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Everything posted by Defcon5
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by goddess21 [/i] [B] [color=deeppink]Yeah... it doesn't seem like a town would just fall for his act like that.... they were all pretty gullible![/color] [/B][/QUOTE] And for someone who didn't know anything about music he was pretty good at creating a choir...
Don't you dare. I have no tolerance for people who kill them selfs. In my eys they are murderers. There is [I]always [/I] a better way. Listen to the people who have posted before. Find another way.
An entire city.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by goddess21 [/i] [B][color=crimson]Out of all of the broadway shows I have been to (which is not many), I liked Rent the most.... It was amazing! I saw The Music Man last weekend... and that was pretty good too! :D [/color] [/B][/QUOTE] Yeah the music man was pretty good. But that Harold Hill was way too happy. And then he made everyone else way too happy.
What is your favorite broadway play? Mine's Oliver!. It's got nice catchy music and great villan.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Liquidus_Snake [/i] [B][COLOR=firebrick]Yep. It's a fake. I beat 47 of those fools and got nothing concerning s&T. Mondo Bogus if you ask me, they shouldnt play tricks on loyal people like this. It hurt's their respect for them ya know. This is why i stopped buying their magazine...too many lies.[/COLOR] [/B][/QUOTE] It was an April Fools joke. A sick one yes, but a joke none the less.
I'm scared of not being able to move.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Justin [/i] [B] I think its because he simply wasn't powerful enough. Bottom line. Disappearing seems to be the trademark of the powerful Jedi Masters. I seem to recollect another powerful master disappearing in one of the books I read. Though, I may very well be mistaken seeing as how I can't remember a name. I predict that in the coming movies several others will disappear upon their deaths. -Justin [/B][/QUOTE] You also raise a good point. I guess we'll just have to wait and see, won't we?
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Transtic Nerve [/i] [B]Ah yes... well... I still think Obi-wan dies... and I forgot to mention I think Yoda dies... maybe I just don't know anything about SW, but Yoda and Obi-wan are the only two that I know of who disappeared... unless their documentation of another? Which would lead me to believe they were both spirits to help train Luke. I said I didn't know when they die, and it could very well be after Ani falls in the lava pit... which obviously it has to be if he does die... I believe there is somewhat of a long diration of time between Episode 3 and Episode 4.... perhaps at the end of Episode 3 Obi-wan dies? I think he does... and I think he will... what a twist that would put on the series... Thats just what i think... and we shall not know till for another 3 years.... I should really get more into Star Wars... my mind has too much other crap to deal with... like Japanese things... and Art... and whatever.... [/B][/QUOTE] You have a good point. I mean why diden't Qui-gon disissapear in Episode 1? Wasit because he was alive and Obi-won wasen't really alive in episode 4?
