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Everything posted by Defcon5
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Char-Char,Mander-Char! [/i] [B]I think that's the common belief here. Unless the ball's actually empty, which would be [i]really[/i] stupid. [/B][/QUOTE] Well considering the "drama" in the pokemon series I would not be surprised if that was the case.
I thought it could have been a lot better. There was very little story and it was very dry. And the reason he is called The Sorpion King? Now that was really lame. SPOLIER CRAP "I can remove the poison but some of the Scorpion will still be run through your veins" Then in 5 seconds she removes the poison and suck it into her. Why she is not poisoned or why some of the Scorpion still run through her veins is beyond me. And then he isn't refered to or even accoatied with scorpions till the very end of the movie.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Boba Fett [/i] [B]SPOILER ALERT Yes you were right Defcon 5. My scources were wrong. I think that it is pretty cool that Boba is a perfect replica of Jango. I was very suprised that he was his clone. What confused me was when in some of the star wars books I have, they refer to each other as "dad" and "son" even though Boba is Jango, from a certain point of view... [/B][/QUOTE] Sorry if I sounded snobby that wasn't my intention at all. I found a web site that has a screen by screen of the movie it cool.
I have Bad Hairy day and Running with Siccors. I'm looking to buy more. What are some good choices?
Link is fourteen years old and evil has once come across the land. Gannondorf has come accross Majoras Mask and he is the most powerful thing in all of Hyrule. But Link has found a way with the help of the Happy Mask Sales man to stop him. But first Link must collect the 8 stones of power so that they can sperate Gannondorf and Majoras Mask because if they can't then He will stay invincible and wipe out all of Hyrule. And all during this tiem Link must deal with puberty and being a Teenager. Sign up (You may be Goron,Zora,Human, or Deku. You may be Zelda or Link. In fact it's encouraged. You may NOT be Gannondorf. You may be a bad guy.) Name: Happy, the happy mask sales man Weapons: Many different masks Magic: Yes. Race: Human Age: 34 We will start when we get enough people.
I bet masterfork has the same birthday too......Any way Happy Birthday! O and ony 2 years till you can booze up! (leaglly)
According to the Red Book of Westmarch, In Middle-earth (Left out) was a Smiling Black Rider A Smiling Black Rider? Smiling? Elven Name Possibilities for (Left out) The root name suitable for feminine and masculine is: Nevtinco Another masculine version is: Nevtincoion More feminine versions are: Nevtincoiel Nevtincoien Nevtincowen Hobbit lad name for (Left out) Nob Chubb from Hardbottle Hobbit lass name for (Left out) Asphodel Chubb from Hardbottle Dwarven Name for (Left out) Gralin Cleverleg This name is for both genders. Orkish Name for (Left out) Uftakh the Sly This name is for both genders.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by bignate dawg [/i] [B] Of corse the game would be edited if it came out for the GCN. If it does come out for the game cube, I would still buy it, but it would be missing some elements that make the game GTA3. Mindless chaos is the most appealing parts of the game. Its good to have a game for a change where the objectives don't really matter. Of corse the intended game play is the best part of a game, but its good to have one game where you can just mess around. Nintendo can provide a good story line game for me, but I would still like to have just one game to go crazy with. :cool: [/B][/QUOTE] Why would it be edited? Because it is to violent? The Cube has very realistic zombies in it which pour out more blood then the people in GTA3. I woud say Resident Evil is a lot more graphic and violent then GTA3 and it's comming to Cube.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Solid Snake [/i] [B] [color=teal]Well, the graphics won't be anything new, and are not as important as the fun factor if you are a true gamer. It will be the same spectacular designs we have seen GameCube do in the past, but the gameplay will be the one that will most likely set it apart, in a good way, from the other games. However, we seem to be getting a bit off topic with Metroid, so might we best go back to Grand Theft Auto 3? If GTA3 is released for GCN, preferably edited, then the buyers will get the feel for what the game is intended for. Like I said, there is more to a game than just violence, and on GTA3, it provides massive 3 dimensional cities that you can explore and have fun without shooting someone in the neck. I commend the gamers who buy the edited Grand Theft Auto III, if released, for GCN, because they will have no distractions in pinpointing the best features of the game.[/color] :blah: [/B][/QUOTE] Are you sure they would edit it? I don't think they would. And I'm not sure Rockstar would bring it to the GCif it was going to be edted.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Boba Fett [/i] [B]#1 (defcon 5) I didnt mean to confuse you, there are two new bounty hunters in the new star wars movie, Jango Fett(Boba Fetts father according to dark horse comics) and Zam Wessel(she is rumored to be his mother...)they are supposed to have worked together right before epsiode two. #2 (first question of baby girls trivia) He played Wedge Atillies and a have no clue who he is related to but i will guess...Obi wan (cant remember his real name:laugh: ) _____________ now for some of my trivia:demon: 1 Has there been a Hutt jedi? If so give his/her name... 2 What species was Thrawn? 3 What pirate gang uses tri-fighters(babygirl, you know this one:naughty: )?? [/B][/QUOTE] O thanks for clearing that up.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by jcgoudy [/i] [B][color=indigo] Defcon is also correct about Ocarina of Time being the [i]real[/i] first game in the series; it is set before all of the other Zelda games. Again, if Zelda.com is to be believed, Link would have lived somewhere else after he got back from Termina. It's my guess that, since the Kokiri don't appear in A Link to the Past, they left the land of Hyrule and went somewhere else, while Link was in Termina. This would have left Link homeless, so he found somewhere else to live. It's a good guess, as to that guy being a guardian. Link would still only be about 10 years old, so someone might have taken him in or something. Maybe he kind of got adopted, and the guy kind of became his uncle? That'd be my guess, as to why the game says he's Link's uncle.[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] Yeah mabye it's his adoptive parents brother.
