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Everything posted by Cora Jane 2
[font=arial][size=1]Well I am so blessed with graduating Tomorrow, May 22nd!! w00t w00t!! Anywho. I am graduating from Mercy High School, of which is a Catholic school. I am then attending UNO in the fall. Yay, as a Music Education Major. *sigh* more school. Anywho. But yeah, my party is gonna be Friday, so I won't be on much then, nor will I be on much tomorrow, as it is the "big" day. Haha. So yeah, I will see you around. -Cora [/font][/size]
We had those stoopid acedemic awards today....
Cora Jane 2 replied to wiccansamurai's topic in General Discussion
[font=arial][size=1]I know how you feel. Tuesday evening there was the "Honors Convocation". Though I did not go, I heard all sorts of things, that I wish I would have gone... only to talk some sense into those who got awards they did not deserve. Ah well. I guess me being in music for the past four years, doesn't deserve the "Outstanding Senior Award", but hell, I do deserve it more than the girl who got it. All she does is sit on her *ss and complain. I guess a person who has taken atleast five music classes (at school) plus private lessons, is undeserving of the award. *sigh* To hell with it. Ok, I'm done venting now. But as was already stated, office work can be better sometimes. And it isn't that you get the award, it's the effort you applied. As long as you didn't slack off and not apply effort, you should hold your head high in self-admiration, not in defeat, all because you didn't recieve an award/the award you wanted. Trust me it isn't worth all the grief. Just know that you did your best, and that you didn't give up, and you are a success. -Cora [/font][/size] -
[font=arial][size=1][quote] [b]What do you like most about a) your physical self, (like body or something) and also, your personality? [/quote][/b] Well in response to the first part, I like my hair. Though it is long currently, it grows fast, takes most hair dyes well, and looks good either short or long. Though I personally prefer it short, and am going to cut it extremely short after graduation, and before my graduation party. Plus if I get a bad cut, it is easy to style, and well? it will grow back, so no worries!! I also like my eyes. Being Korean, my eyes are different, and I love it. They are brown, almost black. And almond shaped? I think they are nice. In response to the second part I would like to say, I like my sarcasm. I can have a great time just being sarcastic, and some times mean, though most expect it. Most of the time it is in jest, and is noticeable, but there are times when I am just plain mean, and sometimes violent. o.O Anywho. What can I say, I love my personality. I am random and spontaneous, but I have a quiet and dark side to me as well. I think that I am just a great mix of personality. I also love how competitive I am. I love to fight. I like being able to compete [spoiler]and ya so what sometimes I am a sore loser... what can I say?![/spoiler] But yeahI love to compete. ~*~ Cora ~*~ [/font][/size]
[Font=arial][B]Name: [/B] [SIZE=1]Cora[/SIZE] [B]Age: [/B] [SIZE=1]18[/SIZE] [B]DOB: [/B] [SIZE=1]April 8, 1985[/SIZE] [B]Location: [/B] [SIZE=1]Omaha, NE, USA[/SIZE] [B]One Word: [/B] [SIZE=1]Meow![/SIZE] [B]No, seriously. Describe yourself in one word: [/B] [SIZE=1]Henjin[/SIZE] [B]Occupation: [/B] [SIZE=1]Living, I suppose... but I currently work at a grocery store[/SIZE] [B]Color: [/B] [SIZE=1]Black[/SIZE] [B]Food: [/B] [SIZE=1]Cheese, otherwise Pizza[/SIZE] [B]Beverage: [/B] [SIZE=1]Currently Pepsi... I am currently unable to drink Mt. Dew[/SIZE] [B]Alter Ego: [/B] [SIZE=1]Hmmm... good question.[/SIZE] [B]Dream Job: [/B] [SIZE=1]Professional singer, musician, or fine arts performer[/SIZE] [B]Self-Proclaimed: [/B] [SIZE=1]B****[/SIZE] [B]Ethnicity: [/B] [SIZE=1]South Korean[/SIZE] [B]Extracurricular: [/B] [SIZE=1]Choir[/SIZE] [B]Hobby: [/B] [SIZE=1]Music, drama, and writing[/SIZE] [B]Dessert: [/B] [SIZE=1]Currently I have been eating Toaster Struedals(sp) for dessert.[/SIZE] [B]Musician: [/B] [SIZE=1]Too many to decide on one.[/SIZE] [B]Group: [/B] [SIZE=1]DC Talk, O.C. Supertones, KMK, Dream Theater, Juliana Theory, Puddle of Mudd, and various others. [/SIZE] [B]Mac or PC?