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Everything posted by Mist

  1. [color=crimson][size=1] Not quite, but I'll take it. ^^[/color][/size]
  2. [color=crimson][size=1] Hmmm...different from your usuals; you excluded [i]your[/i] perceptions on the matter. It's very nice, but I think I like it when your use your unmatched powerful descriptions.[/color][/size]
  3. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Black_Phoenix [/i] [B] Anyway, I will never have to worry about the channel. It is either on sat. TV or digital cable (neither of which I have). [/B][/QUOTE] [color=crimson][size=1] Then why were you complaining about it?[/color][/size]
  4. [color=crimson][size=1] My first sugesstion would be to fight many battles in the Omega ruins. If you don't have the patience to do so, you can bribe a Chimera Brain from the Calmlands to gain roughly 2 Lvl. 4 key spheres. You will have to give up a hefty amount though; it's 196,000 gil for the bribe.[/color][/size]
  5. [color=crimson][size=1] Well, seeing as I've been away from the boards for ten monthes, and have not jumped off of a cliff yet, I think I would just carry on as usual.[/color][/size]
  6. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by KnightOfTheRose [/i] [B]Mist? ... [/B][/QUOTE] [color=crimson][size=1] DOK? ... Gah...Papa Roach. I hated the band when it cam out, and have hated since. They're your typical "I hate the world, so bring it!" band that plagues the rock genre as a whole. Gah...[/color][/size]
  7. [color=crimson][size=1] The text is ver interesting, but I daresay the source is rather questionable. You recieved this off of a random sight on the Internet, correct? After all, who knows, maybe it was all made up. But if the "texts" are true than I would have to say it would change my opinion on religion; there is no [b]one[/b] powerful being.[/color][/size]
  8. [color=crimson][size=1] Yup, I like 'em. Like I've stated on the bajillion other threads on LP.[/color][/size]
  9. [color=crimson][size=1] Hmmm...and now you're telling everybody about being raped? If you were so afraid to come out, why release the information to a big group of unknown people so suddenly? If your plight is real, I feel really bad for you, and hope you'll overcome it, but if you scrtunize the situation, quite frankly, it looks like an attention ploy from the outside...[/color][/size]
  10. [color=crimson][size=1] My vote goes to Deedlit. Her poetry flow together, and is simple in presentation. She's a great artist. ( I do love you, Juu, but you voted for her too. ^^;;[/color][/size]
  11. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by MillieFan [/i] [B]I will absolutely not read twincest or noncon fics for any reason. Those fics are simply, absolutely [i]sick[/i], and although I've seen a few *interesting justifications* for it in summaries and in author's notes (such as "so they're not human, get over it," for twincest yaoi or "how else do you think a relationship like that could work?" for noncon het or noncon yaoi :sick: ) I don't see how anyone could read that sludge. ^sigh^ [/B][/QUOTE] [color=crimson][size=1] I completly and absolutely agree with you. I have nothing against bisexuals or anything, but I just don't like reading about it.[/color][/size]
  12. [color=crimson][size=1] Best love song...I'd have to say Faye Wong "All Eyes on Me". That song makes me feel all gooey inside. ^_^;;[/color][/size]
  13. [color=crimson][size=1]Name: Mara Heartlock Element: Time Age: 17 Gender: Female Race: Human Bio: Mara has lived of a life of quiet solitude. She witnessed her parents' deaths at a young age, and has roamed from Kingdom and Kindom, under many disguises. While stopping for a brief rest at an inn, she challenged a guiless man at a game of cards. The game continued until the small hours in the morning. Prizes were big and small, and at the end, Mara won. The man, drunk and disgraced, ripped of a necklace made of pumice and stormed out. Mara picked it up and found it contained mythical powers... Appearance: Mara's waredrobe is dominated by tan and forest green. Her hair is a curly raven, her skin a dusky gold. Her eyes are a leafy green, as is her dress. The pouch around her waist is made of tanned leather. She has wrist wraps made of the same leather. Her weapon is a bo staff. Abilities: Can change her appearance at a whim, but causes trouble with her ability to stay alert. She can also manipulate time, but only for short periods of time.[/color][/size]
  14. [color=crimosn][size=1] Sounds like a situation one of my close friend's in. Anyway, I would say you should confront him. Don't hurt him, but just tell him that you feel he's been different for awhile. Make sure that he knows you're coming from an objective point, and that you came to him because he's your friend and you care about him. If you ask him questions, be sure to leave them open-ended so he doesn't feel cornered. If you're telling him he's been rude, making him feel so could damage your relationship. Even with all the suggestions, he's you're best friend for a reason. He knows you're there for him, and will be truthful with him. If he's a real best friend, he'll listen to everything you say and, hopefully, have a change of heart. (And attitude! ^_~)[/color][/size]
  15. [color=crimson][size=1] I think reality T.V. has an appeal because the American public, as a whole, tends to be attracted to controversy and scandal. You can say you hate reality T.V., which is nothing but controversy and scandal, but you can't say that you haven't sat through at least one episode of the Real World and not been like, "Oh my God! Did he really just do [i]that[/i]!?"[/size][/color]
  16. [color=crimson][size=1] That was absolutely hiliarious. Nice job.[/color][/size]
  17. [color=crimson][size=1] I'm under the penname Mist188 on ff.net, but I haven't been in writing mode for a very,very long time. I'm trying to get back in it, but I can't keep up a story anymore. As for Fiction Press, I remember editing a story for one of my old friends who had an account there. That's probably the only relation I have to it. Going into genres, I would have to say my favortie one is Action/Adventure. (If the plot is planned out right.) It encompasses pretty much all the genres, in my opinion. Of course, humour is always great. ^_^[/color][/size]
  18. [COLOR=crimson]My dream...hmmm...I agree that college is a great thing to get through, but I would love to travel. Let's see, I'd like to go to India, China, Japan, London. The list goes on, believe me. Another goal would be to work for the Dept. of State. That and being able to witness Bush lose the 2004 election. ^_^[/COLOR]
  19. Mist


