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Everything posted by osiris_215

  1. does this look like a cool thing for a new thread button?
  2. it is pretty sketchy...but...i need to see what other people think so here
  3. yo peeps...whats up? i was just wondering if there are any buddy icon/avatar makers here...just wanted to see what kind you make and your category of types and stuff like that...i attached a sample of mine (don't mind the second attachment...you can look if you want but it isn't important)
  4. i think that the whole iraq thing is really screwed...i am sure a lotta people already said that but...it's true
  5. my friend..he is a member of these boards, but i won't say his name, said he should name our boards ofaku, just to make fun of otaku...i told him, how about no...it is being used alot...even if the meanings are different
  6. all you people who keep trying to insist on saying that Dragon Ball AF or anything else exists...i have something for all of you. [B]SHOW ME A SITE THAT TORIYAMA PUT HIS OWN QUOTE SAYING THAT THERE WAS SUCH A SERIES...OK?[/B] i suppose not many of you "AF fanatics" will post here...and if i am wrong and there are 5 hundred thousand posts from you people, i want a [B]LINK[/B] to the site that [B]PROVES[/B] that [B]TORIYAMA[/B] said all this...[B]PROOF![/B]
  7. i didn't see many of the episodes of the beginning of DBZ...and i read the post at the top that transic nerve put up, and i am very, very sorry if this post is already on page 2 or 3...but i have to ask, because i don't know how did vegita turn good? i mean...i know he was all evil at the beginning, and then i missed alot, and then he was all of a sudden good...i didn't get it...so i am asking you people...how? what was the MAIN turning point to make him good? and like transic nerve said it the sticky thread...i want 100%proof...if anyone with the name ssj 5 or anything that talks about a DB besides GT and Z...i won't listen...i want someone who has [B]PROOF[/B] thankyou.
  8. as it was said in an earlier post...half of the members that sign up don't post...it is like this...they sign up, they must either go eat dinner, or go somewhere...they turn off the computer...and they never think of otakuboards again...that is what happens with any board...whether it is a popular board or not...it is just a way of life in the message boards world ladies and gentlemen
  9. i am 13 and i got 79.4%...i guess that is ok...well...yeah, sure...
  10. the most imbarrasing thing that ever happened to me...i was at a youth group and there were about 70 other teens. my friend, harry was standing behind me...when it was really, really quiet, he pantsed me...(i think most of you know what that means) luckily, not a lot of people were turned in my direction...only about 30...ug....
  11. name: ja-ni-poo age: 13 digimon: [none] lightsaber color: black race: human class: warrior skills best jedi skill: warrior skills bio: young jedi...darth tyrannes's old pupil who turned to good
  12. i would have to say leena from zoids is pretty good...her boobs aren't too big or small...yeah, she is hott...and one of the girls in zoids...i forget her name, but she works for the back draft group...she was the head fighter in one of the shark zoids in an ep. a couple days ago...both of them are fine
  13. i like short shorts on girls, but of course i do...i am a guy...but anyway...i go to a private school and the guys have to wear khaki or blue pants and blue, green, white, red, yellow, or maroon polo shirts...the girls wear blue, khaki or green or gray pants and the same shirts
  14. lol...dude...if you think you have hott girls, come to clayton, NJ...now we got hott girls...the only bad thing is they are all ditzes...well...yeah...i live in clayton, NJ
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