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[COLOR=blue][SIZE=1] Masen sighed as Micha stromed inside, furious that their little sister had kissed Damien. His eyes wandered over to the small patch of forest that stood near the building. :"You can come out now, Shadow.: he said, mentally, calling out his bond. His beautiful, jet black Panther stalked out of the woods. :I was just about to go hunt some of your meaty little human friends. They look tasty.: His sarcastic friend told him slyly. Masen sighed, sitting next to Shadow's warm figure. :Why did I have to get such a smart-*** for a pet?: He laughed, and Shadow growled at him in mock anger, :A pet? It's more work to take care of you, what with you setting everything in sight on fire every once in a while.: At this moment, Masen smiled and, almost on impulse, lit a small anthill on fire, and the little creatures came out on fire. :You're a cruel one, aren't you?: Shadow asked casually, yawning, and Masen, feeling the pain of the ants for some strange reason, waved his hand over them, the fire dissapearing instantly. "Sorry, little ones," He muttered, and the ants, unharmed, resumed their business as if nothing had happened. :What was Micha so angry about?: Shadow asked. :Fyka kissed Damien, I guess.: He shurgged carelessly. :What do you think about it?: :Fyka is old enough to do what she wants. I am not her guardian, she can choose for her own.: :You are pretty sensible for the town idiot.:[/COLOR][/SIZE]
[COLOR=blue][SIZE=1] [B]Name:[/B] Matthew 'Matt' McCarthy [B]Age:[/B] 17 [B]Appearance:[/B] Matt is the hot guy of the group, and he has alot of girls after him. He has short, dusty (or semi-dirty) blonde hair with amazing blue eyes that look like pools of sapphire underneath his natural messy hair. He has a finely chisled features that usually are brightened with his heart-melting smile. He is muscular and lean, wears the same kind of shirts that his fellow band-mate David wears, his favorite being "People like you are the reason people like me need medication." and Family Guy Baseball Caps, usually with Stewie saying "You Suck!" on it. He is about five feet nine inches and weighs 178 pounds. He wears black cargo pants with white stripes on the edges with alot of pockets. He has black sneakers with Invader Zim shoelaces and has a charm bracelet with drum kits and sticks he got from his best friend Sam when they were younger, that he wears on his left wrist at all times. [B]Personality:[/B] Strong-minded and sometimes obnoxious, but his heart is always in the right place. He is the joker and the first one to defend anyone if he feels he needs too. He does not mind the fact that he seems to have many girls stalking him, and he is very humble about the fact he is very handsome. [B]Bio:[/B] Born to a rich family who demanded he go to a snobby Bording School, but he refused at a young age, not willing to part from his relatives. This turned out to be a good thing, because he would have never met up with Sam, his best friend whom he met before he can even remember, though after Kelsei and Ally became friends. At a young age he showed signs of intrest in the drum, and his parents, always spoiling their son, bought him a great little kit and paid for his lessons. He isn't a bad singer, but he prefers to do back up then sing lead, though he has on several occasions. He is smart, funny, athletic, and caring, and has a crush on Kelsei, though he knows that Ally has a crush on him because Sam told him after reading his sister's diary. I hope this is all ok, Goddess. I wanted to add a little drama to the relationships (if there is going to be any, lol)[/COLOR][/SIZE]
[COLOR=blue][SIZE=1] I am sorry for posting this, but I am very lost. Can someone (preferably Masen's sisters) kind of add him into one of their posts please, or clue me in. Thanks[/COLOR][/SIZE]
[COLOR=blue][SIZE=1] It's prefect! Thank you so much, I love it! It's just what I was looking for. I'm going to put it up right away![/COLOR][/SIZE]
[COLOR=blue][SIZE=1] Ok, for those of you that don't know what doujinshi Ron Weasley is, it's kinda of like an Anime-ish/Manga-ish version of our red headed buddy from the HP Books. So, i'd like the doujinshi pic of him with a faded picture in the background of any kind of spider, and in bold font "Spiders Suck" Not that hard of a request, I hope. If you can't find a good picture of a spider then don't worry about it. Thanks! DaisukeAngel.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
