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Everything posted by Muse

  1. [COLOR=indigo][SIZE=1] Real name: Darien Wyland Nickname: Eagle Age: 17 Appearance: [URL=http://www.atpictures.com/display.php?g=x&img=xclamp023.jpg]A close up of Darien's face[/URL] [URL=http://www.atpictures.com/display.php?g=x&img=xclamp083.jpg]Darien's Clothing, don't mind the hair+eye color change ^^[/URL] Tribe: Poppers Skill: Darien, being very charming and handsome, is very good at persuasion and bribery, but he also acts as a spy for the Poppers because he can make himself either stand out in the crowd, or be invisible in the crowd. He can also see through people when they are lying, and a rumor has been going around that it is his eyes that can see through souls. He denies it, of course, but it doesn't stop him from easily recognizing when someone is lying. Weapons: A Japanese Katana, and two Desert Eagle Handguns that he is famous for. Bio: Born into a very rich and powerful family, Darien was easily spoiled as a child. He uses this to his advantages, however, because when he wants to be noticed by whomever he is spying on, he has some very high class suits that draw alot of attention. His parents where in the Poppers tribe, so therefore Darien has been with them his whole life. He has obviously become a very important figure in the Poppers, easily being the most charming and good looking, using these as traits as 'skills' he has taken down many Crushers in his time. Darien got his nickname because of his impeccable aim with his Desert Eagle Handguns, and because of his eyes that seem to see everything around him. Hope this is all ok, spyda.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  2. [COLOR=indigo][SIZE=1] [B]Name:[/B] Darien Enoki [B]Age:[/B] 16 [B]Gender:[/B] Male [B]Crest:[/B] Purity/Sincerity [B]Crest Weapon:[/B] Purity Glaive[URL=http://art.slimemansion.com/original/aquaalps/024ishizuka.jpg] This is only a picture of the Glaive, I have a picture for the description below.[/URL] [B]Appearance:[/B] [B]Special Attacks:[/B] [B]Soul Assault:[/B] In Darien's right hand he hold the Purity Glaive. Using his fingers only, he spins it around, constantly gaining speed. As it gains momentum, it starts glowing green, the color of his crest. At its fullest, it is bright green and it send out small, whispy green energy balls at the enemy. [B]Phantom Illusion:[/B] Holding the Glaive in both hands at the handle, Darien points it at the opponent. To the one he is pointing the Glaive at, an illusion that all around him are invisible and causes him to be weak and defenceless. [B]Pure Soul:[/B] This is Darien's most draining and powerful attack. Darien's eyes glow a faint green and he lifts his Glaive straight up into the air with is left hand. It again starts glowing green, but brighter quicker. In one sudden flick of his wrist, he points it straight down then thrusts it downwards and stops suddenly when the very tip of the top of the Glaive. In the next moment, the opponent, now extremely confused, is engulfed with green light coming from underneath him. The enemy's soul is somewhat tortured and killed, which leaves it weak and inches from death. [URL=http://art.slimemansion.com/original/destiny/018emo.jpg]Darien 1[/URL] [URL=http://art.slimemansion.com/original/destiny/011boxed.jpg]Darien 2[/URL] [URL=http://art.slimemansion.com/original/junk/03-012zephan.jpg]Darien 3[/URL] Darien stands at a towering 6'0" and is very self-concious about his glasses, but he wears them when he knows he needs to. [B]Personality:[/B] Care-free and a bit of a trouble maker, he treats everything like it's something normal, which comes in handy in tense situatuations. He would never do anything to hurt anyone, unless he feels he has to, and he is always there for anyone to talk to if they want sincere answers and tips. He has a strong sense of justice which can often ruin his judging of what is right and what is wrong. He usually is very calm and collected, and is one of the most intelligent boys his school has seen in a while, but he treats it like nothing, which gets him in deep trouble with his parents. He does not speak his mind very well, so people do not usually know if Darien knows something useful or important. [B]Biography:[/B] Darien grew up in a wealthy community with two over-bearing parents who want nothing more then for their smartest son to suceed in everything he does. Almost everything he does makes his parents angry, even the fact that he gets all A's and B's in school isn't good enough for them. They say that Darien is only holding back, and he could easily get straight A's. And, for this "disgrace of a report card" Darien was grounded for a full month. Darien ran away after this incident to live with his older brother Damien, his favorite sibling and most like a parent to him. Damien was in a car accident soon afterwards, and died soon after. Darien's older sister Seina came to look after her brother and Darien continued his schooling. In the Digital World, Darien wants nothing more then to make sure his new friends never get hurt so he doesn't have to suffer the pain of losing another close person. Leave it up to ULX to create a Digimon RPG I actually want to join :rolleyes: . Hope it's all ok.