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Everything posted by Defcon5

  1. Traffic going south in the first two lanes and Traffic going north in the last two. Brilliant me, for some unknown reason, I went left from the right turn lane and pulled across all three lanes of traffic. If I said my mom was pissed it would be an understatement. But I wasn't even close to being hit so that's good. I think. | | | | |-I was in this lane | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
  2. I thought the ending boss was a very brilliant one. Brilliant but very very easy. I wish he was harder.
  3. Edit Well I told her...she was really pissed off at first, but now she's better. Hopefully nothing bad will happen, for now though it looks ok. Thanks guys.
  4. The only other thing is the kid was discret about it, like when he told these kids, they weren't supposed to tell anyone else, so it's not like it's a wide spread rumor or anything. Plus her best friend is moving away soon so right now is probably not the best time to mention this. I see nothing good comming out of this...
  5. Ok so I have this girlfriend, she is a real moral person, no sex of any kind, that old chestnut. Now my problem is there are these two kids that are my frineds and they also happen to be friends with my girlfriends ex. So at one point they decided that they wanted to tell me (I didn't ask) what her ex and my girlfirend did together. Each one told me somthing different, but I didn't believe either of them because it's not like my girlfriend to do these things (Trust me you don't need to know why I know but I know she didn't do the things) and it's in the ex-boyfriends character to lie about somthing like that. The two kids that told me the stuff are pretty reliable, the one is the ex's bestfriend, and the other asked the ex during school and then directly came and told me. My question is since she didn't do them, should I tell her that he is saying this kind of stuff? And if I do tell her how to I protect the kids that told me the information? I didn't really want to know it but I don't want there friend mad at them. Any suggestions would be much appreciated. (Written in a hurry, sorry about spelling and stuff)
  6. I'll give you another perspective from a guy. I am a guy, just incase you hadn't picked up on it. I would like it if a girl had the courage to "break tardition" and ask me out, call me, or whatever. None of this tradition stuff, cause it you say that you like it the old way i'm gonna assume you want to be my slave, just like back in the day where the tradition is from. So just ask him! You'll thank me and everyone else who suggested it. You really have no idea how long it will take him to 'muster up the courage' so you go first!
  7. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by James [/i] [B][color=#808080] The other would be the phrase "I could care less about that". So, if I'm talking about something I don't care about, I might say (incorrectly):[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] I once wrote a letter and used that phrase except I used it correctly and someone who wsa proofreading my letter kept on telling me that I was saying it wrong. They were absolutly sure that they were right. Supercalafradulisticexpialadocous Anyone know if that's the correct spelling?
  8. Thanks for all your help, once I start writing it i'll post some so you guys can critique it. My play is about (don't laugh, cause I know it sounds corny) Bill Sykes from "Oliver!" meeting Mr. Edward Hyde from "Jekyll and Hyde". The both lived in the same time period in the same city and were both members of the city's underbelly. I know it sounds like "The Wild Thornberrys" meet "The Rugrats" but I am going to try my best to keep it uncorny. By the way is there any other aspects of writing that I should worry about? I've never actually sat down and just planned out what I wanted to happen.
  9. Can anyone here help me with writing a play? I'm not really sure about the aspects of things like character development. Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks!
  10. Friend: I think I should die Me: I think you should I sometimes forget to put the negitive word in there... I also type teh alot, and it's drives me insane.
  11. Campion Bond is not in the movie, they cut him. And you forgot Tom Sayer and Dorian Grey the immortal.
  12. It's Mina alright, I looked on the website. [url]http://www.theleagueofextraordinarygentlemen.com/LXG_CHAR_FRAME2_800.html[/url]
  13. First impressions mean nothing to me. I don't see how you can judge a person totaly just cause it's the first time you've met.
  14. Who cares? You can't prove the point either way, so you might as well go with what you've got.
  15. Yeah Hyde is not supposed to look like that at all. In the book he is a young man in his mid to early 20's. I do know it was based on a comic book, I've been looking into it since I heard of the movie. I also read that they added Tom Sawyer because America is more familiar with him.
  16. Does anyone plan on seeing this movie? It looks pretty cool and it has Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde in it which, at the moment, is my current obsession. I also like the idea of how they combined a bunch of characters from old english literature. The only thing there missing, in my opinion, is some one from Oliver Twist.
  17. I've seen the movie Hair. Let me tell you though, I think Hair is just short for Heirone inspired. That movie was so messed up I wanted to cry. The ending was good, but that's it. Plus the songs were all like the same thing. The only song that caought my attention was when the Army Generals were singing about men.
  18. DOWN WITH THE ICE CREAM MAN! I love ice cream and I eat it all year round, but the ice cream man is a total rip off. I thank my parents for not letting me get ice cream from him as a child. I would then be helping supply him with funds for his evil, evil underhanded plot to rob little kids of their parents money.
  19. Well, on my half quarter report I have 5 A's 3 B's and one F. My parents didn't do anything to me but that's only because I usually get a B in that class and they trust that I can bring it up. But my mom is chcking in on me to make sure I am getting it up. Which I have, just today, it's no longer a F but a D- thanks to that B+ on the test. And Solid, according to what you said you'd be a B- student.
  20. This is the stupidest movie ever. BUT I LOVE IT! IT'S SO FUNNY!!!!! I wish they would make a sequal. "Mmmmmm! My nipples look like milk duds!"
  21. Defcon5

    X2: XMen United

    X-2 was awsome, I cannot wait for X-3, I was squirming in my seat I loved it so much, expecially the beginning.
  22. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by James [/i] [B][color=#808080] I don't know if kuji or Justin were sending out any information about specifically what was going on though, so I guess I have no way of knowing what people were hearing on the night.[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] I was talking to Kuja the whole time this was taking place, and he was pretty much telling me exactly what was going on. I'm not sure about everyone else though. O and 2v was probably my favorite, very fun, you could get away with anything. But it's also where I learned how to post with out pissing off everybody. It was after my fight with Killer Pikachu about how I thought the pokemon T.V. show was stupid. Back then I would just go a pick fights with people about that. Ah, the memories.
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