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[COLOR=firebrick][SIZE=1] [B]Name:[/B] Xenz [B]Age:[/B] 19 [B]Gender:[/B] Male [B]Apperance: [/B] [img]http://jokopoko.250free.com/erik-1.jpg[/img] [B]Personality: [/B] Quiet and calm, due to years of slow training. When around people, he is quite friendly but speaks very little. People pass him off as a thinker, which is partially true, for his Mother had taught him knowledge is power, which he believes so true he almosts worships the saying. He is very serious on some matters, but he is usually pretty carefree and shows it well. [B]Chief Skill:[/B] Magic [B]Weapons: [/B] Magic [B]Alligence: [/B] TechnoMagi [B]Biography:[/B] Born to a broken family, Xenz lived with his mother and never knew his father. His mother was a naturalist and she taught Xenz to dislike the Machines that were ruining the wildlife we would love so much, but he, a very smart child, understood what these Machines could do and realized they weren't all that bad and sometimes were even necessary. The two lived in the open woods. Xenz knew for a fact that his mother was capable of using magic, but she hid it so her son could lead a normal life. It didn't work. Ever since Xenz could walk and talk on his own, he showed extraordinary talent with magic. He could make small patches of dirt grow flowers in seconds, and with a swipe of his hand they would wither and die like months had passed. The council was aware of this talented boy living in the woods. They sent a messenger boy to where Xenz and his mother lived to ask for him to come live with them. Xenz was still young, about five or six, when the messenger came. His mother was doubtful, but the council assured her the Xenz needed to learn to control his powers and not to abuse them. Understanding that her son was special, she agreed. After a short farewell ordered by the Council, Xenz's mother presented him an necklace with an eagle feather, a treasured item to him to this day as he keeps it around his neck 24-7. And Xenz lived with the council, his magical capabilities grew with every spell and magic book he read and was soon one of their most trusted Mages. Alright. Thats it. Not my best sign up. If you want me to change anything tell me.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
[COLOR=red][SIZE=1] Klin stood at the entrance to her chambers. She watched as her fellows walked around, getting ready for The Brewd. "Bloody morons..." She thought to herself in the privacy of her Master mind, "That place is the perfect spot for an ambush from the bloody beasts." She had never gone herself, but Cain had personally asked her to go this night. Why, should couldn't know, but she had to obey. She slowly turned back into her chamber. She walked to her elegant, velvet-laced cofin and reached inside. She pulled out her twin Katana's and straped them onto her belt. She smirked slyly, "Safety first..." She made her way into the hallways and sighed. She kept telling herself it wouldn't be too bad, after all, she had heard that Ctar was ordered to go, too.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
[COLOR=blue][SIZE=1] [B]Name:[/B] Nyoko Natagawa [B]Age:[/B] 24 [B]Personality:[/B] Adventureous and Protective. [B]Bio:[/B] The older of the Natagawa sisters, Nyoko is the daring sister. When she was 10 and Rei was 4, Rei, whom Nyoko had taken to the park, walked into their house and found both their mother and father dead, the murderer was standing over them. He stared at her and then noticed Nyoko, who was very tall for her age, and ran out the backdoor. Nyoko than promised to never let anything happen to Rei and since than has been overly protective. They now live in their Grandfather Tao's house. [B]Appearance:[/B] [url]http://www.animeshrine.com/gallery.php?series=warofgenesis&image=12[/url] [B]Cynet:[/B] Crisis [B]Family:[/B] Grandfather-Tao Natagawa, Younger Sister- Rei Natagawa[/COLOR][/SIZE]
