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Cora Jane 2

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Everything posted by Cora Jane 2

  1. Cora Jane 2

    Punk Music!

    [font=arial][size=1]Ok I like Stretch Armstrong. They are fun, I burned a copy of that from a friend, but yeah, punk rock is fun. I have been listening to alot of just hardcore and rock lately, so my punk list of music is a bit slim of late. But yeah, MxPx has some fun stuff as well. Lol. I have a few local bands that are some good punk rock music as well. Names Without Numbers and Better In Eleven. But hey, NWN has a few CDs. They are fun. [/font][/size]
  2. [font=arial][size=1]I was originally told about it by PiroMunkie, because he's a friend of mine, and told me how he is a mod. Then I checked it out, and signed up then disappeared for a while because of lack of time. I came back, and am here often. I should be a year that I've been here... I think in May. Lol. Ah well. I'm here. [/font][/size]
  3. [font=arial][size=1] Ah... History. I love it. Although I don't like my American Government class. Ah well. I am decent at it. I wouldn't exaclty call me a history freak, just some one who enjoys it.[/font][/size]
  4. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by anime_gurl [/i] [B]My mom has to do some interview thingy for a bible study class she's in. She has to ask people who don't go to church: 1.) What thoughts or words come to mind when someone says, "Church" 2.) Give two reasons why you don't go to church 3.) What qualities do you think a church needs to be a "good" church? I'd greatly appreciate it if just one of you answered these. My mom is pretty desperate... (It's kinda scaring me) [/B][/QUOTE] [font=arial]Well I suppose since I am dragged to church, I am credible to answer this as well. I also thought about just skipping over this post due to it's title, but I figured why not. I would like to put my answers down too. [b]1.) What thoughts or words come to mind when someone says, "Church" [/b] My response is that when I hear the word church, I think "Oh gawd, another service to sit through. I also want to curl up in a ball and sleep! [b]2.) Give two reasons why you don't go to church [/b] Although I do go to church, since I am required I will answer this on how my life will be after gradutation. I will not be attending church, because 1- I don't want to. 2- People in the church are rather "clique-ish" and rude! 3- I'm sick of being judged by people within the church. [b]3.) What qualities do you think a church needs to be a "good" church? [/b] A problem that I have with the church is that the people within the church are extremely judgmental. I do not think it right that if a person is a "Good Christian" why they judge people. I would say that a church would need to have good leaders, things for the different age groups, and people would be accepting, and not so judging. ~*~Frogger~*~ [/font]
  5. Cora Jane 2

    Punk Music!

