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Everything posted by Mist
Try to get Paperdoll or Spit, SS. Those, in my opinion, are great!
Hehe. I think you're right, SS. I went to see it for two reasons: 1) Unimportantly, it was made by Square. 2) Importantly, my boyfriend wanted to got see it! :love2:
This is great! You guys must be really happy with this story. Good job.
Speaking of sucidal, your poetry is a killer...literally.
Hmmm... French or Poetry...POETRY, duh! Well, there's lots wrong with my life. I'll pm you with 'em.
Wow...nice and short. Maybe you should try for something longer and not as vague.
"Padme!" Mara exclaimed, bursting into the room, "You have to leave!" Padme and Obi-Wan glanced up in suprise. 'Excuse me?" Ob-Wan asked curiously. "Palpatime knows your secret! A bounty hunter has been paid to kill you!" Mara exclaimed, her gaze locked on Padme. "What?" Padme asked, her eyes conveying her confusion. "A bounty hunter was following us on his speeder, but I luckily jumped off of the one my guard and I were on when he wasn't looking. I don't know where he is now, but my guard took him in the other direction." Padme shook her head. "Why is it I'm always having bounty hunters trying to kill me?" she asked herself quietly as she stood up. Mara smiled and helped the woman up. "Will you go with me to safety?" Mara asked, gazing into her friends eyes.
The Goo Goo Dolls...speaking of marriage, I want to marry John Reznick:love: :love2:...But anyway, I got Oracle a couple days ago and the CD is great...although I'm a bit late on that...
I think you should do what you want, and I do agree that it is easier to convey emotions on a dark note. Empathy, are you going to post more poetry soon?
Ewe. I think that counts. If most of your injuries are caused by a trampoline, why do you still jump on it?
>.< I hate flying! I've been to most of Asia and the Asian Pacific, and I hated getting there. Like Boba said, the only good thing is the movies, although I've always been sliding in and out of consciousness when they're on. Don't eat, either. Food's horrible...But maybe you're not like me. Maybe you'll love flying, like the rest of my family, so good luck!
No! It's anger leads to pain, pain leads to suffering, suffering leads to hate...I think. Anyway, my ankle is now fully healed for any of those who care.
Mara laughed and pointed her gun at the man who Kain was fighting out, but her shot was knocked askew by Midora. "Don't!" she yelled, punching a guy, "That's Kain's fight! We have plenty." She finished, pointing to another batch of guys running their ways. Mara smiled and glanced over at Midora. "I say we take 'em together." she said thoughtfully, smashing a guy's nose in with her heel. Midora nodded and ran to meet the group, Mara right behind her.
Good, not all hope is lost for the female branch of the human race...^ ^
Faye swirved away from the falling ship and went after the others. She spotted one who was trying to cut James' hacking line. [i]Oh no you don't![/i] Faye thought as she fired at the ship. It was knocked out of course, and Faye swirved over to it. [b]BANG![/b] "What the hell was that!?" Faye shouted, shielding her eyes from a tremendos burst of light, "James!?"
Padme, how cold I!? I just want to be in this one too!
Looks like a bunch of nonsense to me too...
Mara arrived at Padme's parents house on a speeder with a guard, winded. "Is Padme and Anakin here!? She exclaimed, frightned. "No," Her mother said, confused, "Why?" "They're in trouble! Palpatine knows!" she replied. Padme's fathers eyes widened. "What? How do you know?" Mara shook her head. "No time! Where are they!?" She replied. "They're at Padme's favorite place, the summer retreat." Padme's mother replied. Mara nodded and told her guard to speed off.
Faye swirved her ship to avoid the now haywire ship. "Dam*it, James," She screamed, "Watch where those ships are pointing before you put your stupid viruses in them!" James chuckled. "Yes, Mam." Spike smiled slightly behind Faye. "Put another one in the others, James." He said"Puh-lease!" Faye exclaimed, firing at the other ship, "And get shot by accident!?" Spike threw her a dirty glance. "Do it." James nodded. "I'm on it!"