[COLOR=red][SIZE=1] Klin leaned up against the arch-like doorway of the Council room, her eyes only half open, and waited for Ctar. As he slowly and calmly made his way outside, Klin, being so quiet, startled him. "So..." She said, "That stunt you pulled..." Ctar jumped and turned, "Mistress..." He said unenthusiasticly. Klin ingnored him and slowly pushed herself off the wall. "I shall not tell Cain about this, consider yourself lucky." Ctar grinned, his fangs glistening, "Now, why would Mistress Klin be so kind to the lowly Ctar?" Klin put a small smile on and walked dangerously close to Ctar, putting her face next to his ear, "Consider yourself... lucky." She repeated, than disapeared. [center]~~~[/center] "Klin- uh, Mistress Klin, we are outraged that you aren't telling Master Cain about the traitor!" Klin smiled dangerously at the council who were all glaring cousiously at her. "Yes... well, who knows what we would have done without his clever planning, hmm? He is one of the most valuable Vampire's known to date." The council gaped at her as she started to laugh, "You should have seen it, though. It was quite funny when the Werebeasts all fell down like how do you say it... dominoes.... Council." She nodded slightly, turned on her heel and walked away.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
[COLOR=red][SIZE=1] Klin watched from the shadows, her eyes glowing red as she surveyed the Werebeast's thoughts. The one in the front had already transformed into it's hideous true form. She sighed. These beasts would never learn. Even if the tiger managed to beat one of her own, 10 more would simply takes it's place. She looked up calmly up at the sky as the thunder cracked like the necks of her victims. She smiled, one of her sharp fangs slowly appearing at the end of her mouth. She stared back at the hopeless battle and watched as the beasts lunged at her kind and laughed to herself. As the vampires suddenly lunged out at the Werebeasts, she jumped down with amazing speed and grace, and stood behind the battle. She calmly watched as they all ripped and shot at eachother with no mercy. She stood there quietly and unoticed until one of the beasts had noticed her. "Finally," She thought as she pretended not to notice, "Fun."[/COLOR][/SIZE]
[COLOR=red][SIZE=1] Sounds interesting :) Name: Klin Age: 104 Height: 6'4" Weight: 133 lbs. Breed: Vampire Answers: D, D, D Description: Please check attachment. Bio: Cain's faithfull right hand Vampire, Kiln has been known for some of the most ruthless attacks on humans in history. She was bitten by the big man himself for one purpose, his bride. But he soon learned that Kiln was a strong woman Vampire and would never marry. She is very clever in planning what she does and she is very skillfull and handling two weapons, so she was positioned as a sort of general and has never let Cain down. Ever. Class: Mastermind/ Blade Weapon: Double Katanas. I hope this is alright ^^[/COLOR][/SIZE]
[COLOR=red][SIZE=1] I have permission from dayday Name: Aurora Age: Unknown Gender: Female Description: [img]http://www.advancedanime.com/pictures/angels/sylvanforest.jpg?PHPSESSID=c262646c1b71718862d0975f799af822[/img] Biography: A girl who was created to guide and comfort, she has been an Angel since only God knows when. She was created for the sole purpose of comforting the new dead people that arrived in heaven. Her specialty being children who all are in love with her silk wings and glittery, transparent halo. After quite a while, she was chosen, because of her gentleness and wiseness, to help guide the living if they were chosen for some special task. Nationality: Because of her heavy English accent, she is rumored to have been designed like a young, British girl. [/COLOR][/SIZE]
[COLOR=red][SIZE=1] Fun :D [B]Name:[/B] Keira Motomiya [B]Nickname:[/B] Kei [B]Descendant of:[/B] Davis Motomiya [B]Appearance:[/B] [img]http://www.megchan.com/art/daisuke.jpg[/img] Her eyes are bright green. [B]Personality:[/B] Fiercely loyal and protective, always a kidder, rushes into things usually without thinking. [B]D-Pihc Color- [/COLOR][COLOR=blue]Blue[/COLOR][COLOR=red][/B] Digimon: [B]Chibomon: [img]http://www.angelfire.com/falcon/digispirit/chibomon.jpg[/img] Demi-Veemon: [img][/img] Veemon: [img][/img] ExVeemon: [img][/img] Paildramon: [img][/img] Imperialdramon: [img][/img][/B] Could someone maybe give me the attacks? I dont have much time to go and find them all ^.^'' I hope this is otay :D[/COLOR][/SIZE]