[/B] [SIZE=1]PC[/SIZE] [B]Nics: [/B] [SIZE=1]Cora, Kori, Frog, Cora Jane, CJ, Frogger, The Gothic Frog, and various others[/SIZE] [B]Blog: [/B] [SIZE=1] [URL=http://www.thegothicfrog.blogspot.com]Yes[/URL] [/SIZE] [B]Home Page: [/B] [SIZE=1]N/A, at this time [/SIZE] [B]Religion: [/B] [SIZE=1]N/A, at this time[/SIZE] [B]Book: [/B] [SIZE=1][i]Night[/i], by Elie Wiesel, and anything written by Ray Bradbury[/SIZE] [B]Collections: [/B] [SIZE=1]Coins (foreign and American), Smiley Faces, Music (and instruments- Don't ask)[/SIZE] [B]Sport: [/B] [SIZE=1]Basketball and swimming[/SIZE] [B]Won't Eat: [/B] [SIZE=1]Fruitcake, Fish (of any sort), Mushrooms, and MANY MANY other things [/SIZE] [B]TV Show: [/B] [SIZE=1]N/A, at this time[/SIZE] [B]Words to live by:[/B] [SIZE=1]Music is more than the notes in my head, it is all that is within me.[/SIZE] [B]Addicted to: [/B] [SIZE=1]Caffeine[/SIZE] [B]Comic: [/B] [SIZE=1]Zits, Calvin and Hobbes[/SIZE] [B]Movie: [/B] [SIZE=1][i]X2[/i] and [i]The Matrix[/i] [/SIZE] [/font]
Question (for lack of a better subject title)
Cora Jane 2 replied to GinnyLyn's topic in General Discussion
[Font=arial][Size=1][Quote][b] Do you think it is possible to live a life that allows people to wholely accept you as you are, or must you compromise yourself in order to be accepted? [/B][/Quote] Well? after much thought? hmmm. I think I would say that it would be a nice ideal, though in order to do this, it would be almost impossible if you ask me. I think that no matter who you are, you will end up compromising in some area of your life, at some time in your life. Even if you think or say that you will not compromise, you are lying to yourself. There are things that you will do, just because people around you are, it?s in style, peer pressure, or you think, ?Hey that looked cute on her, I want to try that too.? That would be compromising. You are compromising your style for society. You might not realize it in the moment that you are doing something, but you might later on, or some one else might notice. I once said that I would never grow my hair long. Now my hair is halfway down my back, and its natural color. I used this exemplar just to say that you can compromise with yourself. This not only shows that people are fickle, but that things change with time. I think you can try to be ?you? and not change for anyone, but you have to give a little and take a little for things to work. You might think, ?What the hell is she talking about?!? But it actually makes sense if you think about it. In order to succeed, people need to compromise. You can?t have one person who thinks their way is right, when you say your way is right. You have to compromise as well in this scenario. I have told myself that I will [u] try[/u] to be myself even when I don?t think that I can show my true self. Things have changed, and I have changed for society and myself? more than once. But either way, you are compromising. Even if you do not want to accept it. Well that?s my two cents. Peace Out!! Cora [/font][/size] -
[font=arial][size=1]Ok I know I have been trying to post in here, but life gets crazy once May starts for Seniors. Anywho. The movie was great and I loved the opening scene. Nightcrawler was incredible. Also I hope that with the X3 movie when it comes out that they don't kill it. I loved the movie and it was MUCH MUCH better than X-men. I know that they had to lay background down for those unfamiliar with the comics, but I do know that this was great and I loved how things worked out. I hope that they can work more with some of the main characters, and cut some scenes with the Rogue/Iceman love story. I would like to see more on the Scott/Logan friendship. Also I can't wait to see how they work [spoiler]Phoenix/Jean Grey back into the movie. It was awesome at then end when Jean was holding up the jet, and blocking the water. She even had a bit of a firery glow. That was just awesome. [/spoiler] Well yeah, over all it was a great movie. [/font][/size]
