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Everything posted by Defcon5

  1. After Kuja is done explaining things to he mod he goes on to talk about Ginny and how he loves her. Getting iratated Defcon takes control of the meeting. "All mod's will NOT be this easy to change." said Defcon. "This mod was just the least corupted out of them all. Mods are very powerful. Never forget that. The only force that can stop a mod is the rumored Gods and Goddess. We still don't even know if they or there power is real. Or if they exist if they are on our side or the mods. I am the lead of the intellengence here for the members. I research the mysterious of the Otaku boards. When you go out and discover anything you report it to me." At this point Kuja reilize what Defcon had done and took back the meeting under his control.
  2. Reporter: There is some worry because with the N64 there were many games coming at first and then it slowed down to a trickle. Will that be the case with the GameCube? Miyamoto: There was a problem but that will not happen with the GC. We started development on GC games a while back and we hope to have 20-30 first and second party games out by next Christmas. PSOver 2 Online... Now it appears that not only will GameCube players be able to play PSO ver. 2 with Xbox users, but PC as well. This means that GameCube, Xbox, and PC users will all be able to play against one another online. Whether or not the Dreamcast will be thrown into this mix is still unknown, Squares popularity slowing in the land of the rising sun...Nintendo the only 1st party on the list! In its latest issue, Famitsu Magazine asked gamers what company they were looking forward to seeing the most in 2002. The results were surprising, as Sega surpassed Squaresoft by 3%. Nintendo held a firm third place, being the only first party company in the top five, while Konami and Capcom tagged along at number 4 and 5. Could it be that gamers are getting tired of Final Fantasy's repetitious gameplay, could they want a new franchise? Or is it just that Sega has many great games on the way such as Sonic Adventure 2 Battle, Phantasy Star Online Ver. 2, and Shenmue III? Either way, it looks as if Squaresoft's popularity isn't as big as it was last year. Pokemon Cubed According to this article on GC-Inside, Nintendo will be revealing the GameCube Pokémon title very soon. Word has it that it will be shown during the press conference for the next Pokémon movie, on the 30th of January. But remember this date is only a rumor, so don't get too excited yet Pokémaniacs. The game is said to be far into development and according to Nintendo Dream, will be somehow related to the Meowth's Party demo from Spaceworld 2000. Whether it's an RPG, musical game or just another Stadium title, you can definitely expect a groundbreaking link-up to Game Boy Advance More news from Japan. This time it's Nintendo's president Hiroshi Yamauchi, who's finally come out of hiding and done an interview with Japanese newspaper Asahi Shimbun. Here are the highlights On the GameCube's strategy GameCube was designed to offer the highest quality software and the real challenge will be in 2002 when the user expects even better games. At the same time Nintendo will listen more to users in regards to development of new software. On GameCube sales I am satisfied with early GameCube sales in Japan. The recent PS2 price drop hasn't slowed things down and in the future the machine will be too big and expensive for the average gamer due to Final Fantasy XI which requires a hard drive and a modem to play properly. American sales were stronger than expected, we thought the recent terrorism attacks may have effected sales but they didn't. The final results of the Christmas trade war are yet to come but things are looking positive. His comments about Nintendo listening to what the users want are interesting and may add fuel to the rumors that Miyamoto has changed the appearance of Zelda after the backlash from American gamers. more cube online.. According to N-Sider, Metro 3D is bringing Armada 2: Exodus to GameCube at the end of the Summer. The game will be a fully online, cooperative shooter with RPG elements and is also scheduled to appear on Xbox and PS2. It's not know whether the game will support Broadband or not but it's good to hear Sega isn't the only third party developing online GameCube games. thats all.....I personally like the idea of nintendo listening to it's fans....quite interesting..and how about 20-30 first/second party games in one year! how many secret titles do they friggin have! What a great year of cubeing we have ahead!
  3. I feel your pain Dragonballzman. I fell it deep within.
  4. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by kuja [/i] [B][SIZE=3][FONT=century gothic][COLOR=crimson]errrrrrr i didnt know i had to ride around on my pet (that is sick... im NOT gonna make virginia do that)... i was thinking more along the lines of making her my wife in this RPG... then she would have a reason to beat me w/ her mod rod ;)[/COLOR][/FONT][/SIZE] [/B][/QUOTE] LOL you have a dirty mind. I think we shall start as soon as somebody wants to make the first post.
  5. Yu don't have to have a pet. It was there more for a way of transportation. Like Dragonfire uses a dragon to fly around and I ride a horse ect....
