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Everything posted by Mist
[color=orange][size=1] Under Secretariat for the United Nations. I want to walk around in buisness suits and look all important. ^_^ The only downside is that I have to learn French. [/color][/size]
[COLOR=Orange][SIZE=1][list][*] Name- Mara Lynn Heartlocke [*]Age: 16 [*]Gender: Female [*] Group- Library [*] Appearance- Mara's apperance matches perfectly to her personality. She dons a simple ivy green dress that ties behind her neck and plain white slip-on shoes. She has curly raven hair and kind, brown eyes. She has very fair skin and is at the height of 5'4". She has a scar of a swirl upon her right forearm. [*] Personality- Mara ia a very compassionate and giving person. She has somewhat of a troubled past, but she has always found a way to battle away the memories with a smile. She is very cheery and bubbly, but tends to slip into fits of daydreaming and dwelling on the what-could-have-beens. She is always willing to compromise, as long as it is fair. [*] Bio- Mara is very open with her past. Her parents were killed during a raid, leaving her an orphan. The kindness of those who have helped her and the cruelty of those who refused to during her life has given her an unbiased view in regards towards human nature, giving her the ability to related to anybody. She has spent most of her life drifiting from people to people, never holding on too long in one family. [*] Power- Healing/ Alter [/list][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[list] [*][color=orange][size=1] [b]Bush's Most Recent Campaigne Ad[/b]- The ad, loaded with emotional screenshots of the events of September 11th, is misleading. It displays that Bush has always tood by our country and acted in our best interest. It was nice to feel the emotions, but the "moving" ad forgot to mention one key flaw: Even though Bush was always there, he did not catch the leader of the attack! *bangs head against desk repeatedly* [/size] [*][b][size=1]The Young Republicans Club of Neuqua Valley High School[/b]- Need I say more?[/size] [*][b][size=1]Turnabout[/b]- Girls have to pay for tickets. That sucks.[/size] [*][b][size=1]Bridal Shops[/b]- They're unorganized, noisy, cramped, and the attendants are unhelpful, if not flat out rude.[/size] [*][b][size=1]My Sister[/b]- Yet again, need I say more?[/size] [/list] [/color]
[color=orange][size=1] *Sucks in deep breath* Mrs. Hannigan from Annie, Maria in West Side Story, Andrea in Once Upon This Island, Cogsworth the Clock in Beauty and the Beast, Lenna from You Can't Take It with You, Citil in Fiddler on the Roof, and the scullery maid in Into the Woods. Out of all of them, I'd have to say that I had most fun playing Cogsworth the Clock in Beauty and the Beast, although I am a girl. I didn't like playing Ms. Hannigan from Annie too much though; imagine a polish-looking asian wearing a bright red wig, and that would be my performance...[/color][/size]
[color=orange][size=1] In response, to the Santa Claus punch, I would have to say that being simply disturbed would be the better choice. As for the difference between Baptist and Southern Baptist, Ilived in the south for ten years and the only difference I noticed is that the Southern Baptist's accents were much worse than the regular Baptists.^_^[/color][/size]
[color=orange][size=1] I tend to agree with the latter statement; I honestly don't think it has anything to do with a fear of commitment, or you obviously would not have agreed to date them person beforehand. I have a semi-similiar situation; around Valentine's Day, whoever I'm dating and regardless of how much I actually care for them, I always break things off. For me, it's a matter of prinicipal: I don't believe it is right to recieve what is considered an obligation present from someone who will, ultimately, drift from out of my life. With you, I think it's just a a nervous reaction. Dating is a nerve-racking experience. You'll just have to learn to cope with the butterflies, quite frankly.[/color][/size]
