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Everything posted by Mist

  1. [size=1][color=red]I don't even get B's...and yes, I'm bragging. (Something I don't get to do very much...) :D Anyway, if you can't stand it, your OB friends will come to the rescue and blow up the school for you. :blush:[/size][/color]
  2. [color=red][size=1]"I," Mara said, her finger pointing up in the air, "don't believe you." Eve made a face. "If any of us here should be doing any of that, it should be you two!" she spat back playfully. Mara blushed. "I was born in a place where manners and nicities matter." she said primly. Hunter put his arm around Mara. "We're getting off subject," Hunter said, pulling her close, " We were going to sing them a song they were fond of, right dearest?" Mara grinned and looked up into his eyes. "On the count of three. One...Two...Three! Eve and Illy sitten' in a tree-" Illy shook his head wildly. "GAH! It wasn't me who did it! It was Eve!" But Mara and Hunter joy kept singing.[/size][/color]
  3. [size=1][color=red]I didn't like Shelby Woo. Anyway, back on subject. It's not just Nickeloden that airs more mature shows for little kids; heck it's not just television! If you look around you, which I'm pretty sure you have, little kids are being exposed to things that they shouldn't be. At movie theater, I saw an eight year old girl, in a Britney Spears halter top, flirting with someone, I would say, who looked double her age. I say that we should just beat Prime Time into a pulp and grab a book. :D[/size][/color]
  4. [size=1][color=red]OOC: Hey guys, I'm going to a stop an arugement before it even happens. Sometimes it's hard to hold up an rpg and sometimes it isn't. Just leave it be so we can be a big, happy family...sound familiar. (I didn't kill the guy who said it!) :D ----------------------------- Mara smiled, seeing Eve and Illy in the distance, and nudged Hunter. "Let's stay a while." she whispered. Hunter gazed at her oddly. "Why?" he asked curiously. Mara nodded her head towards the two and Hunter broke into a huge grin. "Ah," he said, rubbing his hands together like a child, "Payback will be sweet. I suppose we can stay a bit longer." Mara's head cocked to the side. "Payback?" As the grin on Hunter's face widened, so did hers. "Oh," she said, her face set in an evil grin, "as in 'Eve and Illy sittin' in a tree' payback..." Hunter nodded. "This ought to be [b]very[/b] fun!" Mara exclaimed. They both laughed. "What are you two lovebirds up to now?" Elsyan asked, her breakfast plate already empty. Hunter just grinned. "Oh," he said, grabbing Mara's hand, "Nothing."[/size][/color]
  5. Mist


    Oh...okay! I was a bit confused there... Anyway, thanks.
  6. Actually, I think the British version is better. Although there's just this thing I have with the setup of the stage. I don't like the black backround; it doesn't promote comedy, if you catch my drift...
  7. Making you go to school on your birthday should be [b]some[/b] kind of form of child abuse or whatnot. :Checks book: Anyway, the same thing is happening to my little sister, but I'm the older sister with the good grades their holding against her. You can't hate us smart people; we just have no social life...:D Anyway, good luck and spit on the teacher for me!
  8. Faye flipped the light switch, keys in her mouth and Anima hanging on her shoulder. "Youshould lay down on the couch," Faye said, "You'll be comfortable. I'll get you a pillow and a blanket, then I'm going to bed." Anima nodded. "And don't bother me!" Faye added, going into her tiny hallway closet, pulling out a blanket and a pillow and throwing it onto the couch. "Kitchen's to your left, bathroom, your right. If anyone busts through that door and asks for me, there a gun under the cushion; shoot them and make my job much easier." Faye added, winking and going back down the hall. [i]Man,[/i]Anima thought,[i] it's been a year and I [b]still[/b] haven't gotten over the fact that she's an assassain...[/i] Anima jst shrugged and fell onto the couch, fast asleep; not even using the pillow or blanket at her side. OOC: Random Fact of the Day: Safer and I now have the same post count...how odd...
  9. Mist


