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Cora Jane 2

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Everything posted by Cora Jane 2

  1. Ok here's my opinion.. I like Star Wars, except Episode 2. I found that it did not have enough character development. The rest of the series would have been fine... also Jar Jar Binks needs to be gone!!
  2. Really, I might have to check them out.
  3. ok.... most definately I am going to see the movie. I want to see it opening night, eventhough I have finals the next day, but since the class I'm practically bombing, is that day of finals, I probably won't get to go. sad day... oh well. well... back to my studying... haha no. getting ready to go out and party.... enjoy the movie, for those of you who will get to see it opening night.
  4. Well, two things. One Ska and Punk are similar, but as stated before, Ska has more brass. Brass and horns are required for ska, and that is what makes it so great. Secondly, some good ska bands are 'The Insyderz', 'The O.C. Supertones', and 'Five Iron Frenzy' ('All The Hype That Your Money Can Buy' is an excellent CD). That's all that I can think of off hand. But I couldn't tell you a better ska CD to buy that Five Iron Frenzy. Enjoy and remember Ska Music Rules!!
  5. Well, I must add that VeggieTales are fun. They are cute, and as stated before, religious people find them useful. If you like something cute and funny, the 'Sing Alongs' are great. The only problem with them is that the songs are extremely catchy. But what can you do, they are for kids.
  6. Cora Jane 2


    ok i finally saw it. it was good... but like others have said more fighting would have been better.
  7. well i would spend money on a computer (a nice one that has a great connection, and would make sure i had nice stuff on it). then i would put money towards my car
  8. it all depends on your taste of music. for any type. like me i listen to just about anything... but definately no country and most pop music
  9. I like it, i think that it is a good way of expression... i have some poetry also, not on this site though... i haven't had time to get any out... if you want to see any of mine, i have some on [url]http://poetry.com[/url] and you would have to search under Korina Gruber there is lies... Peace Out
  10. Dream Theater and Julian Theory are bands. they personally in my opinion are awesome bands. I was just wondering if others have heard of them, because not many people here know of them... so I thought I would ask. any other really cool bands you know of let me know. later
  11. i am hiding from society, they are out to get me, help me all, i think that being crazy, is the wild battle, that i will win. as i sit, here in the silence, i quiet my mind, though it might burst, with much that i said, quiet with pain of things i said. the society here will never forgive, all that i have done, all that i have said, i cry out in pain to try to hear, hear them call out, that they forgive. by me
  12. Cora Jane 2


    I want to see it!!!!!
  13. does any one here like or have heard of Dream Theater or The Juliana Theory?
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