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Everything posted by Pyrophobic

  1. Mmm, fantastic! It may have hurt your hand, but it was clearly well worth it. What can I say - perfect grasp of how the characters are drawn. Well done!
  2. Well, I agree that "Bowling for Columbine" certainly makes you think - it doesn't even seem to start to answer Moore's original question because he illustrates just how complex and often just how hopeless the whole situation seems. You certainly need to look beyond the film, there, and it really does make you perceive things through different eyes. Particularly that section with the news reporter ... ugh. There are some films that are so deep that one person could never do them justice through their singular thought - if you think about it, all films are received differently by a diverse range of people. "Bowling for Columbine" certainly sticks out in my mind, as does "The Matrix" series. I must've tried to look at the latter from every which angle, and it certainly helps to be a philosophy and ethics student with a bit of sociology on your side! I mean, I'm currently writing an essay for my university application portfolio (wanting to go into English Literature with some Film Studies hopefully as an additional unit) that discusses sex and birth imagery in the film, and I now cannot be convinced after many hours of revised contemplation that the most sexually charged scene is by far the 'burly brawl'! Most films tend to make me think because I just love analysing all the directorial devices.
  3. Ooh, these are lovely and intense. I love 'em! Nice use of enjambement and emotion.
  4. Yeah, I've had an MRI too. And a wiry-head thingamabob. I hope it's nothing serious. Just make sure you're eating and drinking plenty - that's my problem. If you're ever feeling really down, I'm always here to talk to, remember? I've been through this sort of thing, so there's a common ground there. I really pray everything's going to be fine.
  5. Wow, that's so melancholy. I like the way it flows like one long untamed train of thought, and the twist to the present tense in the final stanza is clever. Well don. *wipes away tear*
  6. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Red [/i] [B][color=002E55]I swear, my brain was just in 'punch, kick, punch, block' mode, when that guy started talking I thought he was talking Latin. O_o;;[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] Technically, he was, in part. He kept using the word "ergo", which means "therefore". For example, Descartes' coinage: "cogito, ergo sum" - "I think, therefore I am". Take it from a Latin student!
  7. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by PiroMunkie [/i] [B][size=1]The movie looks a little weak overall, but I would go see it purely for the turtles (mainly because they seem like they are on LSD or something... o_O). [/size] [/B][/QUOTE] LSD referring not only to the drug but also to the process of waves moving material along a beach - get it? Long Shore Drift? Waves? Movement - ahh, sorry. Too much geography... I like the banner, actually. I'll be interested to see how Pixar manage something with fins as opposed to legs. It makes a nice montage at any rate and the ultramarine is pretty - well done!
  8. Wow! That's brilliant! Perhaps the forehead is a mite too high, but it really does look like Neo. I love the colouring and the selective shading you've done too: very dramatic!
  9. Good considerations, Manic. I was trying to dissect that choice of scenery when I went to see Reloaded yesterday. I was aware that persephone was the mistress of Hades, but little more. As for my verdict on the film in general: I'll agree that the start scared me. It seemed strangely weak and the romance scenes, to begin with, were somewhat excessive, although I can understand what the Wachowskis were trying to communicate through the direction of that particular scene. After that, though, I thought it was brilliant. The clever set pieces were continued, the directing was wonderfully perceptive and really captured the atmosphere when it needed to and best of all, the philosophy element prevailed. Probably the one film of late that's kept me mentally stimulated all the way through. The fighting scenes did go on a bit long, but the cringe moments were rather good. I'd certainly see it again, and it's provoked me to re-watch the first installation with its concerns in mind.
  10. The Hulk is indeed a classic, but I don't know how it'll fare against the likes of Spider-Man and X-Men 2. I can sort of see them ending up with a bunch of big and bizarrely random explosions, video game-like action and a severely linear storyline - I would HATE for it to follow the same old formula, as if it does, this whole trend is sure to die sooner than it might have with a sprinkle of originality. I think Spider-Man in particular was heir to such weaknesses, even if Raimi is a good director: I sat through the entire thing thinking I was watching a Power Rangers-cum-PS game stretched over a couple of hours. All the same, I wouldn't say it was really that bad, considering its aims: the many computer effects (which I wish had been replaced in part by proper stunts - evidently possible in several instances) were adequately impressive and reintroduced the characters to a younger generation. That seems the major aim of all these superhero flicks. I'd say X-Men 2 was a great deal stronger. The cast was very agreeable and it wasn't nearly so flat in terms of plot. As for The Hulk - well, Ang Lee is a brilliant director and it'd be interesting to see if he breaks away from the cliched and the inevitable. I do agree that he has a lot to live up to, considering the 1970s version.
  11. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by James [/i] [B][color=#808080]I want to sample a few tracks before I go out and buy the album. The first CD looks to have a very small selection of tracks, so I'm hoping that the second CD has some of the good long electronic tracks on it (the BGM, as has been said here). Any info on that would be appreciated.[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] Just had a brainwave - you'll find excerpts of some of the soundtrack at the official site for The Matrix. I'm not sure if they included much from the second CD and I'm presuming these excerpts are considerably briefer than the songs as they emerge on the CDs. Hey, I don't have any speakers on my unit any more, so I can't check it out myself. Simply go to: [URL]http://intothematrixmusic.com[/URL] and see what you can find in the "Listen" section.
  12. Well, I think the whole 2 CD compilation choice was well-founded: it was so irritating buying the Don Davis soundtrack and the 'song' soundtrack separately. I personally think I'll prefer the second CD by far, but the techno music generally provides good background while you're busy on something else. I haven't been able to see the film yet, but I'm disappointed to hear that there won't be as nice a flow from Don Davis to Rage Against the Machine as there was at the conclusion of the first film. I'm not too keen on Linkin Park - something about twelve year old boys with greasy hair moshing near the stage appears to have turned me off. Generally I enjoy all film soundtracks as long as there's something happening in them, and what I've heard of the particular tracks chosen seems okay. I trust there's not much variation from the style Davis adopted in composing music for the first film?
  13. Ooh! That's very cute! Yeah, it sort of reminds me of one of those birds out of Pokemon too. I like the eyes especially - they look very daring. It should look fantastic coloured. ^_^
  14. Actually, I think the meaning of Cypher is something along the lines of a hidden code or writing. That works, because Cypher hides his true intentions and thoughts until one of the movie's major turning points. Very clever. But hey, the Zephyr thing sounds good, too, and it's true - like Jesus, Neo knows he is about to be betrayed (well, his intuition tells him that he will be). Notice how he waits for Cypher to take a sip of that drink before he does: does he suspect poisoning? If so, it's a good directorial device. So, yup - the whole movie is a Jesus allegory. Hehe - we watch it a lot in philosophy, too. Our teachers claim it's a miracle. And I wouldn't be too worried about CG animation, so long as it's done well: sci-fi movies DO love their graphics, it's true. The Matrix is my favourite film too. I really cannot wait for the sequel (darn my living in the UK!), with my only real concern being that, heaven forbid, the philosophical side should be lost beneath all that gorgeous-but-not-as-gorgeous-as-profundity action. But I think they'll keep the balance just right.
  15. Wow! I love them - their eyes are so appealing! I particularly loved the first one, to the right. Husky or wolf, was it?
  16. Wow - you know I like this a lot too. I'd give a 9/10 for the top one and an 8/10 for the bottom: I think I would prefer it with only the Japanese written at the bottom, even if the font you've done your name is pretty, it does seem to take up a fair bit of space. Or maybe that's just me. My banners are never as pretty as this. ^_^
  17. Ooh - just thought of another Ralf-related line! Chief Wiggum: Good-bye son! If your nose starts bleeding you're either picking it too much - or too little! Hehe. As I remember, that was the same episode where everything went all Lord of the Flies-esque, and whilst the other kids were all chanting tribal cries, Ralf stood up and said "Meow". Aw, bless the little - mildly disturbed - guy!
  18. Wow *is stunned* Big - slavering - jaws... gorgeous! I like the big beast's head and the shading over him particularly. The form of his claw's also very expert in its positioning. Do you draw from wireframe networks to begin with, or not?
  19. Woo, very cool story, as ever. I await the next part with baited breath! Uh, you asked me if I'd draw Thantomon last night, so, uh, here he is, more-or-less. I couldn't be bothered to e-mail him (yes, I know I'm lazy), but I'd like to see what you think. I think I may have gone a bit crazy with the background, but the image is - sort of - distinct. I'll send you the developments as well, if you want to see them. *hopes fervently that she hasn't rudely interrupted a thread with her loud, pippy replies* :bawl:
  20. My personal favourite'd be Homer's line: "The first step to failure is trying" Sounds good enough for me! And the immortal: "Help me, Jebus!"
  21. Pyrophobic

    Moulin Rouge

    Yeah, that was one fantastic film. I love the way all the songs were fed into it, and the combination of tragedy, romance and humour is just right. Yeah, I agree that Leguizamo's part was fantastic - Toulouse Lautrec! Heehee! Many happy memories. And of course, Baz Luhrman was perfect for it, considering his past work. Great direction.
  22. Ah, I forget what that film was about - wasn't it to find this certain number of spirit creatures including some little girl we never saw but heard briefly about(which led to a rather badly executed sentimental scene along the lines of: "The little girl was ready to diiiiiie... Isn't that awful?" - well, duh) and the protagonist. Whose name I also am unable to recount. And the main guy (another nameless face) ended up sacrificing himself at the end. The plot was far too shallow. Hmm - Final Fantasy is basically my definition of a film that promises everything and delivers absolutely nothing, thereby becoming totally forgettable. I too nodded off, save for the mention of Cid (hehe), and I don't particularly think any level of technological know-how or graphical beauty can quite compensate for such an awful attempt at following up the emotion of that series. Come on, FF7's 3D character models (whilst in gameplay, not during FMV) were cubist and blocky at best, but that was far and away compensated for by the wealth of depth, enjoyable gameplay, action, characterisation and emotion, and no one minded in the least. If this is the Final Fantasy trend, there's no need for flashy graphics - the meat of the story is what we were all looking for. One conclusive phrase concerning that film: could do better.
  23. I guess we just all watch cartoons from a variety of angles. I happen to be unable to shut down my head: one of my major weakpoints.
  24. Hmm. I didn't really like any of them that I saw bits of. Something to do with not stimulating me mentally (and who said that you're supposed to internally switch off when watching TV!?) I don't know - few cartoons today have flare.
  25. I thought it was fantastic. A sci-fi film with a plausible plot! Wonderful idea, lovely delivery and some nice special effects. It's also a good statement about human free will, I find, which gives it that extra dimension. I'm certainly buying it on video for Christmas! What were your favourite parts, people? I hold a particular liking of the 'rolling eyeballs' and spiders scenes - but I guess the beginning was the best part as it really plunged you into the action.
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