    [font=arial][size=1] Just so you know... I think there was a thread on punk music previously. But I like MxPx and stuff like that, plus a bunch of rock music and other stuff.... but yeah.[/font][/size]
  6. [font=arial][size=1]General Are you male or female? Female How long has your longest relationship lasted? 2 years What was the worst ending to a relationship you have been in? Well I don't know, this last relationship ended because Zach cheated on me... but yeah... What is the one thing you hope to find in your perfect mate? Understanding and love are neccessary. What is your pet peve about the people you date? All the comparison that is done to previous girlfriends he had. Have you ever used a pick up line? Yes. -if so, did it work? Yes. Have you ever had a pick up line used on you? Yes. -if so, did it work? Once. Girls only What do men want? Depends on the guy, some want sex, others want someone they can talk to and relate with. In your opinon, what is the general behavior of women? I take back what I said, and I decided to not answer this.[/font][/size]
  7. [font=arial][size=1]As Shy pointed out this is a remake of an older movie. The rats are cute... well make that one of the rats is... Socrates. I like white mice/rats... either or. But yeah... it was a waste of money to see the movie.[/font][/size]
  8. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Lady Macaiodh [/i] [B][color=darkblue]I'm speaking on the inside, here. I personally like those styles better than any other, and dress like that often. But I don't take offense if someone thinks I'm a freak, or evil, or whatever. In fact, I like it. That's part of the reason I started to dress that way![/color] [/B][/QUOTE] [font=arial][size=1] I guess I just am one of the many who do find it fun to get remarks back... but after awhile, I do say it does get annoying... but yeah, I get over it... well I try to. Semjazza, I see what you say, that people just are like that... and I know that I should get over it... but it bugs me after awhile. lol... anywho. I must say though, I do like the punk look, and soon will be getting my hair cut in a "punk" style. hehe... it will be really really short. :angel: Many people think I should keep my hair long... all I have to say is that when it's short I like it better. But yeah, people do tend to dress with other motives in mind.[/font][/size]
  9. [Font=arial][Size=1]Ok so I was told to think of a post that was different? and not something that is all common in here, so I tried? here?s my attempt... actually it was more of a challenge for all of us? so here?s my try. So here?s your scenario. You and your friends are at the mall, or a common place people hang out at. You see people with tattoos and piercings all over their bodies. ?What do you think when you see them?? And ?What would your friends think of them?? Across from you and your group, you see a family walking with their two kids, and a baby in a stroller. The group with the tattoos and piercings are walking by the family? you see the father pulling the two kids close to him, and the mother pulls the stroller close to her. (They pull the kids away from them as if they were monsters.) ?How do you feel about that? Is it discrimination?? Also, ?Do you think that is uncalled for by the parents? Would you do that?? Ok, now for why I posted this thread. About a week or two ago, I went to the mall with some friends. A few of my friends are all pierced out and tattooed. I was dressed totally Goth as was a friend of mine, and the other two people with us went completely Punk! We walked by this family and they pulled their kids away from us as if we were monsters. They looked at us as if we were diseased or something. Personally, I found it?. First off ? Very rude. (Why? Because I hate how people are so judgmental of others by their appearance). Secondly ? I found it quite laughable. (I guess I find it entertaining because people are so judgmental, and yeah?. It?s funny. They think people who have tattoos or piercings; ones that are different aren?t ?safe? to be around.) This is not the first time it has happened; it actually is becoming quite normal. Also people?s views of others because of their appearance is rather ridiculous. I have one more example. My best friend took a friend of mine to homecoming. Nate. He is a nice guy. He is muscular and has a shaved head, no tattoos or piercings either. He just has a nice clean shaved head. Her mom decided that she didn?t like Nate because he shaves his head voluntarily. She thinks that because he shaves his head voluntarily, that he is ?one with the KKK.? My best friend told me this in class, and I almost fell off my chair laughing. ?What do you think about hair styles and hair color?? ?When you see some one with green or hot pink hair, what comes to [u] your[/u] mind?? I guess I want to know what other?s opinions are, and if you have any stories. So what do you think, ?Should some one?s appearance effect how people see them or act around them?? [Color=blue] Piercings, tattoos, and other appearance stuff. How do [u] you[/u] perceive things? [/color] Peace out! ~*~Frogger~*~ [/font][/size]
  10. Brit. Lit 06 14 March 2003 The Rose ?Some say love, it is a river that drowns the tender reed. Some say love, it is a razor that leaves your soul to bleed. Some say love, it is a hunger, an endless aching need. I say love, it is a flower, and you its only seed. It's the heart, afraid of breaking, that never learns to dance. It's the dream, afraid of waking, that never takes a chance. It's the one who won't be taken, who cannot seem to give. And the soul, afraid of dyin', that never learns to live. When the night has been too lonely, and the road has been too long, And you think that love is only for the lucky and the strong, Just remember in the winter far beneath the bitter snows, lies the seed that with the sun's love, in the spring becomes The Rose...? By Amanda McBroom True Love is a Rose I was thinking back about love, and I thought of a song called The Rose, by Amanda McBroom. This song compares love to a flower, to be specific, a rose. I, also, look at love like a rose. The rose that many see is just the flower, the pretty part. Love is beautiful, it is something that people desire and long for, as on a first date, you long to receive that flower or token of affection. Many people give away a single rose, or even a dozen, to the one they love. The rose has thorns as well, as many do not like to remember. The time you remember such a beautiful flower, a rose has thorns though, is when it pricks you. Every relationship has its thorns. A fight can be the thorn, or even a death. When things seem to go wrong, I need to remember and look back that the rose has three parts, the beautiful flower, the thorns, and yes, the stem. The stem of a relationship is how long it lasts. When you first get a rose from the store, it may be long, but then