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Everything posted by Mist

  1. Well, I had one once along time ago, on V2. But that was along time ago...
  2. Anima sat quielty, allowing her self to be placed in a chair. "What do you want?" she asked confidently.
  3. Siren ran into the room, winded. [i]"And I..."[/i] Mara sang, yet brought her head up in suprise. "Boba's left."
  4. Mara was walking down a crowded street of people. She was puffing lightly on her cigarette, scanning the crowd. She flipped her hair and walked lithly down the street. [i]Jupiter and their stupid crowds...[/i] She walked inside a bar and ordered herself a dry gin. As she scanned the crowd, a man with dark eyes caught her attention. [i] He's looking at me,[/i]she thought.
  5. Mara went back to her room, shaken by all that had just happened. She sat down on the sill of the porthole again, clenched her fists tighter and started singing a song...
  6. Suddenly, the rumbling stopped and everyone flooded into the room in relief. "We're all okay!" Siren screamed happily. Mara smiled slightly. [i]Yes, we are, Siren,[/i] Mara thought, turning to look at the retreating fleet outside, [i] but is Lalaith? [/i]
  7. Mara screamed as the ship shook again. "What's going on?" she screamed, running out of the room The ship shook again and Mara was thrown into the wall. "We're being surrounded by some of the Empire's fleet!"
  8. Siren came out and smiled awkwardly at Boba. "What's the matter?" She asked, her speech slurred, after seeing Boba's expression. "She let him go." he said disbelievingly. "Let who go?" Siren asked curiously, her head tipping towards the side. "Take a wild guess." Boba muttered. The thought dawned on Siren, her face showing it. "Lalaith?" "Lalaith."
  9. Hmm, guys talking about cups...intresting subject. ::COUGH! COUGH, COUGH!:: J/K! I'm glad I don't have to mess with that stuff either. But hey, just put it this way, girls are agressive in a different kind of way.
  10. Mara leaned and sunk down against her doorway. "Goodbye, Lalaith...for now."
  11. Boba grinned as Siren ran away. "She's weird, yet intresting." he said, his gaze lingering on her until she ran in the hallway. Mara laughed. "So why didn't you stop him?" Boba asked, becoming serious again. "You wouldn't understand." Mara said, turning away. "And why not?" Boba asked. Mara spun around. "He just needed too, that's all." she replied Boba gazed at Mara oddly. "What do you mean?" "I don't know," she said, sinking down to the ground, "But I don't think he is going to be back soon." She said quietly, getting up and walking quietly to her room.
  12. Mara came out, her cheeks tear-stained. "He went, didn't he?" She asked, staring at Boba. The man nodded. "Yeah, he went to see [i]Palpatine[/i]!" He exclaimed, getting off the ground. Mara nodded this time. "I know," She replied, standing a little straighter, " I didn't stop him." "And why not?" Siren exclaimed, coming into the room...her face green. "Becau-" But Siren just ran off to the bathroom.
  13. OOC: I think I'm just gonna sit and watch where this is going... ::grabs popcorn:: :D
  14. Mara smiled and watched him leave. "You be careful." She whispered after he left the room. She turned back to the porthole and stared at the stars, her gaze drifting on her blood-covered hands. "But no matter what you say, Lalaith," she muttered to herself, still staring at her hands, "it will always be my fault."
  15. OOC: Oh my god...Is that the best you can do? Yup, you sure [i]can[/i] handel the heat. By the way, I think he's hiding from me...or his girlfriend...and this is an RPG, nothing more... --------------------------------------------------- Mara smiled and kissed him again. "You remember that too, okay?" She asked, looking at him hopefully. Lalaith nodded and smiled again.
  16. Mara smiled as she turned red. She pulled her head up and gazed into his eyes. "I'm glad." she said, gently kissing him. ------------------------------------------------- OOC: Ah, the beauty of putting guys in awkward positions. [i] Beat that...[/i]
  17. "I...just can't stand the thought of...all those people..." Mara replied in broken words, taking in what little comfort Lalaith was offering her. "I know." Lalaith said quietly, still staring out into space. Without taking her head of his shoulder, she wrapped her arms around his back and smiled. "Thank you." she whispered.
  18. "No." She whispered, her weak voice muffled by his shoulder. He pulled Mara away and looked at her throughly, searching her eyes for a reason. She stared back at him, and then her gaze lingered on space. "We need to lay low for now," she said quietly, " I have to figure out what I am fighting for." Lalaith just pulled her to him. "You can [i] really[/i] cry now. It's just me." Mara then burst into uncontrollable sobs, racking her body of what little strength she had left...
  19. Mara laughed bitterly. "Yeah right. If I hadn't had them all brought to Marion, one of the most obvious places for us to be, then my planet wouldn't have been destroyed. All my people, my famile, my friends...gone. The only world I've ever truly known is gone. It's my fault." She said, clenching her fists tighter, blood coming down in tiny streams, in the same rhythm of her silent tears.
  20. Mara didn't answer. [i] It's not like it's his fault...It's yours.[/i] "Yeah," she replied hoarsely, "It's open."
  21. Well, I've had a boy "fall" on my ankle, breaking it and disabling me to play with my basketball team in the finals, I've been kicked in the head with a clete while playing goalie for my soccer team, and you don't want to know how I broke my arm...
  22. Mara sighed. [i] What is all this worth, anyway?[/i] she thought, gazing at empty space. [i] What are we fighting for?[/i] [i]Why are we fighting for it? Are we even fighting? What are we fighting?[/i] Mara's head spun, as her nails dug into her palms deeper. Gashes started to form, red droplets of blood streaming down her hand. But she didn't care. [i] Palpatine...[/i]
  23. Mara just stared as he ran away listlessly, turning back to the porthole. She smiled as she clenched his fist tighter, thinnking about deeds she knew would soon consume her, and be all that she needed...
  24. Yes, who is dieing? If this is a ploy for attention, it's not cool. But if it's real, I'm so sorry. Is there anything I can do?
  25. [COLOR=darkred][SIZE=1] I was actually quite calm about the finals at my school. The only one I was really close to being worried about was my physcology class, which turned out to be the easiest test given. I don't think that Finals are supposed to be [b]that[/b] hard, just pay attention when the teacher is teaching it to the first time, and you'll be okay. :D [/COLOR][/SIZE]
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