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Cora Jane 2

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Everything posted by Cora Jane 2

  1. [font=arial][size=1][color=blue]Thanks, and no I know you didn't say you were perfect, I was just critiquing. lol. Ah well... thanks for the comment, hopefully I will have enough sonnets for Literature class tomorrow... 10 of them... lol... Well I also am much better at free verse, and prefer it over the sonnet style. Well anywho, back to the sonnet writing. [/font][/size][/color]
  2. [font=arial][color=blue][size=1]Piro, how did I know that you would post in this thread... lol... ah well. Like Piro said, you are what you are, and people will have to adjust. Although you may have the thoughts, do you have the emotions? Just things to contemplate. But either way, you are you, and you don't need to change for others. Be yourself, and be comfortable with yourself. And I think Piro is right when he says, "questionably straight". That is something that I have learned because of him, and a few of our other friends... that is a good term. ^_^ But if you don't know, don't keep saying you are, if you want to be fine, say it all you want, but if you don't want to be don't profess it over yourself so much. There are power behind the things you say about yourself, and about what others say about you. You may not know it, but if you, or others, keep saying something is going to happen to you, more often than not it will... like people saying 'you are so fat' the person who has that said to them will subconciously change, and try to lose weight, sometimes it becomes as radical as an eating disorder. But there ya go, that's my two cents. [/font][/color][/size]
  3. [font=arial][size=1] [color=blue]I like your sonnet as well, it has a different near rhyme. Ties-Binds... I guess that is how you wanted it. Another thing I noticed was the pentameter. Mine are in Iambic(yuk) Pentameter... well I am trying to be in it. You know, the 10 syllables, 5 metric feet. The whole sha-bang. lol. Yours has 11 syllables one line, 12 the next, then like 9, and once in a while there was 10. I guess I noticed that as I was saying it. I notice the small random things that most don't notice. I also wanted to let you know, I did know that sonnets were about love. It is really funny, because I have to write these sonnets for school, and well we have some of the girls writing theirs about snow and their dislike of winter storms. I find it entertaining. Ah well... Thanks for sharing your poetry. Here is the second sonnet.[/color] [u]Memories[/u] When I ask that this pain would go away All I receive back is a thought of you That thought plays in my head all through the day Still you plague me, my mind wanders to you The music that you played for me to sing It?s all that I can only seem to dream This is what all the memories still bring When I feel all that is inside I scream One thing that?s still part of me is guitar One thing that I have kept wanting to try I still can hear you playing songs afar The memories you have left make me cry You are all that I dream of still to see I wish that the memories could free me [/font][/size]
  4. [font=arial][size=1] [color=blue]Sonnets are a wonderful way to express yourself. I find that many people enjoy poetry, and some enjoy sonnets. I find them hard to write, but when you get writing, it is really neat to see the sonnet sequence. I am starting a sonnet sequence on "Relationships" and this is the first sonnet. There will be more to come later. -Cora[/color] [u]Broken[/u] A broken heart hath I acquired within My heart with force been ripped and torn apart A knife did seem to pierce me deep within But now pain fills my inmost part, my heart The life that I take part in to grow It only seems to be within my mind My heart that?s so broken is a shadow Of all the love that I just want to find The emptiness I understand is love You have placed in me a deeper known fear Am I left unattended from above In all that you have done to me it?s clear Because what?s been done I ask you to see The loneliness that you left here for me [/font][/size]
