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Everything posted by Muse

  1. Muse

    Blood-red Moon

    [COLOR=blue][SIZE=1] OOC: Thank god for you, KittyChanann, I was so lost ^^ IC: Skyler grinned at Charisma, his eyes sparkling with repressed enjoyment, "Only friends? I thought... Well, at least you didn't do it over the phone." Skyler burst into laughter while Charisma stood there, shocked at what had just been said. She allowed herself a smirk and pushed him playfully, but soon returned to buisness. "Look, Doll might be in trouble, and.." She started, but noticed Skyler, while listening intently, was staring at her sunburst necklace. "It's very pretty..." He said, giving her a sweet smile, sensing that while she loved the necklace, it also brought her pain. Charisma blinked and subconciously put her hand protectively over it, almost like she thought the Angel would take it.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  2. [COLOR=blue][SIZE=1] [B]Name:[/B] Michael, Arc Angel of Protection [B]Age:[/B] Hundreds of thousands, maybe more. Appears to be around 15 or 16. [B]Gender:[/B] Male [B]Species:[/B] Angel [B]Appearance:[/B] Michael has two appearances to conceal his true idenity, one human and one Angel. [URL=http://www.hikari.amethyst-soul.net/images/satoshi/satoshi8.jpg]Human form, but he doesn't have the same outfit on. He has the Angel outfit on, instead, seen below.[/URL] [URL=http://www.hikari.amethyst-soul.net/images/satoshi/satoshi2.jpg]Angelic Form, this is the outfit he also wears in his Human form.[/URL] [B]Side:[/B] Heaven [B]Powers:[/B] The Long whip seen in his Angelic form picture. Since he is the one and only Angel of Protection, his has numerous shielding and healing powers. [B]Personality:[/B] Calm and collected and doesn't let anything bother him. Not loud and obnoxious, but not shy or quiet, either. He doesn't let anyone do anything for him, and is very headstrong and determined. He is very smart, a genius to most, but he does not boast about anything. He is very optimistic, always looking on the bright side of things. Whilst in Heaven, he does not boast about being an Arc Angel and considers himself an equal. [B]Biography:[/B] Michael was and still is one of the most respected Arc Angels in Heaven. His power is unmatched by most, and some believe he was one of God's most trusted warriors and friends. He fought loyally against Lucifer, and became one of the most succeful Warriors in Heaven, matched only by Azrael himself. During Azreal's first heroic charge, one Angel, only a babe, was about to be slaughtered by one of Lucifer's demons. Michael dove infront of the child and took the blow, strong enough to kill the boy but not a fully grown Angel. Overwhelmed by the satisfaction of saving his fellows, Michael flew above the fights, watching over the unable to or unwilling to fight Angels and, using his mighty whip, a gift from God Himself, killing unsuspecting Demons and Rebels who came close to slaughtering the Angels. The same day that God made Azrael the Arc Angel of Death, he made Michael the Arc Angel of Protection. [/COLOR][COLOR=red] I do hope it's alright for me to be Michael. I've had this character thought up since yesterday but didn't have time to sign up. I figured it would just be a different Michael then the Arc Angel, but then saw Annie's sign-up as Azrael and figured it was alright to be one of the Arc Angels, I don't want to be Michael just to be stronger then everyone else, mind, just thought it would add a little something to the story to have two Arc Angels. Tell me if I can't and I'll change it to your needs, Annie.[/COLOR][/SIZE] [COLOR=purple][SIZE=1]EDIT: Sorry 'bout the misspelling, changed it.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  3. Muse

    Blood-red Moon

    [COLOR=blue][SIZE=1] "And where do you think you are going?" Skyler asked, only his vibrant eyes shinning through the darkness that surrounded his entire body. Charisma shook her head, "I told you, i'm leaving," she said cooly, narrowing her eyes. "You know what?" He asked coldly, still not removing himself from his hiding spot, "I don't think you're going anywhere. We're all here for a reason, and you are going to stay out until we figure out what that reason is." "How are you going to stop me, shorty?" She sneered, crossing her arms and getting ready to walk away. "Try," he started, walking out of the shadows, revealing huge, feathery black wings that glowed with an unholy aura, "to outrun these, love."[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  4. Muse