[font=arial][size=1]Well, I know what you mean when you say that the Kiley - Momo thing seems a bit odd, and how Toji should get his act together. But I do think that Sae will cause more problems in the next few mangas. I mean really... it's Sae. Plus since Momo and Kiley seem to be happy, it only makes sense that Sae will be jealous... right??! Anywho... hopefully it will be still fun. But QA, I must agree that it is frustrating how they ended the novel. *sigh* Stupid TokyoPop. Ah well. [/font][/size]
Anime Kare Kano: His and Her Circumstances
Cora Jane 2 replied to Magnum Apex's topic in Otaku Central
[font=arial][size=1]Well I saw the anime for this awhile ago, and am now waiting to get the mangas from a friend. But yes, this show is absolutely hysterical. I was laughing [u]soooo[/u] hard. But yeah, now I am just trying to find time when I can go back over to Brian's to watch the rest of the anime. *sigh* hopefully soon. Ah well. But yeah, this show is great, and the sisters and dad are funny as well. Blue Gender, I must agree with your comment, it was pretty funny. I remember that episode, and I laughed the whole way through it. Brian didn't find it as funny though ^_^ But yeah, great show.... and I recommend it too. It's great and will make you laugh.[/font][/size] -
[font=arial][size=1]Is any one familiar with this series? It is the continuation of Peach Girl. This series is fun and exciting, and I have read the first one of the series. The second one is supposed to come out in May, so hopefully I will get it soon. Does any one have any comments on it?? [spoiler]In this series, Momo is with Kiley and not Toji. It is really cute and you begin to learn a little more about Kiley. You also get to see how much Kiley's fan club despises Momo, and how Kiley is still always there just in time to help Momo. You also get to see how Misao and Kiley's brother dated.[/spoiler] [/font][/size]
[font=arial][size=1]Ok I would have posted earlier, but I have been busy. Anywho. I don't think nice guys always finish last. As a graduating senior in high school, I see many people and wonder why the hell they would date some one like who they are dating when they obviously deserve better. But yah, if some one who is a "player" and is just not really the kinda guy I would like to date.... if ya know what I mean, then fine let them have their fun. I personally like a guy who has respect for me and for others, and I hold that to a high standard. I also will give second chances. If some one screws up and is sorry I will consider a second chance... lol.... damn I am way to nice some times... *sigh* ah well though. But know I don't think nice guys finish last. It may take longer than other "bad" guys... but it is well worth it. *nods* yup! Definately worth it!! Chin up guys, the best is yet to come... [/font][/size]
[font=arial][size=1]True, a cameo appearance is better than no appearance!! *nods* Yup definately better! [/font][/size]
[font=arial][size=1]Yah. My mom also had a few misscarriages and atopic(sp) pregnancies before they adopted me and my younger brother. I'm sorry to hear that Randy, but I hope all is well, and that things start looking up for you. [/font][/size]
[font=arial][size=1]Well I heard this was good, but a bit confusing... more or less something that I would enjoy... and I plan on seeing it soon.[/font][/size]
[font=arial][size=1] Well I figure I haven't wrote anything lately, so I thought I would throw some thoughts together and see what I come up with... more will probably come later.. I don't really know yet. [u]Untitled[/u] You look at me as if I was nobody, You stare and laugh, thinking I didn't hear you. I sit and wait, hoping you'll change, Thinking that for some reason you are there endlessly for me. I look and I watch, as I fade away, Soon to be nothing but the air you now breathe. Wishing that I could be the one, The one that brought you back around. Dreaming of what things were, And how they shall end. [/font][/size]
[font=arial][size=1]I must second Endymion about Catherine Zeta Jones. She did a great job in my opinion. Then again I am also I HUGE fan of the song "All That Jazz" and she did that exceptionally well. But the other two... I am not going to comment or support. *nods* That about does it though. [/font][/size]
Life and boys... why are they so complicated?
