey, Amy! What are you doing this Saturday night?" He asked, leaning closer to her desk. "Chopping off the heads of all the guys I invited for a date. Wanna come?" She replied dryly, not even aware of the disgusted look on his face as he turned back around. Amy's out-of-focus eyes suddenly brightened up again as her best friend, Elle, prodded her in the back and pointed to the front of the room. "Students, I'd like you to welcome a new member to Antares High school who has just recently moved to this town. Ms. Lily White." Mr. Delling announced, gesturing to the new girl infront of him. Instantly, Amy took a liking to her. Noting that class did not start for few more minutes [i]for a teacher being late, he still manages to come early,[/i] she thought to herself as she gently rose from her seat to greet Lily. Odell did his amazingly shallow and annoying wolf call as Amy caught her as she was walking down the aisle to find her new seat. "Hi!" Amy greeted in her normal cheerful way, extending her hand out. "My name is Amy Pohler." Lily smiled and returned the gesture, greeting her in a similar manner. Amy was just about to ask her if she liked the school yet, when a girl, Denise, one of the many girls who thought themselves as Amy's friend, pushed her way through. "Amy! How is my best friend today?" She asked, loudly, obviously trying to make sure that Amy didn't pay more attention to Lily then herself. "Your what?" Amy asked rhetorically, laughing slightly. Denise, obviously quite taken aback, walked back to her seat, and by the looks of it, sobbing. "Sorry, Lily. You'll be suprised to know I have more poser friends then real ones." Amy told the new girl jokingly. Lily smiled and was about to tell Amy something, when Mr. Denning announced it was the time to start lessons. [center]-----[/center] Amy sat next to Elle and her boyfriend (OOC: If no one is going to be him soon, I'll make up a name.) and a few of her poser friends at lunch. All the 'fake friends' were talking animatedly to Amy, who simply igored them and continued talking to Elle. "So, Amy, is the new girl nice?" Elle asked, taking a bite of her sandwich. "Oh, yeah, from what I have seen so far." Amy replied, nibbling on her peanut butter and jelly. She watched as Hiroshi Ochen, her friend Caley's twin sister, walked out of the lunch room to the library. "I feel so bad for that girl, Hiroshi. If she'd try a bit more, I bet she could have a lot of friends." She told Elle sympathetically, who nodded in agreement and the pair continued their lunch, still ignoring everything the posers were saying quite comically to all that walked by them.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  18. [COLOR=indigo][SIZE=1] [B]Name:[/B] Amy Pohler [B]Age:[/B] 15 [B]Gender:[/B] Female [B]Elemental Key:[/B] Wind Elemental Key [B]Description:[/B][URL=http://art.slimemansion.com/original/art/026tina.jpg]Amy[/URL] [B]Biography:[/B] Amy has had a normal life her whole life. Two loving parents, a protective older brother, James, and a pretty large house. Amy and her family have lived in Novile since she was only a baby. Amy herself is very intelligent and very popular at school because of her friendliness and her good looks. Her boyfriend(someone can play him, I guess...) is very different from Amy's other admirers, because he cares for her because of her personality (but, being cute helps a bit, even he can't deny that.) She despises bullies and friends that aren't friends. Being popular at school also gives her the respect of almost every classmate, so she uses this "advantage" to stop the bullies at school, or get them into trouble. That works too. A well known fact is that Amy is very care-free and is a bit of a joker, playing tricks on the kids she thinks are jerks. She is friends with Caley and all of her friends, and she much prefers their company then the pretenders who only act like her friends in hopes of becoming popular. Ok, I hope this all good, S.A.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  19. Muse

    Digimon: Dark Virus