    Blood-red Moon

    [COLOR=blue][SIZE=1] "Is... she still alive, then?" Skyler asked hopefully, his pain subsiding. Charisma nodded without looking up, still checking over to girl. "Hey, red," Reaper spat, "I asked you all a question, and I expect an answer." Skyler turned on his heel to face Reaper, and he calmly chided, "Actually, you've said a great deal of things that no one would like to answer." Reaper growled and turned to the others as Skyler knelt by the girl and Charisma. "It's quite alright, i've got it, love." He said to Charisma, who found his voice so soothing she stood up silently to watch. The girl's chest rose slowly up and down, and Skyler put his hands only inches above her figure. The others, who were still being interrogated by Reaper, didn't watch the feat, only Charisma, who watched in awe as black and gold lights spread from Skyler's hand, enveloping the girl, who started to breathe faster and more natural.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  5. Muse

    Blood-red Moon

    [COLOR=blue][SIZE=1] OOC: Well, you may have been confused by my character's French accent but it's only because he is French. Being in France doesn't actually ruin anything yet, I presume, though. IC: Skyler glared at the new girl, but his head snapped towards the scream, his Angelic habbits causing him to feel worry and protective of the innocent scream of a human. He instinctively started walking towards the noise, knowing if he would simply ignore it, his soul would torture him beyond the shot of any gun or stab of any sword. To his horror, Charisma put out a hand to stop him, "Hold it, buddy." She said, not taking his eyes off of him. Skyler looked at her, his eyes pleading. "We.. have to save it," He said, barely noticing his mistake as his eyes fogged up. Charisma only narrowed her eyes at him. "What would a creature like yourself want with a human?" She spat. The pain was growing, he had to save the human. His knees buckled and he started panting like he had run many miles. Charisma put an arm out and backed Doll away, not knowing what would happen. [/COLOR][/SIZE]
  6. Muse

    Blood-red Moon

    [COLOR=blue][SIZE=1] Doll spun around and was startled by what she saw. A boy, no older then her, was standing there, wearing some strange 'peasant' gettup. His eyes and hair were both flaming red and his hair fell over his eyes attractively. "Who... are you?" She asked, forcing herself to look calm and collected. The boy raised a red eyebrow and flipped the hair out of his eyes. "Hmph... the name is Skyler. Whats a pretty young thing like yourself doing outside on such a dark night?" He answered in a light French accent, smiling deviously. Doll put her hands on her hips critically, "Well, I wouldn't be talking if I were you. We look the same age.." Skye frowned, "don't ever call me young, little girl. I'm old enough to be your greatgreat grandfather." He spat, forgetting his promise never to reveal himself to humans, but his eyes widened the moment he realized what he had just said.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  7. Muse

    Blood-red Moon

    [COLOR=red][SIZE=1] I say that you start it, but maybe leave sign-ups open for a little longer incase anyone else wants to join. [/COLOR][/SIZE]
  8. Muse

    Blood-red Moon

    [COLOR=blue][SIZE=1] Looks very interesting ^.^ [B]Name:[/B] Skyler leCour [B]Alias:[/B] Skye [B]Race:[/B] French [B]Species:[/B] Dark Angel [B]Age:[/B] Unknown, for even he has lost track of the years. Appears to be 15. [B]Gender:[/B] Male [B]Appearance:[/B] [URL=http://www.we-love-anime.com/gallery/index.php?g=DN%20Angel&p=49&frpg=3&f=#pic]Skye on the bottom[/URL] [B]Weapons:[/B] Holy Black Katana. He stole it from God while he was still a holy angel. He was banished from heaven for his crime and his poured his magic into the sword and turned it dark and even more powerfull, like his hatred for all holy matter. [B]Special Powers:[/B] He can grow long, black wings for flying, hence his 'original' alias. Even though he was banished from heaven, he has mastered holy powers that he has transfigured to his own liking. [B]Personality:[/B] Calm, collected, and strangely quiet in tense situations. Not obnoxiously loud, but not quiet or shy, either. His face is usually expressionless, because his eyes can show all of his emotions quite well. [B]Weaknesses:[/B] Holy places, pretty girls, his self-conciousnous of his appearance as a teenager. I hope this is alright. I was a bit confused when no one specified the species and such, so I expect everything is fine. Tell me if you want me to change anything :).[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  9. Muse