This be a convo I had with him. Adamatotaku [8:25 PM]: hey Adamatotaku [8:25 PM]: its adam JTCN6469 [8:25 PM]: hey Adamatotaku [8:25 PM]: i have a job to ask of you JTCN6469 [8:25 PM]: sure Adamatotaku [8:25 PM]: could you help me find some stuff on the new zelda? JTCN6469 [8:26 PM]: sure (At this poit I asked a trusted high ranking friend if this was the real Adam. Becasue I found it funy that 1. Why of all people he would ask me to help him. and 2. Ask me for help for finding things on Zelda.) Adamatotaku [8:30 PM]: thanks a lot man this is going to help me out a lot JTCN6469 [8:30 PM]: no prob (At this time my friend IMed him and told me that "Adam" thought he was James. Which he isn't.) Adamatotaku [8:36 PM]: just e mail me when your done JTCN6469 [8:36 PM]: k Adamatotaku [8:36 PM]: you know my address right? Adamatotaku [8:36 PM]: [email]Adam@o3online.com[/email] JTCN6469 [8:36 PM]: ok Adamatotaku [8:36 PM]: thanks again Adamatotaku [8:36 PM]: its wierd Adamatotaku [8:36 PM]: james is acting funny JTCN6469 [8:37 PM]: lol JTCN6469 [8:37 PM]: what's he doing? Adamatotaku [8:38 PM]: he was just asking me if i should take james off as an admin Adamatotaku [8:38 PM]: but it was james Adamatotaku [8:38 PM]: talking to me JTCN6469 [8:38 PM]: that's weird Adamatotaku [8:38 PM]: yeah JTCN6469 [8:39 PM]: what's his S/N? Adamatotaku [8:39 PM]: (S/N Not listed to protect the innocent) JTCN6469 [8:39 PM]: really Adamatotaku [8:40 PM]: brb Adamatotaku [8:40 PM]: gotta restart JTCN6469 [8:40 PM]: k Adamatotaku [8:45 PM]: okay JTCN6469 [8:48 PM]: brb Adamatotaku [8:48 PM]: okay Auto response from JTCN6469 [8:48 PM]: Om-pa-pa!,Om-pa-pa! that's how it goes! JTCN6469 [8:59 PM]: brb Adamatotaku [8:59 PM]: okay JTCN6469 [9:02 PM]: back Adamatotaku [9:02 PM]: okay I would just like to inform the Otaku Public of this imposter. (but knowing me you all alredy know about him and I was the only one that diden't.) Ok I'm done now. *Update* Adamatotaku [9:22 PM]: how far done are ya? JTCN6469 [9:22 PM]: I'm almost done Adamatotaku [9:22 PM]: thank you so much JTCN6469 [9:25 PM]: but should I send info to someone who isn't the real Adam? JTCN6469 [9:26 PM]: I think he would know James's real s/n JTCN6469 [9:26 PM]: and know that (S/N Not listed to protect the innocent) is not it Adamatotaku [9:26 PM]: ahah Adamatotaku [9:26 PM]: good show JTCN6469 [9:26 PM]: [] JTCN6469 [9:27 PM]: i've known since 8:30 (my time) Adamatotaku [9:27 PM]: thats cool JTCN6469 [9:28 PM]: which is for about an hour Adamatotaku [9:28 PM]: doesnt much matter anyways JTCN6469 [9:28 PM]: so who are you anyway? Adamatotaku [9:28 PM]: im gaygeta the master spammer and hacker Adamatotaku [9:28 PM]: i just felt like flooding adams mailbox with tons of **** he wouldnt want JTCN6469 [9:28 PM]: i think I remember you Adamatotaku [9:28 PM]: like info on the new zelda JTCN6469 [9:28 PM]: i see Adamatotaku [9:29 PM]: i have other people what you were suppose to do as we speak JTCN6469 [9:29 PM]: well I never really had anything prepared JTCN6469 [9:29 PM]: like who Adamatotaku [9:29 PM]: like im going to tell you JTCN6469 [9:30 PM]: why would it matter? Adamatotaku [9:30 PM]: why should i,so you will tell them and ruin my fun JTCN6469 [9:30 PM]: who says I'de do that? Adamatotaku [9:30 PM]: i do Adamatotaku [9:30 PM]: and im not going to risk it JTCN6469 [9:31 PM]: i see JTCN6469 [9:36 PM]: then again who needs to tell them directly. That's what a message board is for Adamatotaku [9:36 PM]: yep Adamatotaku [9:36 PM]: i saw that Adamatotaku [9:36 PM]: its cool JTCN6469 [9:36 PM]: yeah Adamatotaku [9:36 PM]: i dont mind JTCN6469 [9:37 PM]: well who's to say I cared if you minded? JTCN6469 [9:37 PM]: [] Adamatotaku [9:37 PM]: who says if i care if you roll over and eat my *** hole[][][] JTCN6469 [9:39 PM]: who's to say you got one?
I wouldn't be too mad if 7-9 weren't based on the books. But then again I haven't read them so that's a whole different story. But speaking of the books what ones would you all recomend to read?
