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Everything posted by Defcon5

  1. -Name- Defcon5 -Magic Type- Dark -type- incognito -picture- a question mark -up to 2 effects- 1.Ambush-Flip a coin if heads this attack does 900 damage and your oppent may not attack this card next turn. If tails this attack does nothing. 2.Second Chance-If your opponent attacked you last turn and did damage, you may have a second filp of the coin if you use Ambush this turn. -description- Defcon5 is not seen very often. Few know much or anything about him. On and off the boards.
  2. Defcon5


    Hey I was wondering if any of you know who/where in the movie "Rudy" that the real Rudy is. Sorry if that is confusing. If you could tell me it would be much apprectiated, thanks.
  3. You can't be hit when using the hookshot in A Link to the past. Question (Forgive me if this has alredy been asked) Um I can't think of anything good...What item do you need to get into the water temple in OOT?
  4. I haven't been sick since the 7th grade and it was only for one day. It's kinda strage, I almost never get sick. My 8th grade year I had perfect attendance, I didn't even try to get it. I was just never sick.
  5. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Shyguy [/i] [B][size=1]ok, I'm going to try this again.[/size] [size=1]I know what you are trying to say; but I doubt that more than a fraction of the general population [istraight or gay, or whatnot) has sex only in order to have children. That is why forms of birth control exist, that is why there are abortions.[/size] [size=1]Ok, so I'm going to use your logic to question the existance of God. God made everything, so why would create homosexuals; which are supposed to be "sinners" in his view? ...and what kind of "plan" does god have for his "sinners"? On a side note: There was an article in Time magazine about gay priests a few months ago. There are quite a few of them, according to the statistics. -Shy[/size] [/B][/QUOTE] Yes so really homosexulas are not sinning anymore than a hetrosexual couple. People just tend to make a much bigger deal when homosexuals do it. They shouldn't because it's the exact same sin This is kind of getting frustrating because i've said it so many times before. Being homosexual is not a sin, so God does not consider homosexuals to be any worse sinners then heterosexual people. It's just the act of having sex without the intent of having a baby. Which heterosexual people are also (very) guilty of. His plan would be for them to serve in the single ministry, or be a priest,brother,sister(see below). Well last time I checked I don't think there was anything wrong with being a homosexual priest, or being homosexual in any other ministry. Could be wrong but i'm pretty sure of that. I know alot of people tend to say that homosexuals are sinners just because of who they are and that God thinks of them as sinners. But they are dead wrong. So please stop saying that it is a sin to be a homosexual and that God see's them a sinners because it's totaly not true. (just wanted to say it again for clarification)
  6. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Mnemolth [/i] [B]Somehow I thought you might say something like that. :D Don't you see that when you set up a system that is prejudicial against a group of human beings, YOU are prejudiced against that group of human beings? *glances at ShyGuy* Now I've got a headache... [/B][/QUOTE] I'm not exactly sure what you mean by that. But I have nothing against homosexuals (If that's what you meant). ELITE It's not a sin to be gay. And you don't choose, your born that way, and if you happen to be homosexual then I believe that God has a special plan for you. I really just want to get that out that it is not a sin to be gay.
  7. Well generally little kids tend to stop smiling when they see me. In fact when I was passing out candy on halloween there was more than one little kid who wouldn't say trick or treat. Then the parents told me that it was werid cause they said it at every other house. And I was wearing a white T-shirt with jeans, so it wasn't like I was wearing anything scary, must of been my face.
  8. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Mnemolth [/i] [B] Sexual acts of heterosexual couples, on the other hand, are accepted, as long as they fall within the holy bond of matrimony, ie the couple are married. [/B][/QUOTE] And the reason for them having sex is to concieve a child. Other wise they are not supposed to have sex. Since homosexual acts could never create a child they are considered a sin.
