my jedi name...... asaju jusan.... I think it's ok compared to some...
and it sorta sounds like a girl's name.... ah- sah-juu ju-sahn
my porn star name..... Athena Campeche
I like it..... alot. I like both o my names.... lol:love:
my best friend's name is Shima matok first name is cool but last..
uh... :therock: petie jamacia
My sis' name is asaat atsan :laugh: soup campeche
My 2nd best friend's name is real pretty... Leena :) Legal :therock: misty campeche
My cousin's name is sonem emsan :therock:
I've been a fan without knowing it for about my first like, 3 years,
then I started watchin toonami..... then adult swim, then really cool websites that got me pretty hooked.... ^_^'
Doesn't it all depend on how big da planet is an what lives/grows on it?-Spirit bomb And it moves too slow,.... but, of course, Yamcha's move is just plain out too weak....
Has anyone heard/seen Fatal Fury/ King of Fighters?
I heard the anime was on T.V. a long time ago in Japan and Korea,.... but not too sure, I know the movies are out so....
- T_T hopely dis topic will not get closed... I wanna know....:bawl: :angel:
well, planetnamek did, but it doesn't exist anymore, but,.... I think i saw somethin like that @ even if they don't they have pretty good pics.Here's a sample......