Mara stuck out her bottem lip. "You always gotta have the fun!" she exclaimed. Midora nodded. "Well," Kain replied, pointing towards the end of the hallway at another group of men coming, "You get to have a turn." Mara smiled and ran, taking the first guy, Midora and Kain taking the others. She kicked the guy in the knee, making him immediatly buckle to the ground. She then aimed ruthlessly adn shot. She moved onto another guy, shooting him in the back. Suddenly, two arms wrapped behind her and flipped her onto the ground. Mara hit the floor and coughed, the man on top of her. She wrapped her legs arounf his waist, pulling all her weight off the ground anf flipping, the man hitting th ground as she unwrapped her legs in mid-air. He hit the wall and slumped, the bones in his neck popped on impact. She smiled and moved onto the next...
OOC: Oh goodie! I was wondering when someone was gonna do something like this! ------------------------------- Name: Mara Heartlock Age:17 Description: Mara is about 5'4 and is very pale and light. She wears robes of silky gauze, which are an off-white. Underneath, a elaborate silver dress flows, giving the impression of swirling water. She has dark red hair, which flows down to the small of her back. She has dark jade green eyes. Wears a thin gold anklet above her light silver sandels. Bio: A good-hearted and rash politician's daughter, Mara is very stubborn. She has delusions about the glory of war and has envied many Jedi she has encountered. Although ignorant, she wants to become a help to her planet. A bit haughty and proud at moments, Mara doesn't make friends easily and has more enemies then she can handel. Backround: Born to a well-respected family, Mara only knows of the world of splendor. Sheltered and proper, Mara has never experienced the horrors of poverty, hunger, and such. Mara had always been very close with her older brother, who was three years older than her, but when he was sixteen, he was killed by a seperatist (on accident). This dramatic event changed Mara's life, for she joined the Jedi and Republican's Side: Good Reason: Listed already. ---------------------------------------------- OOC: Is that good?
Mara walked into Chancellor Palpatine's offcie nervously. "You called, Chancellor?" she asked defiantly. "Yes," he said, turning around to face the yound woman, " I wanted to ask about your friend and the esteemed Senator Amidala." Mara smiled slightly. "What is there to talk about?" she asked. The Chancellor signaled her to a chair. "Please," he said, "Sit." Mara nodded and took a seat. "Senator Amidala's presence in the Senate decreases day to day. I rarely even see her anymore," he said, looking outside, his hands folded, "I wish she were here. I wonder what she does." Mara's face became plastered steel. "I don't know where she is either, I, also, wish to see her." she replied. Palpatine's unnnerving gaze settled on her. "Do you have any clue where shoul could be?" he asked. "I'm afraid not." "But aren't the two of you close?" "Yes," Mara replied, flipping her hair back, "but I do not know of her current location. Palpatine gazed at Mara thoughtfully. [i] He knows I'm lying...[/i] "Thank you for your time, Senator Heartlock." he said, standing up. Mara nodded and walked quietly out of the room. "Odd," she muttered to herself when she was out of his office, "Odd."
Ouch! Are you okay now? If that happened to me, I know I'd be haunted by that whiter wall forever!
OOC: The others are James and Anima. Not really that hard to remember... ---------------------------------------- Faye jumped into her Redtail, Spike right after her. She flipped a few switches and took off. Setsuna popped up on her screen and grinned. "So, where to?" Faye asked. "You should speak about captain obvious," Spike said, pulling out another cigarette, "We fight them. Duh." Faye growled. "Sut up, Spike. I have half the mind to crash this stupid ship somewhere." Spike smiled slightly. "Then you'd be a goner." he replied. "If it meant getting rid of you," she said, flipping another switch, "I'd do it in a heartbeat!" "Stop!" Setsuna yelled over the screen, "They're coming!" "How many are there?" Spike asked curiously. "Six." Setsuna said calmly.
Mara smiled. "You know," she said, pointing her gun at the ceiling. "I say we got out with a bang." Midora grinned evily. "On what kind of scale are we talking about?" Kain asked, cutting in. "A big one." Mara replied. Kain cocked an eyebrow. "I don't think so. It's too dangerous." Midora slapped Kain on the back. "Puh-lease! Since when do you care if things are dangerous or not!?" she asked. Kain shrugged. "Never. Let's do it then." Midora and Mara grinned at each other. "This ought to be fun." Mara muttered as she walked out of the door.