    Universe of Dreams

    [COLOR=blue][SIZE=1] Orlando sighed and put his head on his knees and took in a deep breath. He knew, they all knew Leonx wasn't going to tell them anything until Mozart woke up. And who knew how long that could take? He was just about to drift to sleep when Leonx pushed him roughly in the shoulder, " Hey, Elfie, we don't need you losing it like genious boy and [i]that[/i]," He said, jerking his thumb at Balinese on the ground. Orlando felt a sudden, strong urge to give Leonx his opinion, but thought better of it when he remembered the axe Leonx was holding. He looked around and saw that everyone else had sit down. He also noticed that anyone coming close to resting would be told off by Leonx. Orlando was starting to think that there was more to Leonx that met the eye. He put his head back down on his knees, hoping that Leonx wouldn't notice him this time.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  10. Muse

    Universe of Dreams

    [COLOR=blue][SIZE=1] OOC:Have fun. Also, i'd like to add that in my last post, I was not trying to godmod, of course. I hope nobody got that idea. As you can see the attack severly drained Orlando of energy and he needs to learn how to control his attacks. IC: Orlando stood up painfully, his legs shaking, and he couldn't steady himself in time and fell to the ground again. "Well.. uh, i'll just sit here for a while, then." He said to no one in particular and settled himself by bringing his legs up to his chest and wrapping his arms around them. Then he set his head on his arms so his poor neck didn't have to take the wieght. He hoped he didn't have to fight anymore, he couldn't even stand much less make another inferno. "Orli?" Came Billy's voice as he made his way over. "Eh..." Orlando replied, not moving his head in recognition. "You al'righ'?" He asked, kneeling infront of him. Orlando grinned, "Am I al'righ'!? Didn't you see wha' I jus' did? Im excellent! Never been bet-" At that moment he tried to jump up to prove his point, and of course he fell right back on his bum. "I thin' everone saw what'cha did, Orli. The question is, didcha see wot I did?" Orlando shook his head slowly, "I transformed into the bull thing that attacked me! It was awesome. I can transform into animals!" He told Orlando excitedly, then softened his tone, "We should go where the others are. They look like they're discussing something." Orli shook his head, "No, you go ahead. I'll be there in a while. I'm just gonna sit here and relax for a while. Doesn't look like we're goin' anywhere soon." He added, refering to Mozart.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  11. Muse

    Universe of Dreams

    [COLOR=blue][SIZE=1] Orlando gave one last worried glance at Mozart and turned back to his demon. The fact that his [i]hands were on fire[/i] made the demon freeze in his tracks for a moment or two and that gave Orlando the chance to look around. He saw Mozart take out his demon and black out, and he saw Bruce Lee come into the fight. The fire wasn't hurting him or bothering him in any way. It felt so natural to him. He stole a glance at his hands and made his fingers spread out farther so more fire was able to appear in the new space. Soon, the fires were larger then his head. Still no burn to be found. "Now, the tricky part," he mumbled to himself and put his arms straight out ahead of him and concentrated on the demon and the fires. The demon charged him, finding no real threat yet. Big mistake. In the few seconds before the horns of the demon would be implanted in Orlando's chest, his whole body was consumed in the burning hot flames. The demon stopped in it's tracks, screaming in agony from the heat. Orlando's arms flew back as a tremendous burts of pure fire was sent from his whole body, consuming the single demon and two more fightless demons behind it in a tsunami of fire. All the other demons and fighters stopped and watched as the fire subsided slowly. All that was left of the demons were the charred ashes. Orlando fell to ground on his knees, drained of all energy and panting heavily, but no less grinning from ear to ear.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  12. Muse

    Universe of Dreams

    [COLOR=blue][SIZE=1] Orlando watched his demon closely. It was smirking at him mischieviously and walking towards him slowly, cracking its knuckles. Orlando made a guess and he figured all of these demons were not the same. After watching some he guessed they all had a different power, so which did his have? Leonx said something about doubling their attack powers and throwing it back at them, but the only powers he had seen so far was Amara's attack thingy. The demon took this opportune moment of Orlando's split-second of thinking to pull back his arm, then it thrust it forwards in one strong motion. Orlando felt like all of the air had been knocked out of his lungs and he felt his legs buckle. He would've hit the ground then and there, but the demon's psychic attack was not over yet, and Orli flew several feet behind him before landing on the ground, making a cloud of dust fly around him. Mozart scrambled over to Orlando and watched him take in a few sharp intakes of air. His eyes were screwed shut and he lay there still for a moment, regaining himself. "Orlando," Mozart said worridly as Orlando's demon came closer, laughing. In one suprising movement that made Mozart jump, two of Orlando's right fingers twitched violently and were suddenly engulfed in blue flames. And then, even more unexpected, Orlando sat up and stared at his fingers. "Move," he told Mozart calmly, and stared determinedly at the demon. Mozart, who could feel the intense heat of the two small flames from where he sat, moved quickly away. Orlando stood up easily despite the force of the demon's telekinesis and clenched his fist's together and opened them suddenly. Whoever was watching him were shocked to see that both of his hands were now both engulfed with the blue flames, and Orlando stood there calm as ever.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  13. Muse