Cora Jane 2 replied to Cora Jane 2's topic in General Discussion
[font=arial][size=1]Well as for me and Dan, things are history there. He finally got the nerve to ask one of our good friends out. Which took him alot of nerve. I know that I am definately going to make sure I do not seem that I am crawling back. He is actually working his way back to me... *smiles* Anywho. I know to some that may seem harsh, but hell, he is the one that is wanting me back oh so badly.... lol. But yah, I think we [b]might[/b] hook back up... but I know one thing.... I don't like getting screwed over twice... and well I'm not exactly that nice of a person when that happens... on second chances especially. *sigh* Ah well... life goes on.[/font][/size] -
[font=arial][size=1]Manga... gosh I've read a lot... but yeah... some of the animes I?ve seen I won?t read the manga... cuz I don?t want to ruin it for myself... but yeah... I've read tons... here's my list and the ones with stars (*) are the ones I really liked. a.no cerez chobits cowboy bebop dragonball dragonball z fushigi yugi * GTO * gundam wing inu-yasha Juline Kare Kano (I?ve been wanting to read this one, but am waiting on a friend who has it.) Kodocha * Marmalade Boy mars paradise kiss * peach girl * planet ladder ranma 1/2 * revolutionary girl utena * sorceror hunters wish there are a few others that I couldn?t think of but yeah... as you can tell a lot of it is shojo... but hey it's all good.... but my top 2 are... 1. Paradise Kiss 2. Peach Girl I don?t know why, but I really didn?t enjoy the ones put out by Clamp as much. I don?t know, but ah well. I tend to go with the TokyoPop. Peace Out!! ~*~Frogger~*~ [/font][/size]
Life and boys... why are they so complicated?
Cora Jane 2 replied to Cora Jane 2's topic in General Discussion
[font=arial][size=1]Harry, see I don't really know you, but still, I think you are right when you say that "He'll either feel like he can do whatever, or he will actually be sorry and wont' do anything like that again." Personally I am hoping for the better. But I do know one thing, I gave him fair warning that if he does mess with me again, that if he pulls something, that he better be good in fights. I mean... did I say that out loud... But yeah, I am not one to get screwed over twice, and if/when that happens, all hell breaks loose. Let's put it this way, I learned to fight, and I got some good connections. Lol. Anywho. I'm done rambling for now. [/font][/size] -
Life and boys... why are they so complicated?
