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Everything posted by Mist

  1. "Learia, would you please unpack my things?" Seneator Heartlock asked. She sat down at the vanity as the young maid nodded. She gazed at her reflection oddly. "Hmm, that boy was an intresting young Jedi, wasn't he?" The young servant giggled as she placed the seneator's elaborate clothing in the shelves. "I think that he was a little...excited, m'lady." The seneator looked at her servant oddly. "Come now, Learia! We've known each other for years. Must I order you to call me Mara? Yes, he did seem excited, but I don't think it was about me. I think he was excited about proving himself to his master." Mara replied, picking up her silver brush. The servant nodded, as she closed the drawer and went to the bed. "I figured so, but it was just a hopeful longing." Learia replied. Mara kept brushing her bright red hair. "I get enough of this buisness from my mother, Learia. Don't you lecture me also." she said stoutly. "I wasn't lecturing you, Mara, " Learia countered, "I was merely saying that at your age, you should think about settling down." "Settling down? Come now, Learia, I fear I do not have the spirit nor the heart to do so." A sigh from Learia followed. Deep in the shadows, a man was watching the two women. "Soon, my beautiful seneator. So very soon."
  2. Laliath smiled widly. "Why it is honor to be protected by a Jedi," Seneator Heartlock said quietly, " You must be Master Obi Wan Kanobi's apprentice. Could you kindly take me to see your master? I would like to be approved for sure, before getting my hopes up." She added with a wink.
  3. Spike gazed at Faye oddly. She had never been this...jumpy. She was puffing on her cigarette incesantly and was drinking her beer like it was water. "You really should slow down, you know." Spike suggested, with a slight smile on his face. Faye glared at him and took another swig from her can. "Shut up. I saved your life there, bud." she replied. Spike's head tilted to the side in curiousity. "What are you talking about?" "Look, I ki...worked for this guy named Jonathan, right? Well, he's friends with the new leader of the Red Dragon syndicate. Word's out that Seto is after you. So he called out for an assassin guild to kill you." She replied. "So why do you know about this?" Spike asked, fearing the answer. "Because I worked for that assassin guild and Jonathan is the head boss." she said calmly, her eyes piercing his, "I just got out of the guild."
  4. Uh... PPG? Let' s see, to go or not to go; that is the question... * By the way, Buttercup is the best PPG. No question about it. She tough and cute at the same time and is a little like me. She's practical enough, but throws logic away when it's not needed (unlike Blossem). She's not [I]annoyingly[/I] cute like Bubbles either. (Thank god) Plus, she has that go-get-'em attitude that I love!
  5. I can't quite understand why Anakin doesn't realize it. When he said that he forsas Anakin being the greatest Jedi of all, I started laughing. Don't get me wrong, but Anakin was training to be a Jedi. If he couldn't see that he was a puppet on the end of a very long string, then I don't think he should have been as powerful as he was.
  6. Faye was stirding down the street, puffing on a cigarette. She dropped it and walked faster. Spike, Jet, and Setsuna must already be on the Bebop and she had to warn them about something...
  7. I'm these: Air Mage Goodie-Two shoes (sometimes) Fire Mage Outsider Life Mage
  8. I think that the mind is playing a trick on us stupid humans. We just don't want to admit it and viola! Humans, may I introduce you to aliens, vampires, ghosts, banchees... I just think that as humans, we had to find a way to scare ourselves.:rolleyes:
  9. Name: Mara Heartlock Age: 17 Race: Human Specialty: Persuasion Weapon: Bow and Arrow Magic: Yes/No Spells: Optical Illusion: Sets the enemy in the scenario/setting the caster wants him/her to be. (Example: On the battlefield, a caster wants the person to think they're at they're home. They would cast optical illusion) Great for distractions. Minor Heal: The ground cracks just a bit and a trickle of light flow into the body of the caster. Great healing spell. Phases of the Moon: Almost blinds a victim. They will see bits and snatches of their surroundings and whether it is day or night, the phases of the moon will change with what they will see. Will weaken someone's ability to think and a good distraction spell.
  10. Oh yes! I was suprised when they annouced this! I'm so happy about this!
  11. Hmm, I agree with James and them. I believe that both companies had both put effort into a CD system, but the idea of Nintendo MAKING PS2 is very...well, naive.
