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Everything posted by Pyrophobic

  1. Things like Spongebob Squarepants and Rugrats are not only a mega slice of tedium, in my opinion - they are also an abomination to the beautiful art of animation. If I wanted to watch something grossly based on toilet humour, I'd be getting myself a job in - well, you get the idea [lots of poles, thongs, etc.]. The problem is, no one really values this brilliant art form which has only ever been made 'worth it' by the old Looney Tunes and Disney shorts. Oh, and a couple of well-done, all-ages-audience movies [eg. The Lion King, Shrek...] The fact is, our sense of humour has declined, apparently, to a toilet brush and a pair of underwear - DOES NOBODY ELSE FIND THAT HIDEOUS?! Sorry to play my own tune here, but I'm working on two cartoon series (one for kids, one for adults and teens) right now and when I just look back at my sketches and scripts, I could hug myself. Quite honestly, some businesses like Nickeolodeon (or however you spell it) need a new slice of animators and concept-creators with steady minds and a knowledge of what should be done to honour Walt Disney and Chuck Jones (God rest his soul). Oh, and it's not just me - I know lots of other promising creators...
  2. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by shadowdramon [/i] [B] My favorite Disney movie will always be the Lion King. The animations was beautiful, the characters had excellent voices (even elder Simba who was played by Matthew Broderick, who is not one of my favorite actors) James Earl Jones was superb as Mufasa. Who played Scar?[b] Jeremy Irons voiced Scar. Brilliant move, that was. I agree - Matthew Broderick only just scratched it as Simba. Then he starred in Godzilla. And that went down the pan big-time. Fave Disney movies? Well, certainly The Lion King, probably stuff like "Toy Story" and "Monsters Inc." Hmm - I'm currently writing a series for them - doing the cartoons for it too - very cool company... I've heard little about this new film - what's the deal with it? [I don't mean Lilo and Stitch]. I am most curious...
  3. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by wrist cutter [/i] [B]I dunno, Keanu Reeves is a piss poor actor... [/B][/QUOTE] Much agreement there, but I think they wanted a dumb bell to play the "new-guy-just-realising-life-isn't-as-he-thought-it-was' to press every Average Joe into the high emotion of discovery in the original -he encapsulates naivete through his - occasionally shocking delivery of lines. His character also draws a strong contrast with the philosopher role of Morpheus [yeah, yeah, Morpheus is by FAR the coolest character in that film...]. You know, the enlightened and the unaware - two opposites attract, etc. but also create definition through their contrast. So I doubt Morpheus would be so cool if he was tackling a really talented, dominant guy because that's HIS role! Hmm, I've been reading up on the Matrix sequels - nobody's sure if the Twins are there to take the place of the Agents as big baddies, but they have been described as 'Free Agents' - still gotta' look into that one, and I believe that they may have the ability to shape-shift or to manipulate the Matrix (a bit like Neo). But I hope the Agents won't turn good - they are great as they are, quite frankly. In the mean time, if anybody has seen one of the few pictures of Zion released - is it just me or do they [cavernous as they appear] remind you of some place you've been in life...? Creepy...
  4. Probably not, seeing as he's dead. Good bloke, all the same. I like the title "Paradise Lost" too - just sums up that first part of Genesis in two words...
  5. Well, I didn't notice. I don't watch TV anymore.
  6. You know what I suggest as a name for that chapter! "Paradise Lost"! Phil: Uh, Pyro, that's the name of a Coleridge work... Pyro: But - but - I LIKE IT! So I digress. But thanks - now I know my beta-reading helps, I feel a more useful person all around. Oh, and thanks for reading and editing my works, Solo. Much appreciated!
  7. Yup. Watching Farscape is always a brilliant way of avoiding doing anything else that's more constructive. I think the writers just got crazier and crazier as the series progressed. It's not cancelled here in the UK, but we're quite a way in, all the same.
  8. Well I love Pink Floyd and Sting personally. Sting's material has so much power, so much energy, so much 'oomph' behind it; and Pink Floyd is brilliantly inspired.
  9. Yeah, I just CANNOT wait for this movie! My friend voiced her dislike for The Matrix just a few weeks back and I practically died (I guess she only saw it the one time and refused to understand it - no offence to her)! It's such a gorgeous film! I've heard a lot about the sequel, but nothing seems confirmed, what with the recent death of Aaliyah (a brilliant musician - we shall miss her contribution to that most lively of genres). Those posters sure are promising, though, Matt - good on you for finding them! I wonder what's with those twins and what appears to be a brand new Big Daddy Agent (*blubbers* I miss Smith!) Maybe I better do some more research... Yeah, I hope they show Zion in Reloaded. Last human city, eh (in the words of Tank)? Sounds cool... Shadowdramon ... Morpheus has an EX? Wow, that just dashes all the comic conversations of my fellow big-time Matrix fan and I. I suppose it's reasonable enough - after all, he does have groovy shades.
  10. YAY! I get a mention! Yeah, sorry about those paragraph spacing nit-picks. I just thought some editations in that vein might make it a whole lot more dramatic. It's a really good fic, though, and I'll be reading the second chapter soon. I really think you ought to consider putting it on ff.net - a lot easier to take in and read that way. I'm knowledgeable about the whole writing thing? I like that compliment! Of course, I've never published, but there are two certificates on the tin cupboard that say otherwise. Do continue, Solo!
  11. No, I chose the other question. As I remember: "The Best laid plans o' Mice of Men, Gang aft' agley. And leave us nought but grief and pain, For Promised joy." I forgot to write about the title in my essay - didn't have the time. Oh well. I wrote enough (I don't know - is 10 sides enough in an hour?) After all, on the media essay, I wrote around 30 pages! Ow! Raiha - do you want to kill me or something? In cold blood? I always look beyond things, so there's no need to tear my throat out because you think I don't. If you want that done, I'll do it myself. A small word: as a kid, I used to play with knives - yeah, in the bad sense. So please watch what you say about my ignorance. Please, I'm begging you! I don't ever want to fall back into that pit - I get depressed really easily, particularly about writing (I could be an author one day!) Yeah, Balthasar - write more. Just please don't push me, anyone.
  12. Well, everybody in your class was stupid. "Of Mice and Men" is one of the most beautiful books ever written. Steinbeck is by far the cleverest of authors. I'm a great softy too - I almost cried during the film. Yeah, your class are gits. Do me a favour and give them all a systematic kicking.
  13. Hey! I love to analyse poems! I'm the most literal girl I know. Oh - why does everybody always yell at me ... sob ... I'm starting to think this signature is becoming of me. "I could just go live in the mountains if you don't want me, George. I could just as well go live up in the mountains with nobody to steal none of my mice. And if I saw a mouse, I could keep it."
  14. Ai-ai - I read into these things too much...
  15. Hmm - confusing. But very elaborate.
  16. THAT's based on a true story! It's so freaky! And a little scary! I think the mother should bite back - again! (for all the violence-lovers out there) She's a little vicious to be a mum, isn't she?! *Look of disbelief*
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