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Everything posted by Mist

  1. "Mara!" Lalaith yelled, fighting his way through clones, "Where are you?" A distant voice called from his left. "Right here!" she replied, coming into his view, blasting away at her own set of clones. "I'm sorry!" he yelled. He was met by blazing eyes. "I know you're sorry. " She replied haughtily. Lalaith stepped back, hurt. In shock, Lalaith dropped his lightsabre. A clone shot at him and in shock, Lalaith did not move. Mara say the bullet and sighed. [i] You love him[/i] she thought. She ran and pushed Lalaith out of the way, taking the blast to her upper arm.
  2. Mara looked at the young man strangely. "Wait!" She called out. Lalaith whirled around impatiently. "What?" he snapped. Mara took a step back, suprised. "What has gotten into you," Mara asked quietly " You scold your elders, than snap at me." Mara walked to the door an whirled around. "When you return to your collective state of mind, I will speak to you." With that, Senator Mara Heartlock walked out the door, into the battle, blaster pistol in hand.
  3. OOC: Oops, I forgot about the Master Ril thing... ----------------------------- Obi-Wan looked at his padawa strangely. "How so?" he asked quietly. Lalaith smiled. "My master, you are smart. As you tell me, think about it." he replied.
  4. OOC: That's good. ---------------------- Mara looked up and saw Chrome approaching. She set down her magazine and stood up. " 'Bout time!" she exclaimed, stretching wearily. Chrome just smiled. "So where to?" Piro asked. "Yeah, where to? We've got four hours."
  5. OOC: I think you meant that part for Anakin.
  6. Mara nodded. "Right, he may be." Yoda said, stepping beside Obi-Wan. Obi-Wan glanced down at Yoda and sighed. "Master," Lalaith said, stepping towards him, "Forgive me if I have disappointed you. It was not my intention. I have the will to be a Jedi. Being in love does not make you weak. It makes you strong. You have to understand that. You must. You wouldn't have protected Senator Heartlock had I not pleaded you to. You care for me, because you have raised me. I will do whatever I can to earn your favor again, just please..."
  7. Mara ran and crouched beside him. 'Are you okay?" she asked him gently, smiling through her tears. He nodded, also smiling. "You saved my skin out there." He replied. "Yes, well, if you're going to protect me, might as well protect you." She remarked, a playful expression upon her face. "And why should we not expell you form the order, Lalaith?" Obi- Wan exclimed angrily, cutting in.
  8. "But you can't ruin this for him!" Mara said. "And why not?" Obi-wan said, rounding on the girl. Mara would not back down and she took a step towards the Jedi master. "Because he's my friend. We've only known each other for a short time. It is impossible for him to love me! Even if he did, I would find a way to make him forget his feelings," Mara said, silent tears trickling down her face, " I will not be the ruin of him." she said quietly.
  9. OOC: I guess that's what happens when you get two RPG players that work well together...Isn't that right, Duo? ------------------------------------- "No!" Mara screamed shooting the man's arm with her forgotten pistol. The man screamed in pain and slumped to the ground. The lightsaber fell to the ground, slicing the skin of Lalaith's leg. Lalaith kept quiet as he jerked his leg away, blood oozing slowly from the wound.
  10. OOC: Scratchn, sorry, but I think your underposting us now...But that's okay. Now we're even. I guess I'll jus pick up from where DGOD left off. (You know, I'm not abbreivating either. Those really are your initials, Duo!) "Lalaith!" Mara screamed in panic. The man's hand threw the boy violently to the wall, and Lalaith slid down it with a thud. Mara ran to the crumpled figure and looked at him with desperate eyes. "Run away." Lalaith whispered. "I'm not leaving you!" Mara exclaimed, tears gathering in her eyes. "..."
  11. "Yah, another excuse, Anima! Is that all you do? Find excuses?" Faye shouted after the retreating form. Faye turned around and punched the wall. "Dam*," she mumured to herself, " How am I going to be able do my mission, when they're all my friends?"
  12. "Where are you taking me?" Mara screamed, her voice muffled by the cloth over her mouth. [I][ I told you you could not escape... ][/I] Mara's eyes widened. "But," she sputtered, " you were just a dream, a nightmare!" [I][ I am more than a nightmare. ][/I] "What exactley are you?" Mara asked hysterically. [I][ That, my beautiful senator, you will find out soon. ][/I] Mara's eyes shot open. The battle was still raging about her, clones, senators, and Jedi alike falling. "I can't believe I fell asleep." Mara mumbled to her, as she stood up groggily. A hooded figure approached her and smiled, for he loved the sound that escaped from the senator's throat. "LALAITH!!!!!!!!"
  13. "No!" Mara shouted, but Lalaith had already jumped. Mara went black to her seat and steered her pod back to it's orginal position. She ran down that hallway and onto the ground. She was met by two clones, which she shot down with ease. She ran to the center, where already many Jedi had swarmed and scanned the crowd. In the middle, she could see Lalaith, fighting a new set of clones. The sweat flew of his forehead as he spun and thrust his lightsaber, hacking away. "Lalaith!" Mara exclaimed, running towards her. Lalaith heard her and spun around, and before his eyes, she completely disappeared.
