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Everything posted by Mist
OOC: :blush: Oops, Schraten. I didn't know...My bad! :D ---------------------------------------------------------------- Mara watched the battle outside. "All my friends," she mumbled as another senator was hot down, "Gone." Padme sat down by the shocked Mara. "Are you okay?" "..." Padme placed her hands on her friends shoulders, turning her around. "It'd be better for you to focus on the task ahead." Mara nodded. "I know, but-" Padme shook her head. "No buts. We have to save ouselves and other if we want the entire universe and others to not fall into the hands of Palpatine." Mara's eyes became downcast, her head limp. "But we and others already have." she replied.
Gah! Scratch that! I know just read 'Faith of the Fallen' by Goodkind. That book is so dang long, but it's so good too. I'll never finish it, but hey, that's what books are for, right? Anyway, I forgot to mention that I listen to jazz when I'm bored.
OOC: I'm going to disregard part of your last post Schraten because A) Of course dGod doesn't mind. Our [i]characters[/i] were in love, not us and 2) Lalaith's not in this rpg, so I'll just pretend you tried to shoot me in the shoulder, but missed. You singed my beautiful hair, Boba...You will pay! :mad: To Juuentha, I'm not a Jedi; I'm a politician. Also, that Anakin was our old Padme Amidala, but I guess you alreday knew that. Just wanted to clear some stuff up...:D -------------------------------------------- Mara spun around, waiting for Padme and Anakin. "Hurry! I think you assassain might be lurking about." she shouted, now running behind them. Anakin nodded. "I felt him," he shouted, "he already tried!" The three caught up with the others, who were now at a hanger. "We have to get out of here!" Kei exclaimed. "But which one?" Obi-Wan asked, looking at all the transports.
I also come here, stay on until I'm bored, and then I either write, paint(Only in acrylics), work with my oil pastels, or read a good Terry Goodkind book... Yup, you can mark me down for 'No Life'
[color=darkred] Karu's face split into a huge smile. "Alright!" he cheered, jumping up into the air, "I'll get you pallet ready!" Karu ran towards the other room, hitting the door's lining on his way out. Alice and Mara watched him go and then glanced at each other, their eyes laughing. "Well," Mara said, sitting back down in her chair," He took it better than I expected." Alcie chuckled and shrugged. "Guess so." The two women laughed as Alice sat back down. "I'm sorry that you won't be coming with us."Mara said quietly, playing with her jade ring. Alice caught a glimpse of it and smiled softly. "Still waiting?" she asked, her eye set intently on Mara. "Yes," Mara replied, hiding her hand under the table, " but let's save that conversation for another day, alright?" Alice nodded knowingly. "Alright." Karu then burst into the room, breathless. "All ready!" he exclaimed. Mara stood up and patted Karu's head. "You are definitly your mother's son." she said, a bright twinkle in her eye. Karu's head tilted to gaze at his mother. "What does she mean, ma?" Alice grinned evily. "She's a time mage. Who knows?" she replied. Mara spun around, hands set on her hips. "Hey!" Alice and Karu burst into laughter, somewhat reluctantly followed by Mara. "Karu," Alice said, finishing off her last giggle, "Why don't you go to bed? You have a very big day tommorow." "Awe, come on, Ma! Five more minutes." he protested, his face pinching. Alice's mouth hardened. "Karu." she warned. "Oh, alright," he said, walking into the next room. Alice smiled. "I'll be there in a moment!" she called after him. Alice turned towards Mara. "Good boy you have," Mara stated, "Good boy." Alice's smiled transiently, her eyes misting. She walked towards Mara and grasped her two hands. "You will take care of him, won't you?" she asked, squeezing her friends hands. Mara smiled warmly. "Of course. Now go say goodnight to your son. I'll find that pallet." Alice hugged Mara. "Good night...and thank you." "No problem. Sleep well, Alice." "And the same to you, Mara." Alice then walked into the other room. [/color]
You might want to take this to the other section. but I'm not completely sure...
I'm not a very well spoken person, but I still consider myself somewhat intelligent. Truthfully, I think Bush is doing a good job. Just imagine, if Gore had won the election, we'd all be in war already...
-__- My gramndma isn't old. She's only fifty-three.
OOC: Now you make me look weak! Sheesh, let me play this out for myself...J/K ---------------------------------- Faye stared at her hands. "Let's not go to a Space colony," she muttered, switching of auto-pilot, "Let's go to Earth." She set the coordinates, then flipped the auto-pilot again.