[COLOR=blue][SIZE=1] Shea stared gloomily out into the rain. Mudkip, on the other hand, was running happily throughout the drizzle, so Shea couldn't help grin at his restless Pokemon. Maia's Treecko had just ran down the tree trunk to eat, and he admired it's speed. "Are you hungry, Mudkip?" He called out to his Pokemon, who in turn ran over and jumped into his lap and started to eat his food. "Hey, wait, that's my food!" He cried, and Imi and the other girls started to laugh. "You are such a pig, Shea!" Imi told him jokingly, and recieved an icy stare from him in return. "Well," Shea started, trying to prove Imi wrong, "I'm not that hungry, go ahead and eat." "We'll see how long it takes for him to start eating the tree," Ryo joked. Shea just ignored her, looking thoughtfully back out into the rain. "It's not real rain..." He muttered to himself, noting the peculiar look. As suddenly as it had started, it stopped, and the group set off again. ---- Sorry for the extension on the Rain, but i've got no ideas so I need to wait for some, lol.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
[COLOR=blue][SIZE=1] [B]Name:[/B] Mirabelle (goes by Mira unless in formal locations) Literally meaning 'Of Incredible Beauty' [B]Nicknames:[/B] The French Seductress; The Lady Demon; Lucifer's Concubine [B]Age:[/B] 26 [B]Gender:[/B] Female [B]Appearance:[/B] Mirabelle is lithe and attractive. She has long black hair that she keeps in a delicate braid with saphires laced inside of it. Her eyes are a brilliant shade of errie violet that seem to glow behind strands of her hair, proof of her taint. She wears revealing gowns, mostly violets and blue to contrast with her mystifying eyes, cut to allow movement and seduction. She wears intricate bracelets of precious and semi-precious stones, two on each hand, that glitter distractedly during fights, along with the sapphires in her braid. Her face is perfect, high cheekbones, pearl-white teeth, full lips, and thin, rounded eyebrows. [B]Weapon:[/B] Living Sword [B]Weapon Name:[/B] Black Rose [B]Fighting Style:[/B] Living Sword [B]Personality:[/B] Mirabelle is seductive, calculating like Falstoff, merciless like Johnathan, willing to go her all like Fenrir, and brutal like Balkov. [B]Reason for Seeking Soul Edge/Bio:[/B] Mirabelle is a mystery to all. She was a rich woman of power, but joined Johnathan to gain the power of Soul Edge, since she found her life boring. After being tainted by Soul Edge, she dabbled in Alchemy, creating her living sword, the Black Rose. Her skill with the weapon provokes rumors of her relation to Ivy. BTW, Mirabelle [i]is[/i] Lana, but ULX gave me permission to give her a more French sounding name.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
[COLOR=blue][SIZE=1] Don't mind me saying so, but I think you should start this soon, Goddess, before people begin to lose intrest in it. I think everyone who wanted to sign-up has, so I don't see any point in waiting anymore (I am very anxious to start ^.^)[/COLOR][/SIZE]
[COLOR=blue][SIZE=1] Shea stood dumbstruck as the Mudkip that came out of the Pokeball he had thrown at Imi smiled up at him. He fell to his knees gently, his mouth open in shock. This was his Pokemon. His. With a little 'Kip!' it jumped onto his legs and grinned up at him mischeiviously. "I though this one would have the personality to match that of such an... interesting young man as yourself, Mr. Harris," Professor Birch smiled, handing Shea his Pokedex and five Pokeballs. "This one is quite a trouble maker, if you don't mind me saying so," he huffed, staring at the Mudkip with a wary eye, "but it has a fine potential and it will be most likely very friendly and loyal to a man like yourself. Take care of it well, Shea." Shea grinned at the friendly professor, stuttering out his thanks. Birch simply smiled at him and walked over to the other trainers. He waited patiently, stroking Mudkip lovingly, who in turn would smile at him and lick his fingers every once in a while. "C'mon, Shea." Came Maia's voice from the doorway, and Shea bolted up and ran outside, Mudkip at his heels. "I guess this is where we go, eh?" Shea inquired, nodding at the path out of town. "I guess... maybe we'll see eachother at the next town, then, huh?" Ryo asked, and everyone agreed, starting the path out at different places. Clipping the pokeballs he had recieved onto the small clips on his belt, another gift from the 'rents, and the Pokedex in his back pocket, Shea started to walk- -and got pretty far out on the road when he fell flat on his face. "This seems to be happening alot..." he muttered, lifting his head to see his sister on his side, her foot still out. "You think you can leave without