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Everything posted by Mist
Opps. Sorry! Sometimes I'm so eager to answer a post, I don't read it all. Sorry 'bout that again!
"I can't say. The propasal will be stated at the Senate meeting," She said, taking a small bite of her apple," The impatient little Jedi apprentice will just have to wait." Lalaith laughed. "Ah, first a brave and noble protecter, then a impatient little Jedi," He said, tilting his head comically, "What will I be next?" Mara just smiled and took another bite of her apple. "So," Mara said, "Where's your home?"
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by BabyGirl [/i] [B][color=deeppink]Here is mine ;) [url]http://babyguavagirl.friendtest.com/[/url] I did quite well on Son Goten's...I have yet to take the others, but I will :)[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] That's very funny. I made a 57 baby girl.
"I say you give it a try." faye said, leaning on the doorframe. "Who asked your opininon?" Jet asked, not turning to face her." "Yeah, well since when do I care?" Faye said, walking behind Jet. Once she saw who it was, she cursed under her breath. "Don't shoot her." Faye said quietly. "And why the hell not?" Setsuna asked. "She's a...friend...of Spike's."
Name:Mara Heartlock Code name: Quicksilver Dog tag Code: 000113 Weapeans: grenades socom pistol (silenced) Sniper rifle (silenced) Vehicle: None Gender: Female Race: Japanese Bio: Unknown Personality:Good natured and vibrant, yet ruthless when it come to killing. Specialty: Hacking and Persuation
I think the guy was just ploying for attention. Nothing more. Nothing less.
Mine is Thoev Blmau! It sounds like a guys name! Any guy that's name sounds femine care to trade?
I never said that I didn't believe in aliens. I just don't believe that they are what humans potray them to be. ( You know, the little green dudes that want to eat our planet.) I believe that there could be intelligent life forms out there, but not the kind I just said above.
Name: Mara Heartlock Good Age: 17 Height: 5'4 Discription: Dark raven hair and lithly blue eyes. Wears a off white robe, made of silk with dull gold lining Bio: Mara comes from a small feuding planet. She has spent half her life trying to bring peace to her home, but is not able to. She goes to seek the help of the Jedi to ask to help restore peace. Not much is known about her past for a strange reason.
[COLOR=darkred][SIZE=1]Cowboy Bebop is the best show ever! It has the best plot and a good sized audience. It is not a stupid children's show and it makes you think. (Who would've thought?) My fav character is also Faye Valentiine. She's the greatest! For those who talked about Juila, I have some scolding to do. I believe that Spike should be with Faye, but writing Juila off like a b*tch is wrong. She was an important part of Spike's past and her and other elements of his past made the storyline intresting. If he hadn't fallen in love with Juila, Spike and Vicious would have been partners still. Where might that take us fans? A really sucky version of Cowboy Bebop.[/SIZE] [/COLOR]
Anyone every heard of the movies Totoro or Kiki's delivary service? I had those movies when I was little, so I kinda got started there. But it all started with Pokemon...::shudder:: Thinking about it, it was the worst series I've ever watched in my life. Ack!
"Oh, Master Lalaith! I never did thank you for saving m'lady's life!" Learia exclaimed, jumping in front of the Senator. "It was quite alright, Learia! I don't feel that I derserve the credit anyway." He said, laughing lightly. "Oh, but you do," Mara said, stepping in front of her servant," You helped us both." "Yes, yes you did." Learia said. "Well, Learia, you're welcome. May I have a private moment with the Senator, if you please?" he asked. Learia nodded and ran to finish cleaning up the adjoing room. Mara showed him inside and they sat down at a table by the window. "My master says that it is alright for me to protect you." Lalaith said. "That's wonderful!" Mara replied. "Yes, it is. He will only intervene if you're are endangered by a sith." "I don't think it will come to that." Mara said passivley. "You never know." Lalaith replied, "The Senate is having a meeting tommorow. You will, of course, be attending it. Will you be making any proposals?" Mara nodded. "Yes, I will be. My planet is threatned by darkness. My home is small, but it has a seat in the Senate, with a suggestion of peace."
Wayne Brady! Whenever he sings or does the ho down, I crack up. All of them are funny, but he's the greatest!
Where I live Record of Loddess Was and Chronicles of Loddess War isn't rare at all. But like Rick said....location, location, location!
1) Gender: Female 2) What do you believe in? : Evolution 3) Why? : Scientifically factual Common Logic 4) What is your religion ? I don't think I have one. 5) How strong are your religious beliefs ? Below Avg. 6) Are you very familiar with any evolutionary theories ? Yes 7) Ethnic Background (your nationality eg. Asian, caucasian, etc.): Asian/ American 8) Where have you lived most of your life ? (if in US, please specify which state) Arkansas 9) Have you ever taken a course in modern biology ? Yes 10) Do you believe in God ? I'm atheist. I believe that there could be such a thing as God, but I would not place faith in one being. Reminds me of communism. Ack!
