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Everything posted by Balthasar

  1. jupitersun - thanx for the comment, hehe, the woman shall remain a mystery... Raiha - I know what you mean, our class watched the movie. Even though I knew what was going to happen, I still cryed ;_;. If you think about it, 'Of Mice and Men' is a very inspired book, have you ever read the poem which Steinbeck based it of? Pyrophbic - I'm guessing you've read the poem, 'casue we had to answer a question about it in the exam ^_~ Oh, does anyone think I should write another poem? Or is this one so bad it would just be best if I didn't ^^;;;; Luv Balthasar
  2. Everyone in my English class thought 'Of Mice and Men' was rubbish - but its so wonderful, I cried at the end. Pyrophobic knows what a big softy I am... Luv Balthasar
  3. ~I've never writen a poem before, but I thought I'd give it a try. The 'I said' is me, but the 'she said' is a secret ^_~. I'd be [I]very[/I] suprised if you guessed it though... here goes:~ I said: Look at this world, its tumbles and turns, People push by, not care for each other, How can this be? All these pains and hurts? Has someone forsaken us? She said: Think my child, it?s not all so bad, Take yourself, an example of kind, You see the fault, the rhythm and rhyme Aren?t you part of the fixing? I said: Ah, I forget, the guidance you give, It leads me like light, away from my grieve But sometimes I?m lost, lost from your love, Can?t you stay with me forever? She said: Oh, my poor little dove, Its compassion you need, not me to show you Take that away, it?s all that you need, you loving touch, Its what keeps you on top. ~Luv Balthasar~
  4. Ok, I've got an OVA series I doubt any of you have heard of; 'Asiato private high school student council commity' (mouth full ne?) Its about two guys, Kobuta and Tokitoh, who go around their school solving crimes for the student council (meaning they beat up a lot of people ^^). It also has majour shounen ai hints ^_~. Also has anyone ever seen Yami no Matsuei? Its my favourite series, its so cool and supernatuarl. Oh, and Gravitation is also one of the best. ^_^. Very cute. luv Balthasar
  5. since loads of people have posted here, thought I might as well. I'm 16 and I live in St.albans (thast near London if your interested), England. Despite having a guys loggin name, I'm actually a girl, and I like to draw. Anyone want a picture, 'cause I'm pretty bored right now... Luv Balthasar
  6. I agree that America is very behind on the music front, but I'd bet you'd be suprised to know that England gets a lot of the backlash music from America. We have less Techno in the charts, than new metal and rap, which is basicaly fed to us from the US. I think that England is still clinging to the US in certain respects, will channles like MTV and KISS, but we are catching up with the rest of the world much more quickly than they are. Personaly, I love bands like X, but I can't really get hold of that kind of music becasue of the US influence on our country :( its quite sad really, Luv Balthasar
  7. Wrist cutter is right, X is one of the best bands. I actully found one of their CD's in Singapore, the Ballad collection. They use a lot of nice piano and gitar solo's in that album. I just had to get it! :blush: Where did all you guy's hear about X? Luv Balthasar
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