[color=orange][size=1]This looks interesting.... [b]Celebrity[/b]: Rosie O'Donald (Somebody's gotta be her!) [b]Picture[/b]: [url]http://www.angelfire.com/ca/robdoggspage/images/rosiechub.jpg[/url] [b]Three Items[/b]: Wedding Band from her lovely wife, a tape from her old talkshow, and, of course, a beloved twinkie [b]Skills[/b]: The ability to fool television coporates into giving her her own daytime talkshow, making gay relationships become controversial again, maintaining her weight, being the only comedian who truly is not funny [b]What usually goes through her head[/b]: -"We can do it together!" [b]Bio[/b]: Rosie enjoys long walks on the beach, talking on the phone with her friends, spending time with her wife, annoying the crap out of anyone within a ten foot radius of her, annoying anyone within a twenty-foot radius of her. Rosie has discovered that gay relationships is not a new controversial topic, so she has decided that she must come up with another solution to put herself back in the limelight. Maybe the public will sympathize her if she commits to being on a show such as this....[/color][/size]
[color=orange][size=1]Well, I've found myself floating from religion to religion. I believe that there is a god, but he only created the universe we know, not that he controls every friggin' aspect of our life. Naturally, living in Arkansas for ten years, this idea was not very well recieved. I floated from Wiccan to Atheist, but am now happily, and permanently, settled in Deism. For those who don't know what deism is, it is almost as if god was a clockmaker; he created the universe as a clockmaker would a clock, but then let it go afterwards, like the sell of a clock to another person. *Evelyn's Fun Fact of the Day* Ben Franklin was deist! ^_^[/color][/size]
[color=orange][size=1]*Holds up finger* So, Chain of Memories is a connecting storyline for KH? If you think about it, doesn't the game itself negate any need for Deep Dive and Another Side, Another Story?[/color][/size]
[color=crimson][size=1] Well, you have no chance of touching the Magus Sisters (who are my personal favorites...) until you've recieved Anima. The reason being: You need two items to open the door in the back of Remiem Temple: The Flower Sceptor and the Blossom crown. You can get the blossom crown from gathering all the monsters for the monster arena from Mt. Gagazet, [b]but[/b] to get the flower sceptor you have to beat Belgemine at Remiem Temple up until Anima. Because you haven't recieved Anima, he won't appear on Belgemine's list. The items you need for Anima are as follows: [i]Besaid Temple-[/i] Rod of Wisdom [i]Macalania Temple[/i]- Lvl 2 Key Sphere [i]Zanarkand Temple [/i] - Magistral Rod [i]Bevelle Temple [/i]- HP Sphere [i]Djose Temple[/i] - Magic Sphere [i]Kilika Temple[/i]- Red Armlet You can find out what spheres your missing by checking the statue colors. Here they are: Besaid - purple Macalania - white Zanarkand - yellow Bevelle - dark blue Djose - light blue Kilika - red You can go back at any time to get the destruction spheres, except for Bevelle. But don't worry, you already have Bevelle's sphere; you had to have gotten it to get out. There is absolutely no [b]way[/b] you can finish the game without Anima and the Magus Sisters. If you do find a way, you're really missing out because these aeons are awesome! Hope that helps...^_^;;[/color][/size]
[color=crimson][size=1] I'm a freshman, and I'm feeling a bit nervous because it's my first ultra formal dance. I don't have a date, but I'm going with my group of friends. We all agreed that weren't going to do the date thing because all of the other freshman are getting into petty fights of whether so-and-so is going with Maddie or Hayley, yadadada and we didn't want the drama. I'm so excited for the kick-off event for Homecoming Week, which is Battle of the Bands. My best friend is playing in it with her band! (She's in the only chic-band in the whole competition! So go her! The arrangement works out for me because we're going to a pizza place to eat before the dance, and if I get pizza stains on my dress, at least four of my guy-friends would dance with me. ^_~[/color][/size]
[color=crimson][size=1] *goes into radical teeny booper stage* OMG, OMG, OMG!!!!! They're coming out with a movie!? *bursts into tears* Life is [i]so[/i] right right now. The Cubs are won the division, I aced my biology quiz, and now this? *sniffles*[/color][/size]
[color=crimson][size=1] *Looks up at temporarily died blue and gold hair* Keh...this week is spirit/homecoming week for me. I can't wait for tommorow's football game; we're going against the all-state champs, and our biggest rivals, the Waubonsie Warriors. [b][i]Go Wildcats![/b][/i] *Waves blue and gold Pompoms above head*[/color][/size]
