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Everything posted by Muse
[COLOR=red][SIZE=1] That's fine, Taki. Pokemon from all the games are fine ;)[/COLOR][/SIZE]
[COLOR=red][SIZE=1] Thank you, maladusted^^ Here is another one. It's Daisuke again^^[/COLOR][/SIZE]
[COLOR=red][SIZE=1] That's great, Taki, But, your mark (The Dark Skin) has to be visible in your appearence ^^. If you fix that, it'll be great, thanks ^^[/COLOR][/SIZE]
[COLOR=indigo][SIZE=1] [i]Mewtwo.... One, strong, powerfull word describes this Pokemon. Evil[/i]. After the chosen child, Ash Ketchum, and his faithfull Pokemon Pikachu destroyed Mewtwo in their final battle they returned to Pallet Town where they were worshiped as heros. But one person was not happy with the defeat of the almighty Pokemon. Giovanni The Second (bah), the new leader of Team Rocket. He called for Rocket Grunts to go to the scene of the destruction. They found one piece of Mewtwo still remaining, the left eyeball. They brought the eye back to their leader. He quickly gave the eyeball to his scientists with one command. [i]"Make a Pokemon so powerfull... No man with his Pokemon could defeat it..."[/i] The scientists, all afraid they would be fired unless they did this task, set to work straightaway. After 30 years of struggle and work... One of the many clones they created finally opened its eyes, unfortunatly sending the scientists crashing into machines and to their doom. With one, simple flick of its finger, the cage opened, or rather blasted open. Giovanni quickly ran to the spot of where the new Poke'mon was floating... [i]"So. Are you the new Poke'mon I had created..."[/i] [i]"...."[/i] [i]"Speak when you are spoken to! You are my Pokemon now!"[/i] [i]"I... am no ones Poke'mon."[/i] With another swift movement, the clone picked up Giovanni, psychic energy holding his neck. [i]"I...willl... Have you destroyed!"[/i] Where Giovanni's final words. The clone smirked eviliy, [i]"You even said yourself that you wanted me to be stronger than any other Pokemon. So powerfull I coudn't be destroyed. I, Mewthre (Pronounced Mew-Three) am fufilling your wish. Good bye."[/i] With that, Mewthre squeezed his hand together. Giovanni took his final breath, than choked to death. Mewthre dropped the lifeless man to the ground, and floated out of the room. [i]"So... The one that destroyed Mewtwo is dead now of age. Then it should be easy to take over this puny planet..."[/i] Mewthre floated over to the other cities of Kanto, slowly destroying them all. The people have made an agreement with Mewthre, they live under his rule, and he destroys no more people. But, Mewthre did not live up to his word. He captured all of the Trainers Poke'mon and turned them into his brainless slaves,all except for wild Pokemon, who were pretected for some reason unknown. But, the prophicies also helped. A Pokemon Professor, Prof. Redwood, descorved an ancient slab wich said, in translated, " If the world is ruled by the third, The world will turn its mighty head, And look down upon the Six The Six who have the powers Of talking to the animals(Pokemon) These chosen Six, will save the world With the Six chosen Pokemon. One with the Water Tear (Me) One with the Steel Mark(Saved for Ryan) One with the Grass Scar (JJRiddler) One with the Electric Shock (Kesaki_Inedia) One with the Fire Burn (Ohkami) One with the Dark Skin (Taki Ebina) Word quickly spread out of the slab, and the world searched the world for the Six kids. They found them all in small Copper Town, the "Town of new Beginings". Each of the children having a strange mark on their bodies (note the Water Tear, Grass Scar, and so on). Going to each of the Chosens homes, Redwood explained everything in detail. The Six know now what they must do. The journey will be dangerous, but when in peril, they must remember the greatest strength of all, if the strength in each other.