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Everything posted by Defcon5

  1. I think they should do away with the clones and give them there own moves. Like someone else said Sonic, Tails and KNUCKLES. As long as they have appeared in a Nintendo game before i don't care.
  2. Defcon5


    I really wanna see this movie, but I have no money. Ugh, I just started getting into liking musicals and I wanna see as many as possible. O and by the way I LOVE "Oliver!" it's my favorite.
  3. Ok so the riddle was bad, but you don't need to be so harsh. I mean come on, it's not like he just dissed your mom or anything. Mabye if there were two roads and when you said either the son or the daughter he would point the wrong way and you would take the oppisite road. Or somthing to that effect, just stop ripping on the poor kid. And I understand Dues answer. Very clever, very clever indeed.
  4. Daredevil is horrible. And I of all people would be one to overlook faults it had. I usually love movies like that. But, it was very very bad. As for X-2 I CANNOT wait! It's going to be awsome. I've never seen a Terminator movie before so I might see T-3, mabye not.
  5. Jesus Christ Superstar opens tommorow, and our Judas got kicked out yesterday. All due to a self-centered ***** who made up a lie about him hitting her. So now our director, as if he didn't have enough on his hands, will be playing Judas. Every one in the play is very pissed off with this girl for do this, (She got kicked out too for other reasons) because our lighting isn't set because the director was going to do it but now he has to memorize Judas' lines and blocking. And all I can do is pray for him (and his wife who helps out ALOT) and hope he can get everything done, because those two are doing the job of sixteen.
  6. If you go through life thinking that your life is meaningless then it will be. Every day you change somone elses life by the things you say and do, and in turn what you said may affect 100 other people. you may not see the results, but your life is not meaning less, no matter who you are.
  7. 8th grade-"Oliver!" Bill Sykes 9th grade- "The Man Who Came to Dinner" Richard Stanley "Jesus Christ Superstar" John the Apostle (In the process we open March 14 and close March 21. And I don't get to be in the Simon Zealots fight scene because John (Which is also my real name) wouldn't get into a fight like this...grumble) I just got into acting in 8th grade and I hope to be in a production out of school somewhere over the summer.
  8. I wouldn't even know what to eat. Let alone be able to digest it. If the person was already dead though I don't see the harm, besides disrespect for the dead, but I still don't think I could bring myself to do it.
  9. Well if it's uncomfertable then don't sit like that. Adjust yourself, I do the same thing and then when he gets uncomfertable I switch positions.
  10. Sorry guys, but this is not my month for free time. I'll try to get a post in A.S.A.P.
  11. Take the Wheelchair, it's better than taking a gamble on your life. Plus you'll get the girls all over you, "Awwwww what happened? You poor baby"
  12. First off I'd just like to point out that being gay is not a sin. Ok now that i've said that, I think that Homosexuals are people just like anyone else and should be treated that way.
  13. "Another full scale war? You had better not be kidding me!" Falco said slamming his hand on the table in front of him. "I'm afraid it's all true. I really thought peace would have remained at least till I was dead. I'm too old for this Falco, I try to act like I have things under control but honestly I have no idea what's gonna happen to us." Pepper said as he heaved a great sigh. "I'm sure it's not that bad" Falco said lying through his teeth "I'm old, not stupid, there is a difference" Pepper snapped "Well what did you want me to say? Yeah you're right were all gonna die?" said Falco slightly annoyed "At least then you would have been telling the truth. I mean really, how can we fight an enemy that's faster than us, smart then us, and stronger than us? What chances do we really have? We thought Andross was bad, but he pales in comparison to what were up against. And the sun, of all time it chooses to start growing! This is too much! People look to me for guidance! Just look at me! I am in no state to be guiding anyone. Corneria is in it's darkest hour, and I assure you, it will be a very long hour." Pepper got up and stared out the window at the arena as they started to land. Falco lay silent not knowing what to say. It seemed thing were worse than he thought.
  14. Falco arrived on the extremly busy Corneria fighting his way through the crouds. He finally made it to General Peppers Head Quarters. He walked inside the building as was immeditaly stopped by a guard. "I'm sorry sir but you can't be in here it's very busy right now." he said "Get out of my way." Falco said as he pushed the guard out of the way and walking through the metal detector setting of at least 10 alarms. "HEY! Get back here!" Shouted the guard as he chased after Falco "Stop that man!" Falco boarded the elevator and everyone cleared off it getting in the way of the guard, the door shut and up Falco went to see General Pepper.
  15. Do you mean like in dungeon dice monsters when every turn Yugi reminds Duke about there bet? Yugi: Remeber Duke if I win Joey get's set free! Duke: Yes but if I win you must quit duel monsters forever! Muahahahaha Next turn Yugi: Don't forget about our little Duke! If I win Joey gets set free! Duke: Ah ha! But if I win you must quit duel monsters forever! Muahahahaha Ect..
  16. Girls enjoy man on man just as much as men enjoy woman on woman there just afraid to say it because then they would sound perverted. Kind of like if a guy has sex he's prasied and if a girl has sex she's a whore. It's really funny at school watching guys call girls whores when they've done more then some of the girls have. It's like someone said before, it a male dominated society. Unfortunatly most of the males are "typical" males. For example this kid I know, he seriously hates homosexuals. He says horrible things about them ane means it. It's one thing to joke around (even that's not right but it's not as bad) but he hates this one homosexual kid (only one who has actually come out at my school) and he has never even spoken to him. Sometimes I just wanna punch him in the face for saying things like that. I've talked to this kid and there is nothing wrong with him. He's pretty cool. It's people like him that make men look bad.