[color=crimson][size=1] I don't love them more than life or anything of the sort, but I'll willingly admit that "Clint Eastwood" is one of the only songs who's lyrics I can keep up to. (Which is a feat because I can't sing "Mary Had a Little Lamb on beat...)[/color][/size]
[color=crimson][size=1]I'll be trick-or-treating on a major highway dressed as a deer. ^_^ No really, I'm just dressing in all black and holding a huge fly swatter. [/color][/size]
[color=crimson][size=1] Ha. I'm a stertypical mutt. I'm semi-preppy, semi-dorky and I hang out with, for the most part, punks and/or dorks. Ah, life is great...[/color][/size]
[color=crimson][size=1] *sigh* The show is okay, but when two episodes are put back to back I want to slit my throat and hang [i]myself[/i] on meathook![/color][/size]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Darkness [/i] [B]Yeah,congrats to the mods and admin, this will bring even more members! [/B][/QUOTE] [color=crimson][size=1] May I point out that the viewers are watching the shows well into the early morning? I [b]highly[/b] doubt that the commercial will be the caffiened-up kiddies first priority when they get up the next day. With that said, congrats to Adam and all mods. *sticks thumb up with cheesy smile*[/color][/size]
[color=crimson][size=1] *sigh* I got so into art I forgot about reality. That and Harry Potter. ^_^ BTW, isn't there a hobby subject like six topics below this one?[/color][/size]
[color=crimson][size=1] I found it very funny. I happen to be very sheepy, but I have a brain...somewhat. ^_^ Good job![/color][/size]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Raiha [/i] [B][color=royalblue] It's really amazin what people will do for money.[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] [color=crimson][size=1] I completely agree with you, Raiha. If they're so "emotionally distressed" , than why are they playing the blame game so quickly? "It's the vet; he was always so mean to me and my dog!" Than how come you didn't say anything before you had the whole nation's attention? Oy, these people are money-grubbers... I know that if [i]my[/i] lovely litle pomerianian were to die, I'd be too sad to even think. (My poor Grizzley...) I say it's a ploy at five minutes of fame. If the boy is sincere in his notions, I [b]still[/b] think he needs to get over it. Call me cold, but animals die. Humans die. Everything dies eventually. Get over it. (Although I probably would have taken a swing or two at that slimey vet...) ^_~[/color][/size]
[color=crimson][size=1] How about Granola? I always wanted to name an animal that, but someone in my family always gets to naming it before me.[/color][/size]
[color=crimson][size=1] *sigh* You [b]have[/b] to upgrade your characters. You'll be getting in a semi-hard boss battle soon, so they'll need to be up to par. I would suggest finding a map of the sphere grid and label of each persons slotted areas on the internet. (If you have the strategy guide, then you already have it in the "Summoner and Her Guardians" chapter.) Then, just follow the paths for each character. In the summoner battle, I would suggest that both Yuna and Valefor be in overdrive before the beginning of the battle. (For a quick win. If you don't have the patience, just go for one of them being in overdrive.) Have Valefor perform Energy Ray quickly, and then watch Ifrit's attack pattern. (A regular attack, and then Meteor Strike.) Before each Meteor Strike, use Shield. Lastly, don't perform Sonic Wings because it does little to nothing. Hope that helped! [b]-Edit-[/b] Now I need help. I want to mix Rikku's trio of 9999 for the final bosses. (This'll be my third go at it) Does anyone know what I need?[/color][/size]
[color=crimson][size=1] I actually heard a couple of their songs yesterday! I was at my best friends house and he was playing some out-landish stuff. I asked him who it was and he said Apocalypse something. Well, at least [b]now[/b] I know it's Apocalypse [i]Hoboken[/i]. Hehe. :whoops:[/color][/size]
[color=crimson][size=1] I really have no sympathy for the rich and famous. You excepted the fact, no, you [i]encompassed[/i] the fact that the media was going to be an annoying part of your life when you decided to chase a fame-bringing career. Too bad that someone's shootin' pictures of you with your fat hanging' over your pants, but hey, they friggin' airbrush you guys so much that it becomes increasingly frustrating to even [b]look[/b] at you (Can anyone say JLO...?) *shrugs*[/color][/size]