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Everything posted by Mist

  1. Fine, Charms and Transfigeration (sp?). They never said you couldn't have more than one speciality.
  2. [I]Six months...[/I] Had it really been that long? Or was it just a dream? Was day really night? Was night really day? Was there every really a difference between day and night? Jet Black didn't think so. "Da*n, Spike. Why'd you go and get yourself knocked up?" Jet mumbled to himself quiet, angry. The slow beeps of medical machines whirled around in his mind, slow deafining him. [I]Six months I've been here...[/I] Had Ed really gone back to Earth? Yes, she had. Something about finding where she belonged. "Hadn't she belonged to us?" Where Faye was, Jet had no clue. The day after Spike left, she was out of the Bebop. Her excuse: I've got some business to take care of." Jet shook his head in disgust. "Business my a*s." The room was a blur to him. He didn't notice the faded rose-covered wallpaper, or the painting of a seascape on the left. He wasn't interested about the counter of cotton balls, nor the needle box, almost unhinged, weakly clinging to the wall. No, there were only two things that grabbed his attention. The figure on the bed, and strangely, the picture of a muddy puddle above the rickety hospital bed. Okay, I'm going to stop there because I've got Finals and have to study.
  3. I'm going to pretend that I didn't just read that... Anyway, yes I am Faye and I was talking on the phone while creating this, so I actually typed what I was saying onto my post. Deepest apoligies. If you want, Hybrid, I can make a new summary. I'm aware that mine is not as sophisticated as yours, but I wanted to keep it vague so the plot could be diverse, and in turn, the outcome more intresting. Now do you see why it was...well, lame?;) I'll set up the RPG board now, but more players can join later.
  4. I never said that. I was just asking. Sorry 'bout that. ;)
  5. We'll start the rpg when we get [I]at least[/I] seven players. Okay?
  6. [COLOR=darkred]Okay, People...[SIZE=1]Begins at the end of the series. After the battle with the Red Dragons, Spike is in the hospital for six monthes in a coma. Jet is pulling all the resources he can to not have the doctors pull the plug on his friend, but he doesn't have enough. He calls on Faye to help, but there's a problem...several little problems...[/SIZE] [/COLOR] Okay, you can either use an original character or choose one from the series. If you're using an orginal character, then I need: Name: Alias: Job/Occupation: Weapon of Choice: Method of Fighting: Ship: Equipment: Personality: Apperance: Backround: Please make each section AT LEAST a paragragh. You can't be Faye, because I am. MUHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! J/K! Have fun!
  7. When is this going to start? I know it just popped up, but I'm really bored right now...
  8. Name: Mara Heartlock Age: 16 Organisation: ARKA Weapon : Brass Knuckles Magic: Cure and Fire Description: Black shorts, red shirt that zips at the side and ties behind the neck, both made of leather... Has dark red hair(Cropped), gold eyes that are flecked with green. Scar that runs from middle of neck to small of back. Bio: Soft-hearted and the "perk" of all her friends, Mara's life purpose is to bring peace to Midgar. She has no idea of what her past is because she suffered of amnesia at the age of twelve.
  9. Mist

    Kid Rock

    I'm sorry, but a person from Philidelphia claiming that he can smell a pig from a mile away isn't the type of person I would be a fan of. But hey, if you like him, that's fine! ;)
  10. No it was some freak trying to potray a sorry excuse for a sex symbol. It was very un-nerving. I think the Macerana was second.
  11. Name: Mara Heartlock Alias: Christmas Present Species: Human Age: 24 Height: 5'4 Weight: 130 Historial Background: Born to a lower class family in the slums of Venus, Mara became a hardened bounty hunter. Mara?s mother was un-devoted to her children and her father had left her mother when she was very young and her brother, Ray. Her child hood friend, Zero was in the same situation. Her brother died in a gang war when she was eleven years old. She was never very close to him, so the only thing that hurt her was that she never knew him. After four years of struggle for the house, her mother couldn?t keep the trashy apartment they had, so she left Mara to fend for herself. Mara never saw her again. As she wondered the streets of Venus, a bewildered fifteen-year-old girl, a mysterious woman took her own. This woman would turn out to be the inspiration of her life. She was a piano/ choir teacher of an old, worn school. Mara loved Ms. Mathias very much and was determined to show it. She excelled at her studies and took a full four-year scholarship to a prestigious University at the age of sixteen. Ms. Mathias taught the girl to play the piano and sing on key, which both she could do very well. At the age of eighteen and in her second year of college, she met up with her old best friend, Zero, and a blooming romance followed. After a year, they were to marry, but Zero was mysteriously found dead in his apartment the day before their wedding. Exactly a month later, Ms. Mathias fell ill and died of old age. At this point, Mara was at her ends and could not grasp what was happening to her world. Her thirst for revenge turned her from a warm, vibrant songbird into a cold, distant woman. She started appearing at the bars and by age twenty-three she was a favorite club singer among the Venus bar strip. Apperence: Tight black skirt with a red shirt that ties behind her neck and zips at the side. Pale and light, Mara has dark red hair that goes barely past the small of her back. Her gold eyes are flecked with green and her apperance of many colors earned her the nickname "Christmas Present." Weapon[s]: Semi-automatic .40 Other Devices: Make-up kit Personality:Good-natured and soft hearted yet ruthless when it comes to getting money.
  12. "Where are you going!" Mara called out. A stunned first year turned around and faced her. "I...puff,huff...was looking...huff...for my first class." She said. Mara just laughed. "Don't worry about it. I saw you in the Hufflepuff common room earlier. My name's Mara Heartlock. I'm a fourth-year Huffelpuff. If I'm correct, you'd be a first year Huffelpuff and your next class would be charms. You better go."
  13. Mist

