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Everything posted by Mist

  1. Mara shivered. "He's hurting again." she said quietly, clutching the table. Siren's eyes chilled. "Someone's coming." she replied. Mara looked up. "Huh?" Siren walked to the door and put an ear against it. "Uh-oh." she said running form the door to the back of the room. "What?" Mara exclaimed running over at Siren's signal. [i][b]BOOM[/i][/b] "That." Siren replied quietly. After the dust settled, a figure came triumphantly into the room. "Magistrate?" Mara exclaimed before hitting the wall. 'I have her, master." He spoke to himself. And as Palpatine shot another lighting bolt through Lalaith's body, he smiled. "Good." Palpatine muttered, his smile growing larger.
  2. Name: Mara Heartlock Age: 16 Height: 5'4 Weight: 125 Personality: Quiet and intelligent, Mara has never let anyone down. She's good- hearted and kind, but you have to get to know her first. If not, you better watch your back. (And front...and sides...) When it comes to fighting, Mara is ready for action, she likes to make smart-alec remarks to her opponent; she basically physcs (sp?) them out. Apperence: She wear a red shirt cut short to reveal her lower belly and tight, yet comfortable sweat pants. She has long black hair and mahogany eyes. Martial Art: Hakido History: Mara came from a long line of Hakido-practicing people. At first, she saw the karate form as somewhat of a chore, but now she respects it as an art and a big part of her life and culture.
  3. "Well no duh!" Mara exclaimed getting up and stretching. Chrome just laughed at them. "You sure you wanna go after something that big?" he asked. Mara opened one eye. "And why should we not?" she countered. Chrome shrugged his shoulders. "You couldn't get it without me." he replied. Kain smiled. "So, are you in or out, Chrome? We're gonna need ya."
  4. "Yes, all, my lord, the Senator has arrived." the magistrate said quietly to the holographic figure. It nodded. "Yes," The person replied in a raspy voice, " We will have that senator. We must have the young Jedi join us. We must have that senator if all is to go well."
  5. Does anybody have any idea when FFX International will be released in America, if it will be released here at all?
  6. "Senator Heartlock! What a pleasure to see you!" "I have news for the queen, magistrate; get out of my way." Mara said, her face emotionless, as proper on Marion. "Why so rude?" The man called out behind her. She spun around and strode angrily towards him. "I have been here for two days, magistrate. I knew you would try to earn favor and take my job while I was gone. I wanted to trust you, but I had people watch and listen. You were like a monkey on a string; you did everything I predicted." The magistrate shook his head in mock shock. "I cannot believe you would think so of me. I have been long friends with your family, young la-" "I'm not a young lady," Mara replied, her eye blazing like wildfire, "I'm an angry young lady. I am going to the queen, magistrate." She turned around without so much of a good-bye walked off. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ "Senator Heartlock, it is a relief that you are back." Queen Amnell said joyfully. Mara nodded. "It is a pleasure to see you my queen." She replied. "Let's sit." The queen cried, gesturing towards their chairs, "So, what news from Coruscant?" "The Jedi cannot help us." "Why is this?" Mara sighed as she began. "I was presenting my case of peace before the senat and I was about to tell them that the sepratists are trying to control our planet, but a great fight broke out. Palpatine is a Sith." The Queen gasped. "I knew I should have never trusted that man." She muttered. "There are only a very few Jedi left and they're all in danger. They were taken by Palpatine to a location I didn't know. So, I became just another person in the crowd for a couple of days and discovered where they are." Mara said, taking a deep breath. "And where are they?" "That I cannot tell, your majesty." "May I ask why?" "I'm afraid that if I told you, it..." Mara faded off, searching for ideas," It would enanger you!" Mara finished. "Oh. I see." The queen said disappointedly, "Well, what is your plan, my trusted senator?" "The sepratists aren't going to go away. They are in small number here; so a little bit of half of our army is what we need to defeat them." "Yes. What do you plan to do with the other half?" "Save the Jedi." Queen raised an eyebrow suspiciously. "And we should do this why?" "The Jedi have, on several terms, protected our solar system. If they had not, us, among others, would not be alive today. We must pay our debts to them. Surely, my queen, you must understand this." The Queen nodded. "Very well," She said, getting up," I will have it done. You are dismissed." Mara nodded and stood up. "And Mara, dear?" "Yes, mother?" "You are in love with a Jedi, aren't you?" "Yes, mother." Mara turned the doorknob and left the grand room. The Queen sighed. "That daughter of mine. Why can't she settle for someone of her status? Why must he be a Jedi?"
  7. Mara gasped as she shot out of bed. "Oh dear god." she whispered as she clutched at her night robe. "Mara, are you alright?" Siren asked, her voice filed with panic. "Yes. Yes, I'm fine. I talked to Lalaith." "What?" "We had some kind of "subconscious link" or something like that." Siren nodded. "I've heard of that before." Mara laughed bitterly. "I haven't. By the way, do you know how close we are to Marion?" "Yes," Siren replied, 'We should be there in an hour." [i] You stay alive for me, Lalaith[/i], Mara thought, [i] don't give up on me just yet.[/i]
  8. Mara smiled. "I'm in." Kain nodded. "Alright," he replied slyly, "Just don't get in my way." Mara rolled her eyes. "[i]Please![/i] I don't get in people's way; they get in mine." She replied, batting her eyelashes at him. Kain shivered. "What's with the batting eyelashes?" He asked in disgust. Mara just laughed and changed the subject. "So who's this Leon guy and why is worth so much?"
  9. OOC: How could I not?! ------------------------------------- Jet nodded and Spike walked out. *Meanwhile* Faye pulled out her gun and slipped quietly into the dock. She got the Redtail ready for take-off and before anyone noticed, she was heading for Venus...
  10. OOC: Oh, Angelus_Necare! Did I mention how much I [i] LOVE [/i] you?!!!!! It is my pleasure to that the picture is now my desktop picture and yes, Spike, I do think you're sexy!!! ^^ ------------------ Faye leaned against her door and sighed. "I wish I could tell you, Spike, I really do. I wish I could tell everyone. But if I did, everyone of you would die....I couldn't let that happen. That dam* Anima is going to get off this f*ckin' ship if it's the last thing I do!" She said, banging her fist on the door.
  11. OOC: You've gone bad...hmm, I think I'll just be swiming in Mara's subconscious right now....^ ^ ---------------------------------------------------- "Lalaith?" Mara said reaching out the fallen figure. "Mara?" Lalaith replied, turning weakly in her direction. "Where are we?" Mara asked. "All I know is that I blacked out." Lalaith said, rubbing his head. "You did? I did too." "WHAT?" " I don't know. I just woke up in a lot of pain and after a couple of minutes, I blacked out." "Hmm, I think I heard the Jedi talk about this." "Huh?" "I think that we have a subconcious link." "And that would be?"
  12. "Ugh. I can't stand that women..." Faye muttered to herself as she walked into her room.She squated in a corner and pulled a plank up. She picked a box and lifted a lid; revealing severel files...
  13. OOC: Stormwing, not trying to be rude, but my character is [i] Mara[/i], not [i]Mist[/i]. V.V --------------------------------------------- "No." Mara whispered, staring at her hands," There's nothing you can do." "Oh." Siren replied, starting disappointedly towards the door. As her hand hit the knob, Mara shouted for he to wait. "There's one thing you can do." Mara said quietly, staring at Siren with pain-filled eyes, "Wait with me for the night. Something is wrong with Lalaith. I have to get to Marion and convince them..." Siren sat on the bed and clutched Mara's hand. "Convice who? And convince them about what?" she inquired curiously. But all Mara did was scream and black out.
  14. Good for you! I'm happy for you.
  15. Name: Mara Heartlock Age: 26 Bio: Will unfold...eventually... Fighting Style: Guns. That's it. Strength: 10 Speed:20 Agility: 40 Technique:30 Ship Name: Quicksilver Weapon: 3X ion cannon (20) Armor: Steel (25) Speed: (35) Manuverability: (20) OOC: This is the best signup sheet I've ever seen. It's really down to the point. Congrats! ^ ^
  16. "Lalaith!" Mara screamed again, clutching her head. Several people ran into the room, including siren, to check if she was alright. "Get off me!" She screamed, tears streaming down her face, "Something's not right... Lalaith..." Siren gasped. "Is that..." Mara nodded, screaming in pain again.
  17. "You know,I'm really starting to think that Spike is geting attached to that Anima woman." Setuna said the next day, pouring himself some cereal. "I know..." Faye said quietly.
  18. "Ah!" Mara screamed as seering pain ran through her head. The ship was well already on it's way to Marion and Mara had been sleeping. "Something's wrong..." she muttered, swiping her hand againt her forehead, "Lalaith..."
  19. Mist