    [COLOR=indigo][SIZE=1] Darien stumbled through his door, eyes only half closed behind his glasses. His sister, Seina, lowered her head over the couch she was sitting on and stared at him quizzically. "Whats up with you?" She asked rather dully, her fingers twitching with anticipation over the remote she was holding. He tossed his one-strap backpack abrubtly over the kitchen table and grinned, though still looking as tired as ever. "One hell of a long day today, sis." He stretched and revolved his shoulder blades in the most gratifying way possible. "But," he winked, " one year is down, two more to go." Seina smiled at him, relieving herself of the pain of hanging her head over the chair's back and turning around completely. "You know..." She started seriously, taking the annoying, overbearing tone of their mother, "Mother and father are going to demand you go to college to get your degree." Darien scowled at her, "So, you are going to go "mother and father" on me, now? I'll go to college if it want to! You-!" He was silenced by a well-aimed soda can to the face. "No genius brother of mine is going to waste his life working at McDonalds! You'll go to college and get your masters degree so you can be the doctor you've wanted to be since you were 9!" The whole speech was made in a final tone of voice. Darien knew there was to be no more arguing with his sister, so his eyes drifted down to crumpled soda can by his feet. "Any more..?" He asked hopefully, grinning again to his sister in his carefree way. "Fridge." She said simply, and turned back to the TV. "Lates." He said in valediction walking into the kitchen and grabbing a can of Mountain Dew and stalking back into his room. Almost instantly he pressed the little button on his computer and then his modem, the [i]whoosh[/i] noise signaling everything was in tip top shape. He set the already half empty can on his desk and sitting on his swivel chair with his back facing the screen. Flipping on the TV and quickly skimming through the endless channels of his DirecTV cable options. "You've Got Mail!" The robotic voice emitted from the PC made Darien jump slightly, but he clicked his mail option. "Digi@world.net? Probably some stupid spammer..." He clicked the message, and all that appeared was a large image of what looked to be a green teardrop with two circles inside. "Is this some kind of joke?" He muttered, and before he could make it sound like a question, his mind slipped away pleasantly into darkness. [center]--------[/center] Darien's eyes slowly opened and he got a good veiw of his surroundings. He was lying face up on a patch of green grass. All around him was the same, save for a few leafy trees around him. "Where the hell am I?" He muttered groggily, sitting up slowly. "Stupid pathetic human! I hope not all of you are this weak... lying on the ground for hours..." Came a very irratated voice behind him. Darien turned slowly, and found himself face-to-face with a blue, shapeless blob with long ears, small spikes down its back, little red eyes and freakish arms. "And what the hell are you?" Darien asked coldly, wanting answers. "I am the almighty Pichimon! I will be your murderer today." Darien started laughing insanely. How could he not have? This little thing killing [i]him,[/i] a six foot tall sixteen yearold. He opened his closed-from-laughing eyes, and stopped laughing suddenly. Pichimon had suddenly grown much lager, had some nasty spikes and it's eys had turned blood red. On it's forehead, although, was a new eye. Darien stood up quickly and backed away slowly.[/COLOR][/SIZE] [SIZE=1][COLOR=red][B]"Foolish human!"[/b][/COLOR] [COLOR=indigo]A new voice boomed from the now bigger blob,[/COLOR][COLOR=red][b]" How dare you laugh at my servant!? I am the Puppet master, and using my E-Virus to control this Baby Digimon, I shall destroy you! Unless, you join with me, in which you would have powers beyong your imagination."[/b][/COLOR] [COLOR=indigo] "Forget it! I'd rather die then help you!" Darien spat, now quite a few feet away from the digimon. Chilling laughter filled his ears, [/SIZE][/COLOR][SIZE=1][COLOR=red][b]"Very well, human. I must admit you show spirit. But spirit alone ownt help you now! And, by the way, Pichimon here? He knows nothing of fighting you. He is but an innocent. Do you have enough spirit to kill an innocent, I wonder? Kill him, Pichimon!"