  12. " Where have you been, Faye?" the man asked quietly. He smothered his cigarette, cutting all the light out of the room. He ruffled his dark mahogany hair and smiled. Faye flipped the light switch and threw some bullets on the man's lap. She then reached into her shoes and pulled out to I.D. tags. She threw them on top of the bullets. The man looked up at her in suprise. "You couldn't have gotten them both." he whispered unbelievingly. Her eyes were ruthless. "Try me. I want the woolongs. I want 'em now. So if you would be so kind as to hand them over, I'll be on my way." She replied dismissly. "I believe," he said with a hint of malice, "that we said 1,500 woolongs for each?" " WHAT? I just don't think so! It was 3,000!" The man toggled with his glasses teasingly. "I'm sorry, Ms. Valentine, but we just don't have the money." Faye pulled out a 9mm and smiled factiously. " Oh, but I think you do," she said, sitting down in a nearby chair, "so, if I don't get that money, I go broke. If I go broke, I'll do anything to get that money. Tell me, Johnathan, if I killed two men today, do you [I]really[/I] think I would hesitate to kill a third?" The man gulped as sweat collected on his brow. He reached under the table and stealthly pulled out two black leather suitcases. "It's all there," he replied hoarsly, " All 6,000 woolongs." Faye smiled again as she picked up the two suit cases. She kissed him lightly on the cheek. "Nice doing buisness with ya'!" She exclaimed as she walked out of the door.
  13. Seneator Heartlock walked lithly out of one of the vast rooms of the Jedi Temple. She yawned as she storde about, nodding non-chalatly at passer-byes. [I][ I will have you ][/I] She smiled as her insides twisted inside out. She tried her best to look calm and light-hearted, as a woman her age should. She patted her fiery hair, making sure her pins were still in. [I] [ You will never win. ][/I] Her emerald eyes darted from left to right, in wonder. Oh, how great the Jedi Temple was. Why, it seemed to have more grenduer than her whole planet! "Seneator Heartlock! I believe that we have passed the entrance." a young hand maid said meekly. " Yes, I believe you're right." Mara said, touching her hand to her pale cheek. [I][ They cannot protect you... ][/I] The two woman strode throught the door and into a room, which oddly reminded Mara of a glass castle. It was ladened with many treasures, yet was utterly simple. They were amazing, these Jedi. Mace Windu stood at one of the windows while the two women walked quietly in. His face contorted into a tortured expression, as he inwardly sighed. "I was staring to worry you would not come. So, you must need protection?" he inquired. The seneator nodded. "You must take it up with the Jedi Council." he replied turning back to the window. "Is there anyway I can set up a meeting time?" she asked hopefully. Mace Windu rubbed his forehead, deep in thought. "I will see what I can do. I will arrange accomadations for you Seneator Heartlock. You are safe here." he replied. [I][ ...from me. ][/I]
  14. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Cloud [/i] [B] [COLOR=indigo]SG ment basic leveled materia, even me cloud, couldn't have it toooo powerful... [/COLOR] [/B][/QUOTE] Fixed it!
  15. It is to me. None of my friends know of it, sorry if that's how you feel.
  16. I deleted it. Thank you, I didn't know that. I guees I forgot that rule. I hope we start soon.
  17. Here's some... Ai no Kusabi Battle Angel Akira Battle Athletes Clamp Project A-Ko Dirty Pair Fake Gunbuster Intial D Saint Seiya City Hunter Akazukin ChaCha Yu Yu Hakusho Wedding Peach
  18. Oh, thank you!!!! I'm not trying to rip off Attack of the Clones or anything, but I just thought it would be nice...OH! By the way, any idea when this is going to start?
  19. "Joy," Faye mumbled, "I get to go pay a visit to the almighty a*shole." Setsuna chuckled. "Let me guess, coma boy?" He asked, a slight smile on his face. Faye just shook her head. "When's Jet coming?" she inquired, her words slightly slurred. "Nine." Setsuna claimed, sipping his drink quietly. Faye gently set her glass down. "I can't." she uttered. "Why not?" Setsuna replied, setting his glass down in mild suprise. He was met by an angry glare. "What's it to you?" she screamed.
  20. Um, could someone protect me? I'm a politician, as you know.
  21. "Up for another round, gentlemen?" Faye exclaimed merrily. The nearly unclothed men stood huddled together, like a trio of lost sheep. Their eyes were wide with the prospect of losing to a woman. One of the men took a step forward awakwardly. His sapphire eyes were filled with worry. "I'll do it." he whispered meekly. Faye smiled maliciously. [I]'Men are so stupid.'[/I],she thought. "Alright. There's six sides to the dice. There's two dices and when I roll them, they're either gonna be even or odd. Take your pick, hotshot." She said expertly. The man hesitated. "Odd." he replied horsely. With a flick of the hand and the nudge of her foot on her anklet, the man was running completely naked to the restroom. Faye and the surrounding people laughed merrily. The glint in her eye was mischievious. She wanted more of this. "Any other takers?" The remaining men shook their heads and quickly scampered off. Faye just laughed and told the small crowd that her show was over. She strode pompously to the bar and got herself a drink. As she was sitting there sipping it slowly, she noticed that in the left corner, a man, blonde and with green sunglasses, was staring at her.
  22. You can do what you want. Just make sure that your character comes into contact with Jet and/ or Spike within a couple of posts. Okay?
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