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  3. [COLOR=indigo][SIZE=1] "Well, this is going to take some time to clean up..." Shea laughed, turning and looking around. He wanted a Pokemon, too. There we're alot of Seedots, but he didn't want one of those... He took out his Pokedex and turned slowly, as the robotic voice told him about each Pokemon around him. "Lotad, a Water/Grass Pokemon..." Shea's Pokedex couldn't finish, he had snapped it shut and yelled something that sounded like "WATER!" excitedly, rushing over to the small blue Pokemon with a large leaf growing out of it's head. "Oh, great, looks like we wont have Shea back for a while," Imi sighed. "Lo-Lotad?" The Lotad said confused, noticing Shea staring at it with a look of over-enthusiastic astonishment. Wanting back it's space bubble, it sent a jet of water straight into the intruder's face. "Mudkip!" Mudkip cried protectively as Shea sat back up, looking a bit dazed. "Lotad!" Both Pokemon gave each other the death 'before-the-battle' stare, when Mudkip charged, using Tackle and quickly sending the Lotad flying. "Good idea, Mudkip. Water attacks wont do much damage to it, tackle again!" Shea, regaining himself and shouting out his orders. Lotad sent another blast of water, but Mudkip dramatically ran headfirst into the stream and collided headfirst with it's opponent. "Mud, mudkip..?" Mudkip stumbled around like it was drunk, it's eyes out of focus. Lotad looked even worse off, as it had little x's for eyes and was only sitting there. "Pokeball, go!" Shea tossed his Pokeball at the stunned Lotad, the red light engulfing it. The ball shook once...twice...three times, and the little 'ding!' rang through the air and Shea whooped triumphantly. "Hey! I wanted that Pokemon!" Cried a girl a few feet infront of him, in the same pose as Maia's opponent. "So?" Shea asked, sounding genuinely confused. "I will battle you for it!" The girl said smugly. "Oh, uh.." "You can do it, Shea! You can beat this pushover!" Imi called out, and Shea, always trying to impress the ladies, agreed. "Good, one on one, 'cuz I only have a Wurmple..." She trailed off, a little disapointed. But, she grinned again and sent out the worm Pokemon. "Go, Mudkip! Use Water Gun and Tackle and you know what to do!" Shea shouted instantly, pointing at the Wurmple. Mudkip used Water Gun, and once again using it as the perfect form of cover, ran through it as it sped towards its unknowing opponent. "Wurmple, Stringshot!" But, as Wurmple had no clue where Mudkip was, shot it out in every direction, missing terribly. "Wurmple?" It said, confused. At that moment, the water blast hit it square on, as well as the tackle, sending it crashing into a tree, knocking it out. The girl picked it up, howling, and ran away. "Hah, no one takes [i]my[/i] Lotad." Shea muttered triumphantly, to no one in particular.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  4. [COLOR=indigo][SIZE=1] [B]Name:[/B] Robin Blackburn [B]Age:[/B] 16 [B]Code-Name:[/B] Pyro (Not the movie Pyro, of course. Robin knows nothing of him.) [B]Mutation/Powers:[/B] As her name suggests, Robin can control and create the element of fire. It has almost no limits, but, if it becomes way too powerful for her to control, she will have an "episode" where she loses control and fire erupts from her body in all directions. After each episode, she blacks out and has been known to stay unconsious for more then five days, depending on how serious her episode was. Although Robin does not know it, her powers are tied to her emotions, so however p'od she gets, the more likely it is for her to destroy everything around her. Also, she has an immunity to fire, so it does not hurt her in any way. [B]Side:[/B] Xavier [B]Description:[/B] [URL=http://www.psycko-manga.com/gallery/babe/12-9.htm]Robin[/URL] Robin stands at about five foot seven, and her pants are all buttoned and belted up. [B]Personality:[/B] Robin is very cautious and and reserved around strangers, generally very shy. But, with aquaintances, she is very warm and friendly. It is very easy for Robin to warm up to anyone, but she does not believe in second chances, so if you do anything to make her outraged, you will have lost a very loyal and valuable friend. When she was younger, she was very hyperactive, which led to her immediate downfall as a child. Now, she is always very calm, knowing what will happen if she gets too worked up. [B]Nationality:[/B] Italian [B]Bio:[/B] Robin was born to a wealthy family of Italian Lamorghini designers, so, as a child, she was spoiled rotten with gifts and other extravagances. Her younger brother, Michael, was the most important thing in Robin's life. He was the perect younger brother, blond curls, large blue eyes, sweet, and never in the way. She lived for her brother, her parents always at work or at parties. Robin, aged 7, and Michael, aged 5 , as usual, were playing while they were home alone at night. Things got a little heated, and an arguement started, causing Robin to start yelling at her brother. The last thing she remembers before blacking out was an intense heat, and her brother screaming. When Robin awoke a half an hour later, the house was on fire, and her brother was lying in the middle of the room, full of 3rd degree burns and barely alive. By the time she carried him outside, the firetrucks and ambulances were there. And the parents. Robin quickly told them what happened, a mistake. Robin's father quickly took Michael from his daughter, giving her an utter look of disgust. So, she ran. She was no longer welcomed to her home. Robin now hides her emotions behind smiles, hating herself inside. She does not know if Michael is still alive, and it pains her too know that if he isn't, the last thing she ever did with him was scream at him. Robin ran and ran, eventually being tracked down by people calling themselves the "X-Men." They told her they knew of her powers, and that they could help her control them, so that she would never hurt anyone again. Although whenever her emotions get too high, she still has an espisode, Robin has learned the gist of her powers, and now vows to find out if her beloved brother is still alive. Hope this is ok, vicky.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  5. Muse

