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Everything posted by Mist

  1. "I ran into her in Coruscant when I was trying to get to the Jedi Temple. I don't remember if you know or not, but it was destroyed." Lalaith nodded remorsefully. "I thought so." He mumbled. "You know," Mara said quietly, sitting down lithly, " I've been a lot of places since we last saw each other." "Really?" Lalaith asked, sitting down next to her. "Yes," Mara replied, nodding her head, " I was at Coruscant, Marion, then I met up with you in that God-forsaken...whatever it was." Lalaith laughed. "Where was that place anyway," Mara asked, " Siren and I were unconcisous when we were taken there."
  2. Thanks a lot, wrist cutter. I'm going to check them out tommorow. ^ ^
  3. Mara smiled mischeviously. "Then I will..." She said, skipping off into another room. "Women." Chrome said, shaking his head. "I know." Kain muttered, walking off.
  4. Yes, it is a really enjoyable series. I can't believe that Knockin' On Heaven's Door even [i] might[/i] be considered to be on the big screen. If I may quote you, Angelus_Necare: Oh Joyous Day!
  5. Mara smiled. "Am I ever not?" Siren rolled her eyes. "Don't answer that." Siren said, pushing past the two,"I'll leave you two to talk." she said, winking at Mara, who blushed furiously. She then walked through the door.
  6. "Cut it out, you two." Mara said as Kain rubbed his jaw, Midora giggled. "Yes, [i]mother[/i]." she replied, rolling her eyes. "You're dam* right about that, too." Mara said, giggling this time Midora just hit Mara in the back of the head. "Why you little-" Mara screamed, but Midora had already ran off.
  7. "Marion." Mara replied seriously, gripping the edge of her seat, "There's a few things Siren and I have to take care of, isn't there Siren?" Siren smirked mischeviously. "Oh, goodie! I get to see the magistrate again." Siren said, laying her head back, "That ought to be fun." Mara laughed. 'Fun, indeed." she replied. Mara's laugh was cut short by Lalaith's confused state. "Never mind, " she said, "We'll go, unless there's something you need to take care of first, Lalaith." Mara said gently.
  8. Mara smiled. "I guess I got help." She said scratching her head. Siren laughed. "That's 10,000 credits down the drain..." She said. "Shut up, Siren." Mara replied quickly, throwing her an evil glare/ "What this about, Mara?" Lalaith asked slyly. "Nothing!" Mara said, stiffiing slightly. Lalaith just laughed. "I feel so loved. You would give yourself up for me." he said quietly, just so Mara would hear. "Lalaith, there's a lot of things I would give up for you."
  9. Palpatine smiled and threw Siren and Mara gainst the same wall Lalaith was stuck at. "Oh, no. I'd want your little girlfriend and her friend to witness you die. More pain." he replied, arching his lightsaber, clashing it with Lalaith's.
  10. Palpatine smiled. "Very well, you ignorant fool." he replied, lighting his lightsaber as well.
  11. Palpatine shot another lightning bolt at Lalaith, but Mara ran and pushed him out of the way. She feel to the floor, taking the bolt and writhed in pain. "No!" Lalaith cried.
  12. "I...I...Oh, dear god," Mara said, slumping to the floor, " I don't know!" Palpatie smiled. "Say what you want, Mara!" he yelled as he pulled the lightsaber closer to Lalaith's neck. "STOP IT!" She screamed, "Take me." Palpatine's smile grew wider. "And what would I do with you, Senator?" he asked maliciously. Mara shook her head and looked Palpatine staright in the eye. "I don't know," she said quietly, "Just...don't hurt him."
  13. Wow! That was great stuff. Any idea where I can find a CD of this group?
  14. Mara stiffened. "I...I..." she stuttered. Lalaith coughed. "Mara, don't be stupid! Duty before feelings! You'd be cruel to trade my life for millions!" Lalaith said dauntingly. "I...I..." Palpatine smiled. "Say it, Senator. Say what your heart desires." he sneered "I...I...I.."
  15. Mara's cool expression came back, as if it had never been gone. "As I said before, Lalaith; if you're going to protect me, I might as well protect you." She said, her eyes lingering on his hovered form. She painfully tore her eyes away from Lalaith and settled them hopefully on Palpatine. "What's your propasal?"
  16. "STOP!" Palpatine whirled around and smiled. "Mara?" Lalaith asked, bewildered. "Ah," Palpatine said, turning around and walking towards her, "the infamous Senator Heartlock. I've heard [i] much [/i] about you." "Oh?" Mara asked cooly, Siren standing at her side. "Oh, yes. Something about not betraying you, I believe." he said, gazing at the figure behind him. "Is that so?" Mara asked quietly, taking a step towards Palpatine. "You have a chance to save him." Palpatine said quietly. Mara's cool demeanor shattered at once. "What?" she asked, anxiously awaiting Palpatine's reply.