saying goodbye to your favorite twin sister?" Shea made the best puppy dog face, "Yes." Shae smirked slyly, not falling for her brother's baby face made cuter. By now, Shea was on his knees now, and Shae fell to hers, giving her brother a hug. "Visit often, ok? This place wont be the same without you messing everything up every five minutes." Shea smiled, "Don't worry, I will." His sister pulled back, tears gathering in her eyes, "Don't make this so sappy, Shae, it's not like this'll be the last time you see the Awesome Shea Harris. His twin rolled her eyes, smirking, and told him she'd tell their parents he said goodbye, then ran off. Shea sat there for a second, looking out onto the road to see the others already much farther then him. He turned to Mudkip, who sai quietly on his left side, a blank look Shea's face, "Women. Always making you late for something. Now that darn Imi is going to beat me to town." He was about to say something else, but he was interrupted when he heard yelling. He jumped to his feet and saw Kayla, a girl he recognized from the Television and from town when they were a bit younger, yelling, and everyone walking back to her, looking a bit confused. Shea scrambled to his feet and ran over to her, Mudkip behind him.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
[SIZE=1][COLOR=blue] OOC: Hope you don't mind me starting my post a bit earlier then yours, time wise. [/COLOR]----[COLOR=blue] Shea lay curled up in the fetal position on his bed, snoring quietly. He knew today was the day to get his Pokemon, but that didn't mean he had to get up...yet. "Shea! Wake up you lazy klutz!" Shae, his twin, screamed up from the stairs. "You'll be late... as usual." She added, sighing. No answer. She stormed up stairs and into her brother's room. Knowing the perfect way to get him awake, she slowly parted his blonde hair away from his neck and unlatched his necklace that she had given him a few monthes ago. Shea, feeling somewhat naked without his treasured necklace, sat up quickly, eyes sleepy and unfocused. "Give it back." He muttered, as Shae slowly walked backwards, holding out the dragon necklace. He got up on his knees and blindly reached out for it- -and fell flat on his face on the floor. Shae, giggling, threw the necklace at her brother and ran downstairs and outside before he could throw something at her. "Women..." He sighed, sitting up in the crosslegged position, hooking his necklace back on. He then smiled and sat there, not knowing what exactly to do. His eyes drifted over to the clock. 8:30. Thirty minutes before...before. "Oh, crap!" He shouted incredulously, jumping up and looking at himself, hoping he had magically dressed. Nope, all he had on were his boxers. Racing through his room, he quickly tossed on all of his favorite clothes and slipped on his blue gloves with the tear drop symbol on them he had gotten yesterday as a gift for finally becoming a trainer. He litterally jumped all of the stairs, threw on his shoes and checked his watch. 8:45. He smirked to himself, [i]"nice timing, Shea my man."[/i] Then he remembered he lived on the outskirts of town, and he still had to walk to the lab. He looked around quickly, the 'rents and the evil sister were probably already there. [i]"They could've waited for me..."[/i] he sulked as he looked around one last time and then flew out the door, going as fast as his long legs could carry him. As he drew nearer, he could hear shouts and yells, crying out something. When he got closer, he realized that all the residents of Littleroot were screaming out his name, along with some others. His face turned red with embarrasment and enjoyment and he walked through the parted crowds, "Good luck, Shea!" "Go get'em, Shea!" "Nice timing, stupid!" He recognized the last one as his sister's. He turned and smirked at her, giving her his charming wink, and she did the same, giving him a small wave as he dissapeared into the lab.[/COLOR] ---- [COLOR=blue]OOC: I figured I'd wait for everyone to arrive before we got our Pokemon, if that's ok with you, DDG.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