  5. [color=blue]well here are some poems i wrote a while back... i shared them with a few people, and they liked them, so i decided that is some people from the board enjoyed them, others might as well.[/color] [color=red]sorry the poems are not in order by the poll list.[/color] [b]the mask[/b] i am distant from here hiding in my own shell sitting behind my mask wondering if anyone can tell that i have my mask on. my mask is painted painted in pretty colors colors of red of black blue and silver. colors of pain and colors of shame colors of hurt and colors of trust that will never be whole again. i hope that inspite of all thats been done we will all last through the night. i hope trust will grow and never fail then remember that love never fails. [b]Will it come?[/b] Will the peace of mind ever come, or even the stillness of the soul. Will my heart ever stop longing, or sit and wait for the pain to end. Is there an end to pain or sorrow, or even the heart that will no longer cry. Will it come? The serenity in body and mind waits for things to come. Come and destroy me all that is within. The pain welled up within me is scared to see freedom. Of all the bondage dwelling deep inside of me. Will the peace that seems unreachable, or even in the distance. Will the love that seems unknown, or even left behind come forward. Loneliness has overcome me, body, soul, and spirit. Mind, will, emotions, Drowning from within. Will it come? [b]My deepest part is unknown to man[/b] My deepest part is unknown to man My secrets dark within me My heart holds all that no one could imagine No one can harm me A wall was built Oh so long ago Blocking out others Guarding from pain and hurt From the next day till tomorrow My dreams and aspirations My hopes fly oh so high My emotions rolling on My giant roller coaster My secrets live oh so deep within me Where no one can see them My cries of exclamation Running all about me No one can see me crying Or hear my plea for help For this wall I built around my heart Doesn't let anything out My pleas fly all around me But there is no Way out [b]MY HEART CRIES OUT[/b] My heart cries out Of all that has Come out of From the Now Past My devotion has Dwindled down From past hurt From people All alike Within Me Anger wells within Me of all that's Been said and Done to me By evil Hearts And wills within The saddened Hearts remains Sheer pain Comes to Me now [b]My Outlook Is Clouded[/b] My outlook is clouded My heart and mind confused My thoughts out wandering What's inside of me. My outlook is clouded My eyes see only myself My view only sees my pain And all the things that happened to me. My heart is hurt within me My mind seems to be lonely My being is pressed But am I really here? My thoughts are separated My mind is confused My thoughts are so jumbled Inside and out of me. Everything within me Everything around Things seem to be spiraling Spiraling all around. [b]sleep in peace[/b] ?can i sleep? ?no i can not? ?my body is dying? ?it's dying away? ?wasting away? ?because it can't sleep? ?sleep is so precious? ?i wish i may? ?i wish i might? ?but there's no way tonight? ?there are many things? ?that have to be? ?in the night? ?for peace to be? ?peace to sleep? ?and peace to live? ?this i hope? ?for peace to be? ?i hope to sleep? ?in peace be me? ?sleep in peace? ?in peace tonight?
  6. [quote] [i]Originally posted by DuoMax[/i] [b]as the titles says, i think i might be bisexual. I would like a little advice from some fo you people. Thanx.[/b][/quote] [color=blue][size=1] I guess I just am wondering why you think you are bi. I guess I know many people who have struggled with this, and am wondering what you are experiencing to make you think that you are bi. I guess before I start rendering advice I want to know a little more about you and the situation.[/color][/size]
  7. [color=indigo][b]society[/b] i am hiding from society, they are all out to get me help me all, i think that being crazy, is the wild battle, that i will win. as i sit, here in the silence, though it might burst, with much that i said, quiet with pain of things i said. the society here will never forgive, all that i have done, all that i have said, i cry out to try to hear, hear them call out, that they forgive. [/color]
  8. [color=blue]Well as has been said before by Mitch, the poem does need more of a focus. And yes, I also think it seems a bit cut off, I think that you could add to some of the lines, or even make them more of a complete thought. I think it needs to be more complete, and also a little longer. Good work, and as also been said before a little work and this would be a poem I would like better... This is something that looks like my before I write poetry stages... lol.. good work, make a few changes and it would be great work.[/color]
  9. [color=blue]BG, sorry to hear about your brother, I know what it is like to lost someone close, but not as close as intermediate family, but I have had a few good friends die. If you ever need to talk, PM me or IM me on AOL Messenger (CoraJane2), I would be glad to listen. I hope things perk up for you, and that you get through this loss. Something that might help you with this, is that if you made a memory book, or maybe burned a CD to help you remember your brother. This is something I did, and I got the idea from one of my classes. Well like I said, sorry to hear about your brother, and if you ever need to talk, feel free to IM me. -Cora[/color]