Cora Jane 2 replied to Cora Jane 2's topic in General Discussion
[font=arial][size=1] [i]Quoted by dr.septagon [/i][QUOTE] boys are complicated? Every girl is like an enigma code with a different sequence! LOL [/QUOTE] True, girls are complicated, but I must say that boys as well are like codes, some of them are unbreakable. [i]Quoted by Harry[/i][QUOTE]That's so true, I mean why can't guys be like girls, completely straightforward and never complicated. Oh wait... As for going back to him, don't. He'll have the impression that no matter what he does you will be crawling back to him. [/QUOTE] Now wait a second here... boys, well in my experience have a habbit of not being straight forward. Some girls are straight forward, I know I am. And as for me crawing back to him, hell no. I am gonna make him work to get me back. Damn. I ain't that dumb. I may have a few things that I do, but sh*t I am not gonna go crawling back, he c an come crawling back to me! [i]Quoted by hot head[/i][quote]Second Times are usually better in my oppion, i think you should give Zach one more chance.But its your personal choice, if you still have feelings for him then go for it, but if not...then dont. [/quote] Hot head, I must agree with you there, but I don't know if I want to start from square 1 again. But I might. We'll see. To everyone else thanks for the replies. I guess I am thinking. But I know that I am not gonna go back unless he works for it first. So yah, I guess that things will work out one way or another. We will just have to see. Peace Out!! ~*~Frogger~*~ [/font][/size] -
[font=arial][size=1]Is it possible to be completely weirded out by something that you thought would never happen? Well today that is what happened to me. I talked to my friend Zach. I also talked to a few other people who gave me some nice information, that I know when I see someone imparticular, they will be sorry they talked about me. *sigh* Ah well. Ya, Zach and I went from talking daily, to not talking, to talking again. He even called me tonight. I guess that is why my blog post tonight was a long. There is alot to think about. He want's me back? What should I do?[/font][/size]
[font=arial][size=1]Well I have always enjoyed anime. But how I really got into it was when a friend invited me over and we watched Kare Kano and Cowboy Bebop. That was fun. I also have been reading a ton of mangas lately thanks to a friend of mine who got me hooked. ^_^ Anywho. There ya go. [/font][/size]
[font=arial][size=1]Solitaire, it's "Point Blanc", not "point blank". Anywho. Another few bands that were already listed that I know are good are, "The Supertones" and "Five Iron Frenzy". Another good band is "The Insyderz". But yah, if I really wanted to I could put more down, but that requires some brain power. ~*~Frogger~*~[/font][/size]
[font=arial][size=1]What pisses me off.... hmm... Well there a lot of things that piss me off. Well here's a few. 1. I hate, well am thoroughly frustrated with, my parents. 2. People who are all churchy and hypocritical of what they say. 3. People who are rude to others, especially ones who are considered friends. (I find that rude and childish!) 4. My school's music department. (We were actually good before she took over the damn department, now we suck... damn teacher!) Tis about it that I will list. [/font][/size]
[font=arial][size=1]What is your favorite part of celebrating birthdays? I totally enjoy being able to have a day that is designated to me. Lol. I know that probably sounds a bit self-centered, but I enjoy that I have my birthday when I do. I think that it is fun that I can celebrate with friends and family who are close to me. So overall I like the community there is when celebrating birthdays. I guess I am curious. Do you have any family/friend traditions that you do on your birthday? [/font][/size]
[font=arial][size=1]Ok I was going to post this on Saturday, after I saw the movie, but I didn't have a chance becuase of prom and time management. Anywho, now to my thoughts on the movie. I thought it was good. Though some of it seemed to drag on. I love musicals, and have been in many of them for my school, and seen many of them. They could have casted the "Roxie" part a little better, and personally Renee's voice annoys me with a passion, but hey, others liked her. (I mean, as a singer, they could have picked a WAY better person, but hey, I think I could have done better than that, but about memorizing all the lines, I don't think I could have done that.) I liked Catherine Zeta Jones much, much better. I think that her voice was great, and I liked her acting. She fit the part that she got, and I'm glad she got it. Over all I enjoyed the show, although it [i]did[/i] seem to drag (but that could have been becuase I was hyped up about prom). Anywho. I'd give it a 9. I like the dance seens, and the Cell Block Tango was funny. The reason I went to see this, because I was a bit skeptical about it at first was because I wanted to see how others did All That Jazz. I did that song last year in show choir, and loved it. But I knew that it was in the show, so I got a few friends of mine to join me (one of whom was in show choir with me last year, and the other is just a good friend who is now in show choir with the other girl, and I am no longer in it due to time available - but like you really care to know that). Oliver is a great musical as well, but I really like Les Miserables and The Phantom of the Opera. Then again, what can I say, the ones you see on stage are great, and a wonderful experience. I saw The Phantom of the Opera when I was in New York, and Les Miserables when it was here in Omaha. Great shows and highly reccomend them. Anywho. There's my two cents. ~*~Frogger~*~[/font][/size]