    Universe of Dreams

    [COLOR=blue][SIZE=1] Orlando looked up at Mozart, "Well, you know, I might be able to fight pretty well, but do you see any Bows or Arrows around 'ere? You shouldn't be complaining." Mozart, obviously not in the best mood, glared daggers at Orli for a moment, but Orlando stared evenly back until it was Mozart who looked away. Orlando sighed and looked at the ground. After what the companions had just heard, and no one could blame them, tempers had most likely risen a bit, and Orlando was exceptionally p'od at Leonx for making fun of his accent. Orlando rubbed his temples, [i]"When are we going to find the last guy? I need a rest to clear my head"[/i] he thought drowsily to himself as the group continued on in search of the last member. OOC: Sorry for the shortness, I got to go :)[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  14. Muse

    Universe of Dreams

    [COLOR=blue][SIZE=1] Orlando fell behind the group and took up the rear. He watched in intrest as "Balinese" continued to hit on "Amara", obviously not catching on to what he himself had realized minutes ago. "One more late person to go..." Leonx sighed impatiently and started growling at anyone who tried to get anywhere near him. Orli found himself subconciously reaching up to touch the tip of his ears again. Unlike the prosthetic ones he had to wear while filming, these actually felt real and he could hear like the sense had been upgraded a few notches. He also found his eyes wandering- he was staring at the cartoon characters alot. He had seen some of them before- "Xion" had been in some animal tranformer game he had played before, and "Vegeta" he had seen while flipping through the channels in is Los Angeles home. He sighed and stuffed his hands in his pockets. All of this weird stuff was giving him a headache. He wished they would find the last guy soon so Dog-Man could explain just what the 'ell was goin on.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  15. Muse