[COLOR=blue][SIZE=1] Whew, I was going to reply to this yesterday but I had to go. Good thing my character is still available. [B]Name:[/B] Masen Shea Moren [B]Age:[/B]18 [B]Gender:[/B]Male [B]Appearance:[/B] Masen stands at six feet even, (the only distinguishable feature to set the twins apart besides the length of their hair) and weighs 169 pounds. He has tan skin and a muscular build. His eyes are a beautiful shade of hazel underneath short, whispy, messy black hair. Strands of it falls infront of his face attractively. He wears a plain, loose fitting white shirt and blue work pants that are a little to large for him. He wears work-worn black boots and wears a linked braclet on his left wrist, whilst his twin wears it on her right, that was given to them by their parents. [B]Powers:[/B] Pyrokineses (Fire starting) and Empathy [B]Persona:[/B] Almost the opposite of his twin and more like his younger sister, Masen is very outgoing and friendly. Always the optimist and the joker. He is always trying to get his twin to be more open, but as Masen says, "Sometimes you just can't work miracles!" And when he says it he says it to Micha herself and usually gets a good punch or kick. [B]Biography:[/B] Born one minute after his twin, Micha, Masen is the second oldest or second youngest child in the Moren family. And being the middle child sucks, even if you are only one minute younger then the oldest. He has always been able to relate to many people emotionally, a gift his mother says is very rare and special, though he does not know it is actually a power yet, only something he can do very well. He has known about his fire starting powers for a while, to the horror of his family. Always setting this or that on fire when his emotions get riled up or such. Masen is very protective of his sisters because he he really is big brother because of his height and build. He holds a special bond with his twin, Micha, and whenever she is hurt or in trouble he seems to feel it along with her. He holds his family before him and if either of his sisters is in trouble he will go through any kind of pain to help them, along with his friends. [B]Family:[/B] Mother ? Nyara Father ? Dannen Siblings ? Micha (twin) and Fyka [B]Bond:[/B] A black panther named Shadow with large, vibrant yellow eyes and a dry sense of humor. Masen's ideal buddy. Hope this is ok![/COLOR][/SIZE]
[COLOR=blue][SIZE=1] [B]Name:[/B] Shea(shay) Harris [B]Age:[/B] 13 [B]Gender:[/B] Male [B]Biography:[/B] Shea has always been interested in learning about Water Types, his favorite kind of Pokemon. He likes all types, however, but he was born near the water and absolutely loves it, along with all kind of nature. He is very intelligent when it comes to anything, but he is the joker and is an optimist, always looking on the bright side of things. He is very likeable and charming, although he is headstrong and determined, never letting anyone do anything for him. He is definitely a lady charmer, but not to the point of being a jerk or shallow. [B]Appearance:[/B] Shea's eyes are deep saphire pools underneath dusty blonde hair. His hair is short and messy to the point of almost looking spiked. His eyebrows are thin and rounded, laying higher above his eyes handsomely. He stands at about 5 feet six inches and weighs 139 pounds. He has a loose-fitting camouflage shirt that says in big, white bold letters "Ha! Now You Can't See Me!" He has baggy blue jeans held in place with a black belt with sapphires around it. He wears dark blue sneakers with black and white along the side. He has a long, gold chain around his neck with a silver dragon coiled around the Tear Drop water Pokemon symbol that Shea's twin sister, Shae (shay-uh) gave to him on his thirteenth birthday that Shea treasures dearly. He is very athletic looking and fit, although he'd rather play a game or read a book anyday then play sports. [B]Starter Pokemon:[/B] Mudkip Hope this is all ok.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
[COLOR=blue][SIZE=1] I hope this is alright, Deedlit (its Lauren from the old LoTR rpg's in case you forgot) I dont know too much about Final Fantasy ^.^ [B]Name:[/B] Shea [B]Moogle:[/B] No [B]Tribe:[/B] Clavat [B]Gender:[/B] Male [B] Appearance:[/B] Cowlick [URL=http://cubemedia.ign.com/cube/image/ffcc_021022_screen1.jpg]Shea[/URL] [B]Hometown:[/B] Tipa [B]Family Trade/ Parents Occupation:[/B] Alchemist [B]Brothers and Sisters:[/B] 4 brothers: Jon(younger), Hector(older), Bobby(older), Sean(younger), 3 Sisters: Joan(Older), Chloe(younger), Klio(twin of Chloe)'. Tell me if there is anything I need to change ^.^[/COLOR][/SIZE]