[COLOR=red][SIZE=1] Sounds cool ^^ Name: Keira DuVall Age: 12 (Is this okay? I figured, since I wanted my ghost to be The First Born Son, i'd be the youngster) Sign: The First Born Son Description: Short, spikey dirty blonde hair with the tips dyed a faint red. She has large, green eyes that have dulled after being possesed. She has several earings going along the rim of heach ear. She has quite a few freckles and pretty tan. She is tall, 5'5, and wears an overshirt with japanese letters with a fiery background. She has black 'Dickies" with a chain in her left pocket going to her belt loop. She has black and white skateboard shoes. Short Bio: A bit of a loner, Kiara does not act her age. She does not take dugs or smoke, even though she hangs out with sixteen year olds, because she is extreamly smart and clever and knows it will kill her eventually. She is fascinated with 'phantoms' and such. When she is not skateboarding or doing some other meaningless stunt to attract attention to herself, she is studying about ghosts. She had always dreamed of meeting a real one, convinced they weren't evil. Sadly, she got her wish. Hope that is alright :)[/COLOR][/SIZE]
[COLOR=red][SIZE=1] OOC: Names Lauren, not Laura, lol ^^ Lauren sighed happily an hopped off of the wooden stool and walked over to the Gryffindor Table, still shaking with a mixture of excitement and nervousnous. She sat down next to a girl she remebered as Danbee, next to her was a girl named Sakura. "Hi!" Lauren greeted almost instantly, her bright eyes glowing with anticipation, "I am Lauren!" Both of the girls greeted her just as excitedly. Soon after all of the other students had been sorted, she and Danbee and Sakura had become friends, along with the other first years. Lauren, after eating several plates of food, relaxed a bit and looked around. The other house tables were talking animatedly. Her eyes drifted up slowly to the Teacher's Table. Professor. Narciuss. Next to her, Banbee and Sakura were talking about a Famous Witches and Wizards card. After staring at it, she said, ", A Professor Narcissus or somebody..." Sakura replied absentmindedly, holding the card over for them to see. "Really? That's one of the new Professors up there." She pointed up to the Professor, then noticed Sakura wasn't actually listening. OOC: Sorry 'bout the short post, it's like 2:30 AM, sleep![/COLOR][/SIZE]
[COLOR=red][SIZE=1] This sounds really fun, Logan! What do I have to do to be a judge?[/COLOR][/SIZE]
[COLOR=red][SIZE=1] After giving Vaporeon the drink Max had given her, Lauren walked outside, Vaporeon bouncing at her heels. Ryan and Ki were about to have a battle. Lauren looked around, black clouds were starting to form around Professor Redwood's lab. She shrugged, and sat down on the grass, stroaking Vaporeon and watching the match. (I hope you guys don't mind not having the match, i'd like to get started on our adventure. Tell me if you object ^^) Quite a while later, both Pokemon, Rush and Bellsprout, were on the ground, panting with exhaustion. Lauren walked over to Ryan and Ki, and handed them each drinks that had been given to her from Max. Ki and Ryan thanked her graciously, "Thanks, uh..." They both started, "Oh! Sorry, i'm Lauren..." She said enthusiasticly at first, but then something caught her eyes. A large purple sparkling ball was starting to form infront of the weird clouds. "What's that?" She said, pointing, but, nobody seemed to hear her. Suddenly, as if something pushed it very hard, it flew down at an amazing speed... straight towards them! She grabbed Ki and Ryan by the wrists, then threw them out of the way. The energy hit earth straight infront of her, and she flew back. She did numerous flips before hitting the ground. "Lauren!" Max yelled, running to help her up. She wasn't hurt to bad, just some bruises and scrapes, and her Water Tear was glowing a light blue. After looking around, everyone noticed that the few chosen children's special marks were all glowing their colors...[/COLOR][/SIZE]