  10. [color=blue]Well, [u]revenge[/u] is something that I love, although, I suppose it could get me in trouble later, but I have something that I am currently working on, because of their stupidity. But anywho, revenge is sweet, and it is fun to get even. I like to put others through what they did to me, and if they hurt me emotionally, they better be prepared for some majoy reprecussions. I am not a nice person when I get mad, especially if I have given fair warning to the person that they have made me mad once, and not to do it again. See most people I know do not agree with the thought of giving a warning, before threats, or well violence. I just give a warning, and if they continue to be stupid, they pay the price. Sometimes it is just a simple punch in the gut, otherwise, a broken nose or ribs... lol (once in a great while). I guess it also depends on what you do to make me mad. I might just taint your reputation, as a few people I know have expereinced. When you have friends with "Connections" and you yourself have "Connections" people tend to watch out for what they do, and anymore people do not mess with me, or my friends, and if they do, they meet some "Connections..." but hey, when you give a warning, things are fair game! [/color]
  11. Cora Jane 2


    I like their music... I think the Russian is cool. I guess I find interest in the little things such as language... lol... I love to sing in Russian... although it is tedious, it is very beautiful.
  12. Well personally, I find "religion" entertaining. I mean really, if I were to be a religion... which I am not, I would probably be a "Christian, or a Follower of Jesus Christ" how the youth pastor at my church likes to call it. I guess the reason I really don't care anymore is that well, my father is a Ordained Minister... and yeah I don't care about religion. Also I have gone to Christian schools all my life (Lutheran and Catholic schools), and Non-denominational churches all my life. I guess I would be the one who just sits back there and laughs at all that is said. I don't really see much point in religion. The thought of religion to me... is well, that you want to fit in... either with good people, friends, or well family. You have your choices, and you just pick the church and denomination you like best. But hey, it's your decision if you want the religions stuff, personally I think people who are religious are more fake and rude (from my personal experiences), than those who are not religious. But hey... its your choice.
  13. Juu... ya might wanna change what ya said in ur blacked out part... lol... since yeah, ya got some facts mixed up.... but yeah, i also saw the movie today... this morning to be exact... but yeah, i personally do not like Ben Affleck... but ya know... oh well... i'll get over his bad acting abilities when it comes to showing emotion... *sigh* stoopid Affleck *sigh* oh well... but yeah... i liked it. i enjoyed how they had the special effects in it too... it made it good. but yeah, of course i went and saw this movie... its a MARVEL comic!! w00t w00t!! anywho... i recomend seeing it.. i enjoyed it.
  14. well i joined on 05-09-2002 but i wasnt really on much till school started up this year, so like here here... as in daily... umm... 8-15-02. i have been here almost every day... since like the week before school.. yup yup... lol... no i may not post every time but i surf the forums... ^_^
  15. Well what type of school is it? High School/College? I presume it is also a public school... but ya know... I dont think there is too much that the student could do. I know that yeah you do have rights, but alot of school have rules that students are to abide by. Some may even have found that shirt offensive. Besides... it's her right to think what she wants.... whether or not others agree with it. Trust me that is my every day life at school... but hey... yeah.. I think it is funny they gave her an option... and the one she chose was to go home... fine she had a nice dy I'm sure... but still... you also have to keep in mind consequesnces of what you do, in this case what she wore. But yeah.. I agree that the school has laws and regulations, and students have to abide by them. Which does occasionally suck.
  16. [b]Darkness Falls [/b] "All this over a F*cking tooth!!" "I see you b*tch!" more to come later... i just like these....
  17. I don't know... I guess some of the puns, lol... were can we say... not to polite... plus a few inuendos... but hey... ah well... it's Shakespeare.
