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Everything posted by Defcon5

  1. The man walked into his cave deep in the forest and apporached one of the cave walls. He shouted a strange incarnation and view of the group appeared on the wall. "As soon as I am rested i will get rid of those incompatent fools and war will wage once again!" yelled the man
  2. It was Happygetting thrown against a tree by a big evil looking man. "Give me your part of the Tri-Force!" yelled the man "Never! I makes me feel warm inside!" yelled Happy Just then Ben,Fiewood,Sylvia,and Mike. appeared out of no wear and started using there pieces of the Tri-Force on the man. The man broke free of the spell and hit Sylvia,Mike,and Firewood with his own spell that drew the Tri- force from them and brought them to him. In a last ditch effot to stop him form getting the Tri-Force Ben destoryed it with his most pwoerful magic. The man yelled in rage and then dissapeared. "Why did you do that?" yelled Chirton. "Because if that man got the Tri-Force then the world would be nutting but utter chaos." said Ben "Well what are we going to do with out the Tri-Force? We need it to turn every thing back to normal" asked Chirton "We must go and find the three goddess Din,Naryu,and Farone. They are the only ones who can help us bring balance back to the land." said Sylvia.
  3. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Ben [/i] [B]He hasn't met the rest of us yet. :rolleyes: [/B][/QUOTE] What does that have to do with anything?
  4. I know what it is. Adam is my next door nieghbor and he told me what it was.
  5. A mod or admin has too do it I guess.
  6. In front of one of my posts in the Nintendo fourm it says sticky in front of it what does that mean?
  7. What about stealing rare artifacts from temples, Stealing a sword from the korori (sp), firing a bow with out a licenes(sp) and the list goes on and on and on.
  8. Defcon5

    The Thing

    Just anoher game were you run around killing everything in site. Com on can't they think of somthing more orginal?
  9. and sees a strange man falling from the sky like he appeared out of nowear. He heard the man saying somthing. and As he got closer it sounded like he was singing. He could just make it out he was singing "War! What is it good for absolutly nothing! Hu!" "Why would someone be singing when they were falling from the sky?" Chirton thought too himself. The man fell to the ground and got right back up. "That was fun!" said the man. "But you just fell 50 feet and landed on rock ground face first. How could that hve been fun?" asked Chirton "Why wouldent it be?' said the man Just then four bright lights appeared and from them stepped Ben,Mike,Sylvia, and Firewood. "Did we get rid of him?" asked Ben "No It dident work." said Firewood "Woa! what just happened here?" asked Chrition. "We are represenitives from the four plantes and we just signed a peace treaty the war should now be over." said Sylvia "Yes we have just come from our meeting and are going to tell the rulers of the planets that we have come to an agreement. and as for that moron over there trying to pick that chipmunks nose he burst into the meeting and now he thinks were all good friends with him. So whats your name? " said Mike
  10. Intersting pics. are they form crystal?
  11. yes you are right zomby. Due to leagal reason Nintendo had to change it from NGC to GCN.
  12. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by kuja [/i] [B][size=3][color=crimson][font=centruy gothic]u know how good defcon is at killing of chars we dont like... hehe but you can be a wizard... i guess lol go for it ben... id rather have the old crew back (minus one idiot, the person not the char defcon dont worry) anyway... that was the biggest story at the time... and we did it in what just over 3 weeks... the 5 of us?[/font][/color][/size] [/B][/QUOTE] Yes I am good at killing them off. It's what I do best..... O, and Ben, you forgot Happy!
  13. Heeeeesssssssssss baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaccccccccccccckkkkkkkkkkkkk! Name:Happy Age:34 Weapons:His Masks Bio:A complete and utter moron. Do you guys mind if I have 2 chars? If ya don't mind then here is the next one. Name:Tingle Age:24 Weapons:His pen Bio:Happy's best friend also a moron.
  14. A little over 880. I think.
  15. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Treble [/i] [B] Hey Defcon5 welcome back are ya going to do the GCN Coundown thingy?Anyway yeah it'll be great to see some the SEGA Charcters in SSBM. [/B][/QUOTE] Yes I will but I must go for now. But will start it up again when I get back.
  16. I hope it's Sonic Adventure 3. But it looks like it might be a remake of an old Sonic Game in 3D
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