    Do you mean you got it for the [b]most[/b] part? You're confusing me now...
  10. Faye, who had been in the same bar, on the job, rushed over to Anima. "Long time, no see," She said, carrying the other woman out of the bar, "You're drunk." Anima grinned childishly. "Am shnot!" she replied, her words slurred. "Bullet hurt any?" Faye asked, a hint of a smile on her face. Anima became mock serious. "Yous know that bullets don'ts phazes me." she replied, her speech becoming more understandable. Faye shrugged. "Just askin'. You can crash at my place tonight." she said, throwing Anima into her Redtail. "Thanksh." Anima said, falling to sleep, her body slung over the controls. "Great." Faye muttered, hitting the coordinates for auto-pilot.
  11. I know not a lot of you will understand this one; even I don't sometimes, but here it is: Confused Does the wind whisper truth in my ear, empty as it was before? During, after; as if nothing changed at all. Back into the metal tube, I'm wingless; my stars have fallen. And ever yet, I emerge into the light. A new path to the waterfall; I look over my shoulder to see my distant face, and when I turn back around your laughing echoes around me. Smother my hope, yet, You cling to me like a thin kinfe, making me bleed slowly. Where do butterflies flutter when it's cold? Your tireless lies grow forever old. I'll always be nervous here, drowning silently, helplessly, in my tears. OOC: Whew, that was longer than I thought it would be...
  12. Thank you so much! I thought I'd [b]never[/b] get past that...
  13. That and Birthday Cake...Man that song is crazy!
  14. OOC: I'm getting married...wow... :D ------------------------------------ "Tell me something, Hunter," Mara siad, turning to look at the sky overhead, "Why do you fight? I never heard your reason." Hunter just played with a strand of her curly hair. "I have my own scores to settle with Nilothakir; he killed my father and took his throne. You should know that." Hunter replied. Mara nodded. "I should have, but I'm never paying attention." she stated, turning away from Hunter. "What's wrong?" he asked, his hand brushing gently across her shoulder. "I have dreams; horrible and gastly nightmares," she replied, her voice laced with horror, "of things that might come." Hunter shook his head. "That's nonsense, Mara." he replied, pulling her into his arms for comfort. "No, really. You have to believe me. I've never told anyone that." Mara said, turning her head.
  15. It doesn't take very long; you have to remember that time only passes for them when you are in the garden with them. They grow up pretty quick. Just make sure to take good care of them and give them chaos drives and small animals. That pushes them along. I figured out about the planting, but thanks to whoever answered it. I have a problem with level 15. (Crazy Gadgets) When you get out of the building and somewhat into space, you have to hit a gravity switch and you're on the wall and are sent to the wall next to it, and connected to that wall, there is a bounce pad and if you go futher below, a machine with an electric shield. What do I do?
  16. I agree with you, RO. Faye shows her "affection" for him by, I know this sounds weird, by fighting with him. Don't ask me how I came to this theory; I'm weird. :D
  17. Portshed: Wandering Star Cibo Matto: Sugar Water
  18. Mist

    CB games?

    I think the making of a game of Cowboy Bebop wouldn't be right. There are some animes that do better with games, action figures, and sequels. I think we all know that Cowboy Bebop is not that kind of anime. A game of the series, I think, would somehow cheapen it. Don't ask about my logic; I'm weird...
  19. Jet and Faye...I would've never put those two together, but whatever you guys think...
  20. No, they're two seperate bands/ groups.
  21. Mist

    Ray of Hope

    Name: Mara Age: 20 Birthmark: Mara's mark resembles that of a drop of water, splattered daintily in her palm. Bio:Mara has lived in solitude all her life. She had lived with her parents, but they had died in the forest long ago. Ever since they had passed, Mara wondered the land, and at age seventeen, arrived at a huge city. Even to this day she does not know it's name. All she knows is that, one night, she was plucked aside and told that the Oracles had their eyes on her. She knows not who the source was. Appearnce: Mara is about 5'4 and is very pale and light. She wears a cape of silk, which is an off-white. Underneath, a elaborate silver dress flows, giving the impression of swirling water. She has curly raven hair, that is tied into a loose ponytail. She has dark jade green eyes. She wears a thin gold anklet above her light silver sandels.
  22. Has anyone ever heard of 'em? They have some really great and unique music.
  23. Mara shook her head, tears streaming down her face as she watched his retreating figure. "It can't be." she whispered. Eve came and put her hand on Mara's shoulder and squeezed it reassureingly. (sp?) "He'll be alright," Eve said, looking through the temple, "He always has been. Don't worry." Mara nodded. "You're right." Mara replied. "So I suppose we should just wait here, then." Ilythiirtar cut in, sitting down on the hard, stone floor. Eve shook her head. "I think that one of us should go tell Lacroix and Elsyan what's happened." she replied, leaning nervously against a wall. "I will." Ilythiirtar volunteered. But Mara heard none of this, The monk Vlad's words danced in circles around her head. [i]It is his destiny to avenge his father and rule Ashrenia with his pure heart. You must accept this if you are to be his queen![/i] Mara blinked in disbelief. [i]Me,[/i] she thought,[i] a queen! But that doesn't matter. Just as long as Hunter comes back to me safe.[/i] Mara clenched her hands into fists. "You better come back to me." she mumbled under her breath, her last tear slipping off her cheek and hitting the floor.
  24. Sure, there was Spike and Julia, but were there any other couples (even if the were transient...) in CB? Also, who do you think would be a good couple?
  25. Name: Mara Heartlock Age:17 Race: Human Class: Politician (Republican Senator to be exact.) Weapon: Republic issued blaster Ship: None Description: Mara is about 5'4 and is very pale and light. She wears robes of silky gauze, which are an off-white. Underneath, a elaborate silver dress flows, giving the impression of swirling water. She has curly raven hair, that is tied into a loose ponytail. She has dark jade green eyes. She wears a thin gold anklet above her light silver sandels. Personality: A good-hearted and rash politician's daughter, Mara is very stubborn. She has delusions about the glory of war and has envied many Jedi she has encountered. Although ignorant, she wants to become a help to her planet. A bit haughty and proud at moments, Mara doesn't make friends easily and has more enemies then she can handel. Backround: Born to a well-respected family, Mara only knows of the world of splendor. Sheltered and proper, Mara has never experienced the horrors of poverty, hunger, and such. Mara had always been very close with her older brother, who was three years older than her, but when he was sixteen, he was killed by a seperatist (on accident). This dramatic event changed Mara's life, for she joined the Jedi and Republican's. Bio: A current senator for the planet of Marion, Mara is well respected by many. She works for the betterment of the universe and her planet.
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