    Universe of Dreams

    [COLOR=blue][SIZE=1] Mumbling in elvish was a wierd thing Orlando did in his sleep. After spending hours learning the complex speech it had been imbedded into his mind. Sometimes he would get so loud it could startle him awake, as he had no idea of his habbit. This was one of those times. He jumped up, expecting to find himself on his bed. But no, he noticed, he was on the ground. "What the 'ell...?" He mumbled sleepily, looking around and bringing his hand up to tuck his semi-longish hair behind his ears and stopped short after he did it. He slowly felt the tips. They were... pointy! Orlando screamed. This was a dream. "Maybe I passed out on the set... And no one noticed?" He asked himself critically before he realised they were done filming Lord of The Rings [i]and[/i] he didn't feel the blue contacts he would wear playing Legolas or the wig, either. He sighed, coming to the conclusion he was having a wacked out dream. He gulped as he looked at the scenery. Red and barren and dark. Not his ideal dream, of course. He was actually started to get frightened. "Come on, Orli. Pull yerself together. It's only a dream afterall..." He said soothingly to himself, oddly, and decided the only way to go was forwards. He could've sworn he heard voices not to far in front of him. Familliar voices. He stuffed his hands in his pockets and walked forwards, towards the voices. "Tell you on the way, we must find the others." Was what Orli heard before he collided head on with someone. It was very dark, and poor Orli couldn't see to well. "Why is everyone jumping on [i]me?[/i]" Came a semi-serious voice that he recognized from a movie, but he couldn't put his finger on it. As his eyes came back into focus, he saw a person sitting infront of him- the person he had no doubt run into. "Holy crap!" Was the sound heard when Orlando realized that Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart was the person he had run into. "Orlando?" Came a voice that Orli definately recongnized. "Billy! What are you doin' in me dream?" Billy sighed, shaking his head. "This isn't a dream, Orli." He said, seriously. Orlando wasn't used to Billy not being funny, so he figured it was only dream Billy [i]pretending[/i] to not be funny. Yep. That had to be it. "Hah hah, dream Billy. This [i]is[/i] a dream. Take a look at us. [i]You[/i] have fricken Hobbit feet and [i]I[/i] have pointy ears! How can this [i]not[/i] be a dream?" "Look, you delusional prettyboy," came a nasty voice from behind him. He turned and shouted when he saw a man with a dog's face. He figured it was some demented Orc that got distorted in his dream. "This isn't a dream. If you'd like me to prove it to you, i'll bite your head off and prove it to you. If you don't want to risk it, you'll come with us." Orlando was quickly up off the ground and following dog-boy. [/COLOR][/SIZE]
  16. [COLOR=blue][SIZE=1][B]Name:[/B] Andrea (goes by the name of Andy) Christopher [B]Gender:[/B] Female [B]Age:[/B] 20 [B]Emblem:[/B] Hope- It looks like a sunset/rise- A golden circle with blue above it and green below it. A beautiful picture, it invokes hope in the hearts of many. [B]Special Attack:[/B] She can give tremendous Hope and courage to her and her allies, which in turn boosts their confidence and their skills and abilities. [B]Weapon:[/B] [URL=http://www.concentric.net/~stircraz/XL-723.jpg]Twin Blades[/URL] [URL=http://www.dndepicenter.com/dndepicenter/Equipment/daggers.jpe]Dagger[/URL] [B]Appearance:[/B] Around 5 feet 6 inches tall, Andy has short, dirty-blonde hair. Her eyes are a vibrant blue with gold around the pupils. She wears a blue silk vest with a white form-fitting shirt underneath. Her pants are bluish-green in color and baggy. She has leather shoes with buckles that are hidden underneath her pants. [B]Personality:[/B] Laid back and calm. She is always cool and collected in strange situations. Although she is not loud and obnoxious, she is not shy or quiet either. She has a sense of humor and always sees to it everyone is happy. [B]Biography:[/B] Andy was born to a regular family. Her father worked in the markets and her mother stayed at home to take care of Andy and her siblings. They were happy until the small town they lived in was struck with poverty and sickness. Andy was 20. Four of the five of Andy's siblings died of illness and her last brother was also ill and slowly fading away. Her father was unemployed and started stealing from the rich to provide for his family, but, he was caught and was sentenced to death by drowning. Her mother, stricken with grief, hung herself and left Andy to take care of herself and her little brother. Luckily, her brother steadily showed signs of improvement from the illness. She and her brother were treated like garbage in their town because of the things their parents had done, and word spread through that the two remaining children of the Christopher family were to be killed before they turned out like their parents. Andy and her brother fled town, running at night and hiding at day. Always close behind were the hateful people of their town. One day, at sunset, as the two siblings began to run to the next town nearby, several men caught up with them and told Andy and her brother to come with them. Andy refused and the leader of the posse took a throwing dagger, obviously deciding to kill them now. He laughed and threw the dagger at Andy's brother. Andy pushed him out of the way and took the dagger to the chest. She told her brother to run as fast as he could