::After Gavin is gone, Evelyn (me) goes up and elbows shark.:: "Good job. We'll talk about the money later..." ::Pulls hat down and walks away:: "Supreme my booty..." Anyway, my grandma and I were shopping in a open mall today and it started raining on us. So we we were running to the car, and my grandma slipped in a puddled and fell flat on her butt. It was hilarious!
MUAHAHAHAHAHA! Meesa likies! Finish soon!
:Grins evily: How's 'bout I shows ya?
ooc: Yeah, make me the bad guy...You're right Angelus, I'm mad. :fire: ------------------------------- Faye struggled as Spike pulled her towards the Swordfish. "Look," he said, slamming her against the hull of the ship," who and what my family is none of your buisness, so leave my famile alone." Faye just glared at him, secretly unwenching her hands from his unprecarious grip. "Fine," she hissed, getting her hands free and pushing him to the ground, "I'll leave you alone." Faye ran across the dock, hopped in the redtalin and took off.
[color=darkred] Mara beamed as Karu and Calya burst through the door, waving his tree gnomes triumphantly. "I got some!" he exclaimed happily, followed by a blue Calya. "Why the long face?" Alice asked him gently. "I didn't catch any." Calya pouted. Mara and Alice laughed merrily. Karu grinned and dragged Calya off to his room, shaking his bag of gnomes happily. Alice laughed transiently. "So young," she said quietly, "and so free; to be youung again would be wonderful." Mara nodded in agreement. "It would be nice to be a child again, but come now, Alice. If you were a child, you would not be blesses with such a son, now would you?" Mara said. Alice shook her head, staring at her hands. "No." she whispered. "He reminds me of you, Alice." Mara said, resting her head on her wrist, " except for the hair." Alice looked up in suprise. "Really?" she inquired, her eyes burning with pride. Mara nodded, a lilthe smile upon her face. "I'm afraid so." She mocked, attempting at a grave tone, but failing miserably. They both laughed, but it was short lived as Mara's face grew serious. "You understand, Aice, if I was to take Karu under my wing, you will be putting him in danger. He must accompany me to the Temple of Time, so I can find the root of this treachery of Father Time." Alice nodded. "I understand the danger, and I know," she replied, her eyes softning, "you will take good care of him, as you did for me." Mara's head cocked to the side in confusion. "You stood by me when I was with Karu, and unmarried at the time." Mara smiled. "That's what friends are for." Mara replied, her voice lilting. Alice smiled as tears gathered up in her eyes. "One of my men's left, now another goes." she mumbled saly to herself. Mara rested her hand on Alice's again. "I will take care of him, my friend. He will be safe with me, and we will return when it is safe." Alice nodded, swallowing back her tears. "Thank you." she whispered. Mara just smiled. Just then Calya burst out of the room a bright red, smiled, and left for the night. Karu came out and Alice told him to set a pallet for Mara. He nodded and walked out of the room. "When and what shall we tell him?" Mara asked, her eyes focused on her friend.[/color]
I'm sorry, but I thought the subject was on Leno, not Conan.
:grumble: That's no fun though...Anyway, my ankle is doing great again. I was really getting sick of iceing it. That crud is cold!
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by SemjazaAzazel [/i] [B]Hmm... I never broke anything in my life. I never even had chicken pox lol. I had surgery on my left wrist because I had a cyst...that was it :). I also cut open the top of my head very badly and got stitches when I was like 6. Man that was like 12 years ago lol. I have all the symptoms of a certain type of cancer, which I'm going to get checked out soon. Most likely nothing, but I'm not looking forward to finding out honestly. [/B][/QUOTE] :mad: Darn you...lucky dog... J/K [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Dragon Warrior [/i] [B]Ouchies. I've never broken anything! I'm invinca-*falls out of chair and tumbles down stairs, flies out door, falls off porch, is mangled by rabid stray dogs, gets thrown into the road, hit by a few cars and a meteor crashes down on him hitting a bird as it did* I'm... okay... *waves hand* *a feather from the bird touches him and he dies* [/B][/QUOTE] :Walks up street, sees D_W laying there, walks up to his mangled body and...pokes him: Haha! :blulaugh:
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Luminaire [/i] [B]Thanks Mist! By the way, Empathy, you better post more poetry or I'll die!! I'll have nothing to do and fanfiction.net isn't working!!! It must be the end of the world!!! ~Luminaire~ :p [/B][/QUOTE] Thanks for what? FF.net is back up; I think they were working on the originals section. Either that or X Lee was destroying old files...Anyway, I agree with Luminaire. If yo don't keep writing, I'l kill you!