[/COLOR][/b][/SIZE] [SIZE=1][COLOR=indigo] The eye vanished, and almost instantly Pichimon shouted out "Tidal Bubbles!" Darien jumped narrowly missing the giant bubbles. "It's no use, human! Your death is my victory!" "I wont go down without a fight!" With an inhuman roar, Pichimon sped towards Darien with amazing speed. Darien held his ground, when suddenly, everything around him went black again, but he was still concious to his knowing. He blinked, confused, when everything was illuminated again by the same symbol from his Email. The Teardrop flashed, and in a flash of bright green light, a small electronic device appeared in Damien's hand. Out of nowhere, a phrase appeared in his head. Holding the digivice above his head dramatically, he bellowed to no one, "CREST WEAPON ACTIVATE!" The world sped back to meet him, and to his suprise, he was now, instead of the digivice, holding a long, beautifully crafted glaive. Pichimon stopped in mid-charge, apparently startled at the appearance of the weapon. Darien blinked again, and suddenly struck with a new inspiration, charged at the frozen Digimon. Withing attacking distance of Pichimon, he brought the Glaive into a graceful spinning arc, cutting off the main horn on its forehead. Pichimon blinked in suprise as the horn slowly slid off its face, and a sphere emerged from the fresh wound. "The E-Virus..." Darien muttered to himself, and before he could get a grip, he lunged the Glaive into the center of the sphere, decimating it. He looked down to the now normal sized Pichimon and smiled, it was actually pretty cute. "Thank you for saving me, s-sir." The little thing stuttered. "No prob, little buddy. Can you tell me just what the hell is going on here?" The appreciative Pichimon told him everything Darien could possibly want to know. "And, there are more like you, too! You can find them with the Digivice you posess." "That little electronic thing?" Pichimon nodded enthusiastically, and instantly the Glaive in Darien's hand turned into the same device it had been before it changed. "Well, thank you, buddy. I'll be sure to find these guys and save this place." "Thank you! The Digiworld is in the human's hands now! Good luck." Looking down at the digivice, he noticed two simultanious beeps near him. With a backward wave to Pichimon, Darien was off on his journey.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  20. [COLOR=indigo][SIZE=1] Michelle sat up with a start, the soft blankets falling around her. She looked around, panicked, not knowing where she was. "Oh mon dieu, l'OH mon dieu, où suis-je ? Est-ce que je suis mort ?" She spoke hyserically in French "Be calm, my girl." A clear voice rang beside her. A man with a long, silver beard down to his feet and half moon spectacles smiled at her sweetly. Dumbledore himself. "Professeur Dumbledore ! Que faites-vous ici ?" She asked, not realizing her mistake. Dumbledore laughed and put a wrinkled hand on her shoulder, calming her down. "Ms.Antionette, I may be able to speak Mermish, Troll, and Chinese, but I am afraid French is not my strong point." "Oh, I am sorry, Professor. Why are you-?" Dumbledore stood up then, looking very serious. He was about to start when the door to the hospital wing flew open and Imi stormed in, followed by another Slytherin Michelle had never seen. Almost intsantly Imi was hugging Michelle, her face still red from crying. "I am so sorry, Michelle! I am such a klutz, it's all my fault!" Michelle gently pushed her away, "What do you mean its your fault? It was my choice to dive in after you!" She joked, and Imi grinned, relieved that Michelle didn't blame her. Dumbledore made a slight coughing noise that caught the attention of the girls. "Well, Ms.Kagimi and Mr. Uchiyama, looks like you have come just in time for the explanation." He motioned for them to sit on the chairs near Michelle's bed, and began. "Now, you all should know that a few years back, the Triwizard Tournament was held here at Hogwarts. The second task was for the four champions to dive down to the bottom of the lake outside and retrieve a close friend of theirs, or, in one champion's case, her younger sister. This champion, Fleur Delacour, was attacked by grindylows before she made it to her sister, Gabrielle. She was bit and scratched by the creatures, which in turn made her bleed. Fleur is part veela as you may know, and it is a fact that any Veela blood spilled will effect the next veela to touch the lake. It has a different effect on each veela...but," "I am [i]not[/i] a veela!" Michelle interrupted angrily. Dumbledore nodded solemnly, "You are, my dear. I do believe it is impossible not to notice that every young man stares at you as you walk by." "But my whole family is composed of Muggles, Professor!" Michelle cried incredulously. "Well, I guess thats not true, because without a doubt you are a veela. I suppose Madam Promfrey will want to make sure you are in top shape before you go. Then, if they would like, your friends may walk you down to what is left of lunch." He nodded and smiled, and swept out of the room.