[COLOR=red][SIZE=1] Lauren looked at the badge, than handed it back to Max. "I am sorry, Max, I just can't accept it." She looked down at Vaporeon, "It just isn't right, Max. We lost, and we can accept it. A rematch is in order once we are leveled up a bit, ok?" Max thought for a second, "If that's what you want..." "It is." Max nodded, and sat back down. Professor looked at his watch nervously, "Where are the others..." He muttered angrily...[/COLOR][/SIZE]
[COLOR=red][SIZE=1] The most emotinal pain i've ever felt is when I watched the boy I had a huge crush on said yes to a girl who asked him to 'go out' with her. But, lol, since we are all very young, we don't actually go out. I watched from the mokey bars, I had dared her to go ask, because we had an argument on who he liked better (everyone in our class knew he liked me, but she just wouldn't believe it). At first, he jumped in suprise and disgust, but she just kept asking and [i]asking[/i] until he said yes. The saddest thing, though, is the fact that he was walking around with me earlier, his arm around my shoulders and walking [i]really, really[/i] close to me. But, after I (Actually, my friend told him on the buss home) told him I liked him, he said that he would make it up to me next year, because the girl was moving away ^^ That made me feel better, but the first part made me feel like crying. Yeah, after you see how old I am, you'll think that i'm too young for that. I haven't had much Physical pain, but when I had an Asthma Attack for the first time in about 9-10 years, I felt terrible. Also when I broke my wrist, that obviously hurt alot, lol ^^[/COLOR][/SIZE]
[COLOR=red][SIZE=1] "Ok! That sounds great... but, wont my Pokemon be lv5? Aren't your Pokemon alot...stronger?" Lauren said, excited at first, than a little disbelieving. Max grinned, "We'll see what we can do." Professor Redwood glanced at his pocket watch, "Well, the others are late, would you like your Pokemon now, Laur-" "YES! YES! YES!" She shouted, jumping over to the Prof. Everyone in the room laughed and sniggered. Professor Redwood blinked before walking over to a table. There was a large red button on the top, and he pressed down on it. Steam escaped itself from the table as a large, glass dome slowly rised out of it. Down the middle was a long line, where the dome split in half, the sides going back into the table. Everyone watched in awe as 5 pokeballs (Veedra already has her Pokemon) slowly became seeable through the steam. Each had a symbol on it for the kind of Pokemon was inside. Redwood looked cheerfully at the Pokeballs, than picked up the ball with the correct symbol on it, a Water Tear. "Think fast!" He tossed the ball underhand to Lauren, who caught it with ease, "Oh, I still got it!" Redwood exclaimed as everyone stared at him with blank expressions. Lauren stared gleefully at the Pokeball, than turned to Max, "Uhh, how do I open it?" Risuke sniggered, than quickly apoligized without enthusiasm. Max told Lauren to just through it on the ground or through the air, and it'll work by itself. Lauren blushed, nodded, than threw the air. In the middle of its flight, it opened, a huge stream of light flowing out. The ball stopped, and then turned at flew back into Lauren's open hand. The beam of light slowly formed into a shape. It was blue, had a long, mermaid like tail and gorgeous black eyes. It had four legs, fin-like ruffled around its neck, and long ears. The Pokemon opened it's mouth, and in a high, but soothing voice, let out a small, "Vaporeon..." Lauren screamed in delight and grabbed her Pokemon. "It's so... cool! And... watery!" Professor Redwood smiled, "I knew you'd like it! I just knew it." Vaporeon licked it's owners face, and grinned. Lauren smiled, and turned to Max, "You ready?" Vaporeon, as if knowing just what Lauren was talking about, jumped out infront of her, getting into a fighting position.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
