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Everything posted by Defcon5

  1. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by ssj chic [/i] [B]what ever happened to the war of the mod rod? [/B][/QUOTE] Well lots of people started posting in it. Lots of people who made the story boring. And a majority of the orignals who had help made it interesting left. So it became boring and no one posted in it. That and there was a huge complication where a couple of people couldn't agree on somthing and it also kind killed the story. But ya. I guess War of the Mod was the the funniest.
  2. Abortion is wrong. If they are raped I would try to find a good home for the baby. But if worse comes to worse than I guess it would be ok. The only other exception is if the mother would die or somthing like that. Other than that Abortion is a big no no in my book.
  3. Well my experence with women is that they say one thing but mean another thing. In other words telling someone that they would go out with you means that they just want to stay GOOD friends. But that's just my experence.
  4. you know tweety is going to sufficate under all that plastic......
  5. I was around for a good number of these events yet I don't remember half of them. I must have a really bad memory.
  6. This sounds like a really hard time for you I will keep you in my prayers.
  7. If you were only allowed one possesion what would it be and why??? No clue If the law said that you had to eat bugs to be able to drive would you? Yeah I heard bugs are a good source of protien If you could only choose one, whos life would you save? No clue. Probly my mom or dad If a man had a knife to you and said "strip" would you? Yeah. Losing my life over something like that would be stupid. If the love of your life came up to you and said they would go out with you, under one condition you get rid of your best friend who would you pick? Probly my friend If a complete stranger came up to you and said that he was your sibling what would you do? Tell him 4 brothers was enough If that stranger was proven to be your sibling what would you do? I would say I guess one more can't hurt If you could chooose one way to die what would it be? I would die saving a loved one's life If you had to choose you or your lover to die who shall it be? If a person asked whats more important Friends or lovers what would you say? This may sound very greed but I would save my self
  8. But out of that 2000 only a handful actually stay and post. (sorry if I sound like a downer. I'm just not in a good mood)
  9. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Nerdsy [/i] [B] [COLOR=deeppink]Jeez, I shouldn't have made that post so fast, I had a lot of errors. Yes, it was November. Stupid me.[/COLOR] [/B][/QUOTE] That's ok we still love you!
  10. The brand new topic here at our boards entitled "Hey" and it's a poll. The poll is did you miss me?
  11. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Nerdsy [/i] Defcon5-ANNON was in all capitals, (not that anyone really cares:P)And you either registered August 2000 or Febuary 2001. Can't for the life of me figure out which one. [/COLOR] [/B][/QUOTE] Are you sure? Because I could have sworn I joined somtime in November. Because I had gotten Pokemon Gold sometime in October and I had a question about the unown in it. And my first post was asking that question. SO I joined the year that Gold and Silver came out.
  12. Hookers. I'm sure there is at least one hooker in North Carolina.
  13. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Anti [/i] [B] I am not talking about relations like that though...I am also talking about relations that have lasted for a number of years...is this love not true?...but yet it fades...no see time is no matter when it comes to things like human emotions...love is true as long as it is love you feel at that moment...time has nothing to do with it...for I can say I have truely loved a girl...for my feelings for her were as real as you or me...but now....*shakes head* no more o.O...my love was still true...it just didn't...last for enternity as you say...nothing does...but I won't go into that... [/B][/QUOTE] True love can last for an enternity
  14. Member Name: Defcon5 Original Member name: Annon Member Since: V.1 Current Status: Junior Member (don't laugh) Favorite Forums: General Disscussion, Nintendo Favorite RPG: The legend of Zelda ocarina of forest Favorite Threads: i dunno Favorite Smiley: :alcohol: Most Memorable Moment: When I got banned (on accident. Or so they tell me) Quotable Quote: But dreams --- of those who dream as I, Aspiringly, are damned, and die-Edger Allen Poe Words of Wisdom: Woman are damn confusing Wish to be remembered for: My sleeping in the nude topic, My beliefs Desired Epitaph: Game Over I will.... ......Some how understand what I'm supposed to write here.
  15. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Anna [/i] [B] Couldn't have said it better. True joy doesn't fade, and time will tell if the love is true or not. That's why it's not a good idea to go and get married to someone after dating them for only 6 weeks (*cough mom dad cough v_v*). Sure people can [i]think[/i] they're in love when everything is happening so fast and you've never felt like that before blah blah blah, and yeah [i]that[/i] will probably fade. However, if time stretches out the relationship beyond the 'sparks', and real love develops, then that won't go away as long as the two people keep working at it. The joy that they feel in the love they share will keep them going. [/B][/QUOTE] Well said. I completely agree.