    [color=crimson][size=1] I LOOOOVE Chicago! I thought Richard Gere did a great Job. (Humph...) Catherine Zeta Jones was good, but I have a complaint about Renee Zellweger. She had no boobs for the dresses she was wearing! None at all. She had an okay dress, but other than, the movie was great.[/color][/size]
  20. [color=crimson][size=1] You've made quite a name to live up to, Mike. Nice quality. Good job. ^_^[/color][/size]
  21. [color=crimson][size=1] I must go against this tide advice, actually. I tried the exact same thing with a guy friend of mine, and I guess he was either angry or devastated, because he never spoke to me again. He's going to hug you; it's natural. BUt talking to him bluntly might hurt him. Avoiding him isn't going to help either; he'll only find you. Hmmm...maybe you should have a friend mention that he's been trying to get rather close to you lately, and have her say, in an advising tone, that you're not really like that. (Like that's not the right approach.) The second time this situation happened to me, I did that, and they guy totally backed off. I don't know if it'll work with you, but I say it's worth a try.[/color][/size]
  22. Mist

    Ayumi Hamsaki!

    [color=crimson][size=1] I've only heard [i]We Wish[/i], because my friend is a great fan, and she's very talented.[/color][/size]
  23. [color=crimson][size=1] I really prefer Sea of Miracles over Adessa e Fortuna. The song was gorgeous, and had a graceful drama that carried over the lyrics. (These lyrics are to ROLW Chronicles and the OVA versions) But my favorite opening theme of anime is the opening to Bubblegum Crisis 2040. It's so catchy and fast, and it's extremely rough in sound. It makes me want to jump into a tight leather suit, hop on a motorcycle, and kick some boomer butt! ^_^[/color][/size]
  24. [color=crimson][size=1] My birthday isn't until four months from now, but I really do want a collection of C.D.'s that I really like. You know what'd be a good present? If APC would put out a new CD, I'd be the happiest girl alive. *sigh* A girl can dream, right?[/color][/size]
  25. [color=crimson][size=1] Wonderful in words alone. I'm sure you are sick of hearing how great and wonderful it is, as I know I always am, but it truly is a great piece. Keep writing. ^_^[/color][/size]
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