  14. OOC: What can we say? Life is boring, so we choose not to have one. Which is even more boring... --------------------------------- Mara walked up her alotted hallway and sat down at her senate seat as the meeting began. "Senators," Palpatine began, his pod flying to the middle," We're in yet another crisis, and the search for peace is still in act. I must ask if any planets have suggestions." "The planet of Marion wishes to speak." Mara called out. Chancellor Palpetine nodded as her pod cam forward and his pulled back. "Senators," Mara began, " This war cannot last very long. It will ripe the republic and peace itself into shreds. We must band together to fight this evil..." "But we're banded together!" someone shouted. "Not in the sense that I ask of," Mara said," if the organizations such as the Trade Federation, ect. have joined the seperatists, then we must either win them back, destroy them, or make replacement organizations." The Senate burst into an uproar. "And what makes you think that this will help?" someone yelled. "Trade and communication is the base of a successful government. We must not panic and beg the alloted organizations to come back; we must forge for our own fate."
  15. "You're wringing your hands again." Lalaith pointed out. "Sorry." Mara replied, droping her hands to her sides. They continued to walk down the hall when the ran into Master Anakin... [size=1] * Scratchn9, GET IN HERE! Geeze, making us do all the rpg'ing...There's such things as child labor laws, ya know. :D [/size]
  16. Yes, I'm afraid so. Does anyone know who said that there was racial discrimination in Star Wars II?
  17. Hmm..I'm a female and I find sluts very offensive. 1) They're unpure 2) All they look forward to in life is whoring. 3) They make us other women look bad 4) They represent the worst type of woman avalible.
  18. "Don't you love servants that love you?" Mara said with a mischieveious grin. "Learia?" Lalaith exclaimed. "Yes." Lalaith crossed his arms. "I see. If you mind, m'lady, may I ask why you had her checking up on me?" Mara's face flushed into a bright red. "I...uh...I...I was seeing who you really were, you know, making sure you weren't lieing to me." "Oh?" Lalaith asked, a shady smirk on his face. "Aren't we supposed to be on guard? Why are we talking about such nonsense?" Mara replied, turning her blushing face away. Lalaith just smiled and looked away.
  19. Mars and Pluto are my favorite. I look, act, and have the same b-day as Sailor Mars and Pluto just plain dang rocks!
  20. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by SuperSayian [/i] [B]I hate those little bakas and their dumb 'power-puffery'........ Every time I see a commercial for them, I just want to go Fire Saiyan and barbacue them til they're ash... In any case, I think the whole idea of super charged kindergardeners who can NEVER be defeated is moronic... Bleh! [/B][/QUOTE] I actually find it intriguing. At least it actually has a plot, unlike many other shows...
  21. "Yes, it is." Mara stated in a matter-of-fact-tone. "Hmm, now she's formal." Lalaith replied wistfully. "Be quiet!" Mara exclaimed, a gentle smile on her face. She walked slowly and lithly past him, but turned around and whispered something in his ear. Lalaith turned bright red as he closed the door after them.
  22. Sorry, Schratn9. I promise it won't happen again. ::giggles hysterically:: "Well, let's be off then." Mara said walking beside him. He smiled and offered his arm, but he was turned down. "On my planet, only harlett's cling to the arm's of men." She said. "Oh, sorry." Lalaith said, letting his arm drop to his side. They walked quickly through the halls in silence. "M'lady, I'm afraid," Lalaith pointed out, "You're nervous state is obvious." "Oh. I'm wringing my hands, aren't I?" Mara said, looking straight ahead. "Yes." "Oh, thank you." "You can stop wringing them now." Lalaith replied, a smirk on his face. "Huh?" Mara said, stopping in her tracks. Lalaith put his hands over hers and slowly brought them apart. "I said, you can stop wringing them now."
  23. "Hello, Anima." Faye said as the other woman jumped out of the cockpit of her plane. "Why so formal, Faye?" Anima said with a grin. "Wanna know why?," Faye asked, her face serious, "Because I think it's time for you to answer some quetions. SPIKE!" Spike came running onto the dock, followed by Setsuna. "What?" Spike replied, iritated. (sp?) Faye's gaze went from him to Anima. "Spike, I want you to meet..."
  24. "No, it's quite alright. I love my mother, I really do, but sh- Oh never mind, I'm sure you don't want to hear of it." She said. "Oh." "Well, goodnight, Lalaith. Sleep well." "As should you, m'lady." He replied. And once he was out of the door, the prestigious Senator Heartlock giggled.
  25. "My planet's name used to be Marion, but with the civil war going full force there, I'm not sure what it is. It's not in this galaxy, or the next. Let's just say it took a [i] long [/i] time to get here." Mara said. "Oh, well how'd you become a Senator then?" Lalaith asked. Mara smiled. "No one's ever asked me that." she said quietly. "Well, excuse me if it offends you m'lady." Lalaith replied. "Oh no, I didn't mean it like that," Mara exclaimed, "I'm actually flattered you asked. I come from a long line of senators for my planet, so I came to the position out of birthright." "Isn't that wrong though; to represent a planet just by birthright?" Laliath said, finishing his apple. "I suppose," Mara said, taking the last bite of her apple, "But no one seems to complain. They say I'm a decent senator." "Is that all you are to them? Decent?" Lalaith asked. Mara sighed. "Well, all the other political seats are held by men. I only came to my seat as default." Mara replied quietly. "Default?" "Yes, default. My brother was assassinated. I'm afriad that someone is also after me, and I believe that this person is the same person who was after my brother." "How ironic. I'm sorry about your brother." Lalaith said.
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