it gets trimmed and shortened. With every relationship, things can go wrong, it can be shortened, or it can even bloom into a beautiful flower. Every relationship needs the hard times to build on and grow. A person might be so infatuated or ?in love? that they may say they will die because they hate the person that they love. This is like a person who says, buy me a rose, then once they receive the rose, and they throw it on the ground and smash it. The rose that is given you is something that is treasured; it is a beautiful thing that one might save. Love is something that many people cling to so closely, but a rose is something that means something to you. When a person that you love gives you a flower or anything you want to keep it, and show it off. The rose is beautiful, and people try to show off their love, and then people see true intentions, a ?look what I have? mentality. This is something that when the rose withers, people do not see the rose so beautiful, they see it as something they need to discard. When love is not preserved or kept safe, it will one day wither and die.
  11. [font=arial][size=1]Buy their CD, they are awesome!![/font][/size]
  12. [font=arial][size=1]Well X-2 looks awesome... That comes out here on May 2. I intend on going opening weekend, if not opening night. Well, it looks good... What about "Hulk"? Does anyone want to see that?[/font][/size]
  13. [font=arial][size=1]Well, I as Mitch, have been having a hard time with religion. I have grown up in a Christian home, and always gone to a parochial school. So, it's not like I have no idea about religion... I find that always going to the parochial school, and going to church seems to be pushing me away. I "know" that there is a God, now if I believe that, I'm not quite sure anymore. I don't really know what I believe, it's always been taught me that "Evolution is wrong" and "God is the creator of the universe", never even giving me a chance to make a decision for myself. I guess there is something higher, not neccessarily a God, but there is a higher being. Like a supreme soul, or something like that, I don't know. But with the whole Evolution thing, I remember learning that in school, and well my teacher taught it as if it were fact, but then again it was Newville... (she's great). I suppose having taking theology classes all my life and having that shoved down my throat, taught me that Creation is the truth. And well I know what certain church doctrine's teach, and what my teacher's believe, I could probably quote them, but the point is, that people are taught. For a person to actually sit down and choose, that is pretty impressive. A lot of things are taught to us as kids when we are young, and then we(they) just grow up believing what they were taught, no questions asked. Once they are older though, many find themselves (as I) questioning what they believe, because they never fully understood what they were learning. But personally Mitch, I think I am just as confused as you are about this whole thing. There are a few things though that seem to make Evolution seem false. But yeah, I don't know.[/font][/size]
  14. [font=arial][size=1]Paradise Kiss 4 is an excellent manga... lol... I just finished reading and waiting for the volume 5 to come out.... well when I am able to read it.[/font][/size]
  15. [font=arial][size=1]Tis Ok.... *don't know what to say* Tis Ok.... Rather plain though... just my opinion....[/font][/size]
  16. [font=arial][size=1]I also agree the music from Cowboy Bebop is great. It helps the show immensely, that is if you ask me... I find it enjoyable. :)[/font][/size]
  17. [font=arial][size=1]Kodocha... that was a good one. I've read I want to say the first 4 or 5 mangas. My friend and I read them... but I enjoy it. I'm waiting for the next one to appear in Barnes & Noble... *stoopid B&N is SLOW!!!* Anywho.[/font][/size]
  18. [font=arial][size=1]I still like Trunks.... preferably with his long hair... *sigh* dreamy enough... lol... but yeah... I'm not to fond of Vegeta *hides from objects thrown* but yeah... pure opinion.[/font][/size]
  19. [font=arial][size=1] I have posted other poems in the forum... hold on I will locate the links for you then add them in later... but yeah... there are more than a few poems that I have written on the board. But then again I have tons more around... hehe. But yeah... there's your answer. [edit]Here are the links.... [url]http://otakuboards.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=21738[/url] [url]http://otakuboards.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=21486[/url] [url]http://otakuboards.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=21478[/url] [/edit] [/font][/size]
  20. [font=arial][size=1]How does this riddle teach me anything.... I'm just saying... it isn't really a riddle nor did it make much sense... and I guess I didn't learn ANYTHING from it... it just frustrated me well because it wasn't a riddle.... although it was claimed to be one...[/font][/size]
  21. [font=arial][size=1]AAF I love them... good stuff.... rather enjoyable... also as has been said.. they are NOT a one hit wonder... lol... but yeah. Semjaza said their two widely known songs... [/font][/size]
  22. [font=arial][size=1]I agree with treton_noir. No logic... and personally I don't really look at this as a riddle... just a random question that means jack squat... ah well... [/font][/size]
  23. [font=arial][size=1]Ok, so the question is "What do I love most about my life?" Well I have an answer... although I'm sure some will not agree with what I have to say. I guess I love my Fine Arts abilities. Although I may not be that good at visual art and dance, I still have drama and music. I love instrumental and vocal music, and excel in both. I almost always have music in the background. I am thankful for education, despite how ready I am to graduate. hehe. But I am thankful for a chance to learn. I love to write. Music and Writing are my "Escapes" from my problems, I don't know what I would do with out them.[/font][/size]
  24. [font=arial][size=1]Well, I got some songs, I don?t really know which CD they are from? but here is the list of the songs. [color=blue]Alec Eiffel, Debaser, Here Comes Your Man, I Bleed, Into the White, Umass, Wave of Mutilation, Where Is My Mind, Alec Eiffel, and Trompe Le Monde[/color]. I think that was the list you gave me Tony. I like it?. But then again, I like lots of different kinds of music. I had a friend of mine listen to it and he loved it. The songs are nice and the style is different. But yeah, I like it!! Go figure right?! Lol. Anywho. Thanks for introducing me to them. Good Music?. Two Thumbs Up! [color=green]~*~Frogger~*~[/color][/font][/size]
  25. [font=arial][size=1] Here's my comment. There's three roads... and you need to pick from two choices... that doesn't work out.[/font][/size]
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