Dang. I remember when the would sell for hundreds.....
What do you guys think is a good price for a complete Base set, Jungle set, Fossil set, and Team Rocket set? The cards are in good condition and only some are 1st edition.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Boba Fett [/i] [B]Well there is a new female bounty hunter in epsoide two who is Boba Fetts father(he is most certainly NOT a clone of Jango:rolleyes: ) The new female bounty hunters name is Zam Wessel! I have a comic book with her in it, (i collect star wars comics:) ) I got it , along with many others on the dark horse comics website! [/B][/QUOTE] I'm just saying what I heard. And it's not all that farfetched. The movie does deal with Cloning. And don't you mean there is a new male bounty hunter who is Fett's father. And to clarify are there two new bounty hunters in the movie or just one. I'm getting confused here.
[i]Originally posted by zelda's hero [/i] ok, i know that last theory was a bit screwed up...but here's another one. i believe that in that one zelda, where link finds the guy in the basement of the castle...i believe he's just a really good friend of the family, possibly a guardian that was set to keep link and zelda safe for awhile. [I]If that is the same thing as an uncle the sure. Like JC already posted it say's at the end of the game that he is your uncle. [/I] now, what is interesting to me is...in all the games before OOT he was never kept safe in the kokiri villiage. this of course weirding out the whole line of zelda's. this has to prove that the dying guy in the basement of the castle cannot be links father, but most likely a guardian [I]This is because OOT is the start of the Zelda timeline. After he leaves the village and learns that he is not a koroki he has no reason to live there anymore.[/I]
On the Star Wars website it says that he is in Episode 2. Doesn't give any detail about what he does in it though. I heard somthing abot him being a clone of Jango.
"Cock a dodel splat!" Went the rooster as his he was beheaded by Richard Hurts. Miled mannered Hick. Or so it seems. Because he is also Nimrod man! Asker of stupid questions! Finder outer of those stupid questions he asked! And as he choped of that roosters head he thought is ths how Colonel Sanders does it? Is that how he gets his Kentucky fried chicken? There was only one was to find out. He ust go to the source himself. Colonel Sanders. So he transformed into Nimrod Man! He got a running start and went up in the air and headed for Kentucky. So will you guys read the rest if I post it?
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Solid Snake [/i] [B] [color=teal]Well, I saw Grand Theft Auto III previewed with other games due to come to the GCN and Xbox in a past issue of EGM. April fools? If you say so.[/color] :blah: [/B][/QUOTE] What issue was it? On ign they said rockstar hadn't said anything about it comming to Cube.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Solid Snake [/i] [B][color=teal]Well, if I had known that you didn't know about Grand Theft Auto III coming out for GameCube, then I would have told you. This news isn't exactly brand new. Though it is great for the GameCube to get recognition for porting this game, it will probably be edited. But even if it [b]is[/b] edited, I don't think it would be less fun of a game. If you like GTA3 just for the violence, then you are not a true gamer, and will probably not be having nearly as much fun as those who have advanced and seen what GTA3 can actually do. If you take the game further like those kinds of people, you will find that you can have fun in other ways than just shooting someone up. With the extensive 3 dimensional levels, you can explore and use the gameplay and graphics to your advantage by doing stuff like...well, you tell me. The realistic possibilities are endless, and that what makes Grand Theft Auto III such a fun game. I would also like to remind you that Grand Theft Auto is making it's way in new forms. Not only is it also coming to Xbox, but Grand Theft Auto III: Miami and Grand Theft Auto IV are due to come to the Playstation 2 platform later this fall.[/color] :blah: [/B][/QUOTE] Actually Rocstar hasen't made any real comments on weither or not it's comming to the Cube or not. This was an April Fools joke. But if Resident Evil sells well on the Cube then there will be no reason not to bring it to the Cube. And I think Rockstar is impressed by the Cube and would probably bring it to the Cube.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by James [/i] [B] [color=royalblue]He was trying to say that the game was merely violence and had little substance underneath. :) In any case, what you said doesn't surprise me. That is why the [i]majority[/i] of Xbox owners are under 18 -- it's actually kids who tend to go for the more "adult" games. I guess adults are mature enough to generally see that good games can be good games without violence.[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] Yeah when my friends play it all they care to do is go around and kill people and then laugh. But I could bet that if it didn't have all the violance it did then they wouldn't even have it. I mean when they talk about games all I hear from them is different ways they can kill someone in it.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by James [/i] [B] [color=royalblue]GTAIII is a very cleverly designed game. The sheer ability to realistically model a completely three dimensional city has never really been achieved -- even Shenmue didn't achieve it on the same scale. The fact that GTAIII is able to deliver such a realistic world...a world where the various behaviors are so lifelike (and the gameplay is often quite varied) demonstrates that the developers really know what they're doing. I didn't have any problems with GTAIII.[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] I think what he was trying to get at was the only reason kids buy it, is because of all the violance.
It's true GTA3 is comming Gamecube! Check out ign for details.
What makes a word bad? (NO CUSS WORDS PLEASE)
Defcon5 replied to Amphion's topic in General Discussion
I never knew the bible said that swearing was bad. There is no commandment Thou shall not cuss. Hmmmm this is an interesting point you have.