  9. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Shyguy [/i] [B][size=1]I'm not even sure what point you are trying to make. I never said that God questioned the faith of his homosexual worshippers. Ack, I have a headache now... -Shy[/size] [/B][/QUOTE] What i'm trying to say is God doesn't just ask homosexuals to remaine free of sex, he also asks straight lay people to do the same. He isn't asking them to do anything extra special just because there homosexual. And that God wouldn't ask that of them if he didn't believe that they could do it. Sorry for the headache. (Tosses Shyguy a bottle of IB profin)
  10. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Shyguy [/i] [B][size=1] [size=1]The kind of faith the "average" priest has is probably nowhere near that of an "average" Christian. Asking every homosexual worshipper to remain celibate seems ridiculous. -Shy[/size] [/B][/QUOTE] What about all the single lay people in the church? There are many of those, they too are called to remain celibate. Wouldn't you also think that if God called them to remain celibate, knowing how hard it is to do that, that he thinks highly of them? That he thinks that they are capable of it? JAMES That's exactly what i've been triyng to say. God does NOT hate homosexuals. He actually holds them in high regard.
  11. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Mnemolth [/i] [B]Celebent? If you mean celibate, well, that doesn't really work does it? ;) I mean it'd be like saying the Church accepts straight men, provided they were neutered. I'm not sure how many hetereosexual men would tolerate that kind of 'acceptance'... :D [/B][/QUOTE] Every single person is called to that also. So are priests and nuns. Just because you can't have sex doesn't mean it's the end of the world.
  12. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Mnemolth [/i] [B]I'm not sure what you mean by 'lifestyle choice'. No one that I personally know who are gay have ever considered their sexuality as a 'lifestyle choice'. That's something usually framed by others to describe them. As for the incompatibility of Christianity and homosexuality, I'd say this. There are those that continue to be gay and remain Christian. I assume it would not be easy. And how they are able to manage it I'm not sure. But maybe you can ask them? ;) [/B][/QUOTE] I don't see why it would be so hard to be gay and be a christian. A lot of people tend to get the wrong impression about the church and homosexuals. The church finds nothing wrong with them. In fact it says in the caticisum of the Catholic church that homosexuals were born that way and God calls them to be celebent (sp?) and that they should in no way be discrimanated against.
  13. Some are from my parents and some are from my relitives. Socks (lots of em) Undershirts Lots of Boxers (I got ones with Polar Bears on them! Giggle!) A DV cable to connect my Camcorder to my PC a book Gamecube memory card a PS2 (to share with my four other brothers) Star Wars Bounty Hunter for PS2 a SideBurn Trimmer (My mom's always bugging me about keeping my sideburns clean shaven. She says I look like a molester) and Two Shirts
  14. The friend part-good Learing part-mostly bad. But unfortunatly nessicary. School, you can't live with it, you can't live without it.
  15. Yeah i'm pretty sure that there was a real St Nicholas.
  16. This is my first time taking Mid-terms/Finals so i'm not sure what to expect. But I do know that my Science teacher is evil, she likes to tell us how hard it is and then tell us horror stories of how people went into the exam with an A and after the Exam had a C. Then there's my health teacher who makes Health way harder then it should be. Losers...
  17. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Dragonstar [/i] [B] OK, my turn. In american shows like ER, why do english people always have really posh BBC accents and wear tweed while drinking afternoon tea on the lawn, have no sense of humour, and have a really bad opinion of americans.[/B][/QUOTE] 1. What's Tweed? 2. I have never seen Dr. Corday drink tea on her lawn. 3. She doesn't have a bad opinion of Americans 4. She's a bit bitter now because her husband died.
  18. Yeah those local news reporters are the most annoying people on the planet. Next to the people at the food court in the mall who try to force you to eat there free samples.
  19. Are you serious? I mean...that's not possible, how could anyone be so mean. He's like a modern day Ebinezer Scrooge. I know, you should tell your local news chanel, they'd have a field day with this one.