Solo and Ensemble contest for my school district for all instruments
Defcon5 replied to a topic in General Discussion
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by lyca_lightwing [/i] [B]Aw Bulmavegeta I know exectly how you are feeling. My first clarinet duet in front of my school was horrible, I was shaking with nerves but the adrenaline got me through. And if all else fails just remember that even if it all goes horribly wrong, everone will be too polite not to clap and smile at the end anyway :D Good luck. [/B][/QUOTE] Some nice words of encouragement there..... -
Bringing a universal remote to school walking past classrooms, turning on the T.V.
Solo and Ensemble contest for my school district for all instruments
Defcon5 replied to a topic in General Discussion
I have to sing a solo in the school play. I have to sing mean yet still sing good. I'm worried about singing good. Does that count? -
(Prays the frame rate isn't choppy) I heard that Falco wasn't going to be in the game. :bawl: He was my favorite......
Comparing flowers to humans? I think that is pretty moot. If human cells shouldn't be considered higher then plant cells then why should a baby out of the womb be considered higher then one in the womb. That baby could also grow up and have a family to depend on it just like the person walking on the street. Someone walking past another person on the street is not a chance for a baby. And I don't know about everyone else but I think that a woman getting an abortion after a cocieving it during casual sex is wrong. If they are raped or the mom could die giving birth then that's another story.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Forest_Pixie [/i] [B]I don't understand why people care so much if a woman gets an abortion... I mean it doesn't involve you. It's none of your business anyway... So why do you people care so much?? [/B][/QUOTE] Becasue it's death. it's like asking why do you care so much about those people who died in the WTC. They weren't your family. But now they wont have any more life. just as an aborted baby wont have life either.
I think Final Flash had a good one for this. he posted it once before.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Forest_Pixie [/i] [B]I don't want to get into an argument. Everyone has their own veiws and opinons on Abortion.. whether it is right or wrong.. and no one will ever agree [/B][/QUOTE] True words True words.....
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Forest_Pixie [/i] [B]sorry but there is a big difference between shooting yourself and a woman getting an abortion! [/B][/QUOTE] Is there? They both result in the ending of a life.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Forest_Pixie [/i] [B] exactly.. It's your body do what want to it... But I don't highly reccomned shooting yourself [/B][/QUOTE] Exactly my point. Just becasue you can do it doesn't mean you should.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Forest_Pixie [/i] [B]I think that it is the womans choice if she wants to get an abortion or not.. IT'S HER BODY!! She can do whatever she wants to it... No matter how she conceived the baby. I think that it is wrong how you saw that she can't when none of you have ever been in that situation.. It's her body not yours... It's the womans body she can do what she wants to it and if she doesn't want to have the baby she doesn't have to. [/B][/QUOTE] So that means I could shoot myself. It's my body I can do what ever I want to it.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Crazy White Boy [/i] [B] The difference between a dumpster baby and an aborted baby is quite a major one. As previously stated, abortions are done quite early, within the first trimester. A fetus can be aborted before it's developed significantly. Dumpster babies are children who are actually fully developed. To throw a (most likely) living child(not fetus) into a garbage can is even more barbaric in my opinion. Once that child is born it definitely has rights as a person and one of those rights is the right to live. Furthermore, even when using protection(such as a condom) there is always the possibility of conception. What if the condom breaks? You see, the only way to guarantee that there is no pregnancy is abstinance(which is barely practiced). [/B][/QUOTE] In my eyes it is alive. And to me there really isn't to much of a difference. They are both dead. And they shouldn't really be having casual sex in the first place so there shouldn't be a need for a condom in the first place.
I don't see a difference between dumpster baby's and aborted babies. There both dead. And if a girl doesn't want a baby then they sshould be having sex. And if they need to have sex that much then use a freakin condum.
I went to a web site saying that Star Fox was comming out on jun 11! Can any one confirm this?