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Everything posted by Defcon5
I believe that commerical was supposed to make you think it was Spider-Man. Like the Scooby-Do commercial.
My brother who likes talking in an annoying voice (because he thinks he's funny) and likes to say stupid things that are not funny either such as this very recent one at dinner while un peeling a banana "O how exciting!" and he said it in his stupid annoying voice trying to be funny. I wanted to hit him.
Character: Part mechanical Paratroopa Device: Jet Pack Items: 5 Fire Flowers Specail Moves: Mid-air charge, Tornado shell attack, Jet pack blast Alliance:Bad
Well considering i'm 14 I don't think I'm an old school fan lol. But could you please explain what you mean by non realistic situations. I can't think of any off the top of my head that where ever in the other games. And I will buy this game and I'm sure I will love it like I have every other game but the other one just looked so damn cool!
R2D2 makes fun of short people saying that they are rude and loud. Same with Yoda. I'm not short but I'm still offended.
1) Gender: Male 2) What do you believe in?: Both 3) Why: Religious beliefs Common Logic 4) What is your religion? Roman Catholic 5) How strong are your religious beliefs? Strong 6) Are you very familiar with any evolutionary theories? Well I think I understand the one in the X-men comics.....No 7) Ethnic Background: White boy 8) Where have you lived most of your life? Ohio, USA
None of us are represnitives for the immigration office. None of you know exactly why FF's visa was denied. So none of you can say why he is not getting accepted. So all of you saying it is because of the terrorists, Shut up. You don't know that. I also hope that your visa gets accepted FF. And I feel for your family and all the frustration this has caused you. I am also sorry that I cannot be of any help. All I can say is good luck and mabye try talking to a higher power or like an Embassy or somthing. Again I have no idea what to do. But good luck and God's speed.
sorry I don't wear hats. While I think most of us you didn't like him cel shading it never doubted that the graphics where going to be good. We just liked the more realisitc kind better. Yes they do look nice but I would have prefered the orignal demo he showed.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by JCBaggee [/i] [B][color=red][size=3]For those who care, my pornstar name would be Socks Mahan...I think I'll stick with Bagja Mosum, thank you very much... And I did [b]not[/b] rip this off of a Lucky Charms box, and I happen to like Chewie! Lord loves the big furry wookie(wait...that sounds dirty...)![/color][/size] [/B][/QUOTE] We never said you did but the website you got them from did.
ok so he was never related to him in the first place i see thanks for clearing that up/
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by BabyGirl [/i] [B] [color=deeppink]Ugh, who knows. I'm still pissed that they messed up the whole Owen/Obi-Wan/Anakin relationship. Owen Lars is supposed to be Obi-Wan's brother, and the uncle thing is supposed to be a big cover up while Luke is growing up. They decided to make it literal V_V Beh to that...:grumble: [color] [/B][/QUOTE] I'm confused how would that related them together? Obiwon would be Anakis brother. Am I right or just confused. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Boba Fett [/i] [B]Queen Asuka I find it hard to belive that you are not up to speed on Star Wars, if you joined you would be better of than some of the people who signed up......... [/B][/QUOTE] (Waves hand wildly in the air) Me! Me! (leans over to the kid sitting next to him) I think he's talking about me!
My porn star name is Depthcharge Buenavista.
NAME: (Not real name he just refers to himself as it) Destroyer AGE: 25 SPECIES: Human LOCATION/HOMEWORLD: Not sure only memorys start on a deserted trade federationship ship far out in space. WEAPON: Various blasters and a Destroyer Droid that follows him around. ALLIANCE: Neutral VEHICLE/SHIP: Droid Battleship. (See attachment) CHARACTER DESCRIPTION: He has a suit of armor construted out of spare parts he found on the empty Trade Federation Ship. It has jet-pack and various spots for holding guns and various gadgets. Almost never takes off his helmet. Has Green eyes and dark brown hair. BACKGROUND/BIO: Not much in known about him. He doesn't even know his real name. He is searching for answers to his past. (Very unorignal I know) He gets his name from one of the only memory's he has. All he can remember is the word Destroyer so that is what he calls himself. He has just started out as a bountyhunter so he is not very good at it.
Just to let you all know I saw this exact same thing on the back of a box of Lucky Charms. So well you know.
lol I can't seem to find any real info on it. And the offical site is under construction so that doesn't help.
SPOLIER SPOLIER! That was a great movie! The only problem was the fight scences. They where brillant but they where too short! The Battle with the clones was AWSOME i can't wait for more of those.
I'm going tommorow at 3:15. My mom wouldn't let me see it at midnight. And my english teacher my go with me...........EXTRA CREDIT!!!!!!!! BAWHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA actually I doubt that would happen.
Hey I'm just looking at all the possiblitys.
Has anyone ever heard of this musical? I would really like to know about it. A link to a website would also be helpful.
SPOILER KIND OF SPOLIER What about when Darth Maul had him hanging from the edge of the pit thingy. And how do you know he was at his side the whole time? And who says the real Quigon was with Obiwon for most of his life. He could have had a Clone a few years after Dooku left the council. The Clone could have been placed in at any time.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Sacred Warrior [/i] [B] Ermmmm.....No thats not what he meant.....What he meant was he couldnt be there for her if he was Spider-Man.. Here let me make it simpler for you......She would dump him if he kept disappering when there was trouble. [/B][/QUOTE] Are you sure that's what he meant? Heck it could have meant both things. And I got what you said the first time. I am not brain dead.
Did his body really get burned? Or was it perhaps a clone of him......
But if he hooked up with her then he would risk people going after her again just like the Green Goblin did. He couldn't afford to take that risk.
SPOLIER SPOLIER SPOLIER Theroy thingy! it will prababply be proved wrong but o well-Is Quigon-gin really dead? Obiwon Kenobi is told that Count Dooku was friends with Quigon-gin in Episode 2 right? (I heared that soem where) So if this is true could Quigon have faked his death and become a Sith? Everyone is wondering why he didn't dissapear when he died. So mabye? Feel free to prove me wrong.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by gouf [/i] [B] i almost cried but then agin i can't cry its imobsible but they better make a 2nd because they only had one villan who is probly the crapyest next to the rino but they missed felica and morphaus ther cool felcia become peters patner and morphus ???? carnage and veanom the two symbenotes and waht happed to the lizard man doc on BTPS movie scale 1 being the lowest 10 being hifghest it gets a & what number is that who can guess [/B][/QUOTE] You gave it a 7. And they did talk about Dr. Conners (the aligator guy) in the movie. Peter says "I was late for work again and Dr. Conners fired me." so mabye he is in the next movie. I think The Hob Goblin and Dr. Conners should be the bad guys in number 2 and Venom and Carnage in 3. And mabye if they start having villans double up Peter will get a friend. Like the Cat Burgaler lady. I think that was her name. And it could be who you where talking about but I don't remember to well.