to the next town. Then, everything went black. She did not live to see her younger brother run to safety and shelter in the next village. Andy has been dead for 25 years. I hope it's okay :)[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  17. [COLOR=blue][SIZE=1] This sounds great. If K.K.C is doing an actor (and one from LoTR I might add) i'll do one too :). [B]Name:[/B] Orlando Bloom. Also known as Orli and OB. [B]Where From:[/B] A real life actor. A very sexy real life actor. [B]Skills:[/B] Can melt the hearts of most women, skydiving, breaking his bones (He's broken his back, his ribs, his nose, both his legs, his arm, his wrist, a finger and a toe, and cracked his skull three times!), speaking French, Archery, horseback, and being sexy. [B] Fighting Style:[/B] I dunno. He can use swords and bows & arrows pretty well. Is that a fighting style? :) [B]Description:[/B][URL=http://homepages.paradise.net.nz/amadrier/emp4.jpg]With Billy [/URL] [URL=http://www.absoluteorlando.com/images/orlando6.jpg]Alone[/URL] [B] Des. In Cesto's World:[/B] The same, but he has pointy ears like Legolas now! Yay! [URL=http://bernicerae.myknet.org/Orlando%20Bloom.jpg]Pointy[/URL] [B]Small Bio:[/B] Orlando was born Jan. 13th, 1977. His father died while Orli was 4 and it left his mom to take care of him and his 'sis. Orlando was dyslexic and he says he is still "midly dyslexic". which means he can't read very well, but he still managed to graduate from college wuth flying colors. He first film role was in Wilde as "Rentboy". It was only a cameo appearance but afterwards he was offered many movie roles. His didn't accpet them because he wanted to be in theater first. His first breakthrough film role was in the Lord of The Rings trilogy as Legolas Greenleaf, the elf. The role caused him to take archery, sword-fighting, and horeback riding lessons and now he is very good at all three. Lately he's been seen in Pirates of The Carribean and Ned Kelly. Did I mention he is terribly sexy and he has millions of fangirls? [B]Favorite Quote:[/B] "Elves are cool, man." [B]Personality:[/B] Laid back and cool and calm. He's got a great sense of humor and knows what he wants and he'll make sure every knows what that is. He's the kind of guy who'll do something totally reckless and not tell anybody 'till later ( In his own quote: "One day, I did the highest bungeejump in New Zealand. Five times in the space of half an hour! I knew the producers wouldn''t be too pleased about it so I only told them afterwards.") He likes to do things some people wouldn't think of doing and absolutely loves to do anything. He's as fast as 'ell so if you piss him off you'll have an arrow in you faster then anything. He doesn't seem to mind that he has millions of fangirls chasing him everywhere and he isn't selfish. All in all he's a great guy to everyone. There. All done! I know its kinda crappy but I hope it works. :)[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  18. [COLOR=blue][SIZE=1] [B]Name:[/B] Christian de Medich [B]Age:[/B] 15 [B]Class:[/B] Archer [B]Weapon:[/B] Long bow and arrows. [B]Appearance:[/B] Gah. My link doesnt work. I cant find another that works so if you really want to see what Christian looks like look up the Archer from Ragnarok on google or something. [B]Guild:[/B] Faith Fighters [B]Biography:[/B] Born into a family of archers and hunters, Christian grew a fondness of nature and uses his surroundings as his best defense. At an early age he learned how to use the bow with dangerous accuracy, and is now considered one of the best archers in Midgard. The Faith Fighters found an unbeatable ally in Christian so they offered him a position in their guild, which he accepted. Chrstian is one of the few people in Midgard who have a deep connection with the wilderness and he can use this to his own advantage in battle. I hope this is ok.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  19. [COLOR=blue][SIZE=1] Someday i'll be famous. Thats all I want. I am quite set on being an actress, I absolutely love acting. I've been told that in every play i've been in i've "stolen the show." Thats a pretty good start if I do say so myself. If I can't make it into movies, I have another passion. I love the Bass Guitar. I've no idea how to play it, but i've wanted one since I can remember. My dad says if I get good grades in Jr. High before Christmas comes around, my relatives will try and get me one. So if I can't be an actress, you'll be sure to see me in some rock 'n roll band. :) [/COLOR] [/SIZE]
  20. [COLOR=blue][SIZE=1] [B]Name:[/B] Ayame Koe [B]Age:[/B] 20 [B]Appearance:[/B] [url]http://animeshrine.com/gallery.php?series=warofgenesis&image=10[/url] [B]Biography:[/B] Born to a small family on a continent now unknown to her, Ayame led an abusive childhood. Her family consisted of her, several other siblings, and an abusive father. Her mother died giving birth to Ayame's baby sister. Ayame spoke little, afraid anything she said would be used against her as reason for another beating. He did not beat her siblings. Her siblings knew nothing of her beatings. Obviously, she grew to hate her father. At the age of 14, she killed both her father and all of her siblings. She felt no guilt afterwards. After she cleaned off the knife she had used she walked away calmly from the prison she called home. While walking through a small, deserted town, she found two twin blades, each about 22 inches long, both white, both identical, both in absolute perfect shape. The blades were freezing, like ice, but