    Kingdom Hearts

    Wow, this seems like an intresting game Does anyone know the EXACT date of of release?
  20. That's funny. I thought that there was only two series of RoLW. I didn't know there was a third. Does anyone know where I can find the third series. By the way, Queen Asuka, you can also find Chornicals of the Heroic Knight on Toonami Reactor, located on CartoonNetwork.com. The quality of watching it depends on your computer.
  21. " Not really. I have to get back home before I get any ideas." "Smart, aren't we?" Siren said, a slight smile tugging her lips.
  22. Mara took another big bite of her hamburger. "I think that Chrome has got us bounty," Mara said, turning her head towards the quiet man, "Well?"
  23. My fave eppie was definitly "Toys in the Attic" or "Jammin' with Edward" Those were the funniest!
  24. "Hmm. Wonder what's gotten into him." Faye said thoughtfully, plopping onto the couch. Spike shrugged and sat on her. "Hey!" Faye exclaimed, her voice muffeled. Spike just smiled his smile, pulled out a cigerette and lighter, and puffed away with the screaming Faye under him. Everyon burst into laughter. Except for one. [i]He's so like his father...[/i] "I'm going to bed." Anima said slowly, and crept off to the dock.
  25. "DAM*!" Faye shouted as another ship shot at her Redtail, "I can't hold up much longer, Jet!" "Just hold on. Anima's coming to help." Jet replied. "Help me? Yeah right. She'd probably kill me and make it look like an accident..." Faye muttered to her self as she flipped a few switches...
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