  18. [QUOTE]Originally by Medra.... Personally, I like Hamlet the best. I love how he pretends to be mad to fool his parents, but ends up driving..the maid mad. I forget her name. Sucks though. Everybody died in that story. Normally, I'd like that, but what really sucks is that the king ended up killing his wife. Bastard.[/QUOTE] In [i]Hamlet[/i] he does pretend to go mad... but the real question is....[color=blue]does he go mad?[/color] He claims to me "diseased of wit" but what does that mean? and yes, Ophelia... his lover (and daughter of Polonius) does go mad and die. She drowns.... and also you mentioned how Claudius was a Bastard... you are right... I was bitter when because of his and Laertes anger, that Gertrude was poisoned.... lol... and yes they all died.... go figure right? Horatio Lives though!! throwing this out there too.... [color=blue]did you know Shakespeare was perverted?? did any of you catch that??[/color]
  19. Well, [i]Macbeth[/i], I must say I enjoyed thoroughly. I liked it because of the symbolisms... lol... ah well.. but [i]Hamlet[/i] was also good... and I am gonna throw this out there... you can compare [i]Hamlet[/i] to the [i]Lion King[/i] put out by Disney. It is really weird, and I did a paper on that for extra credit. Currently I am reading Sonnets at school, and [i]Othello[/i] for the heck of it... lol... yes I read Shakespeare... haha... but still it is enjoyable. The works of Shakespeare I have read&/seen include... [i]The Taming of the Shrew Romeo and Juliet A Midsummer Night's Dream King John The Merchant of Venice Henry IV Part 1 Much Ado About Nothing Julius Caesar Hamlet The Merry Wives of Windsor Othello King Lear Macbeth Antony and Cleopatra[/i] and some of the Sonnets As you can tell I love Shakespeare, and for some odd reason, I seem to read that more than the other novels I have to read, but still I love Poetry... ^_^
  20. I don't know how many of you are much into your literature classes at school, but I was wondering, [color=blue]What of Shakespeare's writings have you read? be it in school or just for the heck of it?[/color] I have been reading a lot lately, and am wondering what you consider his best(s) works.... personally I like the plays... but yeah.... so what do you all think?
  21. well shall i begin with the fact i have been playing piano for about 12 years. I have a bass, two electrics, two regular size acoustics, and a Baby Taylor. the bass is a red Cort, one of the electrics is a pale yellow Fender Strat. we have a Tama, Fender Cutaway, and as stated above, a Baby Taylor. I sing any part from Soprano to Tenor. And am in the process of recording a CD. [color=blue]woops, i forgot to put down we have an upright piano, and a keyboard... my keyboard is nothing special... lol.... [/color]
  22. i find it frustrating that TokyoPop would do something like that. although, i do not like Disney... but hey... i think it is ridiculous(sp) that they would put those 2 shows into graphic novel form.
  23. [color=darkblue]i hate chainletters and all the forwards that come through my email... any more i dont bother to even open them... once in a while i will... people have to do a real good job of not making them look like a forward... but hey... i dont send them... i see that its a forward, and click its deleted.. haha... but yeah that's how i feel about them. [/color]
  24. [color=darkblue][b]The Music?[/b] The music that we live by The words that are written, then sung by me The music that you play on the guitar for me to sing Music is our expression, to each other and the world By voice, guitar, and piano we will express ourselves. Stage make up and hairstyles The piercings and tattoos The way we present ourselves to the world Are only one of our many facades. The facades that people see Are what people remember us by But the facades between us alone Is how we live our life. This life we live between us The anger and frustration, But love within We live through frustration Of the situations between us. Sometimes things obstruct our path Yet still there are times when we go coasting This plane we glide on Through the troubles we face today Our worries seem to disappear. The thoughts of love we fear The pains of rejections What we truly care about How we respond to all the facts The way we don?t expect. ~2.3.2003~ by: Cora[/color]
  25. Well I think we are going to war with Iraq because we fear the, I suppose, militant power and capabilities that they have. I think that the US is afraid of what they have, that we gave them years back to re-establish themselves. I think that they are scared of any lash-back that there could be. I find it intersting also though that the US pays little attention to North Korea. But hey what does the American public know...
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