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Everything posted by Defcon5

  1. That's one of the reasons I liked Oliver Twist, It didn't end all happy.
  2. I like his writings, my favorite book by him is Oliver Twist.
  3. I want to be a director to! I would make a movie if I had a camera and people to act in them. I also like to act and write the scripts. I'm going to Ohio University School of film right after i leave high school.
  4. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by AnimeLover [/i] [B]This movie did not live up to the hype. It was funny, but only a little. They used to many things from the second one. Like the shadow thing, and the radar thing. This movie is good, but didn't meet my expectations for how good it should be. If they would have used more inventive new ideas instead of taking old ideas and changing them, it would have been better. [/B][/QUOTE] Reused or not, that shadow thing was funny. And they made a point of pointing out (lol) that they already used that joke before. And there where plenty of new jokes. Way more then old.
  5. Chewi can die for all I care I hated him! (Runs like Hell)
  6. Old Cartoons are about as funny as a kick in the crotch.
  7. All in the Family and Cheers (I'm not sure when these where made so please don't yell at me cause they are on Nick at night) are two really funny shows.
  8. "Weenie weenie weenie weenie weenie! Look at all these weenies we've beaten up! And there's that one that you killed cause he called your mother and empty headed animal food trough wiper." Said Happy "Now lets go see where the two little ones are. I saw a high concentration of gaurds heading this way so mabye there over there." "You say guards going over there and you didn't say anything?" said a shocked Link They rushed towards the direction until they came across lots of bodys on the ground and a large hole in the wall. "O well they must be dead then. Lets go Link" said Happy
  9. I would hate to have a sleep seisure. :shudders:
  10. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by PiroMunkie [/i] [B][color=indigo]I don't neccesarily disagree with them, I just think they begin to flaw as time passes. Since kids begin to mature more and more earlier these days, I think that if they would continue to have these ratings, to boot them down a bit. Personally, I just think they shouldn't be there at all. I mean, I can understand with movies, but I don't think TV, music, and video games should really matter. For a quick example, for those who watch Adult Swim on Toonami, before each show they have that message saying the following feature is intended for mature audiences overv the age of 18. The first question popping into my head is "what about the mature audiences [i]under[/i] the age of 18?"[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] That and those programs arn't even that bad. If they where a movie they'd be PG-13.
  11. Cosmo: I have good new and bad news. I named my nickle Phillip! Wanda: And the bad news? Cosmo: It's a girl nickle! I don't go out of my way to watch it but when it's on i'll usualy turn it on.
  12. Being paralized. And being eaten by the zombies in GameCubes Resident Evil.
  13. So your saying in the near future I can erase all those mistakes and change everything that America does wrong today? I'm not even old enough to vote. And it's just that they way your presenting your opinion it ssounds as though you want us to go and revolt agaisnt the government and then sit in our houses in shame for being American because the rest of the world is perfect and we are not.
  14. Thing I don't get it why you telling us this. What the hell are we gonna do about it? Go write to Bush or somthing.
  15. Just a suggestion guys but it might be a good idea if you would get together and talk about what you guys want your charecters to do. It just seems that one person is trying to start somthing and then another person comes along and brings the story in another direction then someone else takes it in a completely oppisite direction and so on and so forth. And cut down on the confrontations with Nitro. You don't want the main villan to get old. Judt some ideas. Wether you use them or not is up to you.
  16. Well like James said he will be hiring different mods so I don't think it will be that big of a problem.
  17. Last time I checked putting food and dirt on your shirt doesnt normally go together. But all I was trying to say (although I came off a too harsh) is that the tie thing is a little peeve of mine like Baby Girls and girls wearing clothes that don't exactly complament there figure. It's just an opinon of mine that I was sharing. And please accept my apolige for being so rude in that first post.
  18. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by PiroMunkie [/i] [B][color=indigo]Dressed poorly would be old, dirty, ripped up clothes and such. [/color] [/B][/QUOTE] What just because the person is dressed differently means he dresses poorly? Who are you to say someone is dressed poorly? And I also have good friends who dress like that.
  19. Well I don't think i've ever gone out and went shopping for clothes. Occasionaly (sp?) my mom will go out and buy we some clothes from places like American Eagle Areocrombie ect when they have a sale and say here I bought you some shirts. So I don't really have my own "style" But I keep on telling her that I wanna go out and get some clothes that have those funny things on them like "Never underestimate stupid people in large groups" or somthing like that. But the one thing in the world that bugs the hell out of me is people that wear ties over T-shirts shorts over long pants and then add huge striped socks and pull them up all the way. It's one thing to dress "in your own style" or "different" but it's another to look like a blind person dressed you. (Nothing agaist blind people) I mean these kids look so stupid. I mean for gods sake match your clothes. I don't care what people wear. They could be goth, punk, skater, or prep and I wont care as long as your clothes match. There is one thing to have an "style" and another to look just plain dumb.
  20. "You guys go ahead lover boy and I will stay here" said Happy as he put on his Mask. There where about fifty to sixty guards comming all with guns in hand.
  21. "Out of the way! I know mouth to mouth!" yelled Happy as he kicked the last gaurd a good 29 feet away. As he approached Link he took off his fierc diety mask and bent down besides Link. But at that very moment Link stood up and walked away from Happy. "No thanks Happy i'm alright" moaned Link "I saw her. Princess Zelda. The one I told you about. She spoke to me and asked where I was. She said that she had heard of earth and was going to look into it and try to bring me back." "Did she say anything about me?" asked Happy "She's Hot" Link shot Happy a look. "Ooooooooo some one has the Hots for Princess Zelda!" yelled Happy "Any way lets go in there before they call for reinforcements. While Tyron and and I look in the computers HAppy and Link you guys need to protect us ok?" said Karina And with that they ran into the base.
  22. I would imagine that they would have a Cel Chaded Link one. And I Fox McCloud one from his new game.
  23. I think Shine Get is a great idea. I only wish I knew anything about message boards so I could help.
  24. You have influenced someone. I know that you have influenced me. The way you stood up for christianity motivated me to do the same. You gave me a renewed spirit in my faith. And so if you where not alive then I may have lost all intrest in my faith.
  25. Defcon5


    where is this script review? I can't Wait for X2.
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