[/COLOR][COLOR=red] Yeah... I am going to start this up again ^^ You can be a Gym Leader, or a starting Trainer. The Gym Leaders purpose is to train us, and after we beat them, they join the 6 on their journey. The Gym Leaders still have their Pokemon for reasons unknown:drunk: But we'll think of something :D Here is the sign-up Name: Age: (If you are going to become a Trainer 10-13. Gym leaders can be anything over 15) Height: Weight: Description: Personality: Bio: (Optional) First Pokemon: Note: The Pokemon can be any kind you want, just make sure it's Lv. 5 (If you are a Trainer) If you are a Gym Leader, just write down all your Pokemon :) Trainer/Gymleader: What Mark: This is the mark on your body. In your appearence, put the shape of it (make sure you make it so it's always visible somehow) This mark will show what kind of Pokemon you collect (Water, Fire, etc...) Right-o. Here's mine ^.^ Name: Lauren Age: 13 Height: 5'7 Weight: 107lbs Description: [img]http://www.geocities.com/Tokyo/Shrine/6454/mb4-a.jpg[/img] Just imagine her with short, messy black hair. She has a light blue tear-shaped mark on her right cheek. Personality: Fun loving, outgoing, loyal, protective. All the traits of a great friend and leader ^.^. Whenever her friends (or Pokemon) are in trouble, Lauren gets very angry and will do anything to help out. Bio: Lauren was born with the small mark on her cheek, and she doesn't really care. She says it suits her well, because she loves water and water Pokemon. She has many friends and family. Her family is always stopping by, so she is usually very busy, but she will always make time to either: Go out with friends, or go swimming, her two favorite things to do. After she was told about Mewthre and how she was a 'chosen' one, she instantly said she would do it. She is a great leader, and she knows how handle her Pokemon very well. First Pokemon: Vaporeon (lv. 5) Trainer/Gymleader: Trainer. Okay, I hope this works ^_^[/COLOR][/SIZE]
[COLOR=red][SIZE=1] OOC: Sorry guys, for not posting again -.- Dai was surely laying low. After those girls started to tease him, he felt like he needed to be alone, for quite a while. He knew he was being a wuss, infact, whenever he walked by the other boys, they told him so. He didn't care. He was thinking that whole time. He needed to toughen up, and he had been doing so. He was thinking of trying out for the Drill Team. As Dai walked around school with Bradley, he heard whispering around the bend. He told his friend to be quiet, and snuck around the corner, being sure to stay hidden, "How come you always tease Reg?" A voice asked, Dai recognized it as Swift's. "She's annoying," A girls voice said coldly. Dai knew it was Courtney, the one who lead in his teasings. "If you really want to fight her or anything, I might can help you" Dai's fists clenched, Swift was going to do something to Reg. He said good-bye to Bradley and sped off. He had gotten fast in his training. Once at top speed, something white was on the ground, and Dai slipped and tripped over it, landing on his face. He got up with a groan, and picked up the white thing. It was a piece of paper. "It's for the Drill Team tryouts!" He muttered, scanning the paper over quickly. It was on friday... He nodded, stuffed the notice in his pocket and sped off again to find Reg, he had to warn her about Swift and Courtney.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
[COLOR=red][SIZE=1] HI. I found a way to turn my banners into JPEGS (Yay, Daisuke!) So I am gonna show them off (even though I suck -.-) Just to let ya know, simple is my game, simple... is my game... right. I am using MS Paint, and my text isn't working, so I dont have any text and the reason for no more than one picture is because of Paint ::kicks paint:: Oh well. One at a time, here they are ^.^ P.S. These are all Daisuke, so far, because he is such a cutie ^^[/COLOR][/SIZE]
[COLOR=red][SIZE=1] mystikal, you rock! How can you say that the BG sucks when it's so... cool and mysterious, it perfectly fits the picture! The dead guy does bother me a bit, though. I think he should be hunched over, and his body not so straight. I still think it's really cool ^^[/COLOR][/SIZE]