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  21. [COLOR=indigo][SIZE=1] "Imi!" Michelle cried out, not knowing what exactly to do. Imi resurfaced, struggling against something. "Michelle! Help m-" Imi screamed, panicking, before something pulled her under. Michelle threw off her robes, and muttering a charm she had learned in one of her books to allow her to see under water, dived in. She felt all the air escape her lungs as the cold water engulfed her. She resurfaced quickly to refill her depleated lungs, then went back in. The murky water would have been impossible to see through, even with goggles, but the charm acted like flashlights and she could see around her like a clear, sunny day. She looked around frantically, and found Imi struggling to get away from the tentacle of the giant squid. Grabbing on to Imi's arms, Michelle kicked the squid with all her might. It noticeably soften it's grip and Michelle pulled Imi's arms harder. With a loud sucking nose, Imi's leg was pried free. Michelle swam up, still pulling her friend along with her. It would have been harder if Imi wasn't paddling her feet frantically. With a loud gasp from both girls, they took in a sharp breath of air. Michelle helped Imi up onto the bank and struggled up herself, breathing fast and dangerously. "Thanks...Michelle." Imi panted, already regaining her lost oxygen. Michelle gave her a thumbs up weekly, unable to breathe. What was the matter with her? She had stayed under water longer then that before, but never got this kind of reaction. Was their something in the water that made her breathing so tough? Michelle was about to make her thought known, but Imi became hard to see, along with everything around her. "Michelle?" Imi came back into focus momentarily, but went as quickly out, then everything went black. OOC: Hah, Michelle passed out and you wont know why 'till she wakes back up ;).[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  22. [COLOR=indigo][SIZE=1] [B]Current Location: En Route to Rustorboro[/B] Alex bent low over Navy as the Ponyta sped through a thicket of trees, blue flames flowing out madly like a horse's mane. "Ok, Navy, we're almost there. We can rest once we get there, 'aight?" Alex asked over the scream of the wind, and the Ponyta whinnied, being one of the only Pokemon who couldn't even say it's name. Being totally used to the wind pressure while on her Pokemon's back, Alex tightened her leg hold and released her arms, taking out her Pokedex and turning to the Map section. "So... once we get to the Pokemon Center, we can stay there for the night if all goes as planned." She nodded and put it back in her top left vest pocket. She had already registered as a Pokemon trainer, so there was no need to waste her time on that. Blaine had done it the day before she had decided to leave. He also got her tickets for the S.S.Anne to travel from the Island to solid ground. Pangs of homesickness erupted inside of her as Alex remembered Blaine and the island. And him, of course. She couldn't forget Imric. Imric, a boy with little to no friends, and Alex, a popular girl with loads of friends. No one expected them to become friends, but what did they expect? Alex and Imric lived, studied, and played together for years and years. Then he left, and she hadn't heard from him since. Alex snapped back to reality when Navy slowed to a trot, infront of them two boys were sitting on the ground, yelling at eachother about whose fault it was. Alex rubbed her Ponyta's neck lovingly, and, knowing this sign easily, the horse Pokemon stopped completely and, after Alex slid off quietly, whinnied. The older looking boy's head snapped around, almost as if he could recognize that whinny from anywhere. OOC: Bleh, hope this is ok. Having a bit of a writers block, so I needed to find some people to interact with to get my brain working again. Hope you guys don't mind.