    Wild Angels

    [COLOR=indigo][SIZE=1] The crowd went wild after Kelsei's song. Simply wild, everyone jumped to their feet and clapped. "Thanks, everyone! Now, I know most of you know who we are, but for the new fans out 'ere, let me introduce, The Wild Angels!" Kelsei shouted happily. She introduced David, Alley, Sam, and herself, "And, our awesome drummer, Matt McCarthy!" Before anyone could clap, Matt started playing one of his face-melting solos, just to get his air-time in the concert, as most of the songs they played had either a small solo or no solo. When he finished, he crossed his sticks and held them up, shouting. His bandmates laughed and joined in, holding up their instuments and such. "Thank you for coming on behalf of the group, and I hope we passed the audition!" He exclaimed, using another one of his Beatle-jokes, walking off stage with the others. "Always one for stardom, eh, Mattie?" David joked as Matt signed a few autographs on the way out. Matt rolled his eyes, "I wouldn't be talking, Davie." Two girls had run up and tried to kiss David, but were shooed away by Ally.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  6. [COLOR=indigo][SIZE=1] Michelle smiled, returning the gesture. "My name is Michelle Antionette. Herbology is really dumb, eh?" She added randomly, making sure Prof. Sprout wasn't listening. She wasn't, the hysterical Ravenclaw was still screaming at the Snare. "Uh," Elliot started, a bit suprised at the suddeness of the remark, "Oh, yeah, Herbology is pretty boring." He finished, nodding. "I am really excited for Defense Against the Dark Arts." Michelle told him, casually repotting the Devil's Snare into the bigger pot. "Yeah, I had that first thing this morning. It was erm...interesting." Michelle laughed as Elliot told him about Professor Lupin's little mishap. "Thank you children! Now, off to your double classes!" Sprout called out happily, finally calming down the Ravenclaw. Michelle waved goodbye to Elliot and walked off with Alex to History of Magic.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  7. [COLOR=indigo][SIZE=1] Sounds very interesting, vicky. [B]Name:[/B] Seiko "Sei" Enoki [B]Age:[/B] 24 [B]Element:[/B] Fire and Sun [B]Gender:[/B] Female [B]Nationality:[/B] Japanese [B]Powers:[/B] She can teleport in a flash of fire, control fire and rise the temperature. Unlike her God, Apollo, Sei is quite skinny, giving her much more speed then him. Her special power is that she can create her own, powerful shield of fire that can withstand even water at its fullest potential. [B]Weapons:[/B] [i]Kasei[/i], the sword in her picture below. Kasei is a Japanese term for "Force of the Flames" which is a perfect description of the long sword. Sei, being trained so well in the art of swordplay, only makes this sword more lethal. Kasei, at Sei's will, can instantly be set on a ruthless fire. Sei also has a bow and a quiver of arrow that, much like Apollo's Helios, always seems to find their targets. [B]Description:[/B] [URL=http://www.muvgallery.com/albums/mkrayhearth/manga/mkray024.jpg]Seiko Enoki[/URL] [B]Biography:[/B] Sei started learning the ancient arts of Kendo at an early age with a fierce loyalty to it. Now, because of her tireless training, she is very skilled with any kind of blade. Besides being good at swordplay, Sei was proclaimed somewhat of a genius, and has just finished college. Dreaming of starting her own Kendo class, she joined a simple dojo to make sure she wasn't rusty, and to win a couple tournaments to earn her money. This is where she was found by her God, Apollo, who told her of the evil En-Sabah-Nur, and of her destiny. A bit disbelieving at first, Sei finally gave in to the fact after Apollo showed and taught her the powers of Fire and Sun. Apollo gave her Kasei and the armor and clothing she wears today. I hope this is all ok, vicky. Tell me if you want me to change anything.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  8. [COLOR=indigo][SIZE=1] [b][u][center]OB Character[/b][/u][/center] [B]Name/Codename:[/B] DaisukeAngel/ The Kitty [B]Age:[/B] 16 [B]Gender:[/B]Female [B]Appearance:[/B] Avatar [URL=http://www.atpictures.com/display.php?g=dnangel&img=dnangel011.jpg]Here's another[/URL] [URL=http://www.atpictures.com/display.php?g=dnangel&img=dnangel003.jpg]And Another[/URL] [URL=http://www.atpictures.com/display.php?g=dnangel&img=dnangel070.jpg]In the middle this time.[/URL] [B]Personality:[/B] DaisukeAngel is happy-go-lucky, and has no problems speaking her mind, even if it gets her into trouble. She, like many others, lives in the RPG forum, only occasionally leaving to check out the other forums. She has a strong sense of justice that can sometimes ruin her opinion of what is right and what is wrong. She is a tomboy, if you will notice her preferred appearance. She is a bit sarcastic in a humorous way, but she tends to get a little carried away at times. She is pretty trusting of people, but she has a knack for freaking them and little children away. [B]Biography:[/B] DaisukeAngel has lived here on OB for atleast 2 or 3 years, with different screenames that she cannot remember. She has a knack for joining too many RPGs that she can handle. Though she has created quite a few sucessful RPs, she likes to join other much better. She has a pet peeve of people with bad grammar and spelling, but she has learned to be a bit more tolerant. Much like Quad, she had a bad habbit of leaving the boards for a while when she thought there were absolutely no good role plays or she had no ideas for one. DaisukeAngel's life revolves around role playing, to put it simply. These days, she hangs around, obviously, in the Adventure Arena, only sometimes drifting away to the Lounge, but usually not even posting. [B]Movie Morph:[/B] Puss in Boots from Shrek 2 [B][center][u]Movie Morph Character[/b][/center][/u] [B]Name:[/B] Puss in Boots (Known as Puss to all) [B]Movie:[/B] Shrek 2 [B]Gender:[/B] Male [B]Appearance:[/B] [URL=http://www.aintitcool.com/display.cgi?id=16362]Puss! [/URL] [B]Powers:[/B] Cute, charming, really cute, darn good with his sword, and he is so cute! Wait... Did I say that already? [B]Annoying Quirk(s):[/B] Puss gets hairballs, and he cleans himself and the worst times. You know what I mean. [B]Stereotype:[/B] The cute little dude who can actually kick your *** with no problem. [B]Personality:[/B] Puss is a bit sarcastic, but he has a certain charm about him that makes him irresistable to women and when he makes his [strike]puppy[/strike] kitty eye face, no one can resist the urge to pet him. Puss is a little arrogant at times, but who cares anyways? DaisukeAngel and Puss are alike only because the sense of humor and always the wrong sense of timing. OOC: You guys have no idea how long it took me to figure out who I wanted to be in this RPG, lol. I hope everythings fine, Joko.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  9. [COLOR=indigo][SIZE=1] Michelle watched as, after a few more tries, Alex levitated the feather with ease. She grinned and gave her the thumbs up, then looked up to the board for the homework. She said goodbye to Kevin and Maura as the call filed out. "What's next?" She asked, having no clue where her schedule went off to. "Herbology with the Ravenclaws." She replied, eyeing her list. "Do we have any ideas where that is?" Michelle asked, totally confused. "I am pretty sure it's outside in those greenhouses..." Alex answered, stepping cautiously on the stairs incase they moved again. When they reached the main floor of the castle, they saw many first year Gryffindors and Ravenclaw pouring out of the giant doors. Alex and Michelle, clueless on where to go, simply followed their classmates to the greenhouses. "Welcome, class! I am Professor Sprout, your Herbology Teacher! If you would please partner up for our first lesson?" A dumpy little witch introduced herself, grinning at her class. Michelle and Alex quickly partnered up, as they did not know anyone from Ravenclaw as of yet. "Splendid! Now, if you all would please take a look at your potting plants infront of you, you might notice a strange plant. This plant is known as Devils Snare. Devil's Snare is composed of a mass of soft, springy tendrils and vines that possess some sense of touch. Devil's Snare uses its creepers and tendrils to ensnare anyone who touches it, binding their arms and legs and eventually choking them. The harder a person struggles against Devil's Snare, the more faster and more tightly it binds them; if they relax, it will not kill them as quickly. Devil's Snare prefers a dark, damp environment and shrinks away from fire, so a well-placed flame spell such as Bluebell Flames will drive it away from its victims. But, as you will notice, these are very young, so they prove no harm to you as of yet." 'Prof. Sprout explained that the main purpose of the lesson was transferring the Devils Snare to a bigger pot so it could grow larger. "Why would anyone want to make this thing bigger?" Michelle asked sarcastically, as the baby Snare wrapped around her finger painfully before she moved the plant from its shadowed spot into the light and it hissed, crawling deeper into the dirt and releasing it's grip.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  10. [COLOR=indigo][SIZE=1] OOC: Sorry, guys, I have been really busy lately, what with school and my other RPGs. Shea sat miserably down onto one of the many chairs in the Pokemon Center. This trip, so far, sucked majorly. Imi wouldn't leave him alone, and everyone else thought of of him as a joke. "So you admit that Torchic could beat your Mudkip in a Pokemon contest?" "Just let it go!" He cried out angrily, causing everyone in the room to glance at him, "So far, Imi, you have made this trip unbearable! This was supposed to be the trip that made me some great Pokemon trainer like I always wanted! But with you, every second it seems you start another fight with me, which means I have no time to even look for Pokemon!" That sudden burst caused all the people to plain out turn and stare at him. Imi looked dumbstruck, and Shea stood up and stormed outside with Mudkip. OOC: Looks like Shea is having a little teenage angst problem ::innocent look::. Sorry for the shortness, too. Very early and very tired where I am.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  11. [COLOR=indigo][SIZE=1] "Would you like to be my partner, Kevin?" Michelle asked happily, still pleased with herself that she had just swore at a 4th year Slytheirn. He looked a bit startled at her offer at first, "Oh, ok, Michelle. What do we need to do?" He asked, laughing. "Swish and flick, students! Remember the incantation is [i]"Wingardium Leviosa!"[/i]" Tiny Prof. Flitwick cried, levitating a feather, greatly impressing his students. Michelle, after finishing the chapter, practiced the movements, snapping her wrists perfectly. [i]"Wingardium Leviosa!"[/i] She muttered, swishing and flicking at the feather. At first, it only levitated a couple centimeters, "What do I do now?" She whispered to Kevin, not wanting anyone else to know of her stupidity. "Try guiding it up..." He muttered back, flipping through the chapter. Michelle nodded and slowly moved her wrist up, the feather followed as if it were being pulled by an invisible string. "Excellent, Ms. Antionette! 5 points to Gryffindor!" Michelle blushed, and watched as everyone started to work the charm out perfectly, and Prof. Flitwick handed out the 5 points to the first Hufflepuff as well. "I hope all of our classes are this easy." She sighed, watching as Kevin made his feather spin around like a top carelessly. "Don't count on it."[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  12. [COLOR=blue][SIZE=1] OOC: I'm sorry, I forgot, goddess. Since you're the only one who is in fourth year, I suppose you could be in the same class as us, or, if you want, i'll make you an agenda. Michelle sighed and told Alex she would see her later. She flipped her braid over her shoulder and stood up. She didn't get anything anymore. She had been treated differently her whole life because of her appearance. She never thought she would be treated strangely because her parents were muggles. What did it matter? She was a witch, after all, what did it matter what her parents were? "Watch where you are going, mudblood!" She had run into someone, Isaac, Imi's older brother. She looked around and noticed the hall was filled with students, Samantha was on the other side of the hall. "Sorry, didn't pay attention to where I was going." She muttered angrily. "Don't talk to me like that, mudblood, you don't deserve to." He told her, his face still red from Sam's previous remark. "Hybride..." She spat at him in French. "Look, the mudblood's speaking gibberish!" Isaac laughed to his fellow Slytherins. "No, actually," Michelle replied calmly, getting his attention again, looking into his eyes calmly, " I just called you a ba**ard in French." There were laughs from the other students, and Michelle walked away towards Gryffindor house, leaving Isaac in a stupor.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  13. [COLOR=indigo][SIZE=1] OOC: Ok, thanks to Quad for the help, we know have class schedules. And, ULX, whenever you have your character going to talk to Dumbledore, I will take it from there. *Key- Class # -- Class -- Prof. -- Time -- Other House [b]Hufflepuff[/b] 1st Class -- Charms -- Prof. Flitwick-- 9:00-10:00-- Gryffindor 2nd Class -- Transfiguration -- Prof. McGonagall-- 10:00-11:00-- Slytherin 3rd Class -- Potions -- Prof. Snape -- 11:00- 1:00 (Double) -- Ravenclaw Passing/Free Time 1:00-1:30 Lunch From 1:30-2:25 4th Class -- Herbology -- Prof. Sprout -- 2:30-3:30 -- Slytherin 5th Class -- Defense Against the dark Arts -- Prof. Lupin -- 3:30-4:30 -- Gryffindor 6th Class -- History of Magic -- Prof. Binns -- 4:30-5:30 -- Ravenclaw [b]Slytherin[/b]1st Class?Defense against the Dark Arts-- Prof. Lupin-- 9:00-10:00-- Ravenclaw 2nd Class-- Transfiguration-- Prof. McGonagall-- 10:00-11:00--Hufflepuff 3rd Classes-- History of Magic-- Prof. Binns.-- 11:00-1:00 (Double)-- Gryffindor Passing/Free Time 1:00-1:30 Lunch from 1:30-2:25 4th Class-- Herbology --Prof. Sprout-- 2:00-3:30- Hufflepuff 5th Class- Charms-- Prof. Flitwick?3:30-4:30-- Ravenclaw 6th Class-- Potions-- Prof. Snape-- 4:30-5:30?Gryffindor [b]Ravenclaw[/b] 1st Class?Defense Against The Dark Arts?Prof. Lupin?9:00-10:00?Slytherin 2nd Class?Herbology?Prof. Sprout?10:00-11:00--Gryffindor 3rd Class?Potions?Prof. Snape?11:00-1:00 (double)?Hufflepuff Passing/Free Time 1:00?1:30 Lunch From 1:30-2:25 4th Class?Transfiguration?Prof. McGonagall?2:30-3:30--Gryffindor 5th Class?Charms?Prof. Flitwick?3:30-4:30?Slytherin 6th Class?History of Magic?Prof. Binns?4:30-5:30--Hufflepuff [b]Gryffindor[/b] 1st Class?Charms?Prof. Flitwick?9:00-10:00?Hufflepuff 2nd Class?Herbology?Prof. Sprout?10:00-11:00?Ravenclaw 3rd Class?History of Magic?Prof Binns?11:00-1:00 (double)?Slytherin Passing/Free Time 1:00-1:30 Lunch From 1:30-2:25 4th Class?Transfiguration?Prof. McGonagall?2:30-3:30?Ravenclaw 5th Class?Defense Against the Dark Arts?Prof. Lupin?3:30-4:30?Hufflepuff 6th Class?Potions?Prof. Snape?4:30-5:30--Slytherin Please, in your next post, write something about reading these. Thanks. IC: Michelle took a seat next between Samantha and Alex and the Gryffindor table, her long silver hair tied into a neat braid down to her waist. Samantha was reading a newpaper, and Michelle casually looked over to see the news. "Those pictures are moving!" She exclaimed, almost jumping out of her seat. Samantha laughed, "What else would they be doing?" "Pictures don't move where I come from." Michelle admitted, smiling. "So, are you a mudblood, veela?" Came a sneering voice behing her. Michelle turned around, a girl she recognized from the sorting was standing there, obviously on the way out. "A mud..blood?" She muttered, confused, racking her brain for that word, but coming up a blank. "Mudbloods are so stupid!" Imi laughed, and then leaned in close incase a teacher was listening. "It means you were born to muggle parents." Michelle cocked an eyebrow, "So?" Imi frowned, "Being a mudblood lowers your status to dirt, pretty girl. You have no rights to be here. This is a school for pure blood wizards, and that is it." This statement left Michelle in a blurr of hatred for this girl, and confusion. Imi laughed then left the hall with her older brother. "Petite chienne méchante," Michelle swore in French, slipping into her native tounge on purpose in case a teacher was listening. "Don't even listen to her, Michelle. In truth, people like her should be kicked out of Hogwarts, not muggle-born Wizards and Witches."[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  14. [COLOR=blue][SIZE=1] Michelle sighed and sat on her bed, no intentions of sleeping as of yet. Her bed was located next to Alex, and she couldn't help but notice her drawing something on her sketch pad. "You are a good drawer," She started, Alex looked a bit suprised, but smiled anyways. "Oh, thank you," she slapped herself in the head, forgetting her name. "Michelle," Michelle finished, laughing, her light French accent causing her to elongate the 'i' making it sound like "Meechelle." "Oh, sorry. Listen, I don't want to sound intruding or anything, but I noticed many of the guys calling you a veela. Do you know what that is?" Michelle sighed, "Well, a veela is a sort of French 'creature' with hair and eyes like my own that have the power to sort of take control of men and make them do as they wish because of their beauty. I am not one, though." She added, uncertainly. Alex nodded, making sure to make this into a mental note for herself. "So, what houses were your parents, or parent, in?" Alex asked, changing the subject as she noticed the uneasiness in Michelle's voice. "Oh, well, both of my parents are muggles." She told her simply, shrugging. She remembered the two Slytherins punching the Gryffindor, and her face flushed with anger. If she was anywhere near those Slytherins, she would have made her opinion known. "You ok?" Alex asked suddenly, causing Michelle to jump. "Oh, yeah, just wondering where my Owl was," she half lied and half spoke the truth. OOC: Ok, I am going to let everyone become familiar with everyone before I hand out the class schedules, whoever wants to help can PM me.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  15. [COLOR=indigo][SIZE=1] The first years in the back of Hogwarts stared anxiously at their surroundings. The great hall was alive with the dull roar of the students, and candles floated above the four house tables, illuminating the large room. The headmaster, Albus Dumbledore, stood up slowly, waving his hand, signaling the students to be silent. "This year my speech will not be as long as the past year, when we graciously welcomed back our Defence Against The Dark Arts Teacher, Professor Remus Lupin." The man stood up, beaming from ear to ear, then sat back down humbly as the room erupted into applause and whistling. "So, as there are no new teachers to present to you, lets start the sorting so we can have some of our delicious food!" A woman in a bright green cloak and brown hair pulled into a tight bun walked forward, holding a list. A short man walked behind her, holding a stool with an old hat ontop of it. The woman thanked the man, revealing his name to the first years as Professor Flitwick. Then she herself told the new students her name was Professor McGonagall, and there was some murmur as the students recognized her name from their acceptance letter. She cleared her throat strictly, and their was instant hush from the first years. "Now," she began, looking at her papers, "when I call your name you will come forward and sit on the stool, then place the hat on your head." "Uchiyama, Zeos." A boy with brown hair and blue eyes gave his fellow first years a smirk and walked forwards, placing the ratty hat over his silver bangs. Nothing happened for a while, but, making Zeos and the others jump, it shouted, "[b]Slytherin![/b]. He looked rather pleased with himself as he strode over to the farthest table, being welcomed and congratulated by his fellow slytherins. "Trepas, Maura." A girl with easily noticeable purple hair and green eyes walked quietly over to the stool. Almost instantly, the Sorting Hat screamed, "[b]Hufflepuff![/b] She smiled shyly and walked over to the Hufflepuff table where her fellow mates grinned at her. "Tristan, Alex." Another girl with green eyes walked forwards, smiling happily. She slipped the hat over her long brown hair, and in a few minutes it decided, "[b]Gryffindor![/B] Alex looked pleased with herself as the Gryffindor table exploded with applause and shouting. "Sanders, Kevin." Many students giggled as a boy with bright yellow hair stepped over to the stool. It took the hat quite a while, but soon, "[b]Hufflepuff![/b] He smiled and walked over and sat next to Maura, being told that the Hufflepuff colors would go well with his hair. "Lasher, Eillot." A boy with curly black hair and dark blue eyes put on the hat slowly, a bit nervous. It only touched his head for a second before it screamed, "[b]Ravenclaw![/b] The first Ravenclaw bounded over to his table, smiling as he was pat on the back and welcomed. "Kagimi, Imi." A girl with long blue hair stepped forwards, scowling at the other students. The hat was inches above her head before it shouted, "[b]Slytherin![/b]" She allowed herself a smug smile and sat down next to an older boy who looked like her brother. "Corvisa, Hayley" Another girl walked forwards, her long brown hair trailing behind her. The Sorting Hat took quite a while before she too was announced a [b]Slytherin[/b]. She looked a little dissapointed at first, but smiled as she realized all the applause from the table was for her. "Aubergrine, Kate." The third girl in a row, and second to last, put the hat on her head and closed her grey-blue eyes in anticipation. "[b]Ravenclaw![/b]" The suddeness of the shout made the Kate jump off her seat, to the enjoyment of all the tables except Ravenclaw, who were busy applauding. "Antionette, Michelle." There were gasps from almost every boy in the room. A girl with long, silvery blonde hair and large, deep blue eyes stepped forwards nervously. There were moans of disapproval as she set the hat on her head, which in turn fell over her eyes and the visible part of her hair. The longest time passed before it pronounced her as the second [b]Gryffindor[/b], and all the boys of Gryffindor stood up, shouting "We got the veela!" "Hush, all of you." McGonagall told the boys sternly, rolling up the parchment and returning to the teacher table. "And now," Dumbledore said in his wheezy, tired voice, "we eat!" Delicious food appeared out of nowhere, and everyone dug in ravenously, talking and laughing. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BTW, I will need some people to be the leader for each house, to make the class times and things. The first one to post for their house will have that responsibility, unless they don't want it. If no one wants it I will do it for the house. Make sure to post if you want it or not if you are the first one or after someone who doesn't wan't it.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  16. [COLOR=blue][SIZE=1] Ok, I am going to start this up. Sign Ups are closed because I really don't like RPGs where there are alot of people. Some of you may agree with me, it gets very confusing![/COLOR][/SIZE]
  17. Muse

    Wild Angels

    [COLOR=blue][SIZE=1] Matt dropped down to his knees and held Imi in his arms as she cried. "N-n-no, M-m-matt," she stuttered through her tears, "w-w-e can't, thats why Ally left." She tried to push away, but Matt's strong but comforting grip held her in place. "Shh, it isn't your fault." He whispered as David took a seat next to them, deciding if he should go get her. "That song was about me," she said quietly, regaining herself. "She's having some serious issues about who she likes, me or David." he told her straight out. "How do you know that?" David asked, cocking an eyebrow. Matt grinned, "Sam's read her diary, therefore, I have read her diary."[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  18. Muse

    Wild Angels

    [COLOR=blue][SIZE=1] "Well, they probably ran off to Mexico to start new lives, away from their terrible pasts." He said in a mock- knolwedgeable way. Imi laughed, and Matt smiled at her. He never knew Imi was so fun, she always acted to serious during school. "You know what?" He asked suddenly, "Im gonna teach you the drums." Imi looked suprised, and he pulled her over and set her on his seat, giving her his drumsticks. "Now, these are the snares, and this is the bass drum." He started, and, to show her a little thing on the drums, he grabbed her wrists, and in that split second, he felt his face go red. Startled, he jumped backwords. Imi turned, and he was startled to see that she was a little red in the face. "Are you ok, Matt?" She asked worridly, setting the drumsticks on the kit and standing up. "I just need a little fresh air, i'm asthmetic, so I can't be in closed up spaces for long," He stuttered out his excuses and found the way outside, breathing in the cold air and thinking. He liked Imi.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  19. Muse

    Wild Angels

    [COLOR=blue][SIZE=1] Imi laughed and continued to listen as Matt made a full song out of that little beat he had created. "Wow, Matt, that was really cool! You just thought of that all by yourself?" Matt grinned at her and winked, "Yeah, I did, but, unfortunately, I also just forgot what I did." Imi looked a little sympathetic, but Matt waved it off, "Don't worry. I got plenty of those ideas in my head. It just so happens that no one is ever around to tell me it was a good job or try to make a real song out of it." He added, sadly, realizing he really wasn't taken to seriously as a drummer. Imi nodded, and Matt just smiled, noticing how cute this girl was.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  20. Muse

    Wild Angels

    [COLOR=blue][SIZE=1] Sweat poured down Matt's face as he finished his drum solo for the song and returned to the old beat, adding his back up vocals every now and then. [i]"Silver midnight Eagles in flight Blood red moon, cure the night."[/i] Ally sang up front, perfectly hitting each note. After the end of the song, Matt comically threw up his drumsticks and screamed at the top of his lungs, "I got blisters on my fingers!" All of them laughed, easily recognizing his Beatles joke. The Imi, Ally, and David all started talking about the song as Matt started to play another beat on the drums, and started to sing. Ally stopped and turned, "Whoa, Matt can sing?" David just gave him an icy stare and turned around.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  21. [COLOR=blue][SIZE=1] Perfect, perect. ULX is fine, and Imi's in perfect now, too. I'll post my sign up now, too, because I am royally bored. [B]Name:[/B] Michelle Antionette [B]Age:[/B] 11 [B]Sex:[/B] Female [B]Eye:[/B] Large, deep blue eyes. [B]Hair:[/B] Long, silver blonde down to her waist. [B]Wand:[/B] Unicorn Hair, Mahogany, 8 inches. Very flexible and good for Charm work. [B]House:[/B] [B]Year:[/B] First [B]Personality:[/B] Michelle is charming and bright, beautiful and cheerful. Many people think she is part veela, which she denies, though she does not know herself. She has proven herself a loyal friend and a brave soul, but if anyone gets on her last nerves, she proves to have a fierce temper. She is reliable and very sarcastic at times, but her heart is always in the right place and she is a bit of a class clown. [B]Biography:[/B] Michelle was born in Paris, France, and her Muggle parents decided to move to London, England in the first few years of her life, but not before inheriting a beautiful French accent that does not disrupt her english. Neither her parents nor her knew anything about the wizarding world, and their first experience with it was when Michelle, when she tripped over the railing of their high staircase,and stopped in midair halfway down. It happened when the poor thing was only four years old, so she was traumatized, and now has a severe fear of heights. After recieving her Hogwarts acceptance letter, she read all the books on the Wizarding world in hopes of learning all she could before going to school. Her family is very supportive of her, and she has found out that being born to muggle parents made her a few more enemies then she expected. The only present her parents could get her where her school things (that they bought with the help of a kind wizard, who traded wizard money with muggle money) and a beautiful, moon white owl that Michelle named Fleur after her idol the French part- veela who participated in the Triwizard Tournament with the infamous Harry Potter. Ok, people, edit your signups and sign up![/COLOR][/SIZE]
  22. Muse

    Wild Angels

    [COLOR=blue][SIZE=1] Matt smiled as Ally fell asleep on David's car. "That girl works herself way too hard." He remarked, setting his bags on the ground and seating himself next to them, taking out his trademark dark blue drumsticks and tapping a beat on the pavement. "What are you doing?" David asked curiously, seriously wondering why Matt wanted to stay here. "Well, if I know Ally, and believe me, I do, she'll be sleepin' for quite a while unless someone wakes her up. Sam will be sent by his and Ally's parents to come get her, and I need to find out where he was." Imi and David stared at him in awe, "Very impressive. How do you know all that?" Imi asked, sitting gingerly next to the drummer. "I've slept over at Sam's house every other week since we were really young." He said simply, shrugging. "I see." She said, quietly, tapping her foot to Matt's beat.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  23. Muse

    Wild Angels

    [COLOR=blue][SIZE=1] "Me thinks that our little good girl is lying!" Ally jumped, and David laughed. Matt was standing behind her, his headphones on the lowest setting, but his head was still bobbing up and down. "S-s-shut up, Matthew. I just did want to come talk." Ally defended herself, frowing at her friend. "Oh," Matt nodded enthustiastically and exageratted, "Of course you were. Why don't we get the whole gang and come up to Daivd's house to talk to him. He is such an interesting guy." He added a little sarcastically, but David smirked at him. "Whatever, where is Sam?" Ally asked, suprised that the inseperable two weren't together. "Uh, well, he kinda vanished when we left school." He admitted sadly, his eyes drifting over to the bracelet on his wrist. "So? Is our little prankster sad?" David asked, sarcastically, cocking an eyebrow. "No," Matt snapped back, "it's just the first time we haven't walked home from school, unless one of us was sick."[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  24. [COLOR=blue][SIZE=1] I am afraid none of you are in as of yet except for Imi, who only needs to change her age. I asked that you know alot about Harry Potter for this RPG and only Imi seems to know besides the age problem. Wand cores are Dragon-Heart string, Pheonix Feathers, and Unicorn Hair (I think that's all,) not the oz's you guys were putting. So if you don't know a thing about Harry Potter as it seems to me at the moment, I will not let you into this RPG. It may seem a little rough, but you will need to know alot about the books to get the RPG. [/COLOR][/SIZE]
  25. [COLOR=blue][SIZE=1] Before I start I would like everyone to know that this idea has been done before by Shikaku Kitoku, but, the RPG died quickly. Not saying it was a bad idea, of course, because why would I want to remake it, but, we need some serious RPG'ers to make it work.[/COLOR][/SIZE] [SIZE=1] [center] [B]HOGWARTS SCHOOL[/B] [i]of[/i] [B]WITCHCRAFT[/B] [i]and[/i] [B]WIZARDRY.[/B][/center] [COLOR=indigo][center] Headmaster: Albus Dumbledore [i](Order of Merlin, First Class, Grand Sorc., Chf. Warlock, Supreme Mugwump, International Confed. of Wizards)[/i][/center][/COLOR][/SIZE] [SIZE=1][COLOR=indigo]We are please to inform you that you have been accepted at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Please find enclosed a list of all necessary books and equpment. Term begins on September 1. We await your owl by no later than July 31. Yours sincerely, Minerva McGonagall [i]Deputy Headmistress[/i][/COLOR][/SIZE] [SIZE=1][center] [B]HOGWARTS SCHOOL[/B] [i]of[/i] [B]WITCHCRAFT[/B] [i]and[/i] [B]WIZARDRY.[/B][/center][/SIZE] [COLOR=indigo][SIZE=1][b]UNIFORM[/b] First-year students will require: 1.Three sets of plain work robes (black) 2.One plain pointed hat (black) for day wear. 3.One pair of protective gloves (dragon hide or similar) 4. One winter cloak (black, silver fastenings) Please note that all pupils' clothes should carry name tags. [b]COURSE BOOKS[/b] All students should have a copy of each of the following: [i]The Standard Book of Spells[/i] by Miranda Goshawk [i]A History of Magic[/i] by Bathilda Bagshot [i]Magical Theory[/i] by Adalbert Waffling [i]A Beginner's Guide to Transfiguration[/i] by Emeric Switch [i]One Thousand Magical Herbs and Fungi[/i] by Phyllida Spore [i]Magical Drafts and Potions[/i] Arsneius Jigger [i]Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them[/i] by Newt Scamander [i]The Dark Forces: A Guide to Self-Protection[/i] by Quentin Trimble [b]OTHER EQUIPMENT[/b] 1 wand 1 cauldron (pewter, standard size 2) 1 set glass or crystal phials 1 telescope 1 set brass scales Students may also bring an owl OR a cat OR a toad [b]PARENTS ARE REMINDED THAT FIRST YEARS ARE NOT ALLOWED THEIR OWN BROOMSTICKS[/B][/COLOR][/SIZE] [COLOR=blue][SIZE=1] Now here come the rules. To put it straight, there are no Harry Potters, Ron Weasleys, and Hermione Grangers. This is set after the series, with the same teachers, different students. Do not become an exact remake of a character, either, be original. Also, whenever I seem to start Harry Potter RPGs, there is always one or two kids that want a pet were wolf or they can turn into a unicorn or something. NONE OF THAT! The most outrageous you can go with that stuff is only one of the above pets. And, I will not be letting anyone in if they write like crap. There is not a set number of students, but, I wont be letting in say more then 15 or so because it would get way to complicated. He is the sign up. Be original, people! Name: Age: Sex: Eye: Hair: Wand: (The core, wood, and length. This is just for fun, it isn't too important) House: (Leave this blank. Depending on your personality and biography I will tell you when the RPG starts.) Year: (Everyone is a first year. PM me if you have a good idea and why you want to be a different year or professor/Dumbledore.) Personality: (I dont want everyone to have that character who hates everyone else. Make it detailed.) Biography: (Again, depending on your background and story, you will be sorted into your house.) Ok. I will post my sign up after some of you guys sign up, if you do. We can think of plot turns and the baddie while we are waiting. Any suggestions/questions, PM me.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
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