[COLOR=blue][SIZE=1] [B] Name:[/B] Joan leFore (pronounciation: lay-for-ay) French origin, only small accent, seeing as her mother was a Japanese American woman. [B]Age:[/B] 28 [B]Weapons:[/B] The Whip shown in the picture below, and a Katana with a silver, intricate handle with the words "Silent Death" in French, because once she takes it out, whoever she is fighting with dies so quickly he has no time to scream. [B]Special Skills:[/B] Excellent Swordsman, many believe her to be the best female, elegance and agility, and charm. [B] Appearance:[/B] [URL=http://www.genesis3.co.kr/part2/character/natalie.htm]Joan[/URL] She stands at about five feet eight inches and refuses to reveal her weight like any normal woman. [B]Personality:[/B] Calm and collected, easily flattered by men, but that is just one of her many tactics to get closer to the men she will be assasinating. She is very trusting and friendly, but, when she is angry there is no telling what she can do. She is very headstrong and determined and never lets anyone do anything for her. [B]Biography:[/B] Joan was born to a wealthy family in Paris, France. Her father, Jacques leFore, ran his own business, where family businesses could come to him for money and land. He was a caring man and was born rich himself, and he decided to spend it by helping smaller businesses. Joan's mother, Ami leFore, was a Japanese woman born in America who had moved to France for college and met Joan's father. One of Jacques' "charges" was a small family dojo who had a wonderful Sensei, Sensei Uchiyama, who offered to teach Joan the ancient arts of the Ancient Japanese Samarai as an offer of thanks. Joan, only five years old, was sent to Japan with her Sensei to his larger, first class dojo in Tokyo. She recieve grade A training in all of the styles of the Ancient Japanese, and recieved her Katana, Silent Death, as a token that proved she had such skills enough the weild the weapon. Joan, now eighteen years old, preferred the long Whip she had bought from her Sensei, who had painstakingly allowed her to buy it, though it was a very special weapon to him. He tought Joan how to use it with deadly accuracy and she soon became a master in both sowrdsmanship and using her whip. In all this time, Joan had been secluded from the outside world, dead serious about her extensive training and first class schooling in Japan, and she had not heard from her parents since her sixteenth birthday. She moved back to France, bringing souveniers to her parents and her weapons. She found out that, two years ago, her parents had been slaughtered mercilessly by paranormal creatures. She had not been notified because her living relatives because they had no idea of her address. Joan started to hate herself, telling herself that if she hadn't stayed in Japan for so long she could have saved them. She still feels this way, though she hides it underneath her smiles. She has long since become an Assasin for the government, killing the vampires with vengence. Not too long ago, her Katana and Whip had been left foolishly at home, and she was attacked by a paranormal creature. She was saved by a man who called himself Tatsuya, another vampire hunter. I hope this is ok, ULX. Tell me if I need to change anything.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
[COLOR=blue][SIZE=1] Chimemon whirled around, her long fangs dripping with the black blood of the third Haumon she had destoyed. The sound of the crashing mace had startled the humanoid wolf, but she smirked slyly at the new challenge. Crouching down low, she pushed up with mighty force, using her wings to give her a boost. She landed gracefully on the gray, ragged back of the digimon that had attacked the two idiots. "Guess what guys," she yelled down teasingly as the two regained their posture, "with the almighty Chimemon on yer team you ain't got nothin' to worry 'bout," she grinned, her voice slipping into her thick accent. "Heat Viper Shadow!" She cried, all of the dark energy blasting out of her body, engulfing the trollish thing. She jumped off, landing near Tigromon and Batarimon and smirking to herself. The Katamarimon stood there dumbly, then howled in rage and brought its mace back for another attack. "Good going, you moron," Tigromon growled, getting ready to attack, "you made it angrier." "Shut up," Chimemon spat back, "you think I am stupid enough to think that would do it? If its angry, its even more stupid and more reckless." Tigromon blinked in suprise, and Batarimon laughed, "She's right, you know, you dumb*ss" OOC: I'm sorry its so short, but i've got to go. Hope you don't mind that I brought Chimemon into your guy's 'territory' but I felt like no one was interacting with her much.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
