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Everything posted by Mist

  1. Emenim? Good? What kind of crack are you smokin'? If it's that strong, share the wealth, buddy, share the wealth...
  2. SS, calm down. She's new at this. Take a deep breath with me and think...[i]cheeseburger[/i] ::Sniffs air and sighes:: I'm sure she'll learn, but yelling at her isn't going to help; it's only going to hurt.
  3. "I think they know that, James." Faye said as Jet switched off the t.v. Anima and Spike just grinned maniacally at each other. "How about we do some mother-son "bonding"?" Anima said, looking staright into Spike's mix-matched eyes. Spike smiled with her. "Sure." He said causually, standing up and tossing his cigarette behind him.
  4. Mist

    FInal Fantasy

    Of course the games were better! If they hadn't been, nobody really would go. I basically went just because it was a spin-off from Square on the movie branch of enterntainment. If I hadn't known the games were great, I wouldn't have gone to see the movie. Sure, the graphics were great, bt graphics isn't everything.
  5. Mara smiled as she walked in to see her friend. "Mara! Padme exclaimed, trying to get up. Mara smiled and signaled for her friend to sit down. "Sit, Senator Amidala, sit." She said quietly, taking a seat across from the preganant woman. "So, how are things on Naboo?" Padme asked excitedly. Mara smiled, knowing that the Senator was eager for news of her home. Mara's smiled thinned. "We will talk of such petty things later, " Mara said, quickly changing the subject, "How are you coming along?" Padme smiled. "Fine, I'm afraid that my secret will be out soon though." Mara's smiled completely disappered this time. "So I've heard." Padme nodded. "I'm here for you, Padme," Mara said softly, leaning towards her friend, "You know that, don't you?"
  6. Hey, weird is a good thing, but back on subject... This kinda brings us upon the ignorance of the meaning...
  7. You should come live in my closet then, Kool_Aid! I've got plenty of room! I don't know if I could handel being in the middle; my cousin is, and he's stcuk home with...a broken ankle. >.<
  8. I only caught snipets of it. :love: I love Ewen McGregor! Very cute...Also, however did that to Orlando Bloom, you are now on the number one slot on my "If seen, do anything to kill...slowly and painfully..." list. :D
  9. I couldn't stand Tyson from the first. I just didn't like him. I don't really think I had a reason...Maybe it was because I just don't like boxing general.
  10. Well, you're a guy now, aren't you? Speaking of nose injuries, my friend pulled a "Marsha" move yesterday. She was playing football and the ball hit her straight in the face. She broke her nose...looked at it in the mirror...and laughed...
  11. Yes, Justin, the try would be in vain. I have nothinng against Schraten, but his lack of effort in his own rpg. I know Schraten is quite capable of better rpg'ing and not all the spam questions he kept posting. In truth, he actually had posted more questions about his own rpg than he had actually played. Everybody here, including me, had been annoyed for that time, and we left. The story was dying slowly anyway, so yet again, it would be a vain cause. Schraten, if you read this, my apology stands yet again; I have no intention of angering anyone.
  12. Yes, on the subject of injuries and sisters, I always got her back...:naughty: I actually went a bit far one time and busted her lip...I got to go to basketball practice that night and she had to go get it stiched up. Although she left me alone for a month, I felt kinda bad. I didn't even mean to hit her in the face on purpose...
  13. Aren't we a bit hyper? Yes, I think that you can be an Otaku by just loving and knowing all about two, but the person I talk about claims to be an Otaku and out of those six series he/she could name, he only knew three character's name out of all the shows. I live in a very ignortant location, so alot of terms are overused and misused...
  14. [color=darkred]Mara walked in Glorethroth a few days later, exhausted. As she strode through the town, she was trying to decide which friend she would visit. She took her robe off, and held it in her arms. She straightned her hair a bit, but kept it in its ponytail. There was no breeze, and there was also no sun. "Hmm, there's Mr. Amnell, Mrs. Nina, Alex, Ms. Alice...." Mara mumbled to herself quietly. "Mara!" someone shouted. Mara whipped around towards the direction of the voice, trying to identify its owner...[/color]
  15. Wow...I'm in a daze! I loved it! So mysterious and transient...Great job!
  16. I'm sure you found it that way....Anyway, my sister does the same thing to me, Kool_Aid, except I'm the older one...
  17. Yes, I just proved that, didn't I? ::Shakes head:: I feel like such a fool. Anyway, misused is another good word for it, but lately the number of people claiming they're Otakus is very un-nerving...
  18. I think they call it a softball becasue it's softer than a baseball...I don't know; I hate both sports they're used in...
  19. Ugh...would you guys quit that!? You're starting to make me feel very frightned...
  20. Faye walked in, grumbling. "Uh, guys?" she asked, after seeing there expressions, "What's the matter?" Spike pointed to the T.V. screen numbly, yet smiling. " 'Bout time they put a bounty on me." he said, slumping to the ground. Anima just smiled...
  21. I was referring to "Anime" Otaku; sorry I wasn't clear on that...
  22. Jet nodded. "Guess so." he muttered walking off. ------Meanwhile, Down in the docking bay...------------ "Spike!" Faye exclaimed, tackling him down, yet again. "What?" he asked, smiling. "You keep your filthy hands of my money!" "Oh?" "Yes!" Spike went and walked behind her ship. He pulled her suitcase from the top of her right wing and waved it tauntingly in her face. "Come get it, then." he said, taking off down the hallway. "SPIKE!"
  23. Has anyone ever realised that the word "Otaku" is more and more commonly being used. For example, not naming any names, a person I know said that they were an Otaku, yet could not name more than six animes. I think the overuse of this word is getting out of hand. What do you think?
  24. ::Sighs in relief: Thank goodness! Why'd she have to get plates?
  25. Spike strode to the Redtail, a manic grin apparant on his face. Faye came running after him, screaming. "Don't you dare!" she exclaimed, tackling him to the ground. Spike just laughed and hefted her off. He began running again, getting closer and closer to the Redtail...
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