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Everything posted by Mist

  1. Yes, would you recommend it? What is it about?
  2. The movie was very enjoyable for me. I also was a step ahead of the movie, they're "plans" seemed to easy, so they had to have had something up their sleeves. I was fooled by one part though, and I won't say it due to spoilers...Anyway, it was a great movie and the original couldn't stand next to it. (I can't stand the Rat Pack...I can't stand oldies...I like Korn...)
  3. Mara just laughed. "You miss him?" She asked curiously, nudging Siren in the ribs. Siren blushed. "Of course not," She said, sputtering and blushing, " He's a bounty hunter..." Padme just laughed. "So," she said, "The man I care about is..." Padme's smile left her face and her words slacked off.
  4. OOC: Sorry, I guess the joke's on me. Sorry Angelus. :blush:
  5. Thanks, but I wasn't really impressed by it. I just thought it would be okay to post it...
  6. I meant that it is unique. You tell the truth of life how it is, and you tell it profoundly. I like that kinda stuff; you were very staright-forward. I like it a lot! ^.~
  7. Awww. That's very sweet you two. I hope that is what will happen to me and my special someone. I'm glad to find a couple who will openly admit they're hopelessly in love and not be embarressed about it. ^ ^ I'm happy for you both!
  8. OOC: Too long? There's no such thing as too long; only too short. That's what my English teacher always said. --------------------------------------------------------- Mara smiled as Padme walked in. "Hello." she said to the woman as she sat down heavily. Padme smiled. "I think they'll be here soon." She said, holding her stomach and beaming. Mara nodded. "I wish Boba was here." Siren said, sitting with the women, "Now there's no one to annoy and not get hit."
  9. Mara nodded. "How could he throw me," Mara asked oddly, shaking her head, " without getting any resistance?" Kain cocked his head to the side in mild suprise. "Huh?" "When he threw me, I felt like my body had shut down. I couldn't move." She said quietly, frightned inside, yet cold on the outside.
  10. No, I think that it was just a ploy for my money. It was alright though, I understand I need to work on my writing.
  11. ARE YOU SERIOUS!!!??? They put me in some anthology, some cassette/cd collection, and invited me to Disneyworld...which I missed. My friend had entered me in it without me knowing, so....anyway...
  12. Padme smiled as she sat down and took Mara's hand. "Are you both alright, now? " She asked, her eyes shining with hope. Mara nodded and squealed as she hugged Padme. Padme hugged the younger woman back in happiness, yet there was a glimmer of sadness in her eye. "I envy you." Padme said quietly. Mara pulled away and gripped Padme by the shoulders. "It will be alright, Padme." Mara whispered. "I know,"Padme replied, wiping away a tear, "I know, but it doesn't stop it from hurting so."
  13. Mara just laughed and rested her head on his shoulder again. "How is it you always have something to add on to what I say, turning it into something of your advantage?" She asked, yawning softly.
  14. She laughed. "You're absolutley hopeless, you know that?" Mara asked turning around to face him.
  15. OOC: Clean out your pm box, Duo... ----------------------------------------------- Mara pulled away and turned around, her back leaning on his chest. "You're too much, Lalaith." She muttered.
  16. Mara just chuckled. "Stop it." She said, laying on his shoulder. Lalaith just smiled and kissed her on the top of her head. "To listen, or not to listen; That is the question." He whispered in her ear.
  17. Aww, Thanks! But I don't think I'm that good...or anywhere near that...
  18. "If you keep kissing me like that..." Mara said, her eyes closed," I don't know if I'd forget those so easily..."
  19. Here, to embarass myself again, is another "poem"... Black and White Turn your bright eyes Up to the dark sky. Walking in silence, Destined to never ask why. Wake up in the dawn Fake yourself into thinking Your brightness isn't gone And that your stars are still twinkling. Walk in the day With your fake façade Never let them know You've lost your pride. You just can't win, In this game of pretend. You needhelping hand, that they just can't send. Your hopes, your dreams, Are carried away with the wind. Black is the nothing That swallows you whole. White is the everything You just can't control. Turn your bright eyes, Wake up in the dawn. Fake yourself into thinking The happiness isn't gone. Walk in the day. You just can't win. Is it so wrong To be sad again? Black is nothing Like the dead of the night. Life isn't colored, It's black and white. --------------------------------- OOC: I feel so dumb....
  20. Wow, that's really good. It's way different from anything I've seen.
  21. "If you keep telling me to never forget things," Mara said, smiling widely, "Then I'll never be able to remember it all!" Lalaith chuckled. "Okay."
  22. Mara smiled. "I thought that you had really turned. I think I almost...hated you. No. I did hate you." she said quietly. Lalaith looked up in suprise. "I just couldn't believe you would do that," Mara said quickly, wanting to wipe the look of plain betrayle of his face, "It's just, I wasn't thinking right. Swimming in and out of subconsciousness, crying, and trying to be strong is really to much for me to handel. I'm sorry." She finished with a whisper, nodding her head towards that floor in shame.
  23. Lalaith cocked his head back in mock suprise. "Talk?" he asked, aiming for an innnocent tone, but failing miserably. Mara and Obi-Wan just laughed harder. After it had passe, Obi-Wan excused himself to check on Padme and had bid them a good night.
  24. Mara looke at Obi-Wan in suprise. "A little reckless? He had almost lost all reason," she said shaking her head, "[i]Short cut...bah![/i]" she muttered. Lalaith just grinned. 'Well," Obi-Wan said, clasping Lalaith's shoulder's, " He still got what he came to do done. You cannot blame him for being reckless." Mara rolled her eyes. "Oh, I can't, can I?" she asked sarcastically.
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