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About Raistlin_171

  • Birthday July 27

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  • Biography
    Skilled Magic User

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  1. Raistlin walks away from the others in discust. Raistlin: Fools!
  2. Look for the game tomorrow in the games rpg section. We will start tomorrow.
  3. Ok heres mine and thanks it took me 1 hour to come up with this story line. Name: Raistlin Age:23 Race: Human Class: Archmagi Weapon: Staff Of Magius Armor: non Spells: no healing spells and a large varity of offensive and deffensive spells. P.S. I will start the play as soon as we get a few more people. If we get no more players the game will start on thursday.
  4. Raistlin feels pain on his back from the zombie that clobberd him. Harlequin takes out the zombie on Raistlins back. Raistlin:Chromo trio mas soro!. KA BOOM! Kune and Herlequin look to see what the comotion is and see lighting crackle from Raistlins hands then strike about three zombie ripping holes in there flesh. Kune takes out about 4 zombies with his triple hit kick.
  5. This is the world of Untory were dragons and humans live together. There were almost as much dragons as there were humans. Until one day when the fate of the dragons stepped in. The dragon high lord was accused of killing many of the dragons of non magic power. When doing so he was fullfiling a prophecy. In this prophecy there were millions of dragons and millions of humans, but in the story the humans are supposed to kill of almost the whole dragon race where only the strong ones survived. When the humans did this the gods would teach them a lesson, this lesson would destroy the world. But the humans have not killed any dragons and it has 100 years since this prophecy was to be. So the dragon high lord has taken it apon himself to fufill this prophecy. The king of untory(yes they have a king who rules the world, such a nice on that he has not let anyone harm any dragons, because he knows about the prophecy)has orderd the best of warriors and mages and all sorts of battlers, to try and take down the dragon highlord. This is the dragons fate Please list these pieces of information Name: Age: Race: (elf,human,dwarf, or make up one) Class: (warrior,mage,or make up one) Weapon: (swords,axes,maces,wands,staffs, and list what it does, but please no futuristic weapons!) Armor: Shield: (if any) Spells: (if mage or spell caster) PLEASE JOIN, FUN GAME!
  6. Raistlin uses the spell fireball and kills about 5 zombies. When he looks over his shoulder he see's two zombies about to tople on kune from behind Raistlin:Kune! Whatch out! Adune tory..... AHHH Raistlin gets slashed while trying to cast magic missile
  7. Raislin starts to say the first word of magic missile, as he does so he gets sneak attacked by some sort of creature that looks like a zombie with a piece of intestin in it Railtlin:AHHHHHHHH
  8. this anime is all about boys trying to get glimpses at girls breast or up there skirt. it is halarius!!! If you get a copy dont sell it!
  9. Raistlin_171


    I love tha movie it was predictible but thats a super hero 4 ya
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