[COLOR=red][SIZE=1] I believe that Lamborghini's are too fast to be driven in the US. Might be just me, though -.- I forget. But, my favorite car is the Lamborghini Diablo VT 6.0 (Silver) Those cars are sweet. Thats all I have to say ^^ Thats Me.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
[COLOR=red][SIZE=1] My favorite band: "The Beatles" Absolutley My favorite song? I am The Walrus. WHy? I'll tell you. It's very... original, got a good beat, a sense of humor, and it makes no sense onceover. An example would be this part: Semolina pilchard..... climbing up the Eiffel Tower. Elementary penguin singing Hare Krishna. Man You should have seen them kicking Edgar Alan Poe. I am the eggman, they are the eggmen I am the walrus, goo goo goo joob goo goo goo joob Goo goo gooooooooooo jooooob If you think that's weird, check out the rest ^^ Another favorite is Maxwell's Silver Hammer by The Beatles. If any of you have seen Sgt Peppers Lonely Hearts Club Band the movie, I like the part where Steve Martin is singing it :) That's Me.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
[COLOR=red][SIZE=1] Arika, i'll be on your team if you don't mind ^^[/COLOR][/SIZE]
[COLOR=red][SIZE=1] Frost nodded, grinning, then turned to the challengers. Her eye's were red, but cold and hard. "I am the same. I don't like people who try to wreck what's not theirs. If you like it or not, I am going to help Serine," she stated coldly, nodding to her Pokemon. "Serine," She added, "Yes?" "Our Eevee's, they should stick together, use double team." "Uh, okay? Why?" Frost smiled, "I am an unbeatable planner. My record speaks for itself." Serine nodded and turned back to Carl and Arika. Frost kneeled down to he Eevee and Mudkip, "Good luck, fella's." She winked, and stood up, streightening out her trench and running a hand through her hair. She sighed, and opened her bright eyes with suddeness, and stared at TB. "Ready?"[/COLOR][/SIZE]
[COLOR=red][SIZE=1] Serine was greeted with a very steady silence. She squinted, trying to look better in the steadying darkness. The footsteps grew closer, and Serine could fully see the figure. It was a girl... A very white girl. "Who are you?" The girl stopped, she was busy looking down, her hands in her pockets, watching an Eevee bound up and down excitedly. She looked up, her red eyes wide in suprise. She looked around, then back at Serine. "Uh, Frost. Are you, uh, Team Ball?" She said as a Mudkip ran past her legs and jumped into the Eevee and they rolled around on the ground. She scratched her face and smiled at her Pokemon, than turned up again towards Serine, her face suddenly cold and hard. "Well?"[/COLOR][/SIZE]
[COLOR=red][SIZE=1] Hmm... Well, sounds pretty cool. I don't know too much about cars and stuff, but I am not bad ^^. Name: Lauren Stark Racing Alias: Ghost Age: 18 Nationality: English Gender: Female Description: Shoulder length white hair with hints of silver. She wears a white thrench coat that is opened very slightly, but enough to see a white button-up shirth that only has the one on the bottom un-buttoned. She has white bellbottom pants and black shoes. She wears black sunglasses similiar to these: [img]http://store5.yimg.com/I/imposterwear_1745_20858[/img] all day long and through the night. She wears gold and silver bands on all of her fingers with no apparent jewels or such. She has a very light scar going through her eye down to the chest bone. Personality: Depends on her mood. When she is happy, she'll show it. When she's mad, she'll show it. It varies. Usually she is very calm and cool and likes to stay quiet. Bio: Ghost was born albino, and not very proud of it. She wore sunglasses to hide her brilliant red eyes and kept it that way. She hated her parents, who spent all of their time on her younger sister, Jillian, who was 'The Smart One' of the family. Ghost was the 'Mess Up' and she liked it that way. She grew up in a world of cars because her older brother, Joesph, was a street racer. Joesph taught Ghost the basics and let her sit in the car while he went through intense races. Most thought this a bad idea, as Ghost was pretty young then, but she didn't mind. Cars