    Bad songs

    I HATE COUNTRY!!!!! Ahhh, I can't stand country. Why you might ask? Because I like Hard Rock! And for the guy that said that people against rock and heavy metal can piss on themselves...C-H-I-L-L! Just because they don't like what we do doesn't justify them walking around in public with their on pee stains...:drunk:
  14. I saw that. I didn't think it was funny. It was actually very,very, very annoying. I could not stand it. Especially the Los Ricos thing. ::breaks into uncontrollable hives.:::drool: :rotflmao:
  15. NAME:Mara Heartlock AGE:24 SPECIES :Human LOCATION/HOMEWORLD : Coruscant WEAPON : Republic Issued Blaster Pistol ALLIANCE : Republic VEHICLE/SHIP: Coruscant Air Taxi FORCE CAPABILITIES: None CHARACTER DESCRIPTION: Mara is about 5'4 and is very pale and light. She wears robes of silky gauze, which are an off-white. Underneath, a elaborate silver dress flows, giving the impression of swirling water. She has dark red hair, which flows down to the small of her back. She has gold eyes flecked with green. Wears a thin gold anklet above her light silver sandels. BACKGROUND/BIO Bio: A good-hearted and rash politician's daughter, Mara is very stubborn. She has delusions about the glory of war and has envied many Jedi she has encountered. Although ignorant, she wants to become a help to her planet. A bit haughty and proud at moments, Mara doesn't make friends easily and has more enemies then she can handel. Backround: Born to an unfamous Imperialist politician, Mara only knows of the world of splendor. Sheltered and proper, Mara has never experienced the horrors of poverty, hunger, and such. She grew very close to her brother, who was also an Imperial politician, at the age of eleven. Two years later, he was assassinated in a bar on Naboo. This dramatic event changed Mara's life because the assassion was an Imperialist. She vowed to follow her brother's foot steps. After witnessing the treachery of the Imperialist, the now twenty-year-old Mara quietly converted into a Republican. She is currently working on better living and working conditions for her people and is secretly smitten with a Jedi...
  16. Name: Mara Heartlock age:17 side:Good politcian Bio: White dress with gold lining. personality : Very noble and proper, Mara is a hard person to make friends with. Is a bit haughty and way to proud, yet soft and good hearted. weapon of choice: Weapons and politicians!? NEVER! vehicle of choice: Anyhting that doesn't look like it's been blasted.
  17. Yeah, I've seen tons on Cowboy Bebop, most the Final Fantasies, a few on dbz, some on Pilot Candidate.... Oh yeah, if you want to showcase you music videos at a site where they'll be watched by a whole bunch of people, go to [url]www.animemusicvideos.org.[/url] The place is a really good site for getting your stuff out there.
  18. "You know, learning the Animagis spell when you're in your first year could be a big mistake." All the kids looked up in minor annoyance. "Sorry," Mara added, " I have trouble making friends, so I just interupt conversations."
  19. Mara flew up in cold sweat. "Why can't I sleep?" she mumbled to hersef as she got up and strode to the common room. She pointed her wand at the hearth and soon a roaring fire was ablaze. She stared into the licking flames, thinking about how much her life had changed over the summer. Her thoughts slowly turned into tears of pain as pictures of her mother, father, and brother ran through her head; each claiming a sharp sob of hurt and many tears. Newspaper clippings and headlines of the "Magical Murder" drowned in a black-and white whirlpool of hate. After a while, Mara whipped the tears off her pale cheeks. Her nose was slightly red from her crying, and her eyes stared at nothing. Slowly, her gaze turned to the door. The grip on her willow wand tightned and she slowly sauntered out of the room.
  20. Name: Mara Heartlock Age: 14 Year: 4th House: Hufflepuff (I would never DREAM of being in Gryffindor...) Qudditch Position: Duh! Chaser! Apperance: Long Raven hair, thin and pale. She has red eyes with greenish-gold flecks. (freahy, huh?) Bio: Mara is a good-natured Huffelpuff. She isn't a paper doll, as some take her to be. She is your classic goodie-two-shoes and is favorite among the teachers *cough*. She's very loyal to her friends, and would put anyone's life over hers...and I mean it. Specialty: Potions, Charms, Transfigiration...You name it, she's good at it!
  21. Mist


    Well, another newbie to RPGing has read your rules and I agree. Funny, because like I said just a second ago, I'm new to this sort of thing. Its seems to me that everyone undermines newbies. Everyone was once a newbie, so why's this? Oh well, never mind. Thanks for the tips. I'll keep them in mind when I go and get myself killed. Thanks again.:wave:
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