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Everything posted by Defcon5

  1. 1. No 2. Ever see the starting and how much action is in it? They should try to but more of that in the show insted of just "tackle attack" (knocks team rocket into there ballon) "where blasting off again!" It has the potentail to be a very action packed show but it's not.
  2. I think the only reason they gave it to him was because he is a known complainer that no African American has ever won an award.
  3. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Red XIII [/i] [B][color=teal]OK Defcon has answered his question right you can't travel back and kill yourself because even before you fire the bullet you've ceased to exist no try the second one can you kill yourself in the future[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] No you can't because you would know that you where going to kill yourself and would be able to stop it.
  4. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Red XIII [/i] [B][color=teal][I]Does the Mister Burns phrase Exelent[/i] Well since I have totally screwed up most posters mind except for James dammit I was hop[ing to screw up a moderators or administrators but anyway the answer is yes and no hahaha ok i draw this conclusion rom the following ideas You cant if: You have gone back to change something you did because if you go back in time and stop yourself from doing it you will never build a time machine to travel back in time and so rip the fabric of space and time apart and kill everything in existance You can if: You go back to do something that affects you in [b]no way[/b] if it does well look up and see ------------------------------------------------- I have come upwith a new puzzle to inflect even more pain can you kill yourself in the past or future be in mind there is nly one answer[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] No you cannot. If you killed your self in the past then the same concept would would apply for changing a mistake you made. If you killed your self then you wouldn't be alive to go back in time.
  5. Crowley that's my last name..... But I'm not related to this guy
  6. Because he promised Dr. Eggman he would do one thing for him because Dr.Eggman freed him.
  7. Yeah it's not like the little kids are going to see this. Actually if I where an animator I would proably do the same thing. And besides it provides a few good laughs for us older kids.
  8. Time travel possible? Yes. Good idea? No. If you went back in time just being there could change the rest of time indefinantaly. I think in the future they have discovered how to travel through time but they where smart enough not to do it.
  9. I took a picture of Captain Falcon expressing his true feelings to Donkey Kong. Just for some clarifacation what exactly is Captain Falcon/Gannondorf doing in there up and b attack. I know what it looks like but I know that's not what there supposed to be doing.
  10. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by DBZChikaGhan [/i] [B][COLOR=purple]I think South Park is funny, and the movie had me in tears laughing, Kyle's Mom is a big fat b*tch was the best song I've ever heard, but there is one thing that really bothered me. The devil being gay. All christian children and possibly other religions, i dont know, have been raised to fear the devil and hate him. The devil has been brought up in children's lives as the evil of the world and anything that goes wrong is the devil's fault. Which is really irresponsible, but moving on... The devil being gay stands for the fact that in the christian religion being gay is a sin. The devil is a hated creature, or rather a hated figment of the imagination, and making him gay, to me, compares homosexual people to him. This seems to make homosexual people out to be evil because the devil is a homosexual and all homosexual must, inturn, being part devil right? That's the kind of message it's going to convey to young children, and they'll grow up hating homosexual people and hate crimes will be an even greater problem. Im not saying that this will all happen b/c of South Park, but it will be counted as just one more influence upon the opinion that "All homosexuals are evil and should be killed for their sins." Which we all know to be false. Look at TN for an example. TN is one of the most intelligent, in-depth people in creation. He goes on to prove that being a homosexual shouldn't be considered a sin and that its just one part of who he is. Unless I'm sorely mistaken, he's not "half-devil" I really don't think that making the devil a homosexual, and with Castro of all people, was a very smart decision. South Park is a funny show, but sometimes they go a little too far.[/COLOR] [/B][/QUOTE] Most children and adults proably have never put that much thought into the show/movie. I never thought about it in that prespective until I read this. And still I don't believe they made the devil gay to put the thought into little kids heads that it's bad to be gay.
  11. Another thing you can do is use Gannondorf's up and B attack on Zelda and pause it at the right time and you can see Gannondorf expressing his [I]true[/I] feelings for her.
  12. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Nerdsy [/i] [B] [COLOR=deeppink]I'm sure that's purely coincidence... In the "Adventurers", there is a two second clip of a nude woman. In "Who Framed Rodger Rabbit" (I'm not sure if this is Disney or not, but it has Disney Characters), Donald Duck calls Daffy Duck by a certain... racist name starting with "N". At least it sounds that way... It's supposedly supposed to be "You gawsh darn stupid nitwit". Same movie, that girl in the red dress... Oh, I'm not sure how to describe that without it getting too graphic... Same movie, the baby gives the babysitter the finger... That enough for ya?[/COLOR] [/B][/QUOTE] I dunno about that. It looked to much like one to be coincidence. And I don't think that who framed roger rabbit was disney. But I'm not too sure.
