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Everything posted by Mist

  1. [color=red][size=1][QUOTE][i]Originally posted by ShadowGohan [/i] [B] [SIZE=1]...I second that...[/SIZE] [/B][/QUOTE] ...I third that. What that woman did to her kids shouldn't be forgiven. She [b]must[/b] have been charged involuntary manslaughter; there's really no other charge, I think, that would be suitable. Accident or no accident, two young children were dead because their mother was too wrapped up in herself to remember that her kids were in there and if you can't tell, I'm more angered than sad. With that said, I hope they both spat on her before they died. :D [/color][/size]
  2. [color=red][size=1]Faye hit the switches for the Redtail to go autopilot mode. Once they were safely up in space, heading for Jupiter's orbit, Faye called Midora from the ship communicator. "Hello?" Midora asked sleepily. "Midora, it's me. Our lovely and evergracious employer Jonathan wants you to show up at the Red Hots Casino on the Jupiter casino strip at three a.m. I'm heading over there early to check out what kind of group we're dealing with today." she said, the other girl listening acutely. "Three, huh? How's one-thirty?" she asked curiously. Faye shurgged. "I'll se ya in an hour then." "See ya, Faye." [i]click[/i] "That your friend?" Jubei asked. "That's my partner," Faye said, switching of autopilot to manual, "and that's also none of your buisness." Jubei shrugged. "Fair enough." he said. Faye shook her head in disgust. "Fair enough, is that a saying of yours or what?" Jubei nodded. "That's a saying of mine." he stated. Later on, after a time of silence, Faye glance over at Jubei curiously. "As for that job thing," Faye said, pulling into Jupiter's awesome orbit, "are you afraid to kill on the spot?" Jubei shrugged again. "Should I be?" he asked, as Faye smiled. "Hmmm, I'll bring you to talk to Jonathan when this assignment is done." [/color][/size]
  3. [color=red][size=1]*shakes head* You know, Krillen, I've just met you and I'm [i][b]already[/b][/i] worrying about you...[/color][/size]
  4. Mist

    Ray of Hope

    [color=red][size=1]Mara woke up suddenly, suprised at her slumber. She rose up slowly and stretched, her back arching deftly. She stood up and shook herself, an uncommon habit of Mara's. The telephone rang at Mara's bed side. She jumped to get it, swiftly picking up the receiver. "Hello?" she asked. "Go to the Sanctum." "Who's this?" "You will see. Just go." [i]click[/i] "Hello? Hello!" Mara shook her head and set the receiver down gently. She sat on the side of the bed and put her face in her hands. [i]I've been getting too many phone calls like that,[/i] Mara thought, [i] should I go?[/i] She shrugged. "I've got nothing better to do...except look for a new job..." she muttered. [i]Sanctum...or job hunting...[/i] Mara grabbed her coat and grabbed a map of the whole continent with her. [i]Sanctum it is.[/i][/color][/size]
  5. [color=red][size=1]Lol. :laugh: I'm not like that; I let my anger out in trickles. I'll scream and shout, punch something and calm down for five-10 minutes. Then I rant on again and so on and so forth...[/color][/size]
  6. [color=red][size=1]:rolleyes: Parents...duh...oh well, just because I'm not chatting doesn't mean I'm out of the club, does it?[/color][/size]
  7. [color=red][size=1]Well, I' sorta laughing at you right now...but that's okay. I'm also sorta mad too; you won't spit on your teacher because she's [i]young[/i]...[/color][/size]
  8. [color=red][size=1]I [b]would[/b] be Spike from Cowboy Bebop, but that would be weird because moi is a girl...Hmm...I think Leana from Bubblegum Crisis 2040 would be good. She's really nice, but can lose her temper easily. Not mention she can kick butt...:D ( sound familiar?)[/color][/size]
  9. [color=red][size=1]Sorry, I won't be showing up. I'm not allowed to be on chat rooms...[/color][/size]
  10. [COLOR=red][SIZE=1]Hmm...let's see, MysticDarkElf is nice; she's always a great person to be around is very. Or Empathy, she's has great writing skills that continue to amaze me and she's also really nice...or me. I like me. :D[/SIZE] [/COLOR]
  11. [color=red][size=1] Little kid, huh? Ha, you suck...J/K!!!! Don't be mad. Anyway, [i]quietly[/i] rant...*scratches head*...I'll have to try that sometime...:D[/color][/size]
  12. [color=red][size=1] I'd recommend Breath of Fire. It's a really cool game. [/color][/size]
  13. [color=red][size=1]O.O;;; That was a [b]very[/b] desturbing mind scene, Justin... That frightens me greatly...I'm sorry, but I catch the vibe that [i]they[/i] would [b]ever[/b] make a good couple. But hey, like the great Merlin said, "No man should rule another's conscience." or something like that, anyway...:confused: [/color][/size]
  14. [color=red][size=1] Yup, yup; they're right, but you should still try to talk to them [i]first[/i]. As for breaking people's jaw, if there's a postion, I'd love to help. :toothy:[/color][/size]
  15. [color=red][size=1] When I was little, my parents had to [i]beg[/i] me to be quiet...not that I ever was, but I too am better now. Now I only yell at impulse...:D[/color][/size]
  16. [COLOR=red][SIZE=1][QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Angelus_Necare [/i][B]I don't like most endings because hence the word: "ending" it ends...my least favorite ending would have to be cowboy bebop because well, HOW COULD THAT HAPPEN!!!!I'm not letting out any spoilers here but those of you that have seen what happened can understand. [/B][/QUOTE] I actually thought it was a good ending. The anime itself had a tie to the ironies of death and not all that "And they lived happily ever after..." crap you see on t.v. It was realistic; something that you don't see very often. I was pissed when Spike died though... [/SIZE] [/COLOR]
  17. [COLOR=red][SIZE=1]Yup, I forsee this thread being closed very soon, but might as well add my input. 1)Lilo and Stich (:love2: I love Stich! He's a cutie...) 2) Star Wars: Attack of the Clones or Lord of the Rings 3)Spiderman[/SIZE] [/COLOR]
  18. [COLOR=red][SIZE=1] [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Harry [/i][B]You're exagerating it. If he was your best friend he wouldn't have done that. [/B][/QUOTE] :rolleyes: Puh-lease! Shows how much [b]you[/b] know about reality...[/SIZE] [/COLOR]
  19. [color=red][size=1]*insert ranting mode*Yup, I've yelled at every game I've ever owned. I'm somewhat short of temper and patience. :D Anyway, the game I've yell at most though is Sonic Adventure Two Battle. I know all Sonic games are easy, but man, this game is driving me insane. It's all move and no logic; and you have to play the hero and the dark's side. That's like two annoying games you're hooked on in one!*end ranting mode* :D[/color][/size]
  20. Mist