  6. Trebel that's a kick *** avitar! O and all members who were here before please redo your sign ins. Thanks. ----------- Name: Defcon5 Age:22 Bio:Is studying Magic and trying to find a way to stop the mods. Weapons:The Assassins Blade(When extremly angry strikes with the power of the Grip Reapers sycthe.) Magic. Pets:A horse named Garet.
  7. Supersayain4444 since when are you in charge? We are going to use this format. Name: Age: Mods are mods and members are members. If you are a member you will be part of the rebellion. If you are a mod you will not be part of the rebellion it's as simple as that. Weapons: NO ONE AND I MEAN NO ONE WILL BE INVINCIBLE OR ALL POWERFUL. So make your weapons not too powerful. Pets: Pets are ok as long as like weapons they are not to powerful. This is the format like it or not. Supersayain4444 that is to powerful and you will need to change your sign up so it is like the one I posted.
  8. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by SuperSayian4444 [/i] [B]Ok, time to clear some things up. I am the first unknown person in Flash's sig. So, therefore, I chanllenge Kuja to a spar at my boards. Unless ya scared. 2. I, and ONLY I, am/can be as Defcon5 so elliqintly put it...''Bajinated'' It's from an RPG, and yall ain't in it. Besides, yall don't even know what it means. Exept for those I AIM...;) 3. Bajin Neil(AKA one of me) has no good in his heart. 4. I'm not stupid enough to blow up a cardboard cut-out with a word bubble, and think that Defcon is dead. 5. If I had fired a Ki blast at the cardboard cut-out, and blown it up, the entire area would have been destroyed. ----------------------- [size=1][b]Bajin Neil watched from above the clouds, above the rebel base. His plan worked. He had fooled Defcon. Bajin Neil: Fool. Thinking I would be tricked by that damned poster. Peh. Time to die, DEFCON! TIME TO DIE! Bajin Neil's eyes went blue, as the ground shook. It quaked as never before. The rebel base sunk down into ground. It was then encased in a psychic dome, which nothing could get out of,...but things could get into. Bajin Neil's turned completely whit again, as he raised his open palm, and pointed it at the now-alert base. He snickered as blue energy snapped across his hand. Ships in the dome flew into the air, then crashing upon the walls. The firey debris fell to the ground, killing those stupid enough to run around. Bajin Neil focused his Ki, and formed a small, light blue energy ball in his out-streched hand. His energy suddenly flared up, and he screamed ''MEGA BANG!!''. As soon as the words were yelled, the ball expended some, then shot out in a basketball-sized energy beam, surrounded by yellow eletricity. It flew down with swiftness and grace, covering the miles downwards almost instantly. The blast broke through the barrier, and exploded upon contact with the roof of the base. The huge explosion that accored afterwards was so strong, Bajin Neil himself was forced to cover his eyes. The firey inferno down upon the ground totally obliterated the base. After a few minutes, the initial explosion died down. Bajin Neil hovered downwards, and landed some fifty yards away. He raised his right hand, long since lowering his left hand after unleashing his deadly Mega Bang, and cocked it to the side, to where the hole that was once the base was inbetween his thumb, and index finger. He screamed out ''PSYCHIC BLAST(see note)!!'', and his eyes turned blue again instantly. The hole in the ground once again exploded, only this time, exploding in an invisible psychic attack. The remains of the base deatomized, completely destroyed. When Bajin Neil released his forced grip on his awesome psychic powers, his eyes faded to complete white again, as he lowered his hand. Bajin Neil: Well, [i]that[/i] was short... Bajin Neil walked over, and looked at the still smoldering piles of ashes that was once the rebel base. He looked at it, face twisted in a pure Vegeta look of disappointment, as well as anger. He kept his look, and spit on a charred carcas. He turned to the sky, and blasted of towards the Staff Forum, completely turned to the Moderator's side... [i]Underneath the Rebel base...[/i] Defcon stood next to Justin, cut up, and battered, Justin as well. Justin: *breathing hard* What......happened? Defcon: Bajin Neil........Damn those mods... Justin: How many survivors? Defcon: I dunno about down here, but no-one survived top-side. Justin: We have about 300 down here. Defcon: FUUCK! Man, that's not enuff! Justin: Don't worry! We'll kick those damned moderator's as.ses! --------------------------- BTW, Neil/Bajin Neil/You'll see/Wouldn't you like to know(all one person. Just different attitudes, and outlooks) is immortal. Meaning, you can't kill him.[/b][/size] [/B][/QUOTE] Jesus Christ I changed it. Good god man. No need to overreact.