[COLOR=red][SIZE=1] "I am Lauren! What's you name?" Ivan chuckled, "Why, you're pretty bubbly, eh? My name is Ivan, i'm a gymleader." Lauren grinned. Ivan stared at her mark with great intrest, "Professor, is she one of the-" "Yes. She is the one with the Water Tear" Redwood inturupted, "And pround of it!" Lauren added. "You like Water Pokemon, hmm?" Ivan asked, Lauren nodded, "That means you'll be getting a Water Pokemon... hmmm. I'll have to look out for you when you come around," He winked.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
[COLOR=red][SIZE=1] Lauren grinned and walked with Max into Prof. Redwood's lab. Redwood looked up instantly, and he sighed with relif. "Finally, you made it, Lauren!" He looked at Max, "And if it isn't Max Zaybock!" Max nodded, then said "Professor, I need to talk, but I am sure that Lauren here has more important buisness her than me." He smiled at Lauren and her and Xatu sat down. Lauren looked at Professor Redwood shyly, and walked towards him. She had met him only once before, and that was the night he told her about her destiny. "Lauren. You're bleeding!" Redwood pointed at her arm, with had a gash and was bleeding, but not to badly. "Oh, Professor, it's alright, really!" Prof. Redwood smiled, and snapped his fingers. A Chansey walked in, put it's hands over her arm and started to glow. In seconds, Lauren's injury healed, the Chansey smiled, and with a small "Chan!" Walked out. "Professor," Lauren said, watching distractedly as the Chansey walked away, "Why wasn't your Chansey captured by... Mewthre?" Redwood's face hardened with great dislike, "Because, like Max there" He said, pointing to Max, "Our Pokemon have been protected for unknown reasons," He got a little sweat mark on his face, very 'Anime-ish' like, "I'm... still working on it, hehehe" Lauren sighed, then said excitedly, "When do I get my Pokemon!" "When the others arrive, be patient, Lauren!"[/COLOR][/SIZE]
[COLOR=red][SIZE=1] Lauren looked back. Her house looked very small from the top of the hill. She sighed as she thought of the fact she may never see her family again. Her eyes watered as she looked back down. Her bike was old and rusty, but it got her from point A to point B. She lifted her left leg and set her foot on the peddle. She pushed off from the top of the hill with her right, then quickly set it on the other peddle, which was spinning around and round like mad. Her hair flew back in the wind as she sped down the hill. Prof. Redwood's lab was getting nearer and bigger and she came closer. Then, instead of her hair flying back, her old bike ran into a rock and sent Lauren flying instead. Luckily, she landed on the lawn of Prof. Redwood's perfectly kept garden filled with wild, scared Pokemon. She lay on her back, dazed from the landing until, "Are you ok?"[/COLOR][/SIZE]
[COLOR=red][SIZE=1] Right, i'm ready to start ^.^ Look for it in the Adventure Area :)[/COLOR][/SIZE]
[COLOR=red][SIZE=1] Sweetness^^ As soon as we get Ryan's sign-up and a few more gymleaders, we can start :)[/COLOR][/SIZE]
[COLOR=red][SIZE=1] "Maybe I'm Amazed" By Paul McCartney. I think it's beautiful and the perfect lovesong ^.^[/COLOR][/SIZE]
[COLOR=red][SIZE=1] This is great! I've gotten more Gymleaders than last time, this is perfect. Another thing my puny little brain forgot to mention was your badges ^^;; If you wouldn't mind describing them to us ;) As soon as we get a Grass Scar person and maybe one or two more Gymleaders, we'll start :D[/COLOR][/SIZE]
[COLOR=red][SIZE=1] That's great, Wondershot, only thing I forgot to mention was that Gym Leaders don't have the mark (they aren't the chosen ones). You can still be a grass leader, if you like, but the Mark is for the Chosen Kids ^^[/COLOR][/SIZE]
[COLOR=red][SIZE=1] Thanks, everyone, for joining ^^ And, Steel is reserved for Ryan, so no one take that, kay? Thanks ^.^[/COLOR][/SIZE]
[COLOR=red][SIZE=1] Thats cool, ephemral, we can always use more Dai-Chan fans ;) Here is another ^^[/COLOR][/SIZE]