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Everything posted by Mist

  1. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Dragon Warrior [/i] [B] Heh. Yes. Mountain indeed. That'd be for my friends Bryce and Kevin. They're both over 6 foot! I wimper under them. I'm only 5'9'' O.o [/B][/QUOTE] :eek: [b]Only[/b] 5'9!? I'm not even 5'4! I feel so [SIZE=1] little[/SIZE]...
  2. [COLOR=darkred]Mara smiled as two children past her. Her emerald eyes lingered on the two figures, as they turned the corner. She shook her head, a slight and easy smile apparent on her face. She started to walk lithly through the small town, her off-white robe fluttereing lightly in the breeze. Sh smiled warmly to all those who greeted her, and even added a curtious "Hello!" every once in a while. Her curly raven hair was pulled into a loose ponytail, yet some curls fluttered in the breeze next to her foreheand and ears. Her ears were slightly angular, revealing that she was half human and half elvian. a mix of human and elvian ears, in fact. Mara walked into the common square of the town and approached her friend's house. She opened the gate gently and swiftly walked into the already-open door. A short, squat figure turned around and smiled. She stopped stirring at the huge pot in front of her and smiled as Mara removed her robe, revealing her elaborate silver dress, cut to her knees. "Ah, if it isn't Mara," the short woman exclaimed, throwing her arms in the air enthusiastically, " My, My,you've grown since we last visited." Mara smiled warmly at the short woman, bending down into her embrass. "Hello, Alditha," Mara replied, sitting down at a table in the corner, " How are you this day?" The old woman smiled, sitting down heavily across from the girl. "I am fine, child, just fine. Now, tell me off your recent journies." She replied, leaning over the table. Mara smiled and begun her tale. "I have just finished visiting Oraneon. It was a grand place; everyone I had met there was so kind. I had a lovely time there at their summer fesitival, they had released a thousand butterflies at the end of the event, along with millions of fireflies that lit up the night!" Mara said enthusiastically. Alditha smiled. "It must have been lovely, dear." She replied kindly. Mara nodded. "Yes, but something was very wrong there." The old woman's eyebrows shot up in suprise. "What is it, child?" Mara shook her head. "I don't know." "Well, goodness, child, " the old woman exclaimed, "Why didn't you try to find out?" "I did." "And?" "Well," Mara said, looking blankly out of the window, "I couldn't turn back time. I couldn't forward it either. There's something wrong if a Time Mage can't even access their own domain. I'm frightned, Alditha." The old woman shook her head. "Bad times, we are having," Alditha replied, looking at the sky outside, " Those clouds have been here for the past few weeks." Mara nodded gravely. "So I thought." [/COLOR]
  3. I must say that Crimson voices is the best one. I should print that out and put it on the front of my journal...it'd be funny to see my parents reaction since they read it all the time...
  4. One word posts are SPAM, so I suggest you delete your last post, DA. Shystor, very cute poem. I liked it a lot. He had big feet...hehe. :D
  5. I hope you are cared for. I wrote a poem for my friend, my dad found it, and literally destroyed it. He wouldn't talk to me for weeks...although there wasn't any difference anyway...
  6. Ours was spread out over four days, which was also very boring. I was relieved when I found out I didn't make below a B on any of them. I agree, though, that it should have all been in one day, but the stupid tests were all broken into parts. (Plus, I go to school from eight to five...)
  7. That's very cute, but I think that some of those replies might have been staged... I don't think that an eight-year-old would say something like "I'm not going to have sex with my wife..." Christ, shouldn't kids that age still believe in coodies?
  8. I read a couple of the books when I was ten, but it eventually fell out of my favor. I'm sorry but herioc mouses just don't seem the same anymore. ::Flips channel to Tom and Jerry::
  9. Yes, I agree with Schratn and Boba on waiting a few more days. You get more interesting characters that way...:D
  10. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Cloud [/i] [B] [COLOR=indigo]yes i'm serious..... -___- [/COLOR] [/B][/QUOTE] -_- Ouch...I'm sorry. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Dragon Warrior [/i] [B] OO.. poor you. I have big friends and they fall on me all the time. The bigger they are, the clumsier it seems O.o But that's okay because they are good friends and they never really hurt me when they do take a tumble. I'd just wish they'd shout "Timber!" before they drop -.- [/B][/QUOTE] Lol. I'm friends with all those big people, too. Yes, it would be nice if they yelled "Timber!" but I'm afraid the right word for them would be "Mountain!"
  11. Anima could here gunshots ring outside the door loudly, and the thud of several bodies hitting the floor. She laughed. "Faye," she muttered, "After I hug you, I'm gonna kill ya..." She said as she waved at the man. Faye opened the door and smiled at the triumphth Anima. "Ready to go?" Faye asked, shooting a straggler behind her, not looking back. Anima smiled. "Wow," she said, her eyebrows raised, "You're good." Faye blew off the remaining smoke of the barrel of her gun. "I know."
  12. Mist

