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About anime_gal15

  • Birthday 10/15/1983

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    I think I'm going mad. Do you care at all? I didn't thinks so.
  • Occupation
    full time student

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  1. Just for the record, the only reason a girl hasn't gone SSJ on show is because there is not female saiyans on the show. I am sure that on Vageta, there was some female SSJ. Tasha is the first female saiyan on earth. Also, the sword has no name and Anthony is Tasha's father.
  2. OKay, basicaly a horable monster is distroying Japan, after distroying New York. This monster's name is Red Dragon, he is the sworn enamy of Anthony, other than Vegeta and Goku he was the only full saiyan on earth. Red Dragon killed Anthony. Anthony's daughter, a young Gothic teen named Tasha, goes to Japan to find Goku and Vegeta. Red Dragon fallows her and attacks her when she gets to Tokyo. She is knocked out. Just then, adult Trunks was flying over and felt Red Dragon's energy. He flew down and found Tasha. He picked her up and took her to Kemi house, where the others where waiting. To sign up for this RPG list the following: Your character (this is after Cell, but before Buu so Goku is dead. Also, Tasha and Gohan are taken. Please no other made up characters.) Your power level Your weapon (if you wish to have one. For example, Tasha has a weapon she calls "The Black Dragon Sword")
  3. why are all of the characters, that are Saiyan, named after food? How could Goku forget the Krillen shaved his head when on the first episode that Krillen is in he says, "Anyone who is truly interested in martial arts shaves their heads?" If you don't know what I am talking about, watch the episode where Goku comes back from the dead for the tournament. Also, does Trunks ever have a kid? I know Gohan and Videl have Pan, but she is all I ever hear about and I love Trunks. LONG LIVE THE GREAT YOUNG PRINCE OF ALL SAIYANS, TRUNKS! A.K.A. THE GREATEST MARTIAL ARTIST OF ALL TIME!
  4. That just proves that we all need to move to Japan because American anime shows are realy messed up. Why can't they just leave well enough alone? If it is that bad, they could just put it on Adult Swim. Anime was made for adults anyway. Well, most of it. If it wasn't, they wouldn't draw it that way. Am I right?
  5. Then, after that, Vegeta starting kicking Buu's butt. Then, Buu pulled off an attacked called "Big Power". That blast knocked Vegeta out. Meanwhile, Trunks, Goten, Krillen, and Piccilo are watching from a safe distance. Trunks gets mad because his dad was hurt. Trunks and Goten went ssj and flew down to help him. After Vegeta got up, Piccilo flew down. Vegeta asked Piccilo why Goku kept his body when he died. Vegeta said it was because Goku spent his whole life protecting others. Vegeta asked if he could keep his and Piccilo said no. Vegeta turned to Trunks and said that he had not held Trunks sense he was a baby. So, Vegeta hugged Trunks and told him that he was proud of him. Then Vegeta hit Trunks in the sholder and knocked him out. Then, Goten asked Vegeta why he did that to Trunks and Vegeta knocked him out to. Vegeta told Piccilo to take Trunks and Goten home. Then Vegeta sacraficed himself and died. During all of this, Goku, Gohan, and the Suprime Ki are knocked out or mabye Gohav and Suprime Ki are dead. It never says for sure, but Goku is already dead, of course. That is as far as they have gotten on Cartoon Network. Then, they started the serious all over again from episode one. They are going to play it all the way threw to the end this time. Then, I think they are going to start GT or show it all over again like they did when they finish Tenchi.
  6. :cool: Okay, picky, picky,picky! I try to type fast so I can move on to the next board. Sorry about the way I spell and thank you for correcting me, but I will alway say "Saiyan". That's what they say on tv and it is good enough for me. Also, for the record, I don't post with an attitude. I'm always like this. I did get the Krillen thing right, didn't I? Ha, ha, ha!:laugh:
  7. I'm sorry to all of those who read my earlier post. I miss read the given information. I didn't watch the serious during that time, I was out of the country. I am only going by what others have told me. I do not wish to upset other fans. I only want the newer fans to be better informed and I thought that the information I gave was correct. LONG LIVE THE GREAT YOUNG PRINCE OF SEYAINS, TRUNKS.