where and are her life. Once, during a race, Joesph was drunk and Ghost was in the car with her brother. Joesph lost control of the wheel and they sped off the road. Ghost survived with a long gash down her eye, but Joesph wasn't as lucky. Even after the traumatizing event, Ghost went on to be a street racer like her brother. She learned the style of Japanese sword fighting when she was fifteen, and when she was eighteen, she moved from England to Los Angeles and has never been happier. In the day time, she owns a very fancy resturant with exotic foods. Extra: She has a Katana that is 31" in length in a white scabbord underneath her trenchcoat. She has daggers in her boots and has several shruikens in the pockets inside her coat. She is also very skilled in hand to hand combat. Brand: Lamborghini Model: Diablo VT 6.0 Color: Silver with letters spelling out 'Ghost' in whispy dark silver writing on both sides. Speed: 220 Extra: Lightning Audio Speakers and Amps, Silver neon lights. Oh well, I hope it's alright ^.^[/COLOR][/SIZE]
[COLOR=red][SIZE=1] C'mon, Juu, give it up ;) You can never prove that you like Orlandy more than me.:p Well, I am The Ultimate Lover Of Leggy/Orlandy/Will, so Orlando Bloom is my favorite actor, obviously :D. He's is so sexay, he's [i]mine...[/i] and he does so well. ^^ I dont love him just because he is the hottest thing on earth, but because of his characters and how he plays them :) Another favorite actor of mine would have to be... No, it should be favorite actors, The Beatles! If you've been lucky enough to watch their movies, you'd understand why. Their movies are very funny and The Beatles, for singers, do pretty well acting. ^^ My favorite actress is... uh, not sure. I spend so much time glomping over a certain actor I dont watch many [i]girl[/i] movies. I do like Patricia Arquette. She can really play her characters. She goes from a nerdy-type in Little Nicky, and then to a murdering cowgirl in "Holes" Thats Me.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
[COLOR=red][SIZE=1] Silly Juu, still having your little fantasies of liking Orlandy better than moi? Well... my chrush on OB... Hmmm... My crush is Geist. No spoiler tags. Right out. He's great. Yeah. That's me. I hope he see's this and forgives me for not PMing him back, I have reasons ^^[/COLOR][/SIZE]
[COLOR=red][SIZE=1] Cool. [B]Name:[/B] Paul (heck, I figured since I am a girl gonna use a boy character, i'll pretend i'm a boy ^^) [B]Age:[/B] 12 [B]Character:[/B] Shadow from Sonic's Adventures [img]http://www.sonicteam.com/sonicadv2/0413/illust/shadow.gif[/img] [B]Powers:[/B] Super speed, Chaos Control, Light Dash, Spin Dash. [B]Description:[/B] He has Shadow's hair style and highlites, his shoes (which once he starts to go very fast, energy comes out of the soles and he acts like they are rollerblades) gloves, and highlites on his forearms. He wears a baggy white vest with nothing underneath (all the way zipped up) so people can see the red marks on his arms. He has black khakies with many, many pockets. He wears small oval glasses with a silver chain going from the tips of them around his head. [B]Bio:[/B] Paul is an intense gamer, to put it simple. He loves anything to do with video games and so forth. Like everyone else, he was playing one of his favorite games, when a flash erupted from his screen. He rubbed his pupils, and turned the game off. 'That was weird,' he thought as he fell slowly asleep. The flash made him suddenly feel very tired. When he woke up with a headache and a weird feeling to run around, he looked in the mirror. He looked fuzzy, but that was because he hadnt put on his glasses. As soon as he did so, he looked back at the mirror, and noticed, he wasn't the same as before. He WAS Shadow, the character that was smirking at him the night before when the flash appeared. What had happened? He needed to find out. Hope that is good ^^ I dont have alot of experience with guy characters.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