Mara shook her head silently. "I don't like this..." she muttered. Padme turned around in suprise. "Why?" Mara's eyes flared. "Because," she said quietly, "This is also too obvious." Anakin shook his head. "You're paranoid, M'lady." Mara turned a cold gaze towards him. "And you'r- Never mind." she replied, storming out of the room. Padme sighed. "Anakin, maybe you should have worded that differently." Anakin shrugged.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Herman [/i] [B] Stupid really, I was lying on a swing when all of a sudden my sister pushed my off from behind(mind you it was one of the big *** wooden swings) and I fell under it (don't ask me how) and when I lifted my head she was swinging and the bolt on the bottom of the swing whapped me in the back of the head and scraped me almost to my forehead.. So yet again I say explains alot, huh? [/B][/QUOTE] Ohhh! Yeah that explains a lot. :o I'm sorry [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Nekkyo [/i] [B] i dont really jump on it that more. i dont have good feeling in my toes anymore. so it doesnt really hurt anymore. :blackeye: but other than that and a butt-load of bruises.. i'm ok! plus i have weak ankles so i am REALLY suprised that i havent broken them yet. i sprained it pretty bad on my tampoline though. but the feelingless toes are a good thing because once i start pointe in ballet, my toes wont be so.. hurting. [/B][/QUOTE] Don't worry. I have weak ankles, too. But I've sprained them so many times, I lost count.
Punk, Garbage, Metal, and...Jazz. :D Rap is okay, but mostly annoying and pop...let's not even go there. :nope:
OOC: Juuthena, please type [i]at[/i], instead of @. It's sorta confusing and is bad form for your writing. ---------------------------------------- Mara shook her head. "We can't go to Coruscant. It's too dangerous." Obi-Wan nodded. "Yes, if we were to go there, he would surely find us." "But," Anakin cut in, sitting next to Padme, " Wouldn't that be what he wanted us to think? Maybe he wants to make it obvious that he knows where we are going." "Huh?" Kei asked. Mara stood up. "Well," She began, looking up at the ceiling, "I think he's trying to say that is we know we're going to Coruscant, and by obvious logic, so does he. I think what Master Skywalker is trying to say is that we [i]shouldn[/i] go to Coruscant. " Kei shook her head. "Still confused." she muttered. "Okay, Kei, " Obi-wan said, giving in his shot, "It's obvious that we would want to go to Coruscant, right?" Kei nodded. "Well, what if he wasn't at Coruscant? He's a bounty hunter, who's following us." "Duh..." Mara muttered. Obi-Wan shot her a dirty glance. "He knows that we think he would be in COruscnat, but what if he wasn't? If we think he is in Coruscant, then we naturally wouldn't go there. Maybe he's trying to out think us and make us [i]not[/i] go to the obvious place." Padme nodded. "He's right. It's too dangerous to go to Coruscant and we're definitly not going to Naboo. So where are we going?" Everybody glanced at Anakin questioningly.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Renee [/i] [B]You know what I hate? Hate. It's leads to wars, and death and sadness. Always. Hate is a strong word, remeber that people. It's 4:38 in the morning. I shouldn't be typing. I also don't like Eskimos. God damn those Eskimos!:cussing: (It's a personal thing... Yeah...)O.o [/B][/QUOTE] Hey! I'm a quarter Eskimo! I'm not that bad either. :flaming:
Faye's eyebros shot up in suprise. "Setsuna! He doesn't even look like any of you." Spike shrugged. "I never would have guessed." was all that he said. Faye headed back towars the Bebop, landing the Redtail smoothly on the dock. She hopped out of the of her ship and ran over to Setsuna. She gripped his shoulder and started shaking him. "Why didn't you ever tell us!?"
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Fly-T [/i] [B]Same here misty...[/B][/QUOTE] That's [b][i]Mist[/i][/b], not Misty. I hate that. I have no relation, once so ever, to that annoying red-head off pokemon. Anyway, back on subject, truthfully, the only names I am vaguely familiar with are Ali and Kermit the Frog... Random Fact of the Day: This is my 500th post! YAY ME!