  9. Could you two save the bickering for PMs please? Thanks. Anyway this story has gotten out of hand. Wy don't we restart from a certian point. Any suggestions?
  10. K9 why don't you just cop your brothers game file to yours?
  11. I found Ganondorf pretty easy to beat. But hey thats just me.
  12. For a extended period of time the Mod Rod was used at the Otaku Boards as a powerful ally agaist the threat of spam. But that has changed. At the end Great Spam War a lone spam got a hold of the Mod Rod and infected it with evil. No one saw him and so no one knew of his evil deed. After the war was over it was peaceful in the Land of the Otaku Boards. Or so they thought. All this time the Mod Rod hasd been infecting those who touched it. Corrupting them. Turning them evil. So all the mods, gods, and admins had turned to the dark side. They duplicated the Mod Rod so every member of the dark side would have one. And soon after started using them to ban people for no reason. The members became upset and started a rebellion. The fight has been going on for years. The mods fight the rebellion with there army of members they corrupted. The mods keep track of the embers by there IP numbers which are in the mods main computer and tattoed on the back of the members necks. The mods fortress in located in the Staff Fourm which is invisible to the naked eye. The rebellion has organized the fourms into groups. Each group specializing in there own field. Anime-Combat. Gaming-Tecnology Smarts. Series- Wisdom. Also each member has there own class and with that class comes a special power. When you go up in class you keep the other powers you have earned Newbie-Great Agilty Junior Member-Weak Physic powers. (Can move small objects with mind. Gets stronger as class increases.) Member-Grear Strength Otaku-The Ability to Emit Powerful Beams Extreme Otaku-The Ability to Fly (Please tell me if I forgot any) Join in the Rebellion! Name: Defcon5 of Nintendo.(You must use your board name and give a fourm name that you are from.) Class: Newbie (Yes I'm still a Newbie) That's all you need! (edit) Mods may join. We do need some people to be bad guys so please join!
  13. I would have to say Mewtwo. Playing 20 damn hours. I have a freakin life here!
  14. damn......(thats about all I could muster up. O by the way damn is meant in a good way.)
  15. Well then they should show his true power then! The fools!
  16. I know! you were hit by a car and as you were hit you farted with out any one knowing over a match and it ignited the car and the car went 80 miles an hour and went back to the future and left a trail of fire.
  17. Down with superman! is a freakin *****! He has too many powers, the voice for him doesnt fit and the smallest thing knocks him half a mile! Wonderwoman is in my opinion a ditz. She had no idea Flash was hitting on her and over all is kinda clueless. and where is her invisible jet may I ask? don't even get me started on Hawkgirl. Lets just say I would like to clip her wings. I kinda like Green Launtern he is "the rebel" don't hurt me! I will finish later. I have to go see Santa. Oh joy. Stupid brother. I have half a mind to tell him there is no Santa. Any way after finding Santa wasent even there I'm back. As I was saying Jon Johns way to not aggressive he could be really powerful but he an't showing it. Batman is cool nuf said and The Flash is the best!!!!!! BO YA!!
  18. Defcon5


    Can anyone by chance read any of that?
  19. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Smoky Joe [/i] [B]I saw it last night, and I even thought I loved it (Greatest movie of the year!), I have to say one thing about the ending: Soul Reaver 1. I know it's based on the books (which I'll buy as soon as possible), but they could have added more to the ending, so it felt more satisfactory... I just can't believe it ended like that! If you've seen it, you know what I'm talking about... I want to see more Screamers! [/B][/QUOTE] It ended like that because it is remember part one in a Trilogoy of books. So it will make better sense when the second one comes out.
  20. [QUOTE]that can monitor your every move on the net[/QUOTE] and whats worse is your parents can use it against you.
  21. Here is some advice to all of you complaining about this. Get the hell over it. Who gives a damn what they think. And as Cera said please stop making generalizations not all of us are like that.
  22. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Blanko_el-miez [/i] [B]same here think about it.... whats up with that an island again??? fresh clean water with healing power??? and whats up with "the boss" of team rocket....?? so i give movie 1 an A+ movie 2 a C movie 3 a B+ mewtwo returns how about ummmm..... a D- to an F i like the original [/B][/QUOTE] I have to disagre with you on that. movie 1 a C movie 2 a B+ movie an A- Theres just my two cents. O and could someone creat a summary of it? I haven't seen it.
  23. Go there. There is a story about a drunk guy. ;) [url]http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=6060[/url]
  24. In Young Link's break the targets jump at the wall and hit jump and then in the other direction. So your kicking off the walls until you get to the top. Hope that helps.
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