  13. As I was looking at the cover of the little mermaid today I examned the castle and found one of the pillars to resemble a d*ck. I have also heard about disney hiding bad words in there movies that one cannot see unless they are looking for them. Has anyone else seen any of these things in there movies?
  14. Well our school nurse says I might need glasses in a couple of years so will have to see. But I really wouldn't really mind wearing glasses, expecaily if they make me look sexy. Not that I already am of course.
  15. To beat the Pichu's pray you get a bat. If you do smash Pikacu until you send him far enough away or kill him then it the limited amount of time inbetween when pikachu can't get you, you smash the pichu's smash smash SMASH SMASH THEM TILL THERE SKULL CAVES IN!!!!!! (takes deep breath) repeat till you can knock them off a good distance then when they try to come back on if you time it just right then you should be able to hit them with the bat's smash attack and kill them. Cheap yes. But the d*mn computer is just getting what's comming to it. The cheap b*stard it is.
  16. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by BabyGirl [/i] [B] [color=deeppink]Indeed not. He defected from the Empire to the Alliance during the time between ANH and ESB...and he wasn't a pilot :) [/color] [/B][/QUOTE] I see. I will watch that movie over and over till I find out.
  17. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Boba Fett [/i] [B]Yes, his death was undignified, wasnt it. well i personally stopped reading all the new order books as soon a s chewie died . i cant understand how they could kill him off . i am "boycotting" them so to speak. p.s. i know that in a new hope wedge, luke,han and chewie survived the death star run. in the movie there was a additional y-wing.who was it???? [/B][/QUOTE] I think it was Crix Madine.
  18. Freakazoid was the best cartoon. It was one of the only funny ones. I enjoyed the episode where they where thereating Bob Vila by cuttin a perfect piece of wood. and Stinky poo gas! who could forget that
  19. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Justin [/i] [B] In Christianity the Trinity is God. God-the Father, God-the Son, and God-the Holy Spirit. Now, the way I percieve this concept is this: Your God decided that he wanted three different ways the manifest himself. One as the all-powerful and unseen diety that you pray to, one as his physical manifestation: Jesus, and the final as his effects on your everyday life(ex. Divine intervention). I hope that answers your question. And by the way, I'm not Christian. I just like to study religion every now and then. -Justin [/B][/QUOTE] Or you could just ask Justin. That was a good explanation.
  20. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Squashed Snail [/i] [B][color=green]Well even though I'm Catholic, I'm with OutlawDragon on this one.... I don't know what the Trinity is. I don't think I've heard of it either..... :rolleyes:[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] :eek: You don't? That's strange. Try asking your your local priest or even your parents. Your priest could proably tell you better then anyone here.
  21. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by goddess21 [/i] [B] [color=deeppink]Yeah! I really liked those 4 guys that would always going around singing.... and those ladies that tried to dance! :) [/color] [/B][/QUOTE] Yeah expecailly the fat one. That was funny.
  22. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by OutlawDragon [/i] [B]Alright I don't quite understand the Trinity thing. My church doesn't believe in the trinity, and since I've been in this chruch all of my life, I was wondering how excatly is it possible for Jesus to throw his voice into the sky and say he is his own son, when he was baptized. So if you would kindly explain to me how this works I would appericate it. P.S. I'm LDS(Latter Day Saints, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, or Mormon) :smoke: [/B][/QUOTE] Tis somthing no one understands. And nobody ever will. It's one of the unexpalinable (sp) mysteryies (sp). But try to think of it as somthing like a three leaf clover. Get the picture? If not I'll try to explain it a little more indepth.
  23. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Cera [/i] [B][FONT=century gothic]Erhm...was that the one with the chapter about the turtle crossing the road? or perhaps I'm thinking of something else...[/FONT] [/B][/QUOTE] It's about people fleeing from the dust bowl during the Great Depression if I'm not mistaken. BabyGirl did you ever read The Pearl? It's also by John Sitenbeck. We had to read it in school and I actually enjoyed it.
  24. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by PiroMunkie [/i] [B][SIZE=1][color=indigo]Why don't you try being friends with a/the girl that you are interested in. [/size][/color] [/B][/QUOTE] Don't become to good a friend with her. I have had that happen before and the girl didn't to be my girlfriend because want us to hate each other if we broke up. Our friendship meant to much to her. So it's just a word of warning.
  25. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Son Goten [/i] [B] Hope all u want. George Lucas said on SW.com that originally he thought he would need 9 movies to "tell his tale" but then he realsized that with six 2 1/2 hour movies he didn't need any more. so there will be no 7-9. [/B][/QUOTE] Well then will have to convince him that he [I]does[/I] need those last three movies now won't we? :devil: :demon:
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