I can stand critism well, but I can't stand it when someone just says "Your work sucks." without a reason. If you're going to give critisism, then I feel that you should have a very good reason. It has always been a legitimate request and more than half the people I know are to ignorant to realize that. (I live in Arkansas. That should say enough.)
"Everyone! We must evacuate immediatly! SHRINA corp. was ordered to wipe us out! we must leave!" Mara screamed over the tiny crowd of young men in the tent. "Why should we listen to you?" a man yelled back, followed by a fit of laughter. Mara turned her gaze on the man. "Do you feel like dying?" she inquired, her piercing blue eyes lingering on his. "N-n-o." He said uncomfortably. "Then pack you lazy butt up and MOVE!!!" she said. She storde off to the next tent and went throught the same procedure. After she was done, Mara walked to the offcials' tent and reported that all tents were on the move.
"Actually, more people would pay to have someone dead than you think. More than I thought, that's for sure." Faye said, gulping down the rest of her noodles. Setsuna's head tilted in curiousity. "I didn't know noodles could go down a throat that way." Faye just smiled as Spike sat down across from her. "When was your most busiest times?" He asked, with a hint of a smile. "When trade gets cut off," she replied," So many blackmarkets are fightin' for somethin'." "Oh." "Well, I'm going to bed," Setsuna cut in, "I'm tired." "I think I'll hit the sack too," Faye added getting up, "Night all!" she called out from down the hallway. Setsuna smiled. "She's changed." Setsuna muttered. Spike just shook his head, adding soft chuckle. "I thought so too."
No, it wouldn't be cool if we were immortal. Just think, wars would never end. Why? Nobody dies. And if a war isn't won, there's not even temporary peace.
"I didn't expect you back so quickly." Mara said as Laliath walked into the room. 'Yes, well, the meeting ended sooner than I thought. Master Windu wishes to see all of this."
"...the ceremonial banging of the plastic toys." "Are yo a Korean guy under there?" Oh my gosh, that was great!!!!!!!!!!!! I loved it! That was soooooooooooo funny! Oh, gosh I laughed so hard, I started crying! Great one!!!
"No!" Mara screamed,"You must choose Learia!" "No, Seneator. I'm afraid the the man is right, " Leara replied meekly. "No!" Mara said getting up and grabbing a forgotten blaster pistol on the ground. She turned around and quickly fired, hitting the man holding Learia. It hit his arm and as he cursed and clutched it, Learia ran behind Mara and Lalaith. "I'm outta here!" The other hodded man walked up and smiled frighteningly at Mara. "Until we meet again, Seneator." "You know, it always seems like politicians always have the last word." Lalaith said as the man ran out. Learia and Mara just giggled. "Is that supposed to be good or bad?" Mara asked, gazing at the young Jedi apprentice oddly. Laliath squirmed. "You choose." Mara then procedded to smile. "I'll think it was meant as a good thing." Laliath laughed. "If you'll excuse me, m'la-" "Call me Mara." the woman said. "If you'll excuse me, Mara, I must be getting back to the Jedi meeting." He said, striding towards the door. After he walked out, Mara burst through the hall way. "I never got your name, I'm afraid." she called out. "Laliath!" he called out, not turning back.
"Who are you?" Mara screamed in despair as the she lay among the shattered glass. The man smiled, his face concealed by his hood. "You know me, my young beauty." he replied. "Where's Learia?" Mara demanded stading up and edgeing towards the box. The man must have sensed it for with a wave of his hand, he held it. He smiled as she gasped. "You must be a Jedi!" she exclaimed. "Quite correct, my dear." "Where's Learia?" Mara inquired again. A familiar voice's scream rang out from the connecting room. "LEARIA!" Mara screamed as she ran into the next room. Standing there was another hooded man, who held a rusty knife at the servant's throat. "M'lady," she screamed, "You must leave!"
Spike's eyebrows twitched. "You're an assassin?" he asked unbelievingly. Faye took one last deep drag of her cigarette before smothering it in the ash tray. "Yup, fifty killed and counting," she replied, " And it's sorta like bounty hunting. Except you don't turn 'em in. You kill 'em, find some sort of I.D., then give that and the bullets to the person who was after them." she replied calmly. "How do you get the bullets?" SPike asked curiously. "Easy." she said as she pulled out a pair of shiny tweesers. "Ugh." "You two gonna eat or what?" Jet asked from the kitchen. "Yes!" Faye yelled and pocketed her tweesers. She smiled at Spike and walked off. Spike watched her leave, his gaze lingering on the back of her head. "She's changed." he mumbled to himslef as he got up.
Why do I have the oddest feeling that this isn't going to get up in a long time?