[COLOR=blue][SIZE=1] Chimemon, using her small, dragon-esque wings, leaped off the hill gracefully and landed near the wall of a large building, where one of the freakish crawly guys was crawiling around spazzily and glaring at the humanoid wolf. "'Ello, you ugly piece of *****." Chimemon cried with false happiness, waving at Haumon with an exagerated wave. The crawler hissed creepily, and jumped on the ground in a poised and ready in a crouching pose. "Mega Reaver!" Haumon lunged at Chimemon with unnatural speed, using its freakish teeth and talons to rip and tear mercilessly at Chimemon's unarmoured chest. On thr ground, Chimemon pushed up with her feet and legs with all her force, causing Haumon to stumble backwords, momentarily dazed from the force of the kick. Chimemon, unlike her enemy, landed gracefully on her legs. She pushed fowards with her left leg, which was behind her, and flew forwards into Haumon, crying out, "Dark Bite!" And bit the Haumon in the neck vampireishly, which in turn screamed out in agony, then dissapeared into nothing. Chimemon stood up, wiping the dark blood from her long fangs, "Nasty little buggers..." She muttered calmly, turning towards the army in her normal carefree style, once again as if she had just done the most normal thing, instead of taking out some four-legged freak.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
[COLOR=blue][SIZE=1] Michelle watched calmly as the fight raged on. "Well?" Came the voice behind her, the little green plant that called itself Palmon. "Well what?" Michelle asked innocently, obviously not wanting to fight at all. "Stop stalling! Oh wait, thats right, you just are going to let everyone do the work for you. Don't worry about it. I am sure they can do it without you, anyways." Palmon said in a matter-of-factly tone, already realizing Michelle's weakness. "No bloody way..." She sputtered angrily, her fists clenching. A few more 'bombs' exploded and Michelle stomped into the battle, furious. "Digi-Form Transform... ALPHA!" She shouted, and was engulfed in a red light. "Chimemon!" Where Michelle stood was now a taller, humanoid wolf with ram horns, small dragon wings, a reptilian tail, long teeth, blue fur striped white, and large red claws with X scars on both hands. A small posse of Fear Guardromon turned towards Chimemon, who said calmly in a smooth voice, "Bring it on, ladies." "Homing Laser!" Cried all four of them in unision, charging up their lasers. "Heat Viper Shadow!" Came Chimemon's howling (no pun intended) reply, and in a split second, a huge blast of dark energy came from her wolf-like body and engulfed all four of the Fear Guardromons. When the energy dissapeared, nothing stood in their spots but a black scorch mark. "I could get used to this." Chimemon remarked carelessly, like nothing had happened.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
[COLOR=blue][SIZE=1] 'School bloody sucks, man. I need to get out of here.' Michelle scribbled messily on the scratch piece of paper full of obscene and hilarious messages she was passing along with her best friend Alex. Folding it tightly into a small square, she slowly passed it by casually stretching and dropping it smoothly on his desk directly behind her. "Ms. Reinard," [i]Perfect.[/i] Michelle thought calmly as every single face in class turned to look at her, "is what you are writing to Mr. Thompson more important then the Periodic Table of Elements?" The melancholy substitute teacher Mr. Davies asked, setting his book on his table and staring at his disruptive student. "Well," Michelle started, leaning back her chair and keeping a straight face, while every student started to chuckle, "it might not be more important then your Table of Elements, but its certainly much more interesting." The whole room burst into laughter and Michelle continued to stare into the sub's eyes evenly. "Very well, I am sure you can make your way to the Headmaster's office?" Michelle made herself look like some heartbroken young girl and stood up, winking at everyone from behind her beloved glasses. Alex high-fived Michelle, unnoticingly to the teacher handing his friend a note with a forged signature, allowing her to freely use the computer for the rest of the period. She grinned at the class and slammed the door behind her. After giving the nosey librarian the note, who studied it carefully, finding no flaw in the perfectly forged signature, she was allowed to 'finish a report' on the school's computer. She chose the computer farthest away from any teachers and booted it up, which took longer then usual. As she was about to click the shortcut to the internet, a door opened up. "What the heck..." She muttered, but she couldn't finish her sentence, she was being sucked into the computer and into total darkness. She only saw a glimpse of the colorful scenery around her when her head hit something hard and everything went black again.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