  17. Yeah, my math teacher, she works the homework problems out (no idea why) and gets them wrong at least once a day. Then when we correct her she always always always says "Well I was doing them late last night" Then once she was doing this problem on the board and she asked "Ok class, whats 16 divided by 4?" I responded with 5 (yes I know this is wrong). So she goes through the problem and then can't figure out why it didn't come out right. She could not for the life of her figure out what she did wrong till one of the other kids pointed out that 16 divided by 4 is not 5. I know I really shouldn't be doing this to her since it's hard to be a teacher and I am not the greatest at math, but, I just can't help it! Don't even get me started on my Art teacher, I really pissed her off today. "Stop tapping your pencils!" I continue tapping "Stop it!" "But this is a pen!"
  18. Falco pulled his ship into Great Fox's hanger slowly as to not almost kill Slippy again. He got out of his ship and looked around. Somthing weird was going on. He couldn't hear Slippy's loud annoying cries, or Peppy telling Fox about how he's going to get himself killed one day. It was silent. Falco pulled out his blaster from the side of his belt. He walked slowly towards the exit of the hanger looking all around to make sure nothing was following him. he approaced the door, opend it and quickly stepped to the side. He took a quick look in the room, it was clear, he stepped inside. He did this many more times until he got into the main lounge. As soon as he stepped in the room the lights suddenly came on surprizing Falco. He turned around to see someone standing infront of him. he was about to shoot when he saw that it was Fox. Falco pulled his blaster down in time and only shot at the floor. "What the hell are you doing?" said Falco rubbing his eyes. But Fox was gone. "Where the..." Falco started to say when Fox reapeared in front of him, but this time fuzzy and disfigured. "Falco...gone...General Pepper...Corneria...War..." Then Fox dissapeared again. Falco bent down to where Fox was standing and examined the floor, it was where his gun shot had hit. Looking a little closer he observed a small glass dome in the ground. "Damnit..." He muttered to himself "I hit the hologram projector" Falco let out a big sigh and sat down. "Corneria and war, lovely"
  19. Sorry I was busy this week. O and it was a little rushed, sorry again. ----------------------------------------------- Falco sighed as he sat in the cockpit of his Arwing waiting for it to come out of lightspeed. Once he got to Great Fox he could finally get some real rest and some food. "We will read Solar's orbit in 2 mins" his computer informed him. "Finally" he said with relief. Falco sat up in his chair fastened his seatbelt and got ready to take control of his Arwing. Then suddenly a red light on his dash board started flashing, then his computer informed him that heat levels were reaching a dangerous level. "What the?" Falco said with astonishment, "I know i'm close to the sun, but i'm not that close..." Then his ship came out of light speed very close to the suns surface. Only about a mile above the surface. His ship started going crazy, alarms where going off everywhere, and then he lost control. His ship started to go towards solar losing more power along the way. Falco pulled back on the control stick as hard as he could in hopes that he could escape the sun's deadly heat. He started to ascend, but then was sent hurtling back towards the surface when somthing hit his ship sending it soaring in the air. Falco took this to his advantage and was able to pull the ship free of the sun. Back in control he looked down at the sun and wondered how he had gotten so close to it. Then he saw it, a green scaly thing sinking into the lava. Falco shook his head in disbelief and told himself he was just imagining it. So after he was a good distance away from the sun, he headed in the direction of Great Fox to see if someone there could tell him what had just happened. So off he went, towards Corneria, and hopefully some answers.
  20. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by MathGuy2 [/i] [B]No custom titles? [url=http://www.otakuboards.com/member.php?s=&action=getinfo&userid=9]masterfork: IT TO SCARE BABIES[/url] [url=http://www.otakuboards.com/member.php?s=&action=getinfo&userid=793]Break: Moderator & Idiot[/url] [url=http://www.otakuboards.com/member.php?s=&action=getinfo&userid=1409]Queen Asuka: Moderator & PlushMistress[/url] Please explain this... [/B][/QUOTE] AhIt'scauseAdamandMasterforkarethesamepersoncoo! The other two...well, what Nerdsy said.
  21. Does Gender Identity Affect Short Term Memory- I can get into detail later but in a nut shell it's "If your a guy will you remember things that tend to be associated with guys and vice-verca." PM me if you want more details.
  22. My little brother got this game for christmas and I love it. I really like the battle system, I wish it was used in more RPG's. I really just love everything about this game. Very imaginitive.
  23. Name: Falco Lombardi Age:Mid-Twentys Race: Falcon Description: A hot headed bird who's flying skills match that of Fox's. He is very independent and will not in most cases swallow his pride. Biography: [spoiler] After returning and helping Fox destroy Andross (In dinosaur Adventures.) Falco decided to join back up with the Star Fox team. [/spoiler] Faction: Star Fox/Independent Origin: Unknown Alliegence: Good Craft type: Arwing type 3 (like type two but can transform into the LandMaster.) Hand weapons: Two Hyper Blasters. A small hand held device that can generate a small shield. (Kind of like the shields that the gunguns had in Star Wars Episode 1 except with out the oval shaped frame.) And a jet pack. (Falco can only glide because his "wings" aren't big enough. Plus he can't flap his arms and shoot at the same time now can he?)
  24. I agree with treton. I went out with this one girl and in a few days she was writing me notes saying that she loved me (She wrote along with it "I mean that")and it started to creep me out. No one can fall in love so young, and we had only been going out a few days. I say talk to her best friend and find out whats happening. That's always the best way to go if she won't talk to you herself.
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