they had no affect on her hands. She found she could easily weild them both, being ambidextrous. She found that the blades had special abilities. She found that with every kill she made, she grew better with them. Soon, Ayame mastered them the only way she knew how. Violence and Bloodshed. And lots of it. [B]Type:[/B] Ice [B]Side:[/B] Dark [B]Weapon:[/B] The Twin Blades mentioned above. [B]Abilities/Skills:[/B] Elemental control over Ice Ice Shield: She creates a solid shield of ice all around her to protect her from attacks all around. Ice Spikes: She can create great spikes of ice and send them at her opponent. [B]Personality:[/B] Mysterious and silent. Ayame trusts no one and has been known to kill whoever tries to get close to her. When she does talk it is sraight to the point and she does not joke. She enjoys watching anyone suffer, from children to seniors. She is quite bright and can solve almost anything if she puts her mind to it. And if she cant solve something with words, she'll just let her blades do the talking. And thats usually the case. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Whoo. That took me about a hour. Hope its alright ^.^[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  21. [COLOR=blue][SIZE=1] How can you even [i]think[/i] about comparing the two? Simpsons, no doubt. The original- i've been watching that show since I was a baby. No kidding. Family Guy is hilarious, i'll give it that. Stewie rocks my socks (sorry) But absolutely NO show even compares to The Simpsons. I cant blame them for showing reruns- you cant expect them to make new episodes every day because the viewers get tired of the same episodes? Its even worse the way they're butchering Family Guy by showing the same 4 episodes almost every week on adult swim! I may be guilty of skipping the Simpsons on purpose at 5:00 and 6:00 but that doesn't mean im not a die-hard Simps fan. No show comes close to being better than the original funny family.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  22. [COLOR=blue][SIZE=1] Macca: Only one of my friends call me this. We were looking in a Paul McCartney tour programme (some of you may know I am obsessed with Paul McCartney) and it said his nickname was Macca, and my last name, Mack, sounds almost like Macca, too, so he calls me that now. Lamchop: A couple of boys call me this because I made the mistake of telling them my who name. The first letters of my first, middle, and last names spell out LAM so to tease me, they say Lamchop. Laur: First name is Lauren, my friend's whole family calls me Laur. I don't mind, i'm used to it. Lorrenzo Macintosh: My friend told me she had eaten alot of candy that morning when she made this up. Now this is basically all she calls me. BeatleBoy: I love the Beatles, and I look like a boy (according to my friend) so she calls me this often. Behemoth(sp?): My sister is 16, I am 12, I am taller than her, she is jealous. Therefore [i]I[/i] am a behemoth(sp)[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  23. [COLOR=red][SIZE=1] Thanks, SK, they are both awesome ;) No matter what you say, your banners & Avatars rock![/COLOR][/SIZE]
  24. [COLOR=blue][SIZE=1] Name: Christian de Medich User Name: Chris Rank: Captain Name of Ship: Nokia Desciption: Christian has short brown hair and large blue eyes. He stands at Six feet even and slouches a bit. Christian wears a white, form-fitting, sleeveless shirt with a high neck line. His pants are white with an intricate design along the legs, and are quite loose-fitting. On his hands, he wears white gloves that seem to have an open part on the back of the hand. Also on his right hand, he has a metal ring that completely encircles his wrist. Around his waist is a belt that has his gun holsters at the back, which have a long orange belt dangling from them. Finally, his shoes are white with dark, chunky soles, and white laces. Matrix Description: Whilst still the same size, his slouching is gone. He wears a large white coat with four buttons at the neck. Again, there's a belt that would have holsters and a place to hold ammo. He wears gloves on both hands that look as though they're actually part of him, not something he's wearing. Coming off his belt is a long piece of fabric that hangs between his legs, and has buttons on either side of it. As with before, he wears loose pants, only now they are plain charcoal grey. Finally, his shoes are black, with chunky soles again, but instead of laces, they seem to have big buckles on them. [B]A Note:[/B] I had pictures ready for the descriptions, and they wouldn't work, so I needed good descriptions for the character mine is based off of. I did not write these descriptions, and I give credit to the person who did. Weapon of choice: Two twin pistols. ( I hope this is okay ) Alright, if anything needs to be changed, tell me.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  25. [COLOR=red][SIZE=1] 'I Believe In Beatles' :) Yeah. The Beatles kick. They are the best band in the world, no doubt. A lot of people are suprised that me, a 12 year old, is such a huge fan, but they can thank my dad for getting me the One Album for Christmas last year. I have seen Help! AHDN, Yellow Submarine, and all the Anthologies, but I haven't seen MMT or Let It Be. I have only 6 albums so far, but they are some of the best like my relatives say. Radaghast, do you mind telling us what you meant about Elanor Rigby putting up a fight? I am a bit curious ;).[/COLOR][/SIZE]
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