  20. Defcon5


    How much of it have you watched? Cause from what I have seen it is good and it is Science Fiction. Aliens abducting people, peeople being half alien, and a little girl healing a gun shot wound sound a lot like Science Fiction to me. And that's not even half of it.
  21. I know somthing that could help take the guilt away from your mother. Now i'm not sure if i'm right about this, mabye you can't do this for her condition, but mabye you could give her some of your blood to help her.
  22. "We were going to kill you!" shouted an enraged Butch "GO TAROUS! CHARGE THE HUMANS!" Tauros emerged in a blaze of white light with an anger device on his head. It looked P.O.ed x2, as Tauros are already usually angry. It's reared back and started to charge when it stoped as a line of flame flew right infront of it. "Go Primeape!" shouted Jack form his Rapidashes back. Jack rode his Rapidash up to were David and Venna were standing. "Back up" he said, "This could get violent" "Tauros get a running start and crush them!" shouted Butch "Primeape hold your ground and use focus energy!" Jack said with a hint of confidence in his voice. The Tauros ran a few yards in the oppisite direction stopped and then charged directly at Primeape, with Jack David and Lauren right behind him. Tauros got closer and closer gaining speed the whole way, while Primeape just stood there eyes closed concentrating. When Tauros got close enough Jack shouted. "Ok Primeape! Let loose with your Thrash attack!" Primeape's eyes opened instantly glaring at the ever approaching Tauros. He let out a yell and then jumped at the Tauros. Primeape started throwing punches and kicks relentlessly. The Tauros started to back up being beaten so badly. "Tauros you idiot! Knock it away with your horns!" shouted Butch Tauros gave a quick flick of it's head and sent Primeape a good distance. But Primeape landed on his feet and jumped right back at the Tauros never stopping it's attack. Then the anger inducer on Tauros' head burst and the Tauros no having no extra drive fell to the ground beaten. "Great job Primeape!" yelled Jack "Return! That's what you get when you try to fight fake anger with real rage." Butch called back his beaten Tauros and then with all the other rockets ran behind the houses and only moments later took off in there Rocket jet. "Should we chase them?" asked Jack "Did they steal anything from you?" "No, let them go, we have what they want" replied David
  23. "Mirror Move!" shouted Jack as a group of poison needles from the Nidorino he was fighting loomed in on his Pidgeot. The attack reflected back at the Nidorino hitting it in the leg and in the back. It let out a snarl, then shook it off. "Wing attack!" Pidgeot flew in close to the ground pulled back it's wings and then opening one again just in time to pummel the Nidorino and then open the other and pull up and fly in circles around it. "Return Pidgeot!" a bright red line jutted out of the pokeball in Jacks hand hitting Pidgeot and then receding back into the pokeball. Jack then threw a Pokeball and the Nidorino, capturing it. He took out his Pokedex and pressed a white button inside. Suddenly the pokeball with the Nidorino inside started to glow bright white then dissapeared. "Merry Christmas little cuz" said Jack He then took out another pokeball from his belt and threw it on the ground reveling a Rapidash to be inside. he tucked teh pokeball away and hoped on the Rapidash and grabed hold of it's reigns and rode off. He was approaching a small town that was in the distance...
  24. Name:Jack Age: 15 Pokemon: Rapidash Flamethrower Agility Stomp Fury Attack Kingler Vice-grip Bubblebeam CrabHammer Hyperbeam Pidgeot Wing Attack Mirror Move Aero Blast Drill Peck Primeape Thrash Cross Chop Hi-Jump Kick Focus Energy Voltorb Lock-on Zap Cannon Explosion Roll Out Legendary Pokemon: Articuno Ice Beam Fly Mist Blizzard
  25. Well since were on teh subject of MSN problems... Ever since I updated to MSN 8 when ever I try to sign on I get a message saying that "MSN was unable to find the proper dial up cerdentials on my computer" but ever so often it will sign on with no problem. Can anyone help?
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