  9. ...do you other people who have been fans for years, like me, get angry when someone starts putting someone down about a question they asked and then truns around and gives the wrong answer? I was just reading a post where someone was putting down another girl by saying she is on crack because they asked if Paur was a cat. Then, the person said that it can't be a cat because cats don't shape-shift. Pigs don't eather, but look at Oolong!!!! People need to get their facts straight before they start insulting others. I know more about the DBs than anyone I know, but I still had to ask questions and I'm sure at one time all of you did to. Please think about what you are going to say before you say it so people like me that know what they are talking about don't have to go behind and correct your errors. LONG LIVE THE GREAT YOUNG PRINCE OF ALL SEYAINS AND THE GREAEST MARTIAL ARTS MASTER OF ALL TIME, TRUNKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  10. Okay, Mister Popo is not "god" even if that is what his name means. Gohan means rice, but he isn't a giant dinner dish, is he? Mister Popo is the "assistent" to the Ki's and the gardeans of the earth. Krillen has always been short. Even in DB, during the Martial Arts Tournament, he said, "Most of these guys have knee caps bigger than me." LONG LIVE THE GREATEST OF ALL SEYAIN WARRIORS, TRUNKS!!!!!!!
  11. I would love to be Trunks, but I'm nut up for a sex change. Edward is cool, but then no one would know what sex I was. I would therefore have to go with Launch from DB. I just want to play with the machine gun. He-he-he!
  12. I know just how you fell. What people don't think about, is anime has always been around and it's now just for little kids. They think that just because we all watched Speed Racer when we where little and out little brothers and sisters watch Pokemon, they think that is all that is out there. What about all of those hard core animes like Cowboy Bebop and White Cross? I bet if they all just sat down and watched one episode with Ed on it, they would be hooked to. Also, what about all of those movies out there that are anime? Like World Strongest and Blood? They insult our anime then they insult out intelagence by coming out with American trash like the Power Puff Girls, Sameri Jack, and Totally Spys. It is enough to drive a girl crazy!!!!! By the way, Sailor Moon is a great show! Luna and Wrine are so cute! LONG THE THE GREATEST OF ALL SEYAINS, TRUNKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  13. [COLOR=deeppink]LONG LIVE TRUNKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!![/COLOR] :love: Okay, now that I have that out of my system, let me tell you the background to our little story and you can then sign up for it. K? In the beginning of DBZ, Radis said there was 4 warriors that where not on Vegeta when it expoloded, but he didn't not know that more than one seyain was on earth. This 5th seyain's earth name was Anthony. He was the brother of Goku's father. Anthoney had come to earth to watch after his brother's son. However, Anthony couldn't find Goku after his pod landed. So, Anthony went to America and started a new life in New York. Anthony met a young women named Sarah. The two had a daughter, Tasha. Sarah died and Anthony was left to watch after and raise Tasha. He never told her about his seyain blood, but he did let her train and she became a very powerful fighter. One day, an evil man that called himself Red Dragon, started to distroy the city. Anthony knew it was time to tell Tasha. After a long talk, Tasha agreed to help her father defeat the horrible man. Durring a long drown out battle in the middle of time square, Anthony was killed, but before he died, he told Tasha to take his necklace to Japan and find a man named Goku. When Tasha got to Japan, she dicovered that Red Dragon had followered her there. After a very breif encounter, Tasha was badly injured. Adult Trunks was flying over, just then, and saw Tasha laying in the ground. He picked her up and flew her back to Kame House where the others where waiting. Vegeta, who was sitting on the coach, was upset with Trunks for bringing her there, but then Vegeta noticed the necklace and reconized it. Trunks layed Tasha down in another room. Chichi and Bulma watched over her until she woke... Okay that is as far as I have gotten. If we can't get a story out of that, then I have failed as a gamemaster and an anime fan. Okay, so to sign up, all you have to do is fill out the info bellow or you can e-mail me at [email]wa_flag_girl@yahoo.com[/email]. Name of Character: (No made up ones and please remember that this is taking place before the World Tournament and after the Cell Games. Also if someone could play Red Dragon that would be great. I'm Tasha by the way.) E-mail: (Incase I need to contact you. If you don't want to write it here you can e-mail me that.) Current power level: (Remember that no one goes over 15000 until GT.) Okay, that's it. Let's get playing. K? RPG's rule!!!!!!!!
  14. Well, that doesn't sound like bad rules I'm in! I think we should start on a beach. What about ya'll? I only have one reqest. I want my character to be called Flame, just Flame.
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