  17. OOC: Ouch. By the way, Duo, clean out your mailbox... --------------------------------------------------------------------- Mara worked on the lock a little bit quicker. "Gott get out. Gotta get out...Ha!" Mara whispered triumphantly as the door clicked. Unfortunatly, she was face to face with a clone. "Mara?" the clone said disbeliveingly, its voice muffled by its helmet. "Siren?" Mara gasped. The clone removed its helmet and Siren smiled. "So the senator becomes a pick-pocket." she said teasingly. Mara smiled and pocked a finger on Siren's foehead. "And it's all your fault." Mara laughed quietly, but Siren' face became serious. "I found out what happening to Lalaith." Siren said quietly. "Really?" Mara inquired anxiously. "Yup. I was going to get you and go to where he was, but..." "But!?" "Shh, keep your voice down! They have a security system that is more advanced than I've ever seen. They have the locks easy so you [b]can[/b] escape...they want you to. We have to be careful." Siren said. Mara nodded her head in disappointment. "So it's gonna take a while to get there, isn't it?" "Afraid so." "Well, I got help at least." Mara said, looking up. "How'd you do that?" Mara started walking. "I'll explain on the way."
  18. Mara pressed herself against the wall, clutching her hair frantically. 'I can't stand this much longer." She said, standing up. She stood up and rested her forehead on the wall, closing her eyes. "Every minute I stay here, Lalaith's in deeper trouble!" she screamed, banging her fist against the wall, " I've got to get to him!" Mara reached into her hair, patting her pins nervously. She kept patting them for a few moments, until one fell out. Mara stared at it for a moment and smiled. "Hmm. Thank's for the idea, Siren." she said mischeiviously as she went to the door.
  19. Mara could hear someone laugh. "Geeze," she muttered quietly,' how could someone laugh in a place like this." She opened the message and watched it, sending her reply moments later. [i] Boba Fett, I have a job for you, but it is not to protect me. I want you to fly to Marion and talk to the queen. Say it is under Leana's orderes. Tell her to find a planet two away from ours and bring the half army I have sent for. Again, say it is under [b] Leana's[/b] orders. Tell her I need them in less than a day. I'm willing to pay 10,000 credits for the [b] first[/b] part of your assignment. I expect an answer in two days. No more, no less. Who knows, if you're fast, I might throw in a bit more.[/i] Mara sighed. "Ack...I've gone as low as to trust a bounty hunter. Oh, hurry mother!"
  20. Mara sat in the dank, cold room, her arms wrapped around her body. She looked around and the forbidding sound of drippiong water echoed all around her. "Hmm. I really need to get out of here." She mumbled to herself. After she had woken up Siren four days ago, Palpatine had annouced that she was a "fugitive"; when in truth, he had locked her up in the cells of his home. "Yeah right." Mara looked at her belt, a mini-comm unit flashing. "Great, just what I need. Another bounty hunter."
  21. OOC: I'm going to join this with my character from the other Star Wars rpg, okay? --------------------------------------- Name: Mara Heartlock Age: 17 Race: Human Side: Republican Force Capabilities:None Occupation: Senator Weapon(s): Republic issued blaster pistol Ship: None Home Planet: Marion Bio: Born and raised in a long line of Senators from her small planet, Mara' home has always had little honor. It has had a civil war going on for years and it is seeming to draw to a close. Mara comes to her position by birthright ( I'll explain later...), although she does not wish it. Description: Wears an off-white robe with gold lining. An elaborate silver dress flows beneath Personality: Quiet and proud, Mara is somewhat ruthless when it comes to politics, yet good- hearted when it comes to her closest friends.
  22. "Faye?" A voice asked, buzzing over the intercom. "Yeah?" "You've got an assignment." "Okay, who is it?" Faye replied "I'm sending you the stats right now." the voice buzzed. Faye nodded as her ship came into Venus' orbit. "How long do I have?" Faye asked. "Two days." "Two days?" Faye said in disbelief, " I don't need that long." "You'd be suprised."
  23. Mara woke up in darkness...and smiled. She found Siren next to her and woke the woman up. "He's here! He's close! We can help him!" 'Help who?" Siren said, sitting up groggily. "Lalaith. I can feel him; he's here. I just know it!"
  24. May I ask why you quoted yourself for no apparent reason?
  25. Hah! WWIII! Yeah right. I'm not exactly saying that there's [i] never[/i] going to be a war in the near future, but calling all of what's going on WWIII? It could be a trigger, but not a war of full-scale. I don't think it will ever be a war of full scale. If you haven't noticed, the Middle East have been feuding since the beggining of history. I agree with Lady Katana that the should just spilt Kashmir up. Oh, yes, by the way Flash, thank you for pointing out those "opinions" of Padme's. I fully and completely agree with you. What she said was totally ridiculous and I'm not testing your morals or anything, Padme, but what kind of stuff do you smole and if it messes you up that bad, share some! [b](NOT...)[/b]
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