    Jay Leno

    I'm not really into those kind of shows, but I catch Conan and Leno occasionly. My dad used to love Leno, but lately, he says that Leno's jokes are gettting...well, cheesy. :D
  13. I hope you can keep your promise. If you can, then I'd gladly join any rpg you made... ---------------------------- Name: Mara Heartlock age:17 side:Good politcian Bio: Mara was born to a wealthy and respected family on Coruscant. She grew up in the cities bustle and quietly inside her, a passion for politics grew inside of her. At age eighteen, her family moved to a remote planet by the name of Marion and by age twenty, Mara had become it's prime Senator. personality : Very noble and proper, Mara is a quiet, intelligent politician who tries to thinks duty is more important than feelings, which makes her cold at times. weapon of choice: Republic issued blaster pistol vehicle of choice: None. Mara will ride around in almost anything.
  14. Well, if I can say more, then here it goes: 1) You're a very talented writer 2) You should be proud of this piece of work. 3) It's not confusing, so there's an A+ and a shiny sticker in store for you. ;) I'm done now...
  15. Faye just kept staring at the door in suprise. [i] I can't believe it...[/i] Faye stuck her gun in her pocket, not noticing the note, and walked around to the back. [i]She's been here too long...[/i] Faye thought as she knocked. The steel door whipped open, and Faye stepped into the long hallway...
  16. Wow. Very impressive. It's startling, really. I like your style; it's remotely close to Empathy's...whose style's is very well done. :D
  17. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Dragon Warrior [/i] [B]Hopefully he isn't. If he is, might as well just chop off that dang toe before you go through more. Heh. [/B][/QUOTE] :laugh: Lol, I must say that I agree. Anyway, I'm home with a guess what? My special injury; a broken ankle. :rolleyes: Figures, it always seems like [b]big[/b] people have to fall on me...:toothy:
  18. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Cloud [/i] [B][COLOR=indigo]Well I: Broke my toe while playing hockey Broke my toe while playing lacross Broke my toe while playing basketball Broke my toe while playing football Broke my toe while playing field hockey Broke my toe while playing hockey again Broke my toe while playing basketball i the same toe, big one on left side..... bah i broke it yesterday again, playing dodgeball o_O;;;[/COLOR] [/B][/QUOTE] :rotflmao: That is hilarious...You aren't serious, are you?
  19. "It was a long time ago." he replied, downing the rest of his glass. He smiled and stealthily slipped a note into her jacket pocket. He slid his glass down the corner to the bartender and walked to the back of the club, slipping through a steel door. [i]He works for him,[/i] Faye thought.
  20. ::turns the Korn down a bit:: That's good to know. When will the rpg begin? I'm quite eager to get started.
  21. I hate to interrupt, but I just had to break in to tell you how well done this is! I love it!
  22. I found it at Suncoast, also. They carry a lot of the animated series, and are getting more. My friend works there and says it is rising in popularity, but as I said above, I didn't like it very much.
  23. Sorry, but you just met a person's who's life is just as pathetic...
  24. Oh my gosh, Jessi! Why can't I write as well as you? It's not fair! J/K! Wonderful poem, Empathy. Messa likes! ^.~
  25. OOC: Schratn, you have indefinaitly pushed my patience. I think an untimely exit is in order for me. Again, I'm sorry for any hurt feelings, Schratn, but I see it pointless to keep this childish arguement up. It was very fun posting on this rpg, but now it has lost its original flare. Good luck to all those who decides to stay with thr rpg and congratulations on having more patience then I could ever possess...
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