[COLOR=red][SIZE=1] Sounds cool ^^ [B]Name:[/B] Lauren "Frost" McKenzie [B]Age:[/B] 13 [B]Description:[/B] Being Albino, Frost has pure icy-white hair and brilliant red eyes. She wears a white long-sleeved teeshirt with a white trenchcoat. She has white baggy pants and white boots. Her fingers are painted white, and she has a white bandana that almost completely blends in with her hair. She stands at 5'5 and has amazinggly white teeth which she seems to always show, she's always grinning and smiling. [B]Personality:[/B] Frost is very warm and friendly, even if she doesn't look it. She can make friends in a heartbeat and is very kind to her Pokemon. She is fiercely loyal to her friends and will do almost anything to help out. [B]Biography:[/B] Frost was affectionately given her nickname by her friends because of her icy appearance. Her parents think she is wasting her time, but her brother would strongly disagree, for he too loves the game. She spends her free time playing, only leaving to do the things she absolutley HAS to do in life. She has been known to babble about pokemon so much that she has been kicked out of most of her social life.She doesn't really care, she has many friends in the game. She is a very experienced battler and knows how to use strategies... very well. [B]Pokemon:[/B] Eevee named Snow, Mudkip named Slush. [B] Team Alligance:[/B] Against TB I hope this is alright ^.^ EDIT: Sorry, Taki, I cant really play evil dudes real convincingly ^^[/COLOR][/SIZE]
[COLOR=red][SIZE=1] Like Raiha said, very, very funny. Johnny Depp was excelent. Can't say nothing bad about my Orlando :luv:. I thought the Black Pearl pirates were great, and cool in their 'moonlit mode' as I like to call it. That Elizabeth girl was cool once in a while [spoiler]Like the time she and Jack are sitting on the beach drinking rum and talking, that was great[/spoiler] But she got annoying sometimes. Even though I am still the ultimate lover of Orlando/Leggy/Will, Johnny Depp was the greatest. I was also very suprised at all the deaths for a Disney film. If you like Pirates, zombies, fighting, and all of that stuff, you'll really like this movie :D[/COLOR][/SIZE]
[COLOR=red][SIZE=1] They are The Romones, and Burnsey mistakes them for The Rolling Stones. In the episode when Barney stops being an alchoholic, Bart and Lisa send a photo to be put on the Springfield Phonebook. What picture ends up on there?[/COLOR][/SIZE]
[COLOR=red][SIZE=1] Hail To The Chimp :) Paul McCartney said that if you played one of his songs backwords, you could hear a recipe for 'smashing' lentil soup. What song was it? [/COLOR][/SIZE]
[COLOR=red][SIZE=1] Old School. :D No doubt. Funniest movie ever in my opinion. Yeah... I am one of the youngest members on here and I have seen Old School probably more times than the older ones o.O. That part where Will Ferrell gets the Tranqulizer in the juggular, I fell of my seat laughing until I couldn't breathe. That movie is so sick and twisted... It goes right up there with all of The Beatles movies and LOTR's. Another of my favorite funny movies is Help! By The Beatles. I am pretty sure that only a select number of you have seen it, so I wont bother talking about it:) But, it's kinda cheesy, but its got The Beatles in it, so I dont care:)[/COLOR][/SIZE]
Sign Up Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry
Muse replied to Shikaku Kitoku's topic in Theater
[COLOR=red][SIZE=1] No problem, James ^.^ HEre is information on him that I found: Tall and thin with long silvery hair and beard, half moon glasses and a rather long and crooked nose, Dumbledore is the wise headmaster of Hogwarts. Immeasurably talented and powerful, he is said to be the only wizard feared by Lord Voldemort himself. He is a somewhat controversial headmaster, revered by most, but accused of being "the worst thing to happen to Hogwarts" by the extremist Deatheater/ pureblood wing. Dumbledore is somewhat eccentric, with a fondness for wool socks and lemon drops, and his twinkling blue eyes lead one to believe he knows much more than he lets on. He can see through Invisibility Cloaks, has a Phoenix and a Pensieve, and Harry finds his office one of the most interesting places in Hogwarts You could probably use that info to make a sign-up sheet for him, unless you want me to find a real profile, just tell me. [/COLOR][/SIZE] -