  16. The same thing happened to me very recently although my friend isn't as big of a jerk as your friends sound. Although I haven't let it get between us he has seemed to piss me off even more so than usual. But if those friends are really as bad as you say they are then my advice is to ditch em and find some people who treat you with the respect you deseirve. (You can PM me if you want to talk since I am going through the same thing right now.)
  17. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by James [/i] [B] [size=1]When you're a kid, you are always wearing rose coloured glasses. Most people who marry aren't in love -- they're in love when they first marry, but they fall out of love after. That's why divorce is so high. But you'll learn that when you're older. :)[/size] [/B][/QUOTE] Then they weren't really in love.
  18. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Anti [/i] [B]and about the question of chastity... *boos and throws can's at the group, relizes they outnumber him about 10 to 1 and turns and runs*...but seriouslly...I think it is much more important that it is with someone you love [B]at the time[/B] then if your married or not... because I have knowen a few couples that are married...but have no love for each other o.O [/B][/QUOTE] I could go into a whole spchel(sp) about this but for everyone's sake I won't but I will say Then they really shoulden't be married. YOu should marry someone that you will love for etrnity(sp).
  19. All I want is someone to be with. (Crosses fingers)
  20. Don't even start me with that song....But I never heard it completely my AOL media player kept on stopping and then playing some more. Rinse and Repeat.
  21. Do to a recent change in events there could be a chance that I may have a G/F on Valenties. Please please please let me be taken on Valentines day!
  22. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by liamc2 [/i] [B]chastity as in no sex before marrige. .thats what i'm talking about. . .Its something I and my church believe in. . .somethething i believe that others should too. . *realises everyone thinks he is an idiot* [/B][/QUOTE] I believe in that also your not alone.
  23. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by BabyGirl [/i] [B] [color=deeppink]Ahh, I'll be doing the same...only my streak has been going for 17 years, rather than 14 ;)[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] Although I have a feeling that my streak will be that long or even longer. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Treble [/i] [B] Well same here and for 14 years too,but it's cool i'll buy myself a chocalate box candy and get to eat the whole thing myself.:tasty: [/B][/QUOTE] YES and we can send oursleves Valentines!
  24. CTW and a number of other publications were briefed early on Nintendo's official plans for Europe. The GameCube will launch on May 3, 2002 for a price of 150 UK pounds ($211 US) and 249 Euros ($215). The price is certainly very attractive for the European market, as consoles are historically overpriced versus the American version of the hardware. In This case the difference is as little as $15 under the current market conditions. Additionally, the PS2 currently retails for 199 UK pounds ($270 US). So, GameCube still has a considerable price advantage. Nintendo intends to ship a total of one million units across the continent, putting to rest the rumors that the company was short on hardware. Alongside the hardware, 20 titles will be available on day one including hits such as Luigi's Mansion, Wave Race: Blue Storm, Star Wars Rogue Squadron II: Rogue Leader, Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 3, FIFA: Road to World Cup and Sonic Adventure 2 Battle. This sets the stage for the largest ever software launch, outdoing even Microsoft's March launch of Xbox, and for a much cheaper price at that. According to CTW, Dave Gosen Managing Director, Sales and Markting of Nintendo Europe, "GameCube will not be targeted at kids, it will not be targeted at teens and it will not be targeting adults. GameCube will appeal to anyone who enjoys being entertained by interactive gaming." Nintendo further promises that nearly 50 titles will be available for the GameCube by this summer. Finally the European launch is coming together as promised. And wait there's more! IGNcube has recieved word via sources that the PAL GameCube will see a minor change in the way of hardware. If you live in Europe you're probably all to familiar with the slighty flickering and letterboxed PAL software. In a push for better quality, Nintendo is recommending widespread full-screen 50 Hz PAL and, even better, 60 Hz NTSC support for those of you who are privileged enough to own a compatible TV. You'll have the option of hooking up via RGB SCART for an even better picture. Good news? We'd say so. Since progressive scan TVs are pretty much non-existent in Europe, you'll be able to activate the 60 Hz mode by holding down the B-button during boot-up, which is normally reserved for 480p. In particular, sources indicated that Star Wars Rogue Squadron II: Rogue Leader will support the aforementioned 60 Hz mode. We contacted the Factor 5 and the company confirmed that the 60 Hz option was for real and that Rogue Leader will indeed be supporting it as well as full-screen PAL. And you thought Nintendo didn't love Europe. Shame on you. Whew that was a lot of typing........wink wink
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