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  23. [COLOR=indigo][SIZE=1] Shea blushed a bit as he remembered the hug Imi had given him. He shook his head to clear his mind, put his hands behind his head and let a huge yawn. "Tired, Shea?" Ryo asked rhetorically(sp?) laughing. "Shea is always tired, isn't he?" Imi joked, still a little embarassed about the hug. "Hey, a boy needs his sleep, too." Shea said in mock outrage. "Well, I guess it is getting a little bit dark. We could set up camp..." Kayla said intelligently, taking a look at their surroundings. "And, there will be some Pokemon that come out a night soon, so that will be a treat for you guys." At the end of this sentence, Shea fell right down, "Well, I am really tired. All this walking is killing me." 'Oh, stop complaining, Shea! We've barely gone anywhere today!" Imi cried exasperatedly, throwing her hands in the air. Shea just grinned and let Lotad out of its Pokeball.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  24. [COLOR=indigo][SIZE=1] OOC: Thanks, Imi ;). Michelle, who had fallen asleep an hour before class got out, awoke with a jolt as everyone began to talk and storm out of the room. "How nice of you to join us, sleeping beauty." Alex laughed, helping Michelle put her books away in her bag. "How could you stay awake for 2 hours of [i]nothing[/i]?" Michelle sighed, tossing her bag and her silver hair over her shoulder, her eyes only half open. "Beats me. Took notes, though, you can study them later." Michelle thanked Alex, and told her she needed a little fresh air. She waved goodbye and pushed open the huge doors. She took in a large intake of breath and smiled. She loved it here, even if History of Magic was the most boring thing she had even endured, or, atleast the part she was awake for. She looked around, there were a few kids outside, laughing and talking, but she noticed a girl sitting by the lake. "It's that Slytherin..." She muttered to herself. Michelle found herself slowly walking closer, wanting to see the lake by trying to keep her distance. When she got to the edge of the lake, she sat on the balls of her feet and peered in, seeing if there was anything interesting. "You should be careful, there's a giant squid in that lake."[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  25. [COLOR=indigo][SIZE=1] Name: Alexandria Clements Age: 17 Appearance: [URL=http://www.atpictures.com/display.php?g=x&img=xclamp127.jpg]Close up of Alex's face[/URL] [URL=http://www.atpictures.com/display.php?g=x&img=xclamp096.jpg]Alex's Outfit [/URL] Personality: Outgoing, carefree, and very friendly. Alex takes everything in stride and has been known to make a joke out of everything. When it is needed, however, Alex can get deadly serious and focused. She is pretty calm in most situations, which comes in handy quite a bit in dangerous places. In battle, she shows unmatchable spirit and determination. She has a strong sense of justice which can ruin her sense of what is right and what is wrong. Pokemon: Shiny (blue) Ponyta- Navy(female) [img] http://www.pokemonelite2000.com/pkrssh253.gif[/img] Profile: Alex was born to two famous Pokemon breeders on Cinnabar island near Blaine's gym. Alex has always been very interested in all kinds of Pokemon, and spent most of the time exploring the land around them. Blaine took an immediate liking to the girl, saying that even by the age of 5 she had great potential to become a great trainer. Alex's parents wanted their only daughter to become a great breeder like her cousin, Brock. But, wanting only for Alex to be happy, and knowing her life dream was to become a great trainer, they let her move into Blaine's gym to train and learn all she can. Alex considered Blaine a father figure to her, and she adored him. She never missed a battle of his since she was ten, and she kept a detailed record of each battle to study afterwards. Blaine gave Alex her Ponyta for her thirteenth birthday, telling her it was an extremely rare one he had sought out for his pupil and traded one of his lesser Pokemon for it from a Pokemon breeder in Hoen. Since that day, Alex was never seen without the horse Pokemon. She did not start training it until she was 14, though, as she was still busy learning all she could from her mentor. She did keep Ponyta in shape by racing it in the small races and riding it everywhere. Ponyta has won many races and Alex keeps all of her trophies in her old room. Blinded by her love for Pokemon, Alex only wants to catch the villain to protect them. Imi, maybe in the RPG our characters can know eachother because they both lived in Blaine's gym. Anyway, hope everything is ok, Assasin. [/COLOR][/SIZE]
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