    Ray of Hope

    [COLOR=red][SIZE=1]Lauren, I've been here as long as you have and our quality is equal. I actually remember seeing your name before I registered. As for what you said, Lady, I take great offense to that. What I said above proves it. I work hard at Rpg's and it gives me practice for my writing. Any good writier should know that and you shouldn't be so vile about it. I don't get in just because I'm a member. But we should drop this before something else comes of this...[/SIZE] [/COLOR]
  21. [color=red][size=1]Faye walked into the room, hearin the punch from the hallway. "Who was that?" She asked curiously. Jubei shrugged. "Nobody." he replied simply. Faye shot him a skeptical look. "Oh well," she said, grabbing her gun from the table, "time to go to work." "You're an assassain, aren't you?" Jubei asked. "No," Faye said, her voice dripping with sarcasm, "I'm the boogyman who hides under kid's beds at night." With a wave of a gun, she walked out of the door, amost tripping over the unconscious body in the doorway. She smiled as she walked out. "Guy bounty hunters are stupid." she muttered, her mind set on the end of the hallway.[/color][/size]
  22. [color=red][size=1]I think you should talk to your friend and the girl you like [b]calmly[/b]. Tell them how you feel about it and vice versa. Unless they already knew about how you felt for the girl; I'd shoot them both in that situaition. :D Seriously, just remain cool; showing them ruffled feathers isn't gonna help any. The guy must have been a good friend if he was you [b]best[/b] friend and the girl must have been special if you liked her. You don't want to rant because that only makes things worse. Get their side of the story and make the decision of what to do there. Hope that helps! :toothy:[/color][/size]
  23. [color=red][size=1]Mara shrugged. "My father and I never got along very well, " she said, staring into the water, "he was a politician and was never home. He used to yell all the time when he was. I loved him, and I still do, though." Eve's eyebrow raised in suprise. "You love him still? Even if he said things like that?" she asked curiously Mara nodded, staring at her hands. She fidgeted uncomfortably under the gaze of Eve; more words she didn't have the courage to speak clogged in her throat. "I know there more to the story," Eve said, putting her hand on Mara's shoulder, "but I won't ask if you're not ready to tell." Mara nodded gratefully, turning to look at her friend. She smiled brightly and clasped the other girl's hand. "I'm sure Illy will come to his senses and see what he has. He won't give it up because of pride; he'll come to." Mara said, to the delight of Eve. The other woman nodded. "So, what about you? What about your past?" Mara asked curiously, turning back to the water.[/color][/size]
  24. [color=red][size=1]Faye shrugged. "It's been a couple of years since [i]I've[/i] tuned in. You do it." She replied, walking out of the room. [i]He seems okay,[/i]Faye thought,toying with her now shoulder-length hair,[i] and if he betrays us, I'll just shoot him.[/i] Faye smiled; she had been thinking [i]that[/i] thought alot lately. "Oh well." she said, shrugging and turning into her room. She opened the door, closed it, and flung herself on the bed. "Time to sleep; long job tonight."[/color][/size]
  25. [color=red][size=1]just smiled saldy and walked off. She got a good ways away fomr the group and silent tears streamed down her face. "It's my fault," she whispered to herself, "like it always is. I'm always hurting everybody I care about? How is Eve ever gonna forgive me for this!? How am [i]I[/i] gonna forgive myself for this!" Mara slammed her hand down on the ground, crumpling along with it. "Father was right," she muttered, "all I am is a stupid woman; just like mother." She wiped her tears away and stood up resolutely. [i]It's better if I go,[/i] she thought, [i]that way, no one else will get hurt.[/i] And with that thought, consuming her mind, she walked away.[/color][/size]
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