[COLOR=red][SIZE=1] OOC: Hey, sorry, guys. I know I haven't posted in a really, really long time:) I ran out of ideas and I have been very busy ^^. IC: "Oh, sorry, nothing." Dai murmered, turning around to poke back at his dinner. But he realised that something was poking him. He looked back, the girl was grinning at him. "I would be Reg, to you, kid, not nothing." He muffled a chuckle, "My name is Daisuke, but you can call me Dai." Reg raised an eyebrow, then stuck out her hand, which Dai took, smiling. "I figured," started Reg, relaxing in her chair, "That since i've never actually really talk to any boys, so I thought I would make some friends." "Well," said Dai, "If you want more boy friends, not meaning anything, by the way, i've got three really good ones, if you wanted to meet them." Reg said sure, and Dai poked Bradley in the back and whispered him something, and he got Richard and Richie." "Ahem," coughed Bradley, taking this opon himself, "I am Bradley, this is Richard," pointing to the older of the brothers, "And this is Richie," nodding at the younger one. "Hewo!" Richie said cheerfully, than going back to eating his dinner. Richard stared at Reg with great intrest, "Hello! Don't mind my brother, he isn't one for words. I am Richard." Richard said very fast. Reg stared at him, "Uh, yeah. Brad told me." Richard blushed and went back to eating his dinner, taking a peek up at Reg every once in a while. "Well, i'd better go. Dai, you wanna meet my 'friends'?" Reg said with a very sarcastic tone, "Sure!" Dai said later to him pals and went off with Reg...[/COLOR][/SIZE]
Sign Up Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry
Muse replied to Shikaku Kitoku's topic in Theater
[COLOR=red][SIZE=1] Me= Biggest Harry Potter Fan Ever :) [B]Name:[/B] Lauren Bensen [B]Age:[/B] 11 [B]Gender:[/B] Female [B]Eyes:[/B] Brown [B]Hair:[/B] Very short, black hair that is very messy most of the time (no, I am not trying to be Harry, thats my real hair -.- ) [B]Wand:[/B] Unicorn Hair, Willow, 10 inches [B]House:[/B] To Be Sorted [B]Personality:[/B] Brave, loyal, and friendly. When in need, call on Lauren is what her friends say. She is very warm and social and loves to kid around. But when her friends or anyone for that matter is in trouble, Lauren can grow a heart of stone and be very cold and mean. [B]Biography:[/B] Born to Muggle parents, Lauren found comfort in Diagon Alley, where her older sister, Autumn, and older witch, lives ontop of Waesley?s Wizarding Wheezes with George Weasley, her husband and two year old son, Joe (I hope this is ok. It's not like having him married to my sister is going to have any effect on me. If you want me to change, however, just tell me:) ) Lauren lives with them. Her mother and father aren't ashamed of their daughters; Lauren just needs a magical influence. Lauren knew long before she got her Hogwarts letter that she was a witch, but when she got her letter of acceptance, she started bouncing around the shop and accidentally set off a few Filibuster Fireworks. Fred and George, because of their shop's instant popularity, bought Lauren all of her things for school and her sister bought her pet. [B]Pet:[/B] Great Horned Owl named Kink. Well, I hope this is alright:) EDIT: I gave LAuren a last name;)[/COLOR][/SIZE] -
[COLOR=red][SIZE=1] Well, I'll start it up now, I guess. I'll just post up my sign-up:) Name: Daisuke Niwa/ Dark Mousy Anime: DN Angel Special Powers: 'Transform' Daisuke will turn into Dark Mousy, his 'Alter Ego'. After this, Daisuke will lose plenty of energy, as Dark is very powerfull and drains Daisuke's energy. 'Wings' Daisuke/ Dark will grow black wings. Weapons: None. Prefers not to fight, unless provoked, when he will turn into Dark who uses fighting skills. Picture: [img]http://www.csusm.edu/anime/gallery/DNAngel/sm/daisuke.jpg[/img] Okay, if everyone's ready, we'll start^.^[/COLOR][/SIZE]