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Everything posted by Mist

  1. ^ ^ That's the spirit! Yes, when does this begin?
  2. ::Starts shaking violently:: Plates?! What plates!? I don't like the sound of plates? ::Sticks bottem lip out:: I won't get 'em, Mommy, I won't get 'em!
  3. THANKS! I'm just doing [i]dandy[/i] after hearing that!
  4. The woman smiled shakily. "I'll send the information to your...?" "Redtail." Faye finished, walking out of the pub -------------Three Hours Later--------- Faye landed ther Redtail on the docking platform and walked wearily inside. She found Spike on the couch, puffing on a cigarette. "What's the story, Faye?" he asked without looking at her. "What?" "What's the story? You wouldn't rescue Anima. I know it. I want the truth."
  5. Yay! ::Runs back:: My ankle is okay now, although it still hurts to walk on it...
  6. I think he was talking about how you and Ugamon's post weren't relevant to the subject. Spam isn't just three-word posts, they're [b]S[/b]tupid [b]P[/b]ointless [b]A[/b]nnoying [b]M[/b]essages I'm sure he wasn't getting on your case, so let's worry about this sign-up and not spam.
  7. What? The bump? Or me? ::Walks away, muttering to herself::
  8. OOC: Angelus, you really want Spike to get mad at Faye, don't ya? J/K! -------------------------- Faye puffed on her cigarette nervously, as she walked into a small pub and sat down at a table in the corner. She ordered herself a gin and sat, humming to another familiar tune. "Faye Valentine?" A woman asked, taking a seat across from her. "Yes." Faye replied, her eyes glued to the stage. "I have a propasal for you." Faye squished her cigarette in her ashtray. "What is it?" "A man by the name of Dullard is what "it" is." "Old boyfriend?" Faye asked, finally making eye-contact with the now blushing woman. "It's...none of your buisness!" She sputtered, "I'll give you 5,000 woolongs if you kill him." Faye tsked. "Sorry, honey, but with 5,000, the only thing you can get me to do is find him." The woman scratched her head. "How 'bout six, then?" Faye shook her head and stood up. "9,000!?" Faye started to walk away slowly. "10,000!" [i]Bingo![/i], Faye thought, swirling around.
  9. If there's a big, red bump, I say it does! ^.~
  10. Then you shouldn't have posted here! J/K, Herman. Anyway, I never knew there was a cartoon; when did this air?
  11. Faye stuck her tongue out at Anima. "Whatever," she said, pushing past the two, "I don't need to be worried about." Spike just rolled his eyes. "Yeah right..." he muttered. "What?" Faye asked. Spike stiffened. "Oh," he replied innocently, "Nothing." "Nothing my a*s..." Faye mumbled. Anima just laughed at the two. "Look, I've gotta split with you guys," Faye said quietly, turning her back towards Spike and the others, "I have some buisness to take care of."
  12. Spike's eyes widened. "Excuse me?" he asked angrily. "I...um..." Faye stuttered. "I was in a bind with a bounty," Anima claimed, stepping forward, "And Faye helped me out of it." Spike nodded. "Oh." was all he said and he walked ahead of the two woman. All Faye could do was smile and mouth "Thank you."
  13. Dad? I don't have one. He's just my mom's husband and my personal slave driver. Anyway, would you mind if I plastered this poem on my wall?
  14. -___- Don't scare me like that, DW... What do you mean, Lego, your index finger only was held by a few nerves and skin? Where was your bone?
  15. Anima smiled as Spike and Jet turned the corner.Faye called over to the two, waving her suitcase in the air. Spike spotted the two first and ran to them. "You two okay?" he asked nonchalntly, pulling out a cigarette. Faye laughed and stole it from him, taking a deep drag. "Just fine!' she exclaimed.
  16. Why do I get the feeling you're a ditz in male form, DW? J/K Also, Herman, how did you manage a three-inch deep cut in your head?
  17. [color=darkred] Mara smiled and waved one last time at Alditha before she walked out of the town. She wrapped her robe closer around her, for it was a cold and misty morning. Her footsteps fell onto the ground, and was tickled by the dew on the grass. She hummed a tune as she walked out onto the huge plain that stretched for miles. She was on her way to Glorethroth, the residence of the elves. She had grown up there, and was more that ready to come home. "Wings of a fallen angel, eyes of a tired heart," She sang, her voice raising a bit louder, " Sing to me, bitter praises, yet, of passion and love..." Mara stopped in her tracks as a bush behind her ruffled. She focused her eyes on the bush, waiting patiently for any other movement. When there was none, Mara smiled and walked on, singing to herself yet again. But in that bushes, something had been there. Something dark and violent, and as Mara walked away, it smiled. [i]"Very soon, oh, so very soon."[/i][/color]
  18. Not confusing at all! Very unique and dramatic and I loved the way you ended it. It was a very well done piece of work and you should be proud! So, pat yourself on the head for me, kay? :D
  19. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Gold_Angewomon [/i] [B] 2) Ever had a knife through your hand? I have. I was cutting something up, and my little brother hit my shoulder.... I didn't know he was there and it scared the shiz out of me, therefore I wound up slipping and I just happened to accidentally shove the knife through my hand.... O_o; I could see the end of the knife through my hand, and there was blood everywhere. My lil bro started freaking out, but me.... I just laughed. :blush: :freak: [/B][/QUOTE] I haven't had a knife in my [I]hand[/I], but I have had one in my wrist. I was doing an art project and I didn't notice that I was holding my boxcutter knife wrong, and before I knew it, there was a two-inch cut into my vein, located in the middle of my wrist. There was alot of blood too, and I had to go to the doctor because I couldn't feel my hand or my lower arm. I still have the scar...Couldn't find the stupid Neosproin... -_- [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Dragon Warrior [/i] [B]Woah. Under 5'4''. Well, don't worry about it. I have many little friends too, ya know. ^^ [/B][/QUOTE] I never worry about being short...I actually like it because I always get to sit in the front. ^.~ The only real problems I have is that I get picked up a lot. -_____-
  20. Mist

    Virus Alert

    Thanks for the heads-up, but I figured out the hard way. My sister got the same email and she opened it. Our virus scanner isn't very good and didn't detect it. It's not too big though, it only took a day to fix it. (My dad's a whiz with computers...)
  21. You poor people are still in school?Goodness, I thought June 7th was bad. I'm sorry. Good luck on both your exams! :D
  22. Lucky you. Try jumping from an eight to two-thirty schedule to that...it sucked.
  23. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Hybrid [/i] [B]I never broken a bone, but I did jump off my roof land on my head, and split it open. I split my chin open before too... I'm crazy though, anything that deals with tumbling of any sort, I'll do it without even knowing the proper way, I'll just take a shot at it, see if I do it right, and if I don't meh, it doesn't hurt when I fall, anymore.... I got used to the feeling [/B][/QUOTE] Jumping off a roof? You're crazy...although I'm sure you already knew that...:D I don't think I could ever get [i]used[/i] to the feeling of pain...physical pain, anyway. Now, mental pain, I'm used to that.
  24. Hmm, I must say I support this program, for I know many who contemplate sucide. I disagree that sucide is for the weak-minded though. I think the people I know who contemplate things are strong-minded people with a very weak will and are sick of being tortured by society and it's idiotic ideals...
  25. Mist


    I checked out APC and their great! Meesa like alot!
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