[COLOR=blue][SIZE=1] Never thought I would join another Digimon RPG again... This looks awesome, though! [B]Digimon Sheet:[/B] [B]Greatest Fears:[/B] Spiders (Arachnaphobic) [B]Favorite Color:[/B] Blue [B]Favorite Animal:[/B] Wolf [B]Favorite Mythical Beast:[/B] Any kind of Dragon [B]Favorite S4 Element:[/B] Darkness [B]Chinese Zodiac:[/B] Ram [B]Favorite Songs:[/B] [B]"I Am The Walrus" The Beatles[/B] [i]Wacky, funny, pshyco[/i] [B]"Across The Universe" The Beatles[/B] [i]Calm, thinking, optimistic[/i] [B]"Revolution 1" The Beatles[/B] [i]Ready for change, a leader[/i] [B]"Ob-La-DI, Ob-La-Da" The Beatles[/B] [i]Happy-go-lucky[/i] [B]"I've Got a Feeling" The Beatles[/B] [i]Another thinking kinda one, headstrong and determined.[/i] (Gee, try and guess my favorite band) [B]Favorite Digidestined M/F:[/B] 1-Matt and Kari 2-Davis and Kari (Sorry I can't do Seasons 3 and 4, didn't watch those very much.) [B]Name:[/B] Michelle Reinard (British) [B]Age:[/B] 15 [B]Gender:[/B] Female [B]Appearance:[/B] Not exactly skinny, but more on the lean side. She has short black hair and dark brown eyes with eyebrows that lay more above her eyes then most people. She wears green-ish baggy khakies and a faded grey teeshit with the Beatles' Yellow Submarine on the front that is tight and reveals her figure. She has John Lennon [URL=http://www.bbc.co.uk/liverpool/localhistory/journey/stars/beatles/houses/glasses_03.jpg]Granny Glasses[/URL] that she wears with pride and do not, to her joy, make her look geeky. [B]Bio:[/B] Born to a music loving family, Michelle grew up loving the Beatles and other classic rock bands. She was not born rich and has no desire to be rich, she is a simple girl. She is as quick as a whip but hates Math and school. She refuses to believe that she is smarter then most kids because she is friends with the normal kids and does not like to be different. She loves her British accent, and she loves to show it off, which means she is a talker. She is usually pretty calm and collected, but has a sharp tounge and uses it well. I hope this is alright :)[/COLOR][/SIZE]
[COLOR=blue][SIZE=1] Kiros started to walk away, but found himself flat on the ground, something tied around his leg, causing him to trip . He looked at his left leg; a long, silver chain was wrapped around it painfully, a terrifyingly long scythe on the end was inches from impaling itself in his leg. He looked up at Michael, or what he thought was Michael. The new figure was taller, his once blue hair and eyes had both turned into an emotionless shade of silver. On Michael's back were huge white feathery wings spreading to an atleast 7-foot wingspan. "You shall not use God's name in vain like that again, Demon, unless you wish to suffer a painful death." Michael said, his voice smooth and soothing. "Don't tell me what to do, Michael, I can call your 'God' whatever the hell I want to." Kiros spat back, "I'm not afraid of you, Angel." He added smoothly. Michael smirked horrifyingly, his eyes glowing with sinister delight, "You should be. I'm not going to do anything to you. You are a foolish one, but you can still be turned to the right side." Kiros sneered, "Don't count on it, Michael." Michael pulled harshly on his whip, sending one small shot of pain through Kiros' leg before returning to his side.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
[COLOR=blue][SIZE=1] Michael stared evenly at Kiro's angry glare until it was the demon that looked away. Kiros' head snapped back after he heard Michael cry out in pain and fall to his knees, holding his temples in a death grip. "Michael...?" He asked worridly, his voice returning to its normal smoothness. Michael looked up, his glasses askew and his eyes blank and dazed. "I'm alright," he started, "this happens everytime someone gets murdered anywhere near me. God should've been thinking a bit more when he gave me these powers. He should have known I can't save every human in this damn place," he sighed, "one of those teens just got ran over by a car." Kiros helped him up and chuckled quietly, "Never thought I would hear an Arc Angel get mad at God before." "Except for Azrael..." Michael said coldly, grimacing at the thought. Kiros stared at him in shock. "Don't insult him, Michael. He's the best person I know." He sneered, glaring at the Angel. "I can insult him all I want, Kiros, he deserves it, and you are aware of that," Michael spat back, " for all I care, God should have taken care of the dirty traitor when he had the chance."[/COLOR][/SIZE]
