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About Basketcase

  • Birthday 07/14/1988

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  1. Strongest: I'm smart enough I'm deep I'm loyal (at least, that's what I've been told) Weakest: I'm overly sensitive I'm shy around people I don't know I'm really really really really lazy!
  2. A pic of someone wearing a weird mask and some weird clothes. I worked for a few hours on this and I'm happy enough with the result. What do you think? Sketch: ------------------------------------ Coloured:
  3. Yeah, howtodrawmanga.com rocks. Thanks for the link to the site though, the tutorials are really good!
  4. My username is the title of a Green Day song which pretty much sums me up. My sig just has some quotes that I like. My banner (which isn't in my sig at the moment) is 'cause Goten and Trunks rock! And my avatar is cause I like Goten best :)
  5. Heh heh, you're probably gonna think I'm strange- but YuGi from Yu-Gi-Oh (duh!) is near the top f my list! :D
  6. Oh cool, I'm from Ireland too Terran! A load of people in my school have gotten into those MTG cards. I'm really not willing to start collecting them 'cause I'll get addicted. I spent FORTUNES on pokemon cards when I collected those, I'd probably spend just as much (if not more) on MTG cards!
  7. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by SSJ Gotenks ok [/i] [B]That sucks england!!But the us editing sucks also thats why it's better getting them in japenese uncut!!! [/B][/QUOTE] That can be a problem if ya don't know how to speak Japanese! I wish I could, but I can't so I'm stuck with the episodes on CN :flaming: :mad: :confused:
  8. My little brother drives me INSANE! My sister's ok- she likes the same stuff as me- but my brother...I have one word to describe him, and that one word is: NGAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!! *tears hair out of head*
  9. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Rick Hunter [/i] [B]Some of the "coolest" people I know are into anime! [/B][/QUOTE] You're one of the lucky ones then. Nearly everyone in my school that likes anime is a bit, well, weird. I'll try to take your advice- the ones who think anime is crap are the ones who are missing out anyway:p
  10. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by anime_gal15 [/i] [B] CUTEST OVER ALL: THE YOUNG SEYAIN PRINCE, TRUNKS! THE GREATEST MARTIAL ARTIST OF ALL TIME! LONG TIME MASTER TRUNKS! [/B][/QUOTE] Welll who couldn't love Trunks?
  11. I got into animé when I started watching Pokemon- that was a fad, I don't like it anymore. Now I'm about the only person I know that watches anime 'cause everyone thinks it's only for kids(though it's mostly on kids channels that they show the dismal amount that I get to watch). Sometimes I'll be doodling some kind of anime character in school and everyone's just like 'Ooh, that's pokemon isn't it?!'. I wish that people would keep more of an open mind about anime shows and people that watch them, and not immediately put us in the 'freak' category.
  12. Abby burst in the door of the potions classroom apologising profusely for being late. She stared around the classroom at all the faces looking at her curiously. "oh...wrong classroom, sorry professor" She ran out of the room to try and find another Hufflepuff to tell her where to go...
  13. I just realised that the last sentence of my post sounded really stupid. You know what I'm saying though, right?
  14. That's an excellent piece of writing, it's really descriptive and you describe the emotions really well. ~Basketcase~
  15. Here's one of my poems. I can't find my favourite one, so here's another Poetry Poetry is the silence that screams out inside you. It is a green sky and blue grass. It is bright darkness and the colour in a black and white picture. It is the smiling face of sorrow and the one sharp note in a flat tune. It is the chees and onion crisp in the packet of salt and vinegar. It is the mute talking to his deaf wife and the doq with no legs crossing the street. It is the sun shining in the middle of the night and the moon appearing as you leave for school. It is the flying ostrich and the penguin with a fear of water. It is the dead talking a break from life and the living taking a break from death. It is the pessimistic optimist, who thinks that the glass is half full but the water's dirty. It is an atheists' God and a christians doubt. Poetry is everything it shouldn't be. (it's a prose poem in case you're wondering) And another... Break is at Eleven The hand on the clock, Moves steadily towards eleven. I pray that it will stop, But the seconds fly past. Closer and closer. Always moving, never slowing. The hand on the clock, Moves steadily towards eleven. Time is always against me. It speeds up when I say stop. Takes a break when I say go. The hand on the clock reaches eleven. Time points a finger and laughs. I walk out the door to face the taunting and the teasing... And finally, one that I'm writing right now: Death doesn't end the pain As I sit in the corner darkness floods my mind It pushes away all the light, All my hopes, all my dreams I sit in the corner crying bloody tears. From the eye of the storm everything looks worse The pain dwells in my heart, In the very depths of my soul. There is only one way out, One way to end it all. As I close my eyes for the last time, As I feel the life leaking out of my wrists. I realise, too late That the pain doesn't end here. ~Basketcase~ (and no, I'm not thinking suicidal thoughts!)
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