[COLOR=blue][SIZE=1] "What are you doing here, Kiros." Michael said quietly, brushing his hair back and sticking his glasses back on. "Well," Kiros laughed, "you still like to get straight to the point, eh? What the hell are those?" He added, nodding at Michael's glasses. Michael smiled, "Well, it looks like having crappy vision in Heaven means you have worse vision on Earth." Kiros smiled, his head still bowed respectively. "You look well, Michael. No aging, I see." "Don't act like that, Kiros. Look at me." Michael sighed sternly, and Kiros' head popped back up to look at him. "Sorry... you know, old habits die hard." He added jokingly. Michael stared at him, filled with confusion. "You don't act very much like a demon, Kiros." He said calmly, and the demon only shrugged. "Very well," Michael sighed, "what are you doing here?" He asked again, more seriously, although he knew the answer by now.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
[COLOR=blue][SIZE=1] [B] The Beatles One Album:[/B] Its a great CD to have. From the first number one hit by one of the greatest bands ever to the very last. My very first Beatles CD, the start of a revolution for me, really, considering the Beatles are my favorite band now. It suprises alot of adults that I don't listen to "Rap Crap" like almost every single kid in my school. [B]The Beatles Magical Mystery Tour:[/B] One of my all time favorite songs is on this album, "I am The Walrus," one of the wierdest Beatle songs ever. The whole album is pretty psycho, but its got some famous songs on it, like "Penny Lane," "Hello Goodbye," and "Strawberry Fields Forever." [B] The Best of John Lennon:[/B] John Lennon was the leader of The Beatles, and he was my favorite soloist that came after The Beatles. All together Paul McCartney was and is my favorite Beatle and is my hero, but John Lennon had a much better solo career than Paul did. He's made songs like "Imagine" that everyone has hopefully heard before.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
[COLOR=blue][SIZE=1]Michael slowly slid his glasses off his nose, folding them subconciously and stuffing them into his pocket. The gentle breeze blowing his pale blue hair out of his eyes, he took a look around him. It was dark. The only light was that of the moonlight above him, which proved sufficient enough. He looked up, the green street sign showing him he was on Elm. He was alone, besides a small group of smoking teenagers on the intersection. He stood in the shadow of a tall-ish building, and was almost completely invisible. He was sent here to supposedly look after the humans, who had apparently done quite a job destroying Earth and themselves. He wasn't stupid, though. He knew he was here for more then that. Azrael had been spotted again, and he had to find him before his old friend did anything irrational. His train of thought was interrupted when infront of him a figure landed gracefully on the ground and started to walk casually down the street. A few seconds later, when the figure, a woman, was a few feet away, Michael walked out of the shadows and looked up. The building was very tall. No human could survive a fall like that. He cocked a quizzical eyebrow and slipped his glasses back on to make sure the building [i]was[/i] that tall. It was. He looked back in time to see the woman knock down a helpless teenager to the ground. "You will learn your place, human." She growled, but the boy wasn't done yet. He jumped up and started throwing curses at the demon. She turned sharply on her heel and swung her staff fiercly. The boy cringed and waited for the blow, but it never came. He looked up, a boy, younger then him perhaps, stood infront of him, one arm held out, holding the staff in place.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
[COLOR=blue][SIZE=1] Skyler stared at Charisma with a pained expression. He could feel her tensity against him, and it hurt. She slowly lowered her hand and started to walk away, telling him something about the Vampire Doll. He turned the other way, his hair flipping itself in the breeze. [i]"Does she think I would take it? I can feel it means something to her, she must know that an Angel wouldn't steal... maybe she doesn't. She's seen my wings... She knows I am no Angel. "[/i] "Are you coming, Skyler?" His train of thought was interupted by Charisma who stood a few feet ahead of him. He looked at her sadly, and in one gentle arch of his back, his long black wings emerged, the feathers rustling quietly. "Sorry, love," He said apolegetically, and